The strongest player in history

Chapter 2092 Familiar City

At this time, Chen Yang had no magic power, so how would he condense it into ice true energy?This is a very complex, profound, and difficult question.It is impossible for a master who has not experienced the age of mana to understand the principle of this.

What Chen Yang has to do now is to let the cold air attack his heart!

The cold air penetrates into the hearts of ordinary people, leading to death.But Chen Yang wanted to let the cold air penetrate into his heart, and then absorb it with true energy.This process also has great risks. If it is not done well, this body will not be able to bear it and will die.But Chen Yang could only take such a shortcut and take the risk!

Chen Yang dived into the depths of the lake, he felt the extreme cold.His body is not afraid of the cold, but this primordial spirit has become an ordinary soul, so he is still very afraid of the cold.

Countless cold air invaded, he felt his body began to freeze, and his thoughts began to become confused.

Moreover, in the lake water, it is all closed with one breath, which makes it even more unconscious.

At this time, Chen Yang circulated the true qi in his body, and the true qi began to circulate in his body, exercising non-stop, warming his body.However, the body is still getting colder and colder, and the true energy is getting colder and colder.

Chen Yang was happy in his heart, he knew that his theory had been confirmed.After a long time, Chen Yang came out of the ice lake.When he came out, he broke the ice surface with one palm, and then sat cross-legged on the frozen lake.

At this moment, his whole body was filled with cold, and his surroundings were like clouds and fog!

In terms of mana, Chen Yang still has a long way to go.There are countless masters above him, but in terms of physical training, he is already No.1 under the starry sky.In this regard, even Uncle Chen Ling couldn't compare to him.

So at this moment, Chen Yang's growth is extremely fast.

"Evolution? When I challenged Linghui back then, the reason why I was able to evolve into a monster state was because he left his genes in my body. Now, this body does not have his genes. Therefore, I can only be in a normal state Yes. The reason why the evolution saw miraculous effects back then was based on spiritual wisdom. Now I can only be a powerful cell and a strong physical body. Although the evolution has lost the miraculous effects of the past, it still has incredible effects!"

Chen Yang then closed his eyes.

The zhenqi in his body had already formed the ice zhenqi, and he didn't feel that it was cold here at all.

After that, he used the true energy in his body as the source, and began to absorb the cold energy from the outside world.

At the same time, the extremely cold air urges the cells in the body to grow wildly.

Infuriatingly turbulent, more and more majestic.The cells are activated with true qi, the cells regenerate, and the blood becomes thicker.

Chen Yang's teeth also began to become stronger and finer.

Old-school masters like Uncle Chen Ling's generation, the strength of true energy is accumulated day after day.And Chen Yang was like hanging out right now, the cold air kept pouring in, and the true energy became stronger and stronger.

True Qi also created his physical strength.

Chen Yang stayed on this ice field for another month.A month later, he felt that his true energy had reached a limit.

The physical body is limited, so is the true energy.

Only mana is unlimited.

Chen Yang's physical cultivation has once again reached the state of Dzogchen.

So, Chen Yang left Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.He called Tong Jiawen.

The phone went through quickly.

"Chen Yang!" Tong Jiawen over there was very excited.

Chen Yang said, "Transfer another 1000 million to my phone."

Tong Jiawen said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang said: "Thank you, I won't say anything. I'm almost ready now, and I'm going to Yanjing."

Tong Jiawen said: "Okay!" She held back her emotions and didn't ask any more questions.

Afterwards, Chen Yang hung up the phone.

On the same day, Chen Yang arrived in Yanjing by plane.

Yanjing is an international metropolis, the capital of China, and the symbol of China!

At this time, it was already after the Lantern Festival.

Chen Yang talked with Chen Xiaorong on the phone on the eve of Chinese New Year's Eve.After declaring that he was safe, he really didn't have time to go back for the New Year.

After getting 1000 million from Tong Jiawen, he transferred 100 million to Chen Xiaorong.The promised one million a month, Chen Yang will not break his promise.

In Yanjing, things have already changed!

Chen Yang took the first step and went to the villa where he lived before. The gate of the villa was sealed.Chen Yang tore off the seal directly, and then shook the door open with his palm.

Entering the villa, there is a smell of dust everywhere.And covered with spider silk, there has been no human habitation for a long time.Chen Yang saw some children's toys in the living room, and he knew that they should be Yinuo's toys.

As Chen Yang walked among them, his heart became more and more heavy.

Chen Yang came to the safe again. He remembered that he had written many letters to Yinuo.But now, that safe is gone.Chen Yang looked around, and what he saw was exactly the same as what he saw in the wormhole.So, he could only collect the photos on those photo walls.He stared at the traces of his daughter's growth, from one year old to seven years old, from babbling to brilliant and lovely.Her smile is not sad, it is so sunny.

Seven-year-old Yinuo, wearing a small broken skirt and hugging a doll, is like a little royal princess, so beautiful and so cute.

Chen Yang couldn't help but be infatuated...

For a long time, he stayed here without moving...

As the sky gradually darkened, Chen Yang put the photo in his arms.Then, he left the villa.There is nothing new to discover here, it seems that he has to find Shen Mo Nong in this world.I hope she doesn't have any accidents.

As soon as Chen Yang left the villa, a car suddenly came galloping over there.

After a while, four black Mercedes surrounded Chen Yang from front to back, left to right.

Around the villa area, the residents quickly dispersed.

A total of eight young men in black suits got out of the Mercedes-Benz.They are capable and sharp.

"It's a national security agent!" Chen Yang understood their style immediately.

"Hands up!" shouted one of the leading agents.

They all drew their guns and were ready for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang raised his hand without any resistance.

Immediately, two agents stepped forward, handcuffed Chen Yang, and then stuffed Chen Yang into the Mercedes-Benz.

These people didn't ask Chen Yang much.The Mercedes-Benz quickly left the villa area.

Chen Yang didn't say a word either.

This is a very strange scene.

About an hour later, the Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of a building.

This building was unfamiliar to Chen Yang, and he was ushered into a tidy file room.

It's on three floors.Obviously, the secret places of Guoan will not be directly exposed to Chen Yang.

After Chen Yang was locked in the file room, the agents withdrew.

No one interrogated Chen Yang.

The lights are snow white.

Everything is quiet!

Chen Yang knew that at this moment, there must be a monitoring room somewhere monitoring everything here.

In another room, there is indeed a monitoring room.

The person in charge is a young man in his thirties, his eyes are as sharp as a falcon.He was wearing a white shirt inside and a black trench coat outside.

This person is handsome, and his aura is restrained and fierce!

His cultivation base is very good, he is already a master of Jindan level, he can also control Qi into a knife, and his skills are rounded.

His name is Duan Lang!

There is a woman and a man beside Duan Lang.The woman is young and beautiful, called Phoenix.Feng Feng is 25 years old and an agent of the Sixth Division of National Security.

Cultivation is the pinnacle of Huajin, and his strength is very good.

The man's name is Zhang Tang, and Zhang Tang is also at the peak of Huajin.

The two stood behind Duan Lang respectfully.

At this moment, Duan Lang's eyes were fixed on the archive room inside the surveillance.

"Fenghuang, you mean, this little guy went directly to that villa?" Duan Lang asked.

Fenghuang said: "Yes, Duan Chu, we have been monitoring that villa all the time. We have also found out the identity of this little guy, his name is Chen Chen. He is very weird, he was born ordinary, and he is suffering from advanced leukemia. There was no way to do anything. It could only be a dead end, but he recovered suddenly. Moreover, his money transactions were also very strange. On the Dongjiang side, a businesswoman named Tong Jiawen transferred 3000 million to her one after another. But according to our According to the investigation, Chen Chen and Tong Jiawen have never known each other before."

Duan Lang said: "This is really strange."

Zhang Tang on the side said: "One more thing, after this person entered the villa, he collected photos of Miss Chen Yinuo when she was a child. He did not enter the villa for property."

Duan Lang said, "Tong Jiawen? Tong Jiawen, have you checked?"

Fenghuang said: "Check it!"

"Oh?" Duan Lang said.

Fenghuang said: "Tong Jiawen used to be friends with the owner of the villa, that is, Mr. Chen Yang. Mr. Chen Yang is also Tong Jiawen's student. They have a very close relationship!"

"Mr. Chen Yang has been dead for almost 20 years." Duan Lang said.

Phoenix said: "That's right!"

"It's really weird!" Duan Lang said: "A Tong Jiawen, an old villa, Mr. Chen Yang, a reckless boy who came back to life... What is the connection between them?"

Zhang Tang said: "Boss, I think we can interrogate this boy!"

Duan Lang said: "Not busy, let's take a look first."

Zhang Tang said: "Okay, boss!"

In the file room, Duan Lang saw the boy sitting motionless.

For an entire hour, the boy didn't even lift his head.

Even Fenghuang and Zhang Tang were a little impatient.

"This boy, boss, is too weird. From the time we arrested him to the time he was locked in this file room, he hasn't said a word. Normal people, where would this happen?" Zhang Tang said.

At this moment, they saw that in the archives room, the boy suddenly got up and came to the door of the archives room.With just one kick, he kicked the door of the file room away.

Immediately afterwards, the two agents guarding the door were on the verge of a formidable enemy.

They quickly drew their guns, and the dark muzzles aimed at Chen Yang.

"Go in!" an agent snapped.

Chen Yang didn't speak, and the eyes of the two agents suddenly blurred...

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