Monk Linghui can be said to have a heart like a mirror.However, he thought of three thousand.

"The power of the world is fighting against the power of the world. With Zhong Chunmou's skill, Xuan Zhenghao is unstoppable. However, the fire formation of Tianlei Fenghuo can burn the power of the world. How difficult it is for the power of the world to be burned , need three thousand. Three thousand virtual immortals, where can I find three thousand virtual immortals?" After Monk Linghui and Chen Yang made it clear, he also fell into deep thought.

Chen Yang is also a smart person, and he immediately understood the main points.

He doesn't have a deep understanding of the power of the world, but he knows the reason for the number of three thousand.

Three thousand worlds, three thousand avenues, three thousand numbers!

Everything is three thousand, and the world is three thousand. There is a reason for this.

Heaven and earth, yin and yang, gossip, Tai Chi, these things are all precious things in the Dao.There have always been few people with great powers in the hands of Westerners.This is because of a very important thing, culture and heritage.Because the Tao is in the east.

After the spiritual power is generated, to exert the spiritual power and magic power to the limit, it is inseparable from spirit, truth, Tai Chi, gossip, yin and yang.Formation and Taoism are the peak of Chinese civilization.

"How could there be three thousand imaginary immortals!" Chen Yang immediately said, "Could it be that he is going to use the boat of one yuan and the pure yang pill to forcibly elevate everyone into the realm of imaginary immortals?"

Monk Linghui said: "That's not very feasible. Time and pills can't make people become virtual immortals, but chance is needed. His forced promotion like this may directly kill a large number of people."

Chen Yang said: "I understand what you're saying, but Xuan Zhenghao always acts after making decisions. Since he wants to do this, there must be his reasons."

Monk Linghui said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Monk Linghui said: "There is finally a glimmer of hope, so what we have to do now is a very simple word, live!"

Chen Yang said: "How to live?"

Monk Linghui said: "Originally, it would be difficult for you and me to stop the power of the Hunyuan Taiji Diagram, but it will be much easier when Miss Linger is here."

Chen Yang said, "Yin Yang spiritual cultivation?"

Monk Linghui said: "That's right! The power of yin and yang absorbs the yin and yang energy of the Hunyuan Taiji diagram. We couldn't resolve the yin and yang energy before because of the attributes of the yin and yang energy. Now it's different, you are also the yin and yang energy. Then With this sacred tree of Wugu Sheji, even if Zhongchun plans to make a move, it will take a lot of effort! Miss Ling'er, well done, well done!"

Chen Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed.Then he was a little strange and said, "Ling'er, Xuan Zhenghao asked you to come, right?"

Ling'er shook her head and said, "No!"

Although she is indifferent, she is not heartless.She did this voluntarily, and even if Xuan Zhenghao didn't say anything, she would come after knowing the situation.Therefore, she didn't want Chen Yang to blame Xuan Zhenghao.

She knew that she was the opposite of her husband.Even if Xuan Zhenghao did this to save him, if he sacrificed himself, his husband would never accept it.

Chen Yang's mind is spinning so fast, he can tell when others are lying.But for Linger's words, he still couldn't tell the truth from the fake for a while.

Then, Linger thought of something and said, "Can we really get the seeds of the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree? If we can get them out, then there is no need to go to war."

"Impossible!" Monk Linghui said immediately from the side.

"I haven't tried it yet!" Chen Yang and Ling'er looked at Monk Linghui together.

Monk Linghui said: "Heaven's way kills robbery, kills robbery! It's impossible not to kill a group of people. If you don't believe me, try it. You've reached this situation before you know it. No one can retreat, fellow daoist, do you think Yuqingmen Don't you want to deal with it peacefully? But they have to get this Xuanhuang God Valley seed. Otherwise, they have no way to explain it to the fairy world."

Chen Yang also knew what Monk Linghui said was right, he frowned and said, "Is this seed going to be with me for the rest of my life?"

Monk Linghui said: "That's not necessarily true. This seed is spiritual. It also knows that only by sticking to you can it survive. When it doesn't need you, you won't be able to keep it!"

Chen Yang was speechless, and said: "I thought I got a big deal, but who knew it would be a big trouble!"

Monk Linghui said: "You can't say that, fellow Taoist, think about it carefully, without this, how many times have you died?"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then felt extremely ashamed.

What Linghui said is indeed correct, this kind of seed has saved her countless times.Not including the various benefits and conveniences brought to oneself.When he met Xiang Yang that day, it was the miraculous effect produced by the seeds of Xuanhuang Shengu, and later in the Western King Realm, as well as in his own body, the small fate, his lifespan was exhausted, and it was also the chaos fruit produced by the Xuanhuang Shengu seeds that saved his life.Even later, I will meet Mrs. Honglian and so on!

I can't just wipe out all the previous credit for the trouble caused by the seed!

After Chen Yang thought for a while, he said, "Linghui, don't say anything else. If you keep this seed, I'm not referring to me personally. Is this seed a good thing or a bad thing for human beings?"

Monk Linghui became stern, and said: "If this kind of seed is left in the hands of fellow Taoists, it is destined to be full of disasters. Especially now that the secret has been revealed. The immortals are afraid that the seed will bring them disaster again in the future. But what about those who want to deal with the fairy world? They will also try their best to get this seed, and they hurriedly said, I am afraid that in the future, Lingzun will send people out from the imperial sky boat, and it will be enough for you to drink a pot. So, From the point of view of the poor monk, if it can be taken down, it is the best ending to hand them over to Yuqingmen this time. It is a kind of fate that this kind of child chooses you. If you can take it down, fellow Taoist, it is called Strange."

Monk Linghui then said: "The poor monk is also very curious about whether it can be removed. So, you'd better give it a try. In case, the poor monk also hopes that the poor monk's guess is wrong."

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Okay, let's not talk much. I really need to practice spiritually with Ling'er to recuperate the messy power in my body recently!"

Ling'er nodded and said, "Okay!"

At the moment, Chen Yang and Ling'er sat cross-legged facing each other.The two began to mobilize mana, yin and yang spiritual cultivation!

But... the first time it failed directly.

The collision of mana made Ling'er's face turn pale.Chen Yang's face was also pale, and his blood was not smooth.

Ling'er looked at Chen Yang suspiciously.

Chen Yang was a little guilty.

Monk Linghui said: "Fellow Daoist Chen Yang, you have too many distracting thoughts. You are worried about something, right? You don't want Miss Linger to know? But if you are so unwilling to be honest, then you will not be able to practice spiritually. If you cannot practice spiritually, you will It is a dead end. Fortunately, they have given them three days now, if they come to attack and kill at this time, we will have nowhere to go."

"I..." Chen Yang was extremely ashamed.

How would he tell Ling'er that he once did something worse than a beast to a woman?

"I..." Chen Yang despised himself.

Ling'er didn't say much, she just held Chen Yang's hand and said softly: "No matter what happens, I won't blame you, don't worry."

Chen Yang said: "Linger, I... well, you will see everything. I'm sorry, Linger, I'm actually a terrible person."

"You are not!" Ling'er said firmly.

Afterwards, the two meditated again.

This time, it worked.

Two strands of mana, one yin and one yang, are completely integrated.At this moment, two different individuals become the same person.Just like blood vessels, the meridians are all linked together, there is me in you, and you in me!

Chen Yang's memory and Ling'er's memory can see everything about each other.

Thus, Chen Yang saw Linger's pain and love, as well as her longing, and her life in Shennong's world.

But Ling'er saw Chen Yang's mind, and saw that he promised the Devil Emperor to save Chen Yihan.I saw how he brought Chen Yihan out.

Of course, Ling'er didn't want to read these things, she had always understood Chen Yang.But she couldn't accept that Chen Yang went with the enemy who killed her grandfather.

Ling'er then saw what Chen Yang suffered in the eighteenth floor of hell.

She saw Ya Zhenyuan gouging out Chen Yang's eyeballs, seeing Ya Zhenyuan slapping Chen Yang, and seeing her forcing Chen Yang to kneel.

At that moment, the anger in Linger's body was fierce and surging!

She had never been so angry.

Ling'er gritted her teeth, she wanted to roar, to fight, to tear Ya Zhenyuan into pieces.

That is her favorite man!

How dare, Naya Zhenyuan dare to treat him like this!

Damn it, damn it!

Soon, Ling'er saw Chen Yang's reversal again, and beat Ya Zhenyuan angrily, so that Chen Yang took Ya Zhenyuan forcibly without reason...

Linger fell silent again.

Chen Yang communicated with his mind and said, "Ling'er..."

"I don't want to listen to you!" Ling'er's voice became cold.

Sure enough, she was still angry.

With a bitter voice, Chen Yang said, "Go, they will let you go. Leave me alone, I'm not worth your time."

Ling'er fell silent.

Suddenly, the mana reversed, like a meridian reversed.

At that moment, Ling'er's face was bright red, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.Chen Yang couldn't help being shocked, he hurried to help Ling'er.With a wave of Ling'er's hand, Chen Yang's hand was thrown away.

"Don't touch me!" Ling'er said coldly.

She had been coerced by Chen Yihan, and she hated Chen Yihan very much.

But the man she loved actually did such a thing.

Linger can accept many things, but she cannot accept this.

Men and women are different after all.

Chen Yang fell silent, and he didn't want to justify anything, since there was nothing to justify.He was wrong about that matter, and he was very wrong.But it was in such a situation, in such an environment and atmosphere, that he did that thing.

So far, it's useless to say anything.

He felt that he was not even qualified to keep Ling'er.

"Amitabha!" Monk Linghui was stunned when he saw the situation of the two of them.

"This...Miss Ling'er, that incident is justifiable!" Monk Linghui couldn't help but said.

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