The strongest player in history

Chapter 2070 How can I live up to it

Chen Yang said seriously, "Don't worry, the devil in the world, I have to go back to the world first. I will come to you after I have dealt with the matter in hand. I promised you, and I will do it for you. You can't let me die with regrets, can you?"

The Hunshi Demon Lord also turned serious, and said: "Little friend Chen Yang, I believe you, you can go."

Chen Yang was slightly surprised, and said, "Aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you?"

The Hunshi Mojun said: "My little friend, if you want to lie to me, why bother. I have what I have, if you want it, how can I refuse?"

Chen Yang said: "That's true!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang left.

Arrived directly from the Western King Realm to Tianzhou, and still took the teleportation array!

However, Chen Yang still didn't go back to Shaowei Mansion first, but went to Mingyue Palace again at night.

In the Mingyue Palace, the lights are bright.

Around the island where Mingyue Palace is located, the sea is calm and without waves.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was a silence.

After Chen Yang entered the Mingyue Palace, he successfully met the Mingyue Immortal.

Immortal Mingyue was meditating in the Mingyue Hall. As soon as Chen Yang came, his divine sense shot, and immediately collided with the divine mind of Immortal Mingyue.Afterwards, with the permission of the Mingyue Immortal, Chen Yang went straight into the Mingyue Hall.

Mingyue Immortal Venerable is still dressed as a young master, dressed in white, floating out of the dust.

But at this moment, there was an extra layer of calm on her body.

The former Mingyue Immortal Venerable was heroic and arrogant.Now it is very different!

This can be regarded as a kind of experience!

"Immortal!" Chen Yang saluted.

Mingyue Xianzun saw Chen Yang, smiled slightly, and said, "Sit!"

Chen Yang said: "This time, thanks to the immortal rescue..."

Immortal Master Mingyue couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "This time, I didn't do much. The one who should be thankful is not me. You should thank your elder brother and Senior Bai Suzhen. They have given a lot for you!"

Chen Yang said: "Bai Suzhen and my elder brother, of course I have to thank you. But I also deeply appreciate the kindness that the immortal treats me."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. Are you here just to say thank you? There is no need to be so polite between us!"

Chen Yang said: "Of course it's not just to thank you, but to tell Xianzun you a news."

"Oh, what news?" Mingyue Immortal Venerable was quite interested.

Chen Yang said: "Lan Ziyi is fine now, and now she is inside the Soul Crystal Jade, comprehending the mysteries of the Great Soul Technique and the Great Reincarnation Technique. If she comes out in the future, she must have amazing cultivation."

"That's great!" Immortal Master Mingyue was overjoyed upon hearing that.She went on to say: "This woman, you should never underestimate her. I thought my cultivation had far surpassed her, but I didn't expect that she had already run ahead."

Chen Yang smiled slightly, and he continued, "For safety's sake, I will continue to send her and Hun Jingyu to Yanjing."

"That's fine, it's indeed the safest place, no one will bother her," Mingyue Xianzun said.

Chen Yang smiled, and then said: "I still have some things to deal with overnight, so I won't disturb you Xianzun."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Is there something urgent? What is it?"

Chen Yang said, "It's not a big deal."

Immortal Mingyue knew that Chen Yang was unwilling to elaborate, so he stopped asking further questions.

Chen Yang then gave another [-] pieces of Hunyuan fruit to Mingyue Xianzun.After that, he left directly.

Immortal Master Mingyue accepted Chen Yang's Hunyuan Fruit, and she couldn't help feeling extremely complicated.

She enjoyed Chen Yang's benefits too much.

She didn't expect that when she met Chen Yang, she thought it was a trouble.But now, but...

Chen Yang then returned to the Great Thousand World, his mana was strong and he could come and go freely.

Night, it's late at night!He didn't say hello to Shen Murong, but directly shot the Soul Crystal Jade into Shen Murong's hand.

The taste of parting is not good!

When he left, he left a sentence: "Take care of our son, I will come back as soon as possible, don't read it!"

Shen Mo Nong held the Soul Crystal Jade, and Xiao Nianci was in her arms.She looked at her son sleeping peacefully, but felt unspeakable grief in her heart, she felt as if something was blocked in her throat, and she couldn't make a sound.

Chen Yang then entered the teleportation array again, and he wanted to return to Tianzhou again.But when he was standing in the teleportation circle, he was about to cast mana... At that moment, he suddenly felt a little dizzy, and a feeling of extreme nausea surged up.

Immediately, he retched for a while, and in the end he just vomited some clear water.

"What's wrong with me? Linghui?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui sighed slightly, and said: "This is the side effect of burning your heart. Now you are suffering from the pain of cutting your flesh all the time. But the big fate is like an anesthetic, so you can't feel the pain. But your body The injury and blood loss never disappeared. That's the reason! Plus you've been on the road all day and night... You'd better take a break first!"

"Take a break!" Chen Yang said, "I'm racing against death now, so I still need to rest!"

Monk Linghui said: "It seems that fellow Taoist, you are really a born hard worker!"

Chen Yang operated the Great Fate Technique again to suppress this nausea and fatigue. After he operated it, he felt much better and felt refreshed.If it was normal and not on the line of life and death, he would never touch this great fate.But now there is no scruples at all.

Afterwards, Chen Yang used the teleportation array to return to Tianzhou, and went directly to the teleportation array in Dakang Imperial City.

Then, Chen Yang went back to Shaowei Mansion.

Shaowei Mansion was brightly lit.

Not even one of the servants slept.At this time, dawn is approaching!

Chen Yang hadn't entered the Shaowei mansion yet, and the figure in front of him flickered continuously.Qiao Ning and Ling'er came to him almost at the same time.

Ling'er threw herself directly into Chen Yang's arms, and she hugged Chen Yang tightly.

Chen Yang also hugged Ling'er, he looked up at Qiao Ning, Qiao Ning quickly squeezed out a smile, expressing that she didn't mind.Then she was about to turn around and walk into the mansion...

At this moment, Chen Yang felt that if he allowed Qiao Ning to go in like this, Qiao Ning would be too wronged.

He didn't know whether he would live or die from now on, so how could he bear to let her suffer a little more grievance.Chen Yang quickly reached out, grabbed Qiao Ning's hand, and then pulled her into his arms.

Qiao Ning was taken aback for a moment, but it was undeniable that at this moment, her heart felt warm.She has always known Chen Yang's feelings for Ling'er, and she herself took the initiative to take a back seat, but right now, Chen Yang's care moved her.

And what about Ling'er?Ling'er didn't mind at all, she just didn't think so much.What's more, now, she felt sorry for Chen Yang to the point where it couldn't be more.

After a while, Qiao Ning was a little embarrassed and said, "I'll go in first, you and Ling'er should have a good chat."

After she finished speaking, she forcibly broke away and disappeared in a flash.

"Ling'er, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have disappeared for so long without saying hello." Chen Yang said to Ling'er.

However, Ling'er didn't answer Chen Yang.

Chen Yang thought that he still made her angry, but when he helped Ling'er up, he saw that Ling'er was already in tears.Chen Yang was taken aback, and quickly continued to apologize, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Linger, I was wrong, I shouldn't..."

Ling'er turned her back, trying desperately to hold back her tears.But the more she wanted to hold back, the more she couldn't help it, and finally squatted down.

Chen Yang could only hear her sobbing... Her shoulders kept shrugging.

Chen Yang was stunned, he had never seen Linger lose control like this, he even rarely saw Linger cry...

At this moment, Chen Yang understood.

Ling'er knew everything, and knew that she was about to die soon.

Chen Yang also felt sore in his heart, but he still wanted to comfort Ling'er, he never wanted to see her sad.He originally planned to tell Qiao Ning the truth, but he never told Linger.Because Chen Yang knew that Qiao Ning could come out, but Ling'er, although Ling'er was not fragile, she was too simple.

"Ling'er, I'm fine. I've figured out a way. Have you forgotten? I still have Linghui to help me. He told me that I just need to go to the void and find an extremely cold wormhole. After entering, I can extinguish my heart." Fire." Chen Yang explained.

When Ling'er heard the words, she immediately stopped crying, her pear blossoms were raining, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes, and said, "Really, you didn't lie to me?"

"I will never lie to you!" Chen Yang said.

"Well, I'll go with you!" Ling'er said, "Let's go now!"

Chen Yang was stunned for a while, and said, "I'll go alone. It's dangerous there, so you stay here and wait for me to come back, okay?"

"Not good!" Ling'er refused decisively.She said: "Wherever you go, I will go there. If you die, I will follow you. My little sister can accompany you from the parallel world, and I can accompany you to any place, including death."

She spoke firmly, and her eyes were extremely serious.There is perseverance in the clarity!

"But I hope you can live well." Chen Yang said: "You are not only you alone, you also have a younger sister, and a promise. These are all your responsibilities. Your life is not just about me. You Don't you want to seek revenge on Chen Yihan?"

"I don't care, I don't care about anything." Ling'er said.

Chen Yang didn't say anything, he pulled Ling'er up and hugged her tightly again.If you love your wife so much in life, what more can you ask for from your husband?

"Ling'er, do you know? I don't deserve your kindness to me at all. You are a fairy from the Nine Heavens, and I'm just a mortal. I'm greedy and lustful, and I'm full of filth, but you are spotless. How can I deserve you? ..."

"I don't care!" Ling'er still only responded to Chen Yang's three words.

Chen Yang couldn't say anything.

In Shaowei Mansion, at this time, Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu, Qiao Ning, all knew that Chen Yang's life was not long.After Qiao Ning heard the news, she felt so much pain that she couldn't bear to live. How much she wanted to cry, how much she wanted to hug Chen Yang, how reluctant she was...but she still couldn't do anything...

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