The strongest player in history

Chapter 2115 The end of life and death

Seeing this, Gao Jin turned pale again.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yang remained indifferent, firmly controlling the situation.His true energy is really like a torrential river, endless!

At this time, Gao Jin was already riding a tiger, so he took another step forward, and he reached Chen Yang's face in one step.Then, a cold light flashed in his hand, but it was a new type of triangular poisonous stabbing dagger!This kind of dagger is extremely poisonous, and the blood will immediately seal the throat.Moreover, after the triangular venomous thorn pierced the body, the blood could no longer be stopped.Moreover, this triangular stinger can also freely expand and contract in length.Gao Jin soaked in this triangular poisonous thorn for more than ten years, with a poisonous thorn in his hand, ghosts and gods are unpredictable.

The cold light in Gao Jin's hands flew up and down, and the sword was vicious and swift, aiming to stab Chen Yang's vital parts up and down.His stinger danced so imperviously that he didn't give Chen Yang any chance to fight back.What's more, his poisonous sting was killing faster and faster, and he wanted to cut Chen Yang under the sword!

Chen Yang's figure flickered quickly, he was like a butterfly, with exquisite movements.

Gao Jin's sword fell to nothing, but the sword was closed tightly!

Chen Yang stepped back continuously, and every step back had its own rhythm.Just when Gao Jin was attacking more fiercely and faster, Chen Yang's eyes flashed coldly, and he suddenly pointed out his finger!This finger of sword energy directly hit Gao Jin's wrist.

Gao Jin's speed is very fast, but Chen Yang has been waiting for this opportunity.

Either he doesn't make a move, and if he makes a move, he will kill with one blow!With a precise point of his finger, at this moment, Gao Jin only felt a gust of icy true energy rushing into his body, his hand quickly froze into an ice sculpture, and the poisonous thorn fell to the ground.Gao Jin immediately circulated his zhenqi to dissolve the zhenqi in his hands, but as soon as he released it, Chen Yang slapped him in the air.Gao Jin was horrified and could no longer avoid it.

"Bang!" With a palm on Gao Jin's body, he felt his viscera shift. He flew out, spat out a mouthful of blood, but he couldn't get up again.Chen Yang didn't make a death move, he made a death move, and Gao Jin was going to die.

The four cardinals were shocked again when they saw this, they quickly came to Gao Jin's side and helped Gao Jin up.This group of people thought about leaving.

"Did I ask you to come?" Chen Yang said coldly.

The cardinals were stunned.

Duan Lang and Fenghuang were also puzzled, including Lu Hua and Lei Ling.

Chen Yang looked at Gao Jin.Gao Jin gritted his teeth and said, "What else do you want?"

"What do I want?" Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled, and said, "You thought I was exhausted just now, so you tried to kill me. I defeated you, and you asked me what I wanted? According to the rules of the world, I asked you, what should I do?" how?"

"You dare to kill me?" Gao Jin sneered.

Chen Yang said: "Don't provoke me, there is no one in this world that I dare not kill."

Chen Yang's words were light, but they made Gao Jin's back shiver.

Gao Jin was at a loss for words.

Chen Yang then said: "Mr. Gao Jin, you have to stay. You are my captive. As for how to release you, it depends on what price your master is willing to pay."

He then said to the four cardinals: "My words are clear, right? If they are clear, you can go."

"This..." The four cardinals looked at each other in blank dismay.

Chen Yang said: "If you don't leave, none of you will be able to leave."

There was fear in the eyes of the four cardinals, and they looked at each other.One of the cardinals said to Gao Jin: "Archbishop, look..."

Gao Jin said in a deep voice: "You guys go away. Just tell my master that I'm sorry for the old man, and that things went wrong."

The cardinal took a deep breath and said: "We will try to rescue you, archbishop, you must keep your useful body!"

After speaking, the four cardinals left.

Chen Yang said to Duan Lang and Fenghuang behind him: "Put him in the car, so he can take care of him."

Duan Lang couldn't help but said: "Sir, catch him? There will be a lot of trouble!"

"Stupid!" Chen Yang scolded: "Catch or not, you are already in the center of the vortex, what are you afraid of?"

Duan Lang and Fenghuang were slightly taken aback, and then came to their senses.What Mr. said is telling the truth!

"Mister is wise!" Duan Lang said immediately.

Immediately, he and Fenghuang grabbed Gao Jin into the car.

Chen Yang's eyes fell on Lei Ling and Monk Shanren.Both masters were injured, but they were not fatal, and they could recover within a few days of cultivation.

Chen Yang immediately said directly: "I won the bet. You two clean up and follow me!"

Lei Ling and Monk Shanren looked at each other, and they both nodded.Afterwards, Lei Ling said to Chen Yang: "Little friend, I am ashamed of your cultivation. Since we have lost the bet, we should naturally be willing to admit defeat! However, we are very old, but we still have to be chased away by others. We can't bear this kind of insult. Then, if you lose and have no money to pay, paying back your life is always not against the morals of the world!"

Lei Ling took a deep breath and said, "My old friend Shanren and I will kill ourselves here today!"

"Master, absolutely not!" Lu Hua who was on the side was startled, and quickly grabbed Lei Ling's hand.

"Go away!" Lei Ling shook Lu Hua away with a big hand.

Lei Ling and Monk Shanren sincerely wanted to die, and Monk Shanren also chanted the Buddha's name, and the two masters wanted to kill themselves on the spot.

At this moment, Chen Yang said lightly: "Do you two really think that a young man can defeat you?"

When Lei Ling and Monk Shanren heard the words, their hearts were shocked.

What made them most disheartened was that the one who defeated them was a young man!And Chen Yang's words instantly aroused their desire to survive.

Chen Yang continued: "A young man started to cultivate in his mother's womb, and it is impossible to defeat the combination of the two masters. If you want to know the real reason, the two masters, you might as well go back to China with me."

"We don't work for anyone!" Lei Ling still shook his head.

"Haha..." Chen Yang looked up to the sky with a long smile, and said, "Master Lei, you really have a good backbone! You don't work for anyone, you are proud, do I still have to applaud you! Compared with you, that military god How shameless to be willing to be the eagle dog of the imperial court. You are the righteous man of the rivers and lakes, right!"

"I think it's bullshit!" Chen Yang cursed: "You are overseas, the god of overseas? What kind of blood is shed on your body? It is the blood of China. The country is not a country of one person, and it is never shameful to serve the country Things. When the family and the country were in trouble, Qian Xuesen and other scientists gave up their generous and high salaries abroad, vowed to return to China, and worked hard to revitalize the country. That is the real hero! With this skill, you pretend to be the God of Overseas, and when you see your family and country in trouble, you just stand by and watch, I'm sorry!"

Chen Yang has experienced many things in the world, but his pure heart has never changed.

Lei Ling had never been scolded by someone pointing his nose like this before, but at this moment when Chen Yang scolded him so much, his face turned green and red for a while, and he couldn't say a word.

"Even your martial arts, cultivation, and inheritance in your bones are all given to you by Huaxia. Do you think that you can have nothing to do with Huaxia because you are overseas? Do you think Huaxia has failed you? What have you done for Huaxia? "Chen Yang questioned Lei Ling again.

Lei Ling took a deep breath and said, "Your Excellency's words are sharp, but...everyone has his own aspirations. You don't have the right to impose your wishes and desires on others."

Chen Yang said: "Stubborn!" He also knew in his heart that if he scolded young people for his words, maybe young people would still listen to them if their blood boiled.But Lei Ling and Monk Shanren are all old foxes.It's impossible to be overwhelmed by a moment of enthusiasm.

Chen Yang said again: "Life is not easy! I won't talk about family and country with you, and I can't talk about it well. But, are you two really willing to die for the so-called breath? Death is like blowing out a lamp. Wax, once the fire is extinguished, the body will decay, and the soul will turn into molecules of the magnetic field in the sky, and there will be no thought, no reincarnation, and no possibility of being a human being. At this moment, at this moment, I am stepping to the end, I am really willing ?”

Lei Ling and Monk Shanren were silent.

Chen Yang continued: "Besides, if you follow me, you will never be treated badly. Treat him with the courtesy of a national scholar, and I will pass on what I know to you without reservation. I think, after you have reached this point, you want to go further. How difficult it is to take one step forward, you should know in your heart. That's all I can say, if you still choose to commit suicide, I respect your choice!"

Chen Yang will never return empty-handed, if he really can't subdue these two masters.Then, according to the bet, they committed suicide, and that was also their choice.

At this time, Chen Yang would not choose to be kind.

Compassion does not control soldiers, this sentence is the most reasonable saying!

Lei Ling and Monk Shanren fell into deep thought.

"We need to discuss." Lei Ling said afterwards.

"Okay, tomorrow morning, you can either send your head to meet foreigners, or follow me back to the country." Chen Yang said directly.

"Okay!" Lei Ling agreed.

Chen Yang said, "Farewell!"

He turned around and left, getting into the car quickly.

Lei Ling and Monk Shanren watched Chen Yang leave.

When Chen Yang got into the car, Gao Jin was in the back seat of the car, accompanied by Fenghuang.Seeing this, Chen Yang sat in the co-pilot.Duan Fei drives!

Gao Jin can't live or die now, and he doesn't say a word in the car.

Chen Yang didn't even bother to pay attention to Gao Jin, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.The car drove out in the dark...

After returning to the hotel, Chen Yang left Gao Jin in his room.

When Duan Fei and Fenghuang went out, Duan Fei couldn't help asking Chen Yang: "Sir, when are we leaving?"

Chen Yang said: "If there are no accidents, we will leave tomorrow morning!"

Duan Fei said, "Accident?"

Chen Yang said, "Maybe it won't be peaceful tonight."

Duan Fei and Fenghuang's expressions changed, and Fenghuang said: "You mean, the Holy See might take action?"

Chen Yang said: "Who knows, but you should be more vigilant. If you have any questions, come to me immediately."

"Yes, sir!" Duan Fei said.Both he and Fenghuang were a little apprehensive, but in the end they went back to their rooms.The three rooms are all next to each other.

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