The strongest player in history

Chapter 2064 The Tribulation of the Confused Demon Monarch

"Flesh and blood of the devil?" Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "I do need some flesh and blood of the devil to make up for Ling'er's lifespan, but my anger cannot be resolved by the big fate. The big fate is not powerful."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "How do you know that it can't be solved?"

Chen Yang said: "This is a bit complicated, and I can't explain it clearly. But I can feel that the big fate technique can't help the heart fire. If the big fate technique can help the heart fire, I don't need to ignite the heart fire. Monk Linghui ... Well, you know the Emperor of Worms. He also said that the Great Fate cannot extinguish my own heart fire. When I live long enough, it may be able to extinguish other people's heart fire, but it still cannot extinguish your emperor's heart fire. Heart fire. Because your heart fire is too strong. And my heart fire seems to be no different from the emperor's heart fire. At present, I can barely suppress it!"

He went on to say: "Then, it is not too late to get the flesh and blood of the demon king. Please hurry up and dispatch the emperor!"

Xuan Zhenghao nodded, and he said: "The Emperor of Zombies, can I see him? Maybe after discussing with him, I can find a way to save you. I don't believe that you will fall like this."

Chen Yang said: "He is currently recuperating, this time his vitality has been severely damaged."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Okay, I'll go get the demon king's flesh and blood out for you first."

Chen Yang said: "I know that in the eighteenth floor of hell in the Western King Realm, there is a Hunshi Demon Lord."

Xuan Zhenghao's eyes lit up, and he said, "That would be even better."

Chen Yang thought heavily, and then said, "Your Majesty, I'm leaving first."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Okay!" He paused, and then said: "We have finally come to this point. Tomorrow will not be the end, and the day after tomorrow will not be the end."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "I think so too."

Afterwards, Chen Yang left the One Yuan Bridge and left the palace.

After Chen Yang left, Di Xuan came out.

"Did you hear it just now?" Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly, and said, "If you don't get Chen Yang the flesh and blood of the devil, then your previous investment will be in vain."

Dixuan couldn't help being speechless, and said, "I'm on your bandit ship!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled, and then said: "act quickly, don't worry, with me here, your investment will not really go to waste. At least, through this matter, you are on Chen Yang's boat."

"His ship is not what the Great Emperor cares about." Dixuan said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "In the future, you will definitely not feel that way."

Dixuan said: "Forget it, I will go to the Western King Realm first!"

With Dixuan's cultivation, he would travel through three thousand worlds without any major problems.As long as you don't go to Great Thousand Worlds, other places are easy to talk about.

Emperor Xuan successfully arrived at the Western King Realm through the teleportation array of Tianzhou.

Within the Western King Realm, Gaia has already left.Di Xuan came here without any scruples at all.After that, Emperor Xuan went straight to the eighteenth floor of hell.He shot around with his divine sense, and his divine sense spread tens of thousands of miles in hell, and he quickly found the place where the devil incarnate was.

The Demon King of Confusion was trapped by Gaia's Heaven-reaching Religious Monument, and he has been unable to escape.The cultivation base is also greatly reduced!

In that dark and boundless space, there were densely packed runes on the Tongtian Jiejiao Stele, and these runes formed a chain, trapping the Hunshi Mojun tightly.

There are three thousand strands of hair on the head of the Confused Demon Lord, each strand of hair is mighty and unparalleled.

At this moment, Emperor Xuan came before the Hunshi Demon Lord.

"Who is here?" The Confused Demon Lord was drowsy at first, but suddenly, he felt a dangerous aura, and immediately opened his eyes.

At that moment, the Hunshi Demon Lord saw Dixuan.

"A master of the Creation Realm?" The Hunshi Mojun couldn't help but turn pale in shock after seeing Emperor Xuan clearly.During his heyday, he was naturally not afraid of Dixuan.But now, when he saw Di Xuan, he wanted to call him Grandpa.

Dixuan stood proudly, and said to the Hunshi Demon Monarch, "I am the Immortal Emperor Xuan!"

"I don't know!" The Hunshi Mojun said vigilantly: "How did you find this place? What do you want to do?"

Di Xuan smiled slightly, and said, "Lend me some flesh and blood."

The Hunshi Mojun gritted his teeth and said, "Is that why?"

Dixuan said: "That's right!" The Hunshi Demon Lord was very bachelor, and said: "No need to borrow it, I will give it to you!"

Di Xuan was slightly taken aback, then said: "That would be even better."

The Hunshi Demon Lord then chopped off his countless nutritious flesh and blood, and gave it to Emperor Xuan.Dixuan asked for a lot, asking for five hundred catties of flesh and blood.

Dixuan couldn't figure out what these things were useful for, because in his opinion, these flesh and blood were very difficult to domesticate.Once ingested, it is extremely poisonous.

But since Chen Yang needs it, it must be right.

Emperor Xuan treasured it and put it in the ring sumeru.Then he said: "Thank you so much senior, the great emperor is leaving."

That aggrieved Demon Lord of the World!But he was helpless, and finally he couldn't help asking: "Why did you come to me? Who told you to come?"

"His name is Chen Yang!" Dixuan thought for a while, and said, "It seems that he has touched your flesh and blood before."

"It's that little bastard again!" The Hunshi Mojun suddenly realized.He couldn't help howling: "This little bastard has come to grab me over and over again, over and over again, a goddamn bastard, a bastard that is not as good as pigs and dogs! Damn it!"

Di Xuan laughed out loud, and then left.

The sky is full of clouds and clouds, and the flowers in front of the court are blooming and falling.

Shaowei's mansion was very lively, Ling'er was cold-tempered and not good at speaking, so Qiao Ning took care of the matter of recruiting everyone.Although Qiao Ning didn't like doing these jobs very much, she was the only one who was looking for a general among short people.

Ling'er expressed kindness to Qiao Ning, and a conversation started between her and Qiao Ning.

Linger said thank you!

A thank you has made Qiao Ning let go of all her psychological burdens.

Luo Feng, Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu and the others are in Shaowei Mansion.

But at this time, they also felt strange, that is, since the war, they rarely saw Chen Yang.Chen Yang's mood was very cold, which also made them feel strange.

Qiao Ning was worried, but Chen Yang went to the palace and never came back.She also wanted to ask Chen Yang when he came back!

Chen Yang was sitting on a mountain peak, and the setting sun in the sky was like blood.He just sat there all day!

Three days of life, this is already the second day.

Suddenly, he really wanted to be alone.He was afraid of the parting scene, afraid of everyone's reluctance and tears.All of a sudden, he just wanted to find a quiet place to feel a person's death quietly.

He struggled desperately before life and death countless times, and this kind of life made him feel a little tired.

If, God, you really want me to die, then I will do as you wish, okay?

In such silence, Monk Linghui suddenly woke up and immediately asked Chen Yang, "Friend Daoist, how are you doing now?"

Chen Yang smiled wryly, and said, "Fortunately, I feel like I can live another day. When the fire in my heart is extinguished, my life will come to an end."

"Sure enough!" Monk Linghui said.He paused and said, "Why are you so calm?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Maybe, I'm used to it."

Monk Linghui fell silent, and then he said, "We can't give up yet, you can't lose your fighting spirit."

Chen Yang said: "But I am also a human being, and sometimes I get tired."

Monk Linghui said: "For those who have helped you, for your family, relatives..."

Chen Yang said: "If I die, I don't have to think about anything."

Monk Linghui fell silent.

After a while, he said: "Okay, fellow Taoist, the poor monk understands you. It is not appropriate for the poor monk to advise you if you are not in your situation. While there is still some time, do what you should do first. Do it all."

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and then said, "That's right, there are some things that I still have to do."

He then received Xuan Zhenghao's divine sense.

Chen Yang's eyes flashed brightly, and then he flew directly back to Dakang Imperial City.

Inside the Bridge of One Yuan, Chen Yang met Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao gave Chen Yang the flesh and blood of the Hunshi Demon Lord.Chen Yang immediately used the Great Fate Technique to quickly refine many principles in these flesh and blood.

Only the Great Fate Technique can refine the flesh and blood of the Hunshi Demon Lord.

Chen Yang's lifespan was quickly exhausted to only ten years left, but he had already tempered ten Hunyuan Fruits.That's right, after the flesh and blood of the Hunshi Demon Lord has been tempered by the Great Fate Technique, it is the original Hunyuan Fruit.A Hunyuan fruit is 250 years of life.

Chen Yang immediately swallowed ten Hunyuan fruits into his stomach.

Soon, he gained 500 years of life span.At this moment, Chen Yang felt the steady supply of life.However, to increase the lifespan, one still needs the help of the Great Fate Technique.

After being devoured by others, it will only increase nutrition.

Chen Yang refined these flesh and blood one after another. He is almost dead now, and he is not afraid of the calamity fire of the Great Fate Technique.It doesn't matter anymore, everything doesn't matter anymore.

Chen Yang tried his best to refine, and finally produced 20 Hunyuan Fruits!

A Hunyuan Fruit has a lifespan of 250 years. This thing cannot be compared with a Pure Yang Pill.

Chen Yang swallowed it directly. He swallowed a hundred Hunyuan Fruits, increasing his lifespan to 5000 years.

After that, Chen Yang forcibly used the Great Fate Technique to suppress the fire in his heart and make up for the damage to his heart and even his whole body.The Great Fate Technique was activated repeatedly, and the Fate Talisman was constantly activated in Chen Yang's brain.The force of fate in the dark immediately activated.

However, the heart fire began to become more fierce.

Originally, the heart fire had been suppressed by the Great Fate Technique.But after this urging, the fire in my heart actually felt like the fire was taking advantage of the wind.

This made Chen Yang startled and stopped immediately.

"Why is this happening?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui said in a deep voice: "The heart fire is the fire in the heart. When you ignite the fire in the heart, you are burning your willpower. As long as you are alive, willpower will exist. Only when you die, willpower will disappear. Understand?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but said, "But why is the force of fate helpless?"

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