The strongest player in history

Chapter 2150 The Boy in White

Chen Yinuo's heart sank.

She knew that Lei Ling's defeat was doomed.Call Shen Monong over?is that useful?In the huge Yanjing, can Chris rule the roost by himself?How is this possible!

Chen Yinuo thought of quantum weapons, but she has obviously lost control of the quantum forces now.Moreover, the launch of quantum weapons is aimed at everyone, which is what no one wants.

Chen Yinuo knew that Yanjing's top management still had power, but it would not be exposed under normal circumstances.Everything in front of me is far away and can't be solved by near fire.More importantly, Chris also has his own measure, he will make things difficult for himself, but he will not make things difficult for the government.

Perhaps, Chris will also take people to intercept Vadisius and so on.

Chen Yinuo knew that his situation was extremely difficult.

She can't go, if she escapes like this, she will fall into Lei Ling, Monk Shanren and Gao Jinyu's injustice.boom!At this moment, Chris roared again, followed by three palms in a row, powerful and majestic, and finally sent Lei Ling flying.Lei Ling fell to the ground, and in an instant, his face was like gold paper, and then spurted blood wildly.

Lei Ling's injury was actually extremely serious, and his life was already in danger.

"Master Lei!" Chen Yinuo was taken aback.

She quickly came to Lei Ling's side, "How are you doing?"

Lei Ling smiled miserably, and said: "The true energy of his palm shook my internal organs. It seems that I am going to follow your father. I followed your father out of the mountain, but I failed to protect you, but I have tried my best, and I want to come to the Nine Springs, and I can see him."

Chen Yinuo burst into tears immediately, and said, "Master Lei, I'm sorry for you."

Lei Ling forced a smile and said, "It has nothing to do with you, this is my choice."

"Hahaha..." Chris laughed sharply, and he said: "Chen Yinuo, from today onwards, you are my Chris's woman. Wouldn't it be beautiful for us to share the avenue of dual cultivation, and we will live together and fly together in the future."

"I'll kill you!" Chen Yinuo's eyes were tearing apart, her eyes spit fire, then she got up suddenly, twisted her waist, and attacked Chris.

Chen Yinuo's Frost True Qi was boundless, she attacked and killed repeatedly, the figures flew around, and the surroundings were instantly chilled.

Chris laughed and said, "Little girl, you can't do what you can. Today, my brother will play with you."

He walks around with ease.From time to time, he makes a move to fight back, but the move is extremely obscene.Chen Yinuo's cultivation was far worse than Chris's, so it was useless at all.

At this moment, Chris suddenly went around behind Chen Yinuo, and then pressed Chen Yinuo's shoulder.Chen Yinuo only felt a huge force coming, and this huge force of true energy shook her whole body, and she felt as if all the strength in her body had been sucked out.Afterwards, Chen Yinuo softened.

Chris hugged Chen Yinuo, who was right behind Chen Yinuo, and then stuck out his tongue and licked the tip of Chen Yinuo's ear. "Little girl, don't worry, tonight, my brother will accompany you well. How did your dead ghost father humiliate me, today, I will return everything to you one by one."

Chen Yinuo felt goosebumps all over his body at this moment.

She shuddered.

This is unimaginable fear.

Lei Ling was on the verge of death at this time, and his vitality was rapidly disappearing.

All the masters have seen Chris's terrifying combat power, and now they dare not show their air.

Monk Shanren reluctantly came to Lei Ling's side, "Old friend..."

Boundless sadness exudes.

They are lifelong old friends, but now, Lei Ling is leaving.How do we go about the road ahead?

Chen Yinuo was speechless and could only endure the insult.

As for Gao Jin, suffering and helpless, he wished to die...but death can change anything.

He had never been so depressed in his life.

On the second floor, Lin Qian covered her mouth, she looked at all this, how powerless she was.But the old man beside him, Chen Tianya, was confused and didn't know what all this meant.

This is the most desperate time...

At this moment, a miracle happened.

Suddenly there was a sound in the distance, the sound was like Sanskrit music, but also like an ancient sound, very strange.But when the voice came, everyone had a strange feeling in their hearts.

That is, the blood seems to be rising and falling, and with the ups and downs of the Buddhist music, the blood of the people is like the water of the Yangtze River, and the Buddhist music is like a giant hand turning the river and the sea!

The others felt fine, but at this moment, the ones who felt the deepest were Chen Yinuo, Gao Jin, and Lei Ling.

Lei Ling originally felt that his power was gradually fading away, but at this moment, his cells began to vibrate, burst into growth, and regenerated.His true qi was also forced to surge, and his injury was actually recovering quickly...

Chen Yinuo also felt that his strength was recovering.

Gao Jin also felt that his injuries were recovering...

"Who? Who is pretending to be a ghost?" Chris was furious.

The voice ignored Chris and continued to sing.

Chris yelled continuously, trying to destroy the singing with sound waves, but it didn't work.

After a long time, Lei Ling's injury has healed a lot.His fate was saved!

At this time, a young man walked in from outside the courtyard. This young man was dressed in white clothes like snow, and he was still seventeen or eighteen years old.

The boy was extremely handsome, but his face was unfamiliar.But the demeanor is extremely familiar...

At this moment, Chen Yinuo burst into tears.

"It's Chen Xiaoyou, it's Chen Xiaoyou who's back..." Lei Ling was pleasantly surprised.

Monk Shanren was also very happy.But the faces of the rest of the masters were complicated and inexplicable.

As for Chris, Chris grabbed Chen Yinuo's neck tightly, and his eyes were terrified.

The boy in white came to the middle of the courtyard, and he looked at Chris.

Chen Yinuo looked at the boy in white with tears in his eyes.

The boy in white also looked at Chen Yinuo, he smiled slightly, and then said gently: "Girl, don't be afraid, with Dad here, you will never be okay."

"Dad... Dad!" Chen Yinuo burst into tears.

At such a desperate moment, her father finally came.

"Hahaha..." Chris looked at the boy in white with a smirk, and said, "So what if you come back? Your daughter is in my hands now. If I want her to die, she will die. Now, you kneel down for me Otherwise, I will break her neck."

"No!" Chen Yinuo immediately said firmly: "Dad, I would rather die than you be humiliated!"

The boy in white was none other than Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said to Chen Yinuo: "Don't worry, no one in this world can make your father kneel down!"

Then, he looked at Chris, and his eyes turned cold. "Chris, it seems that your memory is really bad. You are my dog, and you must have the consciousness of a dog to be a dog. Also, you people..." His eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he scanned the other experts. "I used to treat you with courtesy, but it seems that you don't like to be human but like to be dogs. I will give you three seconds to think about it. After I count from one to three, if you don't kneel down, you will all die. ! One... two..."

The three words fell silent, and the other seven masters all scattered and fled.

No one kneels down!

Some of them directly climbed over the wall, and some directly snatched the door from the gate...

At this moment, Chen Yang made a move.

His figure flickered and he howled again and again.

The two who climbed over the wall were just halfway through when they were shaken by sound waves.Chen Yang raised his hand, and two stones shot out, killing the two masters.

The rest of the people were fast, but Chen Yang was even faster, making a few shots vertically and horizontally.The seven masters all died in the courtyard within ten seconds, and none of them escaped.

This method is appalling.

Soon, Chen Yang came to the middle of the courtyard again, facing Chris.

Chris was terrified.

Chen Yang sneered, and said: "Chris, if you have the guts, do it. I promise to kill you before you do it. I can give you another chance, kneel down and kowtow, and then I will give you a good time The way to die. Otherwise, I will let you face that you can't live, you can't die!"

"" Chris's face was ugly, and his eyes were full of fear. "Unless, you can give me a way out. Otherwise, I will die with her!"

"The way of life? There is no way of life for a long time." Chen Yang was extremely fierce, and said: "Do you think that I am negotiating conditions with you? You are not qualified to negotiate conditions with me at all."

"Master..." Chris let go of Chen Yinuo suddenly. He knelt down and said, "Yes, I am a dog. I am your dog. I beg you to give me one last chance. From now on, I will be loyal to you."

"I beg you!" Chris kowtowed non-stop, until his forehead was bloody.He was really afraid of Chen Yang!

At this moment, Lin Qian upstairs burst into tears.

Chen Yinuo was also free, and she came to Chen Yang without saying a word.

Looking at each other, the chill in Chen Yang's eyes turned into tenderness.

Afterwards, Chen Yinuo fell into his arms.

Father and daughter hugs!

This is the most sincere hug.

But right now, there is work to be done.Chen Yang and Chen Yinuo separated, he asked Chen Yinuo softly, and said, "Girl, I'll leave this person to you."

Of course he was referring to Chris.

Chen Yinuo looked at Chris, she hated him to the extreme. "I'm going to kill him!"

"Then kill it." Chen Yang said lightly.

Chris's face was ashen, he raised his head and begged bitterly, and said: "Master, I have let the little master go, you have to give me a way out!"

Chen Yang said: "I didn't promise you, I just promised you an easy way to die."

Creston felt desperate, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly attacked Chen Yinuo.

He is not stupid, he knows that he cannot escape.Only by catching Chen Yinuo can he have a chance... He felt that he was stupid, he was intimidated by Chen Yang, and he shouldn't have let Chen Yinuo go to beg for mercy.

Chris is right behind Chen Yinuo...

At this moment, Chen Yang made a move.He hit Chen Yinuo's chest and abdomen with one palm...

Cattle across the mountain!

At that moment, Chen Yinuo's true energy was berserk behind him, and a icy palm print slashed towards Chris fiercely...

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