The strongest player in history

Chapter 2140 Quantum Weapon

Chinese people need houses because, like trees, they need roots.What Chen Yinuo needs is not a house, but roots.When she knew her true life experience, the fog in her mind disappeared.She knew her parents, and knew that they loved her no less than any other parent.

This is enough for her.

Therefore, even though there are so many difficulties now, she can still strengthen her heart.

Chen Yinuo returned to the villa, and Gao Jin was waiting at the door.

Like the only warmth in the sea of ​​suffering, Gao Jin made Chen Yinuo feel relieved.

"Junior Junior Sister, are you back?" Gao Jin came up to meet her.

There are lights in the courtyard, and everything here seems homely.At least, Chen Yinuo thought so.

"Stupid boy!" Chen Yinuo smiled and shouted.

"I'm your senior brother, you always make me look like your brother!" Gao Jin said dissatisfied.

Chen Yinuo smiled and said, "Who made you so stupid, you need me to take care of you every time."

Gao Jin actually enjoyed Chen Yinuo's care.

Chen Yinuo continued: "By the way, I want to tell you something."

Gao Jin said, "Oh, what is it?"

Chen Yinuo said seriously: "From today on, I will no longer be called Su Jianxue. My name is Chen Yinuo. Don't call me little junior sister either."

"Then what should I call you?" Gao Jin couldn't help asking.

Chen Yinuo tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Call me Yinuo sister!"

"Get out!" Gao Jin said immediately.

Chen Yinuo laughed.

Gao Jin then whispered, "In the living room, they've been waiting for you."

"They? Who?" Chen Yinuo was slightly surprised.

Gao Jin said: "Lei Ling, Shan Ren, and the evil god Chris."

Chen Yinuo nodded and said, "Okay!"

Gao Jin said: "Little master...little sister, now Chen Yang... no, now that uncle is gone, I'm afraid they won't be so easy to deal with."

Chen Yinuo said: "I know it well!"

Afterwards, Chen Yinuo and Gao Jin entered the living room.

In the living room, Lei Ling, Monk Shanren, and the evil god Chris sat cross-legged in three directions.There was only one small light dimly turned on in the living room.

It is surprisingly quiet here, but in the quietness, it gives people a feeling that the mountain is about to come and the wind is full of the building.

After Chen Yinuo and Gao Jin came in, Chen Yinuo found a sofa and sat down.Then he said: "The three seniors are waiting here, I'm sorry. But I don't know, what do you want to ask the junior?"

All three of them opened their eyes.

Lei Ling first said: "Little niece..." He smiled slightly and said: "Don't get me wrong, I have no other intentions with my old friend Shanren. I just care about your father's life and death. Now, his whereabouts are unknown. Moreover, we I received some messages from the Holy See. The messages show that your father has encountered an accident. So, I want to ask you, what happened to your father?"

Chen Yinuo couldn't help but hesitate, and secretly said: "The Holy See is really fast enough to make a move." She then sneered and said: "Is it true, as long as I say that my father is dead, then the three of you will either leave me, or How about shooting at me?"

Monk Shanren immediately said: "Young friend Chen Yang has given me advice, you are his descendant. Even if the poor monk leaves, don't allow others to bully you, little niece."

Chen Yinuo smiled lightly and said: "Now is the time for employing people. My father is dead or not, I don't know whether to return or not. It's just that my father died once back then. The tombstone is still in the cemetery , who can guarantee that he will not return? I can't guarantee, can you guarantee? Now, if you leave, the Holy See will take action. I don't know that I was killed by the Holy See because of this. After my father comes back, will he blame everyone? It seems that his methods against the Lin family are cruel enough."

After she said this, the evil god Chris was taken aback for a moment. "What's the situation? Why don't I know?"

Lei Ling and Monk Shanren looked at each other.Then, the two had an idea.Lei Ling smiled slightly, and said: "Chris, don't you know? The worm emperor was so beautiful back then, and his masters were like a cloud, and they infiltrated everywhere. Later, it was Chen Yang who killed him. At that time, the news It was a sensation, but it was blocked to the outside world. But those who are interested still found out that on that day, the Zonghuang and Chen Yang had a duel, and after that, both of them died. They said it was death, but people in the Zonghuang's old department always thought that Chen Yang might There will be a comeback. Now, little friend Chen Yang is back. Since little friend Chen Yang can come back once, how do you know that he won't come back again?"

A look of disappointment flashed in Chris's eyes.

He suddenly smiled again, and said: "I didn't say much, I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

Chen Yinuo said: "Chris, please wait!"

Chris was a little impatient with Chen Yinuo, but he still held his temper and said, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Chen Yinuo said: "The Holy See will take action soon, and their infiltration is very fast. I have something to ask you to do... But I know that you are rebellious. I must not be able to make you obey."

Chris said coldly: "In the end, what do you want to say?"

Chen Yinuo said: "I am 20 years old!"

"Huh?" Chris said.He felt a little baffled.

Chen Yinuo said: "My father, I don't know if he can come back. But I think he can come back. I heard that he is very strict with you. This is probably why you don't like me so much. If, after he comes back, he knows you He is very good to me. I think he will change his impression. Besides, I will also have a good impression of you. Moreover, even if my father does not come back, I think it will be sooner or later that I surpass you in the future. So, I think you There are two ways to go. The first way, you bet that my father will not come back and kill me before I grow up. The second way is to listen to me and obey me. At least, at this stage, you must obey. Obedience without resistance is like grass on the wall, that is not a smart move."

Chris took a deep look at Chen Yinuo, and then said, "I know it well, so I don't need you to remind me."

Then, he turned and left.

Chen Yinuo then turned to Lei Ling and Monk Shanren, and said: "The two seniors are high-spirited and upright, and the younger generation respects them very much. In the next three months, I hope that the two seniors can help each other. .In the future, if my father fails to repay him, I, Chen Yinuo, will definitely repay him generously!"

Lei Ling immediately said: "Little niece, you don't need to say more, we will naturally help you."

"Thank you!" Chen Yinuo said.

After that, Chen Yinuo returned to his room.

She said goodbye to Gao Jin, and Gao Jin also went back to his room to rest.

In the room, Chen Yinuo began to look at the photos.

There are many photos of her one-year-old and two-year-old.From one to seven years old, the above girl doll lives like a princess.The family's love seems to overflow from the photos.

She always felt that everything in these photos was other people's stories.It has nothing to do with her, but now, she knows, everything turns out to be true.

She saw grandpa, grandma, grandpa Situ Yan and so on!

She saw the God of War, she saw her grandparents, she saw a lot...

Chen Yinuo was lying on the bed. Although the weather was very hot, she still covered herself in the quilt.

"No matter what you do, no matter what you discover in the future, it doesn't matter. Dad knows everything, and he won't blame you. You can't hate yourself. You can live well and be happy, then Dad ...Death without regret. If life and death are in danger, open the kit!"

In her mind, the words her father said before he died were repeated over and over again.

This passage is the courage she has to survive now.

"Father, I will definitely be happy, happy, and live bravely."

"Dad, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong..."

"Dad, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

She didn't know when she finally fell asleep.

After she got up, she was cold and calm again.She was weak and painful, but she never showed half of it in front of others.

Shen Monong also drove over.

Chen Yinuo got into the car with Lei Ling, Monk Shanren and Gao Jin.

The evil god Chris came out, a little confused, and said, "Where are you going?"

Chen Yinuo was in the car, she smiled slightly at Chris, and said, "Uncle Chris, what do you think?"

Chris was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Yinuo smiled and said: "Either, you stay and obey me. Or, you attack us, or leave. You are a hero of the world, with two heads and two ends, hesitating, that is not your style. "

Chris was silent for a moment, then said, "I'll stay."

Chen Yinuo chuckled, and said, "Happy!" She paused, and said, "Well, you stay here first, and then I will have a task for you."

Chris said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Shen Mo Nong drove.Everyone leave!

Shen Mo Nong was driving the car, but his mind was full of thoughts.

She originally thought that the trouble caused by Chen Yang's accident was extremely huge.All along, her strength has been based on Chen Yang's personal strength.As soon as Chen Yang left, he was immediately overwhelmed, as if he was about to collapse.But she didn't expect that Chen Yinuo would make all this orderly overnight.Even the rebellious Chris seemed to surrender.

Shen Murong looked at Chen Yinuo with admiration.

"A tiger father has no dog girl!" Shen Mo Nong couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Chen Yang, Chen Yang, I can't compare you. I didn't expect that I can't even compare your daughter. It seems that I will live all my life In your shadow."

Shen Mo Nong took everyone to visit the quantum weapon, and two hours later, the secret base arrived.

Shen Monong led the way, and under her arrangement, everyone finally met Dr. Sun Yi.

Shen Mo Nong introduced Chen Yinuo's identity to Dr. Sun Yi.Sun Yi was amazed by Chen Yinuo's beauty and youth, and at the same time asked curiously: "Why didn't the God of War come?"

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