"Is it okay if the soul is dead?" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said, "Of course!"

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, and said: "I understand that as long as a person is not dead, there is a chance of life. But no matter how good the medical skills are, they can't heal a dead person. If the soul is dead, it is impossible for my soul to occupy his Body, I have to assimilate his soul, so that I can resurrect his body completely, right?"

"Yes, you still need to receive his memory." Monk Linghui said.

Chen Yang said: "Life and death are separated by a thin line. It seems to be a thin line, but if you grasp the line, it is a world of difference."

Monk Linghui said, "That's the truth!"

Chen Yang said: "2040, why can I only see 2040? I have tried several times, but it is difficult to see the later time."

Monk Linghui said: "2040 already belongs to the future. The past can be seen through, but the future is full of variables. The future cannot be seen too far."

"Why is it 2040? What's the mystery?" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said, "Perhaps, that's the time when Heaven allows you to go."

"We are here, but we still can't escape the way of heaven?" Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said: "It's a joke. The immortals in the fairy world still can't get rid of the way of heaven. They are so far away in Kepler, and they still have to be afraid of the earth. A sacred tree of grains and grains made them frightened. Their blood , genes, all belong to the earth. This is a fact that they can't change no matter where they go."

Chen Yang nodded, and then said: "No matter what, I don't care what the arrangement of heaven is now, whoever dares to harm my daughter, I will make their life worse than death, pigs and dogs!"

A frightening cold light flashed in his eyes!

Everyone has their own bottom line and reverse scale.

There is no doubt that her daughter Yinuo is definitely Chen Yang's opponent.

Dragons have reverse scales, they must die!

Afterwards, Chen Yang prepared the Xuanhuang liquid, and he used the great sealing technique to seal it continuously.He also tried to wrap the black yellow liquid with Yuanshen!

There are three drops of Xuanhuang liquid this time, and the three drops condense into one drop!

Chen Yang's primordial spirit is mana, and he immediately felt that the Xuanhuang liquid was eroding in the Great Sealing Technique.That kind of erosion is very strong, Chen Yang knew it in his heart.He knew that a total of 10 windings could seal the Xuanhuang Liquid for about [-] minutes.

All plans must be extremely precise, and there must be no mistakes!

After confirming this, Chen Yang immediately went outside the Holy Light Mask again.

Wenrou Linger looked at Chen Yang outside with concern. At the same time, Monk Linghui also told Wenrou Linger about the current situation.

Chen Yang felt the parallel world again in the crystal wall space.

He didn't spend too much time this time, because he went directly to the hospital.It will be much easier if you don't need to find fixed people and things.Chen Yang checked the time, and it was indeed 2040.And, it's October 10th!

The time has not changed from last time, it still stays on the same day!

That's interesting.

Chen Yang didn't think about the causal relationship, he immediately checked the hospital.

After searching in this hospital, there were no suitable patients.

After that, Chen Yang searched for other hospitals again. He searched for a day and a night, and finally found a more suitable age in a tumor hospital.

Because Chen Yang didn't want to find an identity like an old man.

He saw a young man on the hospital bed with a list of medicines on the bedside of this young man.Chen Yang is a learned man, looking at those medicines, plus the young man's face and signs, he knew that this young man had advanced leukemia!

Coincidentally, the young man is also surnamed Chen, called Chen Chen!

Chen Yang was really tired from searching, and he didn't want to continue searching.The next thing he has to do is to communicate with this young man with his divine sense.Then get access to the parallel world.

The night is like splashing ink, this is a third-tier city near Shanghai, called Xilin City.

The time is 2040, October 10, at eleven o'clock in the evening.

Xilin Cancer Hospital is brightly lit!

In an intensive care unit, the young Chen Chen couldn't sleep no matter what, the pain was tormenting him all the time.

The nurse gave him a painkiller just now, and he felt better now.

The ward was very quiet, and his younger sister, Chen Xiaorong, who took care of him, fell asleep beside the bed.Chen Chen and Chen Xiaorong depended on each other for life, and their parents were involved in a car accident very early on.Only grandma was left to take care of them, and now, Chen Chen got such a disease again, their grandma couldn't stand it, and fell ill immediately.This fell ill and passed away a month later.

Before the old people die, they never die with peace in their eyes.

In order to save her brother, Chen Xiaorong has already sold the only house in the family.

Still, the money was running out.But Chen Chen's situation is getting worse and worse.

Chen Chen felt very sad, he had the desire to survive, he was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that no one would take care of his sister.He wanted his sister to give up, he wanted to die in the past, but his legs were already necrotic.He couldn't even get out of bed.

Chen Chen couldn't even beg for death.

He regretted that not only did he fail to take care of his sister, but he also dragged her down.

Chen Chen stared blankly at the ceiling.

He watched for a long time, feeling the passing of life.

And at this moment, the phone suddenly vibrated.

The mobile phone at this time is already an extremely smart mobile phone, the cheapest one is as thin as a glass, and Chen Chen's mobile phone is a very cheap old mobile phone.

And advanced smartphones can already automatically absorb solar energy to charge, and can be used to start cars, intelligent voice chat.And I am familiar with various dialects, and I can directly use my mobile phone to complete what I want to do online.

This is the era of advanced intelligence.

Cars are basically electrified, and the power supply of electric cars requires a chip, which can be charged at home.Charged overnight, it can last for [-] kilometers.

Chen Chen felt the phone vibrate, but he ignored it.

But soon, the phone vibrated again.

Chen Chen finally couldn't help but picked up the phone and took a look.

Two words appeared on the phone.

"Hello there!"

This state was a bit weird, Chen Chen was slightly startled.

Why did the mobile phone suddenly say hello? This is not displayed through any software.

Chen Chen was afraid of waking up his sister, so he lowered his voice and said, "What?"

"I can't hear your voice, you can find a chat box and enter text so that we can communicate!" Another sentence appeared on the phone.

If it is an ordinary person, the first reaction at this moment may be that there is a ghost.Or maybe it was hacked or something.

But Chen Chen is very courageous, a person who is on the verge of death is nothing to be afraid of.

He is not afraid of being deceived, he has nothing to be deceived.

So, he found the memo and entered the text.

"who are you?"

After he finished writing, he was typing on the memo over there.

"I know your situation is very bad. You won't survive three days."

Chen Chen was a little annoyed, but also a little sad, and said, "Are you here to mock me?"

"No! Listen to me, I am a monk and I have great supernatural powers. At this moment, I am far away in a wormhole [-] million kilometers away from the earth. I found you through the five-dimensional space of the wormhole. It's a concept of time."

"Five-dimensional space? Haha, are all liars so clever now? The five-dimensional space is still only under research, and there is no real five-dimensional space at all!" Chen Chen said immediately.

"Liar? Young man, what do you have for me to lie to?"

Chen Chen was stunned for a while, he thought about it, he had nothing to lie to.

"Who are you?" Chen Chen asked again.

"You are a dying person, and I don't want to lie to you. My daughter may have had an accident in your world. I need to come through divine power, but I need a body. So, I want to use your body. Your life is not long, I can promise you. After I occupy your body, I will treat your family well. I wonder if you are willing?"

Chen Chen looked at the phone screen, he was speechless for a long time.

After a while, he replied with two words, liar.

"If you don't believe me, you can turn off all your mobile phone's network. See if I can continue to communicate with you. Also, I don't need to lie to you. You don't have much time, so think about it carefully."

Chen Chen was silent again.

"How can there be gods and ghosts in this world? Then tell me, after death, will people go to heaven? Or will they go to hell?"

Chen Chen asked.

The other side immediately said: "After death, I don't know what will happen. Because I have never died, but it should be that after death, the soul will dissipate, and everything will turn into nothingness."

"Are you really a god?" Chen Chen asked again.

The other side said: "What is a god? I have indeed cultivated my brain and possessed the magical power to overwhelm mountains and seas. But is this a god? We don't call it that, we call it a cultivator!"

Chen Chen said: "Why have I never seen real mana, cultivator? Why are you in the wormhole? If you have the ability, come directly to me, so I will believe you!"

The other side said: "The world you are in is a parallel world. I can only come through the five-dimensional space of the wormhole. Moreover, I need a channel. I need you to cooperate with me to form a channel. This It is the arrival of a kind of spiritual idea, and my body cannot pass through. Therefore, I need your body, understand?"

"Parallel world, five-dimensional space, multiverse? You are playing with me in a blockbuster sci-fi movie! These are just concepts, they don't exist." Chen Chen said a little excitedly.

The other side said: "It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The important thing is, if you do what I say, is it good for you? This is enough. You think about it carefully. If it doesn't work, I will communicate with you about another People, I believe there will always be people who are willing."


Chen Chen was lost in thought.

After a long time, he agreed to go there.

"Okay, I can promise you." Chen Chen finally made a decision, and he asked again: "What do you want me to do?"

The other side immediately said: "You stare at the phone closely, and a picture will appear on the phone, which is where I am now. You must firmly remember that you must not be distracted. This is a spiritual channel and a signal connection. .I'm going to use this passage, you can't let the line break, understand?"

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