The strongest player in history

Chapter 2037 Star Lord's Realm

"Star Lord!" Hei Yi Suzhen shouted.

Star Lord's trace appeared on the statue.Star Lord opened his eyes, and he looked at Suzhen in black calmly. "Miss Bai, I didn't expect you to come to me again after a short time. In this world of the heavens, although the Void Primordial Spirit can be formed and manifested thousands of miles away, but you can directly appear here on the earth. First!"

Hei Yi Suzhen clasped her fists and said, "Star Master is overwhelmed, I just got some adventures."

Star Lord said: "Miss Bai, you don't need to speak, I already know the purpose of your visit."

Hei Yi Suzhen was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I almost forgot, the star master has the future master, and everything is under your control."

Star Lord said: "When you come to communicate with this seat, there will be some information in the electronic magnetic current, which will be easily judged by the future Lord."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Since the Star Lord already knows, that's even better. I want to ask the Star Lord a question first!"

"You ask!" Star Lord said.

Hei Yi Suzhen said, "Can you save Chen Yang if you take action?"

Star Lord said: "Yes!"

He said without hesitation.

Hei Yi Suzhen was startled, and she said: "The Star Master is really extraordinary, since you can say yes in your capacity, then I will never doubt the strength of the Star Master."

Star Lord continued: "But this seat will not make a move!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said, "Why?"

Star Lord said: "It's against the rules!"

"What are the rules?" Hei Yi Suzhen couldn't help asking.

The star master said: "The earth has its rules. These are the rules established by the saints and immortals at the beginning. No one can destroy it. I can't go to the earth. This is the first point!"

"You can't go to Earth?" Hei Yi Suzhen was taken aback.

Star Lord said: "No!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "You have the power of the world?"

Star Lord said: "The world power of Mars belongs to this seat."

Hei Yi Suzhen couldn't help being surprised. "So that's it, that's it! Then since you have already cultivated so much, why do you want eternal life?"

"Because this seat has not yet reached eternal life!" Star Lord said.He paused, and said: "Everything has a cause and effect, and some things are just on the surface. Not to mention the essence, it is because the secret is unbreakable. You still don't understand!"

Hei Yi Suzhen took a deep breath and said, "Since this is the case, then I really have nothing to say. Then I want to ask you, will Chen Yang die this time? The future master will definitely be able to figure it out."

"If you don't save him, of course he will die!" Star Lord said: "But this is not calculated by the future Lord, it is what I think. Destiny is nothingness. When the house collapses, run out and stand where you are." , the final fact will be determined by actions and thoughts.”

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Okay, Star Master, I understand. Thank you for your clarification, I'm leaving!"

Star Lord said: "Go slowly, don't send it off!"

Afterwards, Hei Yi Suzhen withdrew her consciousness.

Then, Hei Yi Suzhen returned to the bridge of one yuan. "After contacting the Star Lord, he can indeed deal with the Hunyuan Taiji Diagram of the Yuqing World. However, he will not make a move. He said that he cannot go to the earth. This is the rule!" Heiyi Suzhen said to Emperor Xuan, and Ming Yue Xianzun and Xuan Zhenghao talked about the situation.

After Xuan Zhenghao and others heard the words, Xuan Zhenghao said: "So that's how it is!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Well, let's split up. Dixuan, you start looking for Sanqian Xuxian and gather what you can. I also want to go back to Shennong World now. I want the Great Barrier of Shennong World Remove it first, and then I will rearrange other barriers, and to enter and exit, I have to use the teleportation array!"

Mingyue Xianzun said: "I will immediately go to find other Xuxians, including those in my palace. In addition, even if I catch them, I will catch them everywhere."

Xuan Zhenghao nodded, and said, "Okay, everyone split up. I'm going to communicate with the patron saint of Tianzhou. After that, I may need your help, Senior White!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Good!"

Immortal Master Mingyue thought of something, she couldn't help but said: "There is another key question!"

Everyone looked at Immortal Mingyue.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "It's too difficult to summon three thousand virtual immortals. Moreover, it will take a lot of time. I'm worried that Chen Yang won't be able to last for such a long time."

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "I will solve this problem! Everyone, let's get busy with the things in hand first!"

So, everyone had to leave separately.Immortal Mingyue flew away first!

Later, when Di Xuan was about to leave, Xuan Zhenghao said: "Wait, Di Xuan, you have to stay in the River of Pure Yang."

Dixuan was extremely unwilling all of a sudden, and Suzhen in Heiyi was still watching from the side.

Dixuan was helpless, since he had already agreed, he could only fulfill his promise.Immediately, the River of Pure Yang was sacrificed.

The shape of this river of pure yang is a bead, golden yellow, the size of a fist, filled with golden yellow liquid.

"You bastard, I told you last time that I only have [-] megabytes left. From where did you guess that I still have [-] megabytes left?" Dixuan said a little annoyed.

Xuan Zhenghao took over the River of Chunyang, he smiled and said, "I can fool you, but you can't fool me."

"Damn it!" Di Xuan couldn't help cursing, and said, "I've never met anyone more cunning than you."

In the world of Yuqing, in the Supreme Tower.

Nalan Yunxue said to Ya Zhenyuan: "Master, it is said that the woman in black came again. Patriarch Taixu dispatched the Hunyuan Taiji Diagram, but still let the woman escape."

"The Hunyuan Taiji diagram didn't capture that woman?" Ya Zhenyuan was startled when he heard this.

Nalan Yunxue said: "That's right, the brothers and sisters are discussing. They all said that the woman still has the fairy artifact left by the saint, the map of the mountains and rivers and the country. That woman is related to the saint!"

Ya Zhenyuan pondered for a while, and then said: "What about the saints? Yuqingmen's deal with Chen Yang was based on the order of the immortal world. No one can change this, not to mention that the saints have not appeared for thousands of years."

Nalan Yunxue said: "That's true!"

Ya Zhenyuan was thoughtful, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Nalan Yunxue then said: "Master, tell me, will someone come to rescue that little thief Chen Yang?"

Ya Zhenyuan said: "Maybe it will, but it will not change the ending. Now that little thief has fallen into the Supreme Tower, no one in the world can rescue this little thief. Unless it is the Fashenyuan Jue makes a move, but Fashen Yuanjue will never make a move."

Nalan Yunxue said: "In this way, Chen Yang is dead."

Ya Zhenyuan nodded and said, "Yes, I'm dead. What, you don't want to?"

Nalan Yunxue hurriedly said: "No, Master, what you said, that little thief, I wish he would die. However, this little thief does have something special."

Ya Zhenyuan said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, I'm tired. You should go back too!"

Nalan Yunxue said: "Yes, Master!"

Afterwards, Nalan Yunxue left, and Ya Zhenyuan also returned to the quiet room and sat cross-legged.

In the quiet room, it was extremely quiet.

Ya Zhenyuan is like a stone sculpture.She could clearly feel the heartbeat of the fetus in her womb.

"A vine egg, even Suihan's three friends can't break it open!" Ya Zhenyuan was not at peace, she secretly said: "Chen Yang, this little thief is a shame for me all my life, but I can't hate this little thief in my belly!" The only hope is that the vine egg will be broken as soon as possible. As long as Chen Yang dies, then this secret will be silent forever. Chen Yang, hurry up and die. If I torture you and kill you with my own hands, my child It would be too cruel to say that. Your death at their hands is your best destination and ending!"

Another place in the Taishang Zunlou is the quiet room where the three friends of Suihan are.

This quiet room is quite large, and Daoist Tai Xu and others are sitting in their respective positions.In the middle is that peculiar vine egg!

"I waited for the three of us to work together, but we couldn't break this vine egg!" Daoist Taixuan said, "This is really the most amazing thing in the world."

Daoist Taiqing also frowned, and said to Daoist Daoist Taixu: "Brother, this vine egg is probably the sacred tree of Wugusheji itself. After so many years, this sacred tree of Wugusheji has also evolved, not only for immortals. Now Even we have to be restrained by it! If this goes on, it won't work!"

Daoist Taixu said: "Pindao has already thought of what you said. It seems that Pindao is going to put this vine egg into the Hunyuan Taiji diagram to condense it."

Reverend Taixuan and Reverend Taiqing looked at each other, they wanted to say something, but they held back after all.

Daoist Taixu also glanced at the two of them, and he said: "Poverty knows what you think, the Hunyuan Taiji Diagram is activated once, and the burning pill is too huge. Although our Yuqingmen has enough pills, the consumption is also huge .Therefore, no one is willing to open the Hunyuan Taiji Diagram unless it is absolutely necessary."

Master Taixuan said: "Although I am a bit reluctant, it is worth consuming the elixir in order to destroy the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji."

Daoist Taixu nodded.

He then said: "Since the two virtuous brothers have no objection, the poor way will begin."

"Brother, please use your supernatural powers!" Reverend Taixuan and Reverend Taiqing immediately said respectfully.

Thus, Daoist Taixu began to close his eyes and concentrate.

After a while, he grabbed it with his big hand and opened a hole in the void.

The hole was torn open, and inside the hole was the huge Hunyuan Taiji Diagram.

Afterwards, Daoist Taixu took out a glazed vase, and with a flash of his figure, he entered the Hunyuan Taiji diagram with the vase.

That Hunyuan Taiji diagram is vast and boundless.

After Daoist Taixu entered the picture, he saw that the world was vast and boundless.There is an endless green aura circulating in the sky, and it is said that this is the aura of chaos!

And the ground is an invisible and unimaginable gossip map!

There are no other patterns or things in this Hunyuan Taiji diagram.It is the cyan gas of a world!

Immortal Taixu grabbed the vine egg with his big hand, and caught the vine egg into the Hunyuan Taiji Diagram.

At the same time, as soon as Daoist Taixu turned around, he brought the vine egg to the core formation of the Hunyuan Taiji Diagram...

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