The white man then said: "That girl is the medicine body, you..." He took out a small bottle that looked like perfume.Then it sprayed on Shen Mo Nong's body!

Shen Mo Nong immediately smelled a faint fragrance of elegance!

"This is...?" Shen Mo Nong was slightly startled.

The white man said: "It's the perfume of white roses, the real perfume! Mixing this perfume with the medicine body will have a miraculous effect! You should stay with him as much as possible within these three days. He will be unconscious He was poisoned during the process, and when the time comes, the stronger his true energy circulates, the deeper the poison will be!"

Shen Mo Nong was overjoyed immediately, and said: "It's really a clever plan, it seems that Chen Yang is doomed this time!"

The white man smiled coldly and said, "Although we all know that the possibility of Chen Yang coming back is extremely small. But back then, after our high-level research and discussion, we decided to keep a hand. This medicinal girl was prepared for Chen Yang." Yes. It's best if he doesn't come back, if he does come back, let him come and go!"

Shen Mo Nong said: "I admire it!"

The white man smiled lightly, and then said: "This time, as long as you help us get rid of Chen Yang. Then, Shen Mo Nong, from now on, our Holy See will not control you. We will get rid of the poison in your body .Also, the little boy you adopted is now 16 years old. We will return it to you! Everything depends on your cooperation this time."

Shen Mo Nong was overjoyed, and said, "That's great, thank you sir! I know very well what to choose. Please rest assured, sir!"

The white man said, "That's good!"

Shen Monong then said: "However, my lord, there are still some things I don't understand."

The white man said, "What is it?"

Shen Murong said: "There are so many masters in the sect, since Chen Yang has already appeared, why not kill him directly? Why is it so troublesome?"

The white man said: "You don't understand this. What kind of person was the Zonghuang back then? But in the end he fell into his hands. What we saw was just like what the Zonghuang saw back then. It seems that it is possible to It can be done. But when we actually do it, there will be deviations! Right now we are in the dark, while Chen Yang is in the light, we must hit it with one blow. Eliminate all uncertainties, this is the purpose of the high-level! Right now It can be solved easily. Chen Yang is Jiaolong, once Jiaolong enters the sea, it will be difficult to deal with him again."

Shen Monong said: "I understand. However, I have one more thing."

The white man frowned slightly and said, "What else?"

Shen Monong said, "The family of the military god Chen Ling?"

"They are all fine, as long as Chen Yang dies, these people will come back!" said the white man.

Shen Monong said, "That's it, thank you very much."

The white man smiled, and said, "It seems that you still have feelings for the God of War?"

Shen Murong said seriously: "Military God Chen Ling is a senior I respect!"

"But don't you hate that he died at our hands?" said the white man.

Shen Monong said: "The dead are dead, I have accepted the reality."

The white man said: "Your words are inconsistent!"

Shen Mo Nong said: "Actually, it's not contradictory. I'm just aware of current affairs. A Chen Yang can't change anything. But I really want to say how much I like the Holy See. Will you believe me if I tell you?"

"I don't believe it!" the white man said, "You are alive, this is indeed a manifestation of your understanding of current affairs."

Shen Monong said: "With me here, you can communicate with the authorities."

The white man said, "Yes, you have your worth."

Shen Mo Nong continued: "My lord, may I take the liberty to ask again..."

The white man said, "Just ask!"

Shen Mo Nong said: "Chen Yang's daughter, where did Chen Yinuo go?"

A gleam flashed in the white man's eyes, and he looked at Shen Murong.Shen Mo Nong was very calm.

The white man said, "What do you want to do?"

Shen Monong said: "I don't do anything, I just feel that Chen Yang is also pitiful. If he is about to die, I should tell him something."

The white man said: "You are not irreplaceable. You should know what to ask and what not to ask!"

Shen Monong said: "Yes, my lord!"

The white man said: "This matter can't be done well. You will bear the consequences!"

After he finished speaking, he opened the door and left, but his figure was extremely fast!

In the middle of the night, the medicinal girl woke up.Shen Mo Nong also ran over, the medicinal girl was very excited, and finally, under Shen Mo Nong's explanation, included a series of testimonies and so on.The medicinal girl gradually believed that Chen Yang in front of her was her father.

Chen Yang looked very excited and distressed.

That night, Chen Yang didn't sleep much.

After a long time, the medicinal girl fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Chen Yang made breakfast for his parents himself, and also made a loving breakfast for the donor girl.Everything seems to be happy and harmonious, and it seems that everything is going in a good direction.

The weather was fine. At ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Yang accompanied his father Chen Tianya for a walk in the compound.

Chen Tianya seemed very silent, sometimes his mind was muddled, and sometimes he was sober.But at this moment, under a big tree, his mind is very clear.

"My real son was gone when you first came over thirty years ago." Chen Tianya's voice was a bit desolate.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I am him. His memories are all in my head. I remember that when I was sick when I was young, you carried me to the hospital in the middle of the night. At that time, I had a high fever!"

"You are not him!" Chen Tianya said: "This question has tortured me and Lin Qian for a long time. Our son is an ordinary person. And you are not..."

"I..." Chen Yang couldn't help feeling bitter, he said, "It's hard to tell right from wrong. Your son is an ordinary person, and my father is also named Chen Tianya, but he is not an engineer. He is a powerful man. The Devil Emperor, such as the current Holy See of Light, do you know what happened to the Holy See in our world?"

Chen Tianya immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Chen Yang said: "You took him under your command, and you killed all the popes of the Holy See."

Chen Tianya's expression suddenly became strange.

Chen Yang said: "In this life, you have become an ordinary person, so there is no one to restrain the Holy See, but it is so rampant! Tell me, what is real and what is illusory? Are you the Devil Emperor? Or Chen Tianya? Is there a devil emperor? Is there me? Are there so many illusory spaces and worlds?"

Chen Tianya was speechless.

He fell silent.

After a long time, Chen Tianya said: "Since you are back, you must do something for me."

"Say it!" Chen Yang was extremely respectful.

Chen Tianya said: "Your uncle, his family, Miaojia, Tongtong, and their children, as long as they are alive, they must be rescued. Your uncle has been a country all his life, and he shouldn't end up like this." .My younger brother, my heart aches too!"

Chen Yang said: "I will definitely do my best!"

Chen Tianya nodded and said, "Okay, okay! I'm getting older, and the days I can live are numbered, and the days I can be sober and talk to you are numbered."

Chen Yang said, "Do you hate me?"

Chen Tianya fell silent.

After a long time, he said: "Your uncle told me that without you, maybe the world would have been in chaos. Maybe my son would still not be able to live. I have no reason to hate you. But... I want to say that I don't hate you at all, then It's fake. It gives me the feeling that you murdered my son!"

Chen Yang was shocked.

He felt extremely uncomfortable.

"That promise is your own granddaughter!" Chen Yang said.

"She is your own daughter!" Chen Tianya said, "I think my son is not capable of marrying a good girl like Linger."

Afterwards, Chen Tianya turned and left.

Chen Yang stood on the spot and stood there for a long time!

Probably, this is the bloody reality and people's hearts.

Chen Tianya and his wife would not be grateful to him.

And they are not their real parents after all.

His father is the Devil Emperor Chen Tianya, and his mother is the poor Lin Qian who died young.

Chen Yang stood for a long time, the sun shining on his body.He was wearing a black leather jacket and jeans.

His figure appears a little thin.

At this time, Shen Mo Nong walked over from behind him, and stood side by side with Chen Yang.

"What are you thinking about?" Shen Mo Nong asked.

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and then said, "Perfume?"

Shen Murong was slightly taken aback, and then said, "Your nose is smarter than a puppy!"

Chen Yang didn't care either, and said, "No matter what I do, I can't make up for them."

"They? Yinuo?" Shen Monong said.

Chen Yang said, "Yes, and my parents."

"No one can change what has happened!" Shen Mo Nong said.

Chen Yang said: "It's not that you can't change, but that God will not let you change. When I first came here, I stopped the plot of the Zonghuang."

Shen Monong said: "That's right, can you go back to an earlier time, so that your uncle will not have any accidents?"

"I've tried it, but it won't work!" Chen Yang said, "The only time I can feel is the current period, and I can only come back here."

Shen Monong said: "Mystery is mysterious, and strange is strange! What is true and what is false?"

Chen Yang said: "Everything that happened in front of us is real to us. Other things are meaningless."

Shen Mo Nong said: "Brilliant!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang said, "I'm going to see Yinuo."

Shen Monong said, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

The two returned side by side, and while walking, Chen Yang asked, "Have you been alone all these years?"

Shen Mo Nong trembled slightly, she thought for a while and said, "That's right!"

Chen Yang said, "Why didn't you find one? Can't you find the right one?"

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