Monk Linghui relied on a ray of mana to search Chen Yang's body with lightning. Even though the black yellow liquid opened the way, Monk Linghui was still shivering from the cold.His tree was covered with a layer of white frost.

After a long time, the sliver of mana of monk Linghui was completely frozen into nothingness.Monk Linghui shook his body, and then he came back to his senses.Ling'er saw it, and quickly shone the holy light on Monk Linghui.

"Ah, it's so warm!" Monk Linghui felt the radiance of the holy light and was so comfortable that he almost groaned.This holy light is not ordinary light, it has the magical effect of warming the veins.

After a long while, Monk Linghui returned to normal.He said: "Damn it, the poor monk is really bullied by the wormhole now. Such a small magnetic field freezes the poor monk so much that he can't die. If it were the poor monk back then, hum, he would be considered a poor monk if he didn't smash the wormhole." Nothing."

He was still a little annoyed.

But Ling'er didn't care about this at all. She anxiously asked Monk Linghui, "How is Chen Yang?"

Monk Linghui heard the words and said seriously: "The poor monk is not sure yet, but it seems that Chen Yang is still alive."

Ling'er knew what Monk Linghui was capable of, so he said that Chen Yang was still alive, and Ling'er was slightly relieved.But she still asked, "How sure?"

Monk Linghui said: "If Fellow Daoist Chen Yang is dead, all the magnetic fields in his body will be frozen. But now it seems that the magnetic field is still running and has formed a small magnetic field. The poor monk understands a little bit."

"Understand what?" Ling'er asked immediately.

Monk Linghui smiled and said: "If the poor monk's guess is correct, then this is really a great coincidence. If this is all calculated by the way of heaven, the horror of that day's way is even more powerful than what the poor monk thought. "

Linger said: "How to say?"

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk said just now that the cold current of this wormhole is no small matter. Even if the poor monk does not resist and allows it to directly invade the body, it is difficult to save his life. But fellow Taoist Chen Yang did not die? Why?"

He paused, but didn't continue to play tricks.Obviously Ling'er is not someone who can cheat on her.

Monk Linghui said: "The fire of the heart is the strongest fire, which is different from the fire in the world. And this cold current is a wormhole cold current, which can freeze even people's thoughts. Therefore, when the cold current invades in, the fire of the heart will protect the body instead. The heart of Fellow Daoist Chen Yang. This principle is like the outside world is frozen, but you are in a room with a raging fire, although everyone outside is frozen to death. But you may be alive because of the fire. This fire is not ordinary The furnace fire, so it can also resist the cold. That's how the heart of fellow Taoist Chen Yang is protected... As for the brain of fellow Taoist Chen Yang, there is a fire of fate in the brain. That is to say, the heart fire protects the heart of fellow Taoist Chen Yang, Protected the brain region of Fellow Daoist Chen Yang!"

"This was originally impossible, but it happened like this." Monk Linghui said, "It's a miracle among miracles that Fellow Daoist Chen Yang survived!"

Ling'er couldn't help being overjoyed, she wept with joy, and said, "It's great that there's nothing to do, it's great!"

"However..." Monk Linghui said, "We can't be too happy yet."

"Ah?" Ling'er was taken aback, and said, "Why?"

Monk Linghui said in a deep voice: "But Miss Linger, don't forget. The snow and ice outside are freezing, once the fire inside goes out, what should I do?"

Ling'er frowned and said, "How can we help him?"

Monk Linghui took a deep breath and said: "We can't help him, it depends on his own good fortune." He continued: "You don't have to worry too much, fellow Taoist Chen Yang has always been resourceful, and the poor monk believes that he will be able to transcend .When he wakes up smoothly, we can leave here. This catastrophe is completely over."

"He will definitely wake up." Ling'er said firmly.

Monk Linghui said again: "How long it will take to wake up, this poor monk is not sure. But Miss Ling'er, I am afraid that you will run out of energy if you keep running the holy light. The poor monk can run the great spiritual liquid technique for You need to recuperate for a while. But I'm afraid it's not a long-term solution!"

Ling'er said in a deep voice: "I can persevere, I still have a lot of Chunyang pills. Chen Yang also has Hunyuan fruit, I can persevere."

She didn't hesitate at all, and in her eyes, there was a kind of determination to see death as home.For Chen Yang, there is no difficulty that she cannot bear.

Life is a difficult but happy journey!

In life, there will always be lingering fear!

In Tianzhou, the sunshine in the imperial city of Dakang is very beautiful.

It was noon, and the warm sun was shining, as if there was nothing to worry about in the world.

Fu Qingzhu, Luo Feng, and Qin Lin all went back to the Great Thousand World.

Qiao Ning didn't go, she would stay in Shaowei Mansion and wait for Chen Yang to come back.She believed that Chen Yang would definitely come back.Of course, Qiao Ning herself did not have the conditions to go to the Great Thousand World.

The sky is high and the sea is wide, Qiao Ning is wearing a silver dress, she is sitting on the roof of Shaowei Mansion, looking at the blue sky and white clouds.

Only in this way, she will feel better.

At night, she will feel extremely uncomfortable.The long night is long and endlessly tormented.

Everything will never go back to the way it was before.

A lot of sweetness with Chen Yang flashed in her mind, and she thought that when she was on the eighteenth floor of hell, Chen Yang would not hesitate to let her survive.

That man, the man she loved deeply, she understood him too well.So she was not willing to let him have the slightest embarrassment.

"Sister-in-law!" At this moment, Qiao Ning suddenly heard a voice.

Qiao Ning was slightly startled. When she turned her head, she saw an extra person on the roof.The person who came was handsome and unrestrained, but there was also a trace of evil charm.

It was none other than Chen Yihan who came!

Chen Yang's younger brother.

Of course Qiao Ning knew Chen Yihan, and also knew that Chen Yihan had contributed to the rescue of Chen Yang this time.But Qiao Ning also knew the tension between Chen Yang and Chen Yihan.

Qiao Ning knew all about those grievances and grievances.

Of course, Qiao Ning also heard what Chen Yang said about the scarlet blue world.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Ning asked Chen Yihan in a bad tone.

Chen Yihan said in a deep voice: "Sister-in-law, don't misunderstand, I have no malicious intentions."

Qiao Ning said: "It's not that I don't know what you did to your sister-in-law Ling'er back then."

Chen Yihan showed bitterness on his face, and said: "That was my mistake. Fortunately, I didn't make a big mistake. Does my sister-in-law also want me to die like Lan Tingyu?"

Qiao Ning said: "You beat Ling'er's grandfather to death, isn't that a big mistake?"

Chen Yihan fell silent.

Qiao Ning didn't continue to dwell on this matter, she said: "Ling'er will naturally settle this account with you. You came to me today, you don't mean to reminisce about the old days, do you? Or, do you have any ulterior motives? "

Chen Yihan immediately said seriously: "I want to pay homage to the grave of my eldest brother's mother."

Qiao Ning's expression changed, and she said, "What kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?"

Chen Yihan said: "I used to hate my elder brother very much, and I hated my elder brother's mother even more. Because I think my mother was killed by their mother and son."

Qiao Ning said, "Then why did you change your mind now?"

Chen Yihan said: "I figured it out, elder brother did nothing wrong. In fact, my father owes elder brother's mother too. Whether it's for elder brother or for my father, I should pay homage to him."

"But wouldn't that be unfair to your mother?" Qiao Ning said.

Chen Yihan said: "Mother knows well, so she won't blame me."

Qiao Ning said, "I don't understand you."

Chen Yihan said: "Sister-in-law just need to tell me the location of the grave."

Qiao Ning pondered for a while, then said, "Okay, I can tell you!"

Afterwards, a thought imprint was ejected.Chen Yihan reached out to catch it, he took the mark, and then said: "Sister-in-law, take your leave."

He turned to leave.

Qiao Ning hesitated to speak, but Chen Yihan was careful and said, "Is there anything my sister-in-law wants to teach me?"

Qiao Ning took a deep breath and said, "It's okay!"

"Is there something wrong with my elder brother?" Chen Yihan asked hastily.

Qiao Ning said: "He will be fine."

Chen Yihan's expression changed drastically, and he said, "Sister-in-law, what does this mean? Isn't the elder brother already rescued? Could it be that he was injured?"

Qiao Ning's eyes suddenly turned red.

She couldn't bear it anymore, she was holding back really hard.


Qiao Ning then told about Chen Yang's recent situation.

"How could this be?" Chen Yihan trembled violently after hearing this.Pain flashed across his face...

Chen Yihan has a lot of resentment, he hasn't got his elder brother's forgiveness yet!

He lacked parental care since he was a child, although his father loved him.But most of the time, he lived alone under the care of servants.

When Chen Yang started showing up, he hated Chen Yang to the bone.But in countless battles, he failed again and again.Until that time, when he was beaten to pieces by Chen Yang, he started to reflect instead.

He began to feel that Chen Yang was his big brother.

That kind of family affection, that kind of family affection between the blood was completely awakened.

Especially when he was trapped in the red-blue world, in the boundless darkness, the eldest brother appeared again, and at that time, he was full of human eyes.

"Brother, he will be fine. He is the King of Destiny, and he will definitely come back." Chen Yihan said to Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning also nodded and said, "Yes, he will definitely come back."

Afterwards, Chen Yihan left.

At this moment, what can he do?

Qiao Ning looked into the distance, and she murmured, "He will definitely come back."

On an island in Tianzhou, the sun is setting and the sea is shimmering with golden light.

The evening wind blew, and there were slight ripples on the sea.

It's beautiful and quiet here, like a paradise.

On the surface of the sea, a fishing boat moved slowly.

On the fishing boat, a group of fishermen are drinking and gambling on the deck...

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