The strongest player in history

Chapter 2143 Think Tank

A master who has reached a certain level of cultivation has learned two words, be cautious!

The higher the cultivation level, the more cautious you are!

In Chinese Taoist culture, there is also the word Zangfeng.It is not unreasonable for an expert to love seclusion.But there is also a difference.If you have never experienced wind and rain and have been hiding in the mountains, it is not hermitism, but cowardice.

The real seclusion is to experience all kinds of mortals, understand the awe of heaven, and thus hide from the world.

The reason why Fandisius and others are so cautious is because the death of the Zerg Emperor gave them a great warning.

Fandisius went on to say: "All laws are unified. Unfortunately, we were born in this world with restricted rules. Now, we are old. Although there is a method of true energy, it can prolong life. At the end of the day, what we are doing now is also to be able to break the rules."

Fan Yao said: "In the past, Emperor Shi, and later Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, etc., all these emperors wanted to obtain the way of longevity. Our descendants see their desire for longevity as ridiculous, but I heard that Emperor Zong said that in fact, Emperor Shi was later He really gained longevity and achieved supreme supernatural powers. However, he is not in our world. Now, the road we want to take is more difficult than the road that the first emperor had to take."

Fandisius said: "Although it is difficult, it is better than sitting still. Isn't the way of true energy a new step?"

Fan Yao said: "Back then, the Zonghuang had great wisdom. If he came to lead us on our current path, it would be much better. But he refused to go..."

"Why?" asked Vandisius.

Fan Yao said: "It's very simple, because before the Zong Huang came to our world, he was an unparalleled figure in heaven and earth. He is unwilling to start from scratch. He just wants to use Chen Yang to leave this world!"

Fandisius said: "Chen Yang is not dead, maybe the Zonghuang is not dead either."

Fan Yao said: "I did think about this possibility, but the Emperor of Zombies also promised me back then. If he regains the good fortune, he will definitely destroy our world and take us away. But after so many years, there is no movement!"

Fandisius sighed slightly, and said: "I have been dormant for many years, and I have lived to this age. Either people will admire him, and he will return to the truth, or he will lose his reputation, and how can he have a peerless talent, but be unknown."

Fan Yao smiled and said: "At least, what Your Majesty proposed is that it is feasible to nourish the true energy and soul with the power of faith. We don't feel it yet because we still have enemies and we haven't done enough. .When we really reach the status of God, then we are the living God!"

Fandisius laughed, and said: "Now, the God of War is dead, Du Tian is dead, Wuwei is dead, and Chen Yang is also dead. Our enemies are becoming fewer and fewer. Our goals will become more and more powerful." close."

Fan Yao said, "That's right!"

Fandisius was still in a good mood. He changed the topic again and said: "I just talked about the unity of all laws. It is this quantum weapon that may bring us greater inspiration. This quantum Weapons, as well as researchers who study quantum weapons, we must all capture them back and treat them with courtesy.”

Fan Yao said: "Your Majesty thinks the same as me."

Fandisius' eyes turned to Deco and Jerry. "Are you sure you can capture quantum weapons and the researchers who study quantum weapons?" He paused and said, "By the way, then Su Jianxue, try to catch as many alive as possible. I also believe in Chen Yang." Impossible to come back, but just in case

Well, we can afford to raise a useless person. "

Fan Yao said: "Your Majesty is indeed cautious!"

He said to Deke and Jerry again: "If I make a move, or His Majesty makes a move, there should be no suspense, right?"

Deco immediately said: "That's right!"

Fan Yao smiled slightly and said, "Then do you think we will make a move?"

Deco said: "Of course not!"

Fan Yao said, "Oh?"

Deke said: "Quantum weapons are still unclear. Although Chen Yang died, the dust has not yet settled. The situation is still chaotic. This is not the best time for Mr. Fan and His Majesty to make a move. You need to strike from the rear That's right! This is the real great wisdom!"

Fan Yao nodded in satisfaction.He also said: "My people, and your Majesty's people, you all know the strength and distribution. Now, Your Majesty and I need you to do your best. Make sure to take out the quantum weapon, as well as the scientific research personnel and Su Jianxue. Bring it back. By the way, bring back His Majesty's beloved disciple, Arixes. Can it be done?"

Fandisius also nodded at the side, and said: "Mr. Fan and I have the same mind, and what he said is exactly what I mean."

Deco and Jerry looked at each other.

Then the two said in unison: "We will definitely do our best to complete this task. We will accomplish all our merits in one battle and lay the foundation for your majesty and Mr. Fan's great career."

Fandisius nodded in satisfaction, a fierce cold light flashed in his eyes. "Since the Zonghuang left, I have joined forces with Mr. Fan. Over the years, we have been winning and never losing. Even if Chen Yang reappears, he is just a flash in the pan. He never lost before, and he won't now. Not in the future!"

Deco and Jerry quickly leave the hive.

This time, it was already the end of the war.At least, that's how it is for them.

Therefore, for this final battle, although they feel that the opponent has not much strength.However, they will definitely fight the lion against the rabbit and do their best.

At the beginning, the death of Junshen and others was the secret plan of these two people and they personally directed them.Now, they are out again, and headed to Los Angeles to direct in person.

Deco and Jerry received the highest order from Fan Yao and Fandisius.

Fan Yao's troops and those of the Holy See are all at their disposal.

The plane flew out of the Arctic Ocean, heading for Los Angeles.

On the plane, two old men, Deco and Jerry, drank red wine. The two played Go while drinking red wine.

Although they are not Chinese, they are passionate about Chinese culture and love Chinese Go.

Deco has a quick temper and is good at attacking.

Jerry is good at defense!

The two attack and defend, and they are invincible!

Deco made a move, and then said: "This chess, how do you think it should be played?"

Jerry smiled lightly and said: "Now the strength of Yanjing and the strength of the army should also be included. Their old base has been exposed, so they will definitely move to a new base. After we get to the new base, if we want to start, we will Difficult. The army is surrounded, even if we are as skilled as a cloud, it will be difficult to break through."

Deco said: "That's right! So, the opportunity is on the way."

Jerry said: "This action is to tear the face of the Huaxia government. However, they have already shown their swords, so we don't have to worry about it. We have to show them some authority."

Deco said: "That's the truth!"

Jerry said: "In Yanjing, Shen Mo Nong knows us best among the top management. But Shen Mo Nong is more conservative than aggressive. She can't take on big responsibilities, but she is the most trusted by the top management. !"

Deke smiled slightly and said: "If Shen Mo Nong is captured or killed by us, then Miss Su Jianxue will not have the capital to play games with us. Because the upper echelons don't trust her at all. Huaxia's upper echelons employ people Be extremely cautious, it needs many tests. Obviously, our little friend Su Jianxue is used to pride and will not be reused by the higher authorities."

Jerry laughed and said, "That's right, the most important step right now is to catch Shen Monong. It's okay to kill him!"

Deco said: "However, the kid Su Jianxue is smart enough. She can obviously think of this."

Jerry said: "I can guess Su Jianxue's usual tricks. First, she will transfer the base in the near future. However, she will also know that we will do it when the base is transferred. Therefore, the target of the transfer is absolutely It is false. At the same time, it is a disguise to deliberately arrange enough bombs in the base. Make the illusion that we are deliberately lured into the base. Her goal is to let us deal with the group of people she transferred. In fact, she wants The transfer object is still in the old base. After we do it, she will quietly transfer the personnel of the old base."

Deke said: "Soldiers, tricks too! Su Jianxue is really good at tricks. Now that the old base has sent enough troops to guard it, it is very difficult for us to attack. To transfer the new base, it is she who wants to show her sword, and she must The necessary transfer. The base is exposed, day and night defense, and there are times when they miss. Their new base must be very hidden."

Jerry said: "It is indeed very hidden, and we have not found a trace of clues here."

Deke said: "However, I think that you think Su Jianxue's deceit is too simple. I don't think that the real core personnel will be so simple. The first transfer is a fake. The second transfer, It will also be false. The third transfer will be true. This is in line with his character!"

Jerry said: "It's not necessarily true that the third transfer is true, maybe the first transfer is true. It's false and true, true and false."

Deco said: "Yes, this is the character that a little girl should have."

Jerry said: "Deceitful ways, after all, are small ways. Break one, and everything will collapse! We will kill as many ways as she comes out. Let her do whatever she can, and use all her strength to bring it down!"

Deco said: "Okay, that's exactly what I mean."

Jerry smiled slightly and said, "The only difference this time is that when we killed Du Tian and the others, we were completely sniping. But now, the little girl knows where we are. However, she is still a yellow-haired girl after all."

Deco laughed.

Between the two of them on the chessboard, one plan after another has come out.

And Chen Yinuo also got information from Shen Mo Nong at this time...

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