"Huaxia, Guoan?" Lu Hua couldn't help being surprised when he heard this. "We have lived overseas for a long time, and since Mr. Sun, we have never had any contact with China. It is very strange that Huaxia Guoan will send a greeting card today!"

Duan Lang said: "My husband, I intend to meet Master Lei, and I have heard of Master Lei's reputation for a long time!"

"Your husband?" Lu Hua said, "Who is your husband? In the national security, not everyone is divided into different positions, so what kind of gentleman is here?"

Duan Lang said: "It is indeed Mr., Mr. has no position. But we respect him!"

Lu Hua frowned and said, "Okay, please give me the post. I will pass it on to my master. As for whether my master will see your husband or not, that's another matter."

Duan Lang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Okay, I'm sorry!"

Afterwards, Duan Lang submitted a greeting card.

Lu Hua took the greeting card to see Master Lei Ling and Monk Shanren.

In the quiet room, Lei Ling and Monk Shanren looked at the greeting card.

There is nothing special about the greeting post, it roughly means that Master Chen Yang has honored the name of Master Lei for a long time, and come to pay respects tonight!

"Master, Chen Yang?" Lei Ling had a headache, and asked Monk Shanren, "Old friend, have you heard of this master?"

Monk Shanren couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "I've never heard of it!"

Lei Ling said, "The current master is worthless?"

Monk Shanren said: "It should be valuable. Since this person dares to pay respects, he must have some skills. Maybe the Holy See is here for this person?"

Lei Ling said: "Guoan is also involved, this scene is getting more and more exciting."

Monk Shanren said: "Old friend, are you going to accept the canonization of the Holy See?"

Lei Ling said: "Of course not. The Holy See is just afraid that I will be poached by other people. I will give them a reassurance. We are all at this age, and we really don't want to get involved in this dispute. But if they really You want to bully us. At our age, why should we be afraid?"

Monk Shanren said, "That's right!"

Lei Ling laughed.

As night falls, San Francisco at night is extremely beautiful. How many years old is the Golden Gate Bridge, but it is still standing and brilliant!

Traffic shuttles, the whole world is noisy.

But in a certain suite of the big hotel, it was quiet. In the night, Chen Yang closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.He didn't make a sound, and in his world, it seemed to be a piece of silence.

He didn't turn on the light, which made people think that the people inside seemed to be asleep.

It was also at this time that Duan Lang and Fenghuang came to the door.

"Sir?" Duan Lang called.

"What's the matter?" In the night, Chen Yang was sitting cross-legged on the bed, but he suddenly opened his eyes.At that moment, there was a flash of light in the room that made people frightened!

Duan Lang said in a deep voice, "Sir, it's time for us to set off."

Chen Yang was silent for a moment, and then said, "Okay, you guys wait for me downstairs."

"Okay, sir!" Duan Lang said.

Duan Lang then took the elevator downstairs with Fenghuang. "The longer I spend with Mr., the more I am in awe of him!" Fenghuang couldn't help but said.

Duan Lang also felt the same way. He thought of something and said, "Tell me, will Mr. forget?"

"Forget what?" Phoenix said.

Duan Lang said, "Forgot the appointment with Master Lei?"

"God, that's impossible! How could such an important appointment be forgotten? If it were me, I would probably be trembling all the time!" Fenghuang said.

Duan Lang said: "How can we compare with Mr.!"

Fenghuang said: "That's true!"

Duan Lang and Fenghuang didn't wait long downstairs when they saw Chen Yang coming out. Chen Yang was wearing black exercise clothes and cloth shoes.He was well dressed and not at all like a young man.

Although he looks very immature, but he gives people the impression that he is as calm as a mountain. If you don't look at his face, you will be very stressed when you are around him.

I don't feel like making any mistakes!

"Sir!" Duan Lang and Fenghuang shouted respectfully when they saw Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded.

Duan Lang drove, and Fenghuang opened the car door for Chen Yang.

After that, Chen Yang was still sitting in the back row, and Fenghuang was sitting in the co-pilot.Duan Lang started the car!

All the way out, the location is still that hidden guild hall.

Duan Lang said to Chen Yang: "Sir, we got some information."

"Oh, say!" Chen Yang said.

While driving, Duan Lang said without turning his head: "The Guangming Holy See also sent people here, and they knew about our actions. We came here with too big a goal. It is impossible to hide from the Holy See, the Holy See's intelligence line , is also very powerful. Please understand this, sir!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I never thought that I would hide it from them."

Duan Lang said: "We are worried that the Holy See will attack, maybe it will attack Lei Ling. Maybe it will attack us!"

Chen Yang said: "It's very simple. It's best for them to attack Lei Ling, so I will save Lei Ling. If they attack me, I will kill them."

"Ahem..." Fenghuang just likes Chen Yang's self-confidence.But she still said: "Do you think there are other possibilities?"

"What's possible?" Chen Yang asked strangely.

Phoenix said: "Will you lose?"

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and then said: "This question is worth thinking about. I have never been defeated in your world. I hope there will be such a person!"

Duan Lang and Fenghuang immediately shut up.

They could only quietly watch Chen Yang pretend!

Moreover, the most important thing is that people have this capital equipment!Just like when Jack Ma said he was not interested in money...

The club where Lei Ling is located is called Tingtao Club!Tingtao Guild Hall was brightly lit tonight, and many trees were planted around the hall.

The guild hall has not seen any foreign guests recently.

At this time, Lu Hua and several other Hongmen masters stood at the door and waited.

Naturally, they came to meet the envoys of the Holy See of Light.

Soon, two black cars drove over here.After the car stopped, two believers got out of the car first and quickly opened the door.

A young man got out of the car. This young man was wearing a red suit and looked a little angry.There is another kind of nobility in the coquettish atmosphere!

The young man is Gao Jin, 22 years old, a genius.

Gao Jin was followed by four cardinals.

The group came to the hall.Lu Hua is also a hero in the world, with eyes above the top.But when he made eye contact with Gao Jin, he shivered for no reason.He felt that Gao Jin's eyes were like cold lightning, which gave him an indescribable pressure.

"I'm not his opponent!" At this moment, Lu Hua thought to himself.Lu Hua clasped his fists immediately and said, "I'm coming to Lu Hua!"

Gao Jin didn't show off, he cupped his fists and said, "I'm Gao Jin, come to pay homage to Master Lei!"

Lu Hua said: "The master has already hosted a banquet inside, please!"

Gao Jin nodded!Afterwards, Lu Hua asked a Hongmen master beside him to lead the way.Gao Jin took two steps, then asked Lu Hua strangely, and said, "Brother Lu seems to be waiting for someone? Could it be that there are other people besides paying respects today?"

Lu Hua didn't hide anything, and said: "After your teacher sent the greeting card today, someone from Huaxia Guoan also sent the greeting card!"

"Brother Lu, can you tell me who is the person from Guoan who came to visit?" Gao Jin asked immediately.

Lu Hua said, "It's called Chen Yang!"

Gao Jin's expression changed slightly, and he said, "It really is him!"

Lu Hua immediately said, "Brother Gao, do you know each other?"

Gao Jin sneered, and said, "I haven't seen it either, but...hmph, today I want to learn."

Lu Hua was slightly startled, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.But he didn't show it, and said, "Brother Gao, please hurry up."

Gao Jin nodded, and then went in with four cardinals.

In the living room of the guild hall, everything is resplendent and magnificent.

The splendor and splendor were clean, and Lei Ling and Monk Shanren sat at the top.

After Gao Jin brought people in, he cupped his fists and bowed politely, and said, "This junior has met Master Lei!"

The four cardinals followed suit.

Gao Jin said again: "Master Lei, who is this?"

Lei Ling also stood up with Monk Shanren, and Lei Ling introduced Monk Shanren, saying, "This is my dear friend, whose Dharma name is Shanren!"

Shanren monk said: "Amitabha, little benefactor, the poor monk is polite."

Gao Jin smiled slightly and said, "Master, you are welcome. It is also an honor for this junior to meet you today!"

Although Gao Jin was extremely arrogant, he still maintained his courtesy in front of these senior masters.

"Mr. Gao, and distinguished guests, please take a seat!" Lei Ling said.

Gao Jin took several bishops to their seats, and Lei Ling and Monk Shanren also took their seats again.

"Master Lei, I'm taking the liberty to come to see you today. Firstly, this junior has always yearned for Master's demeanor. Secondly, I came here under the order of my master. If there is any offense, Master Lei, please don't take offense!" Gao Jin then Said.

Lei Ling smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Gao, you are too polite. You are a rare young talent in this world. It is also a great pleasure for me to be able to gather together with you young talents again. I have prepared a plan for you today. Please invite Mr. Gao to taste some good ingredients!"

Gao Jin also smiled and said, "Thank you, Master."

Here is a happy chat!

Outside, Chen Yang also brought Duan Lang and Fenghuang to the door.

Duan Lang stepped forward and said to Lu Hua, "This is my husband, Chen Yang. He came here because he posted a greeting card before."

Lu Hua nodded and said, "The tutor is already waiting inside."

Afterwards, Lu Hua personally led the way.

The group soon arrived outside the living room, where they were chatting happily, so Lu Hua reported from outside through the door: "Master, Mr. Chen Yang is here."

"Please come in!" Lei Ling said immediately.

Gao Jin was still smiling all over his face, but when he heard that Chen Yang was coming, his face immediately became gloomy.But he changed his face very quickly, and immediately pretended that nothing happened.

Lu Hua pushed the door open, and Chen Yang brought Duan Lang and Fenghuang inside.

A group of three people entered.

Headed by Chen Yang, he came to the venue, glanced at Gao Jin, and then withdrew his gaze...

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