The strongest player in history

Chapter 2030 The Power of Thunder Sword

Chen Yang was also surprised by the changes at this time.

Monk Linghui said: "There is nothing strange about this. Back then, the sacred tree of Wugusheji suppressed the immortals so much that they were in agony. Now that the sacred tree of Wugusheji is reborn, it has been further purified than before. This Xuanhuang Shengu seed can refine all things. , the poor monk just transformed their power with the help of the great spiritual liquid technique and the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley. Daoist friend, you can absorb these powers here. As long as you can't make a move in the middle of the spring, the poor monk can barely support it."

Chen Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He said: "I have always known that the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley can melt all things into one furnace. I never thought that there would be such a magical effect."

Monk Linghui said: "The so-called right time, place and people, if you don't know the Great Devouring Technique, you can't absorb their vitality and strength. This is another opportunity for you, fellow Taoist!"

Chen Yang said: "Haha, good!"

In Fu Zhichen's bedroom, Fu Zhichen used the power of heaven to tear the vine egg continuously, but all his power was like a mud cow entering the sea.

This caught Fu Zhichen's attention.

He immediately took this vine egg to discuss matters with the deputy headmasters and elders in the Yunding Temple.

Inside the Yunding Temple, all the elders and deputy headmasters stepped forward to kill the vine egg, but all the power was absorbed by the vine egg.

Such a strange thing made everyone couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

Elder Wu Yun couldn't help but said: "Could it be that this vine egg is the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji?"

Elder Da Mo immediately said: "But even the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji can't absorb our power?"

Everyone was lost in thought again.

"Could it be..." Ouyang, the head teacher, said affectionately and horrified: "Could it be that the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji has also evolved? Now it can even absorb our power?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but there was no result.

At this time, Fu Zhichen finally spoke.He said: "This matter is indeed very strange. There is no doubt that this vine egg, even if it is not the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji, is inseparable from the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji. We have limited power and limited knowledge. For this matter, we still need to invite the patriarchs who moved the Taishang Tower to discuss it."

It's as if he's set the tone.

Naturally, everyone has no objection.

And at this moment, the mutation happened suddenly.

"Someone is rushing!" Fu Zhichen's expression changed. "Let's go!" He immediately flew out of the Yunding Temple with a flash of his figure.

The elders and the deputy headmaster immediately followed behind.

Including some outstanding disciples who are still in Yuqingmen, they all went up to welcome them.

A group of people, all volleyed and stepped into the void.Above the void is the Yuqing Gate Guardian Formation!

And above the formation, a woman in black stood proudly.

Although the woman in black was beautiful in appearance, she was cold and arrogant.

She was outside the big formation, and Fu Zhichen led everyone inside the big formation.

"Who is here?" Fu Zhichen walked out of the crowd, and he asked the woman coldly with a distance of about a hundred meters.

Fu Zhichen is a peerless expert, and now he is very clear in his heart that the comer is not kind, and moreover, the comer's cultivation base is very high.

The woman in black glanced at Fu Zhichen and the others, and then her eyes locked on Fu Zhichen.

"I am Bai Suzhen from Shennong World!" It was Suzhen in black who came.

Hei Yi Suzhen continued: "You are the head teacher of the Yuqing Sect, Fu Zhichen?"

Fu Zhichen was not familiar with Heiyi Suzhen, so he said in a deep voice, "That's right, this deity is right. Yuqingmen doesn't seem to have anything to do with Your Excellency. What's your purpose here today?"

Hei Yi Suzhen snorted coldly and said, "The person you arrested, Chen Yang, is my friend. Now, I order you to release him immediately. Otherwise..."

Fu Zhichen laughed, and said, "It's really unexpected that this little Chen Yang has such a great friend as Your Excellency. However, it is impossible to let him go. How are you going to treat him? Your Excellency, although you are capable of doing good things, but But Yuqingmen is definitely not a place where you can run wild!"

"Okay!" Hei Yi Suzhen didn't talk nonsense.

"Protect the formation!" Fu Zhichen roared immediately.So all the people cast their mana and shot towards the big formation.Including Fu Zhichen, Fu Zhichen sent the mighty and majestic power of heaven towards the big formation.

The big array of Yuqingmen immediately shone brightly, and the golden brilliance protected Yuqingmen tightly.Even if the thunder strikes down, it will not be able to shake this terrifying formation!

Suzhen in black clothes looks solemn!

At this moment, she just slashed with a sword!

A thunder sword condensed in her hand!

"Great Chaos Lightning Sword!"

Chen Yang's Great Soul Thunder Sword is nothing more than Hei Yi Suzhen's Great Chaos Thunder Sword!

Thunder flashed!

The big array of Yuqingmen shone with golden light, and looked like the sea from a distance.

And Lei Jian's beheading is like cutting off Mount Tai with one sword!


The fierce brilliance was extremely gorgeous, and in the next second, the formation of Yuqingmen was directly torn apart.All the disciples, elders, including Fu Zhichen, all spat out blood and were seriously injured.

Especially Fu Zhichen, his face was extremely pale at this moment.

His body was also crumbling in mid-air!

All the people of Yuqing Sect turned pale with horror.

so horrible!

This woman broke the big formation that Yuqingmen was proud of with a single sword, and also seriously injured many backbones of Yuqingmen.

Is this woman still human?

Hei Yi Suzhen was still very proud, her eyes shot.I saw countless lightning flashes in the sky.

In the next second, Chen Yang saw a vine egg in Fu Zhichen's Ziyang gourd.Moreover, Hei Yi Suzhen also saw Chen Yang inside the vine egg.

Hei Yi Suzhen couldn't help but glisten with joy on her face.She grabbed Fu Zhichen with her big hand.

The hand of thunder and lightning is unparalleled in ferocity!

In front of Hei Yi Suzhen, these people are nothing but ants.Back then, Hei Yi Suzhen killed a bodhisattva with the power of heaven, just like killing a dog.Right now, people like Fu Zhichen are not enough in her eyes.

When Hei Yi Suzhen's big handprint was caught, he saw thunder light.This thunder light is the divine light of the nine-fold thunder calamity. No matter how many laws, the power of heaven touches it, it will be immediately beheaded and turned into ashes.

See gods kill gods, see ghosts kill ghosts, invincible!

Fu Zhichen has always been catching with big hands, and no one can stop him.And today, he finally tasted this taste.When Hei Yi Suzhen's big handprint was caught, he had no strength to resist.

Seeing that the head teacher of Yuqingmen was about to be taken away by Heiyi Suzhen, at this moment, there was finally a response from the Supreme Master Building of Yuqingmen.

"Wait a minute, fellow daoist!" The first person to rush over was Wuxu Daoist from the Taishang Zunlou!

Not needing a real person is the first level of cultivation in the realm of creation.

That Needless Daoist, dressed in a blue Taoist robe and holding a silver floating dust, came from the sky, with a fairy-tale demeanor!

No real person came to the scene in the blink of an eye, and waved his hand.Then I saw the powerful power of creation spurting out of the dust whisk.

With a bang, the power of creation smashed Hei Yi Suzhen's lightning handprint into pieces.

"See Patriarch!" Fu Zhichen and the others saluted Wuxu Zhenren in the void.

Needless to say, with a calm face, "Get up."

Fu Zhichen led the crowd to stand up, Fu Zhichen looked extremely ashamed, and said: "There is no need for the patriarch, the disciples are ashamed..."

Zhenren Wuxu smiled slightly and said, "Supreme Headmaster, you don't need to be ashamed. The person in front of you is not something you can handle."

At this time, there was another person coming from the Taishang Tower.That is Nalan Yunxue!

Nalan Yunxue had been staying with her master in the Taishang Zunlou before, but now she saw something happened at Yuqingmen, so she came together.As for Ya Zhenyuan, she didn't come out.Before her skills recovered, she would never come to meddle in Yuqingmen's affairs.

Nalan Yunxue watched from a distance, whispered to some disciples, and immediately knew that this person was here to rescue Chen Yang.

"What? We broke our large formation with a single sword, and caused the Supreme Being and all the elders to be seriously injured?" Nalan Yunxue couldn't help turning pale in shock after hearing it clearly.

"This little bastard actually has such a friend?" Nalan Yunxue felt that she couldn't believe it.

Looking at a person's achievements and taste, you can also get a glimpse of it from the friends he makes.At this moment, Nalan Yunxue really felt a little...unpleasant.She doesn't seem to be qualified to compete with Chen Yang!

At this time, Wuxu Zhenren and Heiyi Suzhen came face to face.

"Fellow daoist, why are you making such a big move and attacking me at Yuqingmen?" Daoist Wu Needn's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Fellow daoist, poor Daoist, your practice is not easy, so I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise don't blame Taishang Zunlou for being ruthless and wanting to kill you." Take Qingqing's life!"

Hei Yi Suzhen let out a stern laugh, at this moment, her whole body was blowing without wind.

She then said in a cold voice: "Very well, after so many years, I have rarely met someone who dares to talk to me like this. Today, I will take you into surgery!"

"Overestimating one's abilities!" The needless real person snorted coldly.

He shot immediately.

Needless to say, Zhenren really didn't see the reality of Heiyi Suzhen.Because Hei Yi Suzhen is indeed very powerful, but to what extent it is hard to say.She didn't follow the normal path of cultivation. In the eyes of Zhenren Wuxu, this woman didn't seem to have reached the realm of creation.

However, he didn't know what it meant to be a master of the Nine Layers of Thunder Tribulation!

The whisk in the hands of the real Wuwu is called the Bihai Whisk, and with this move, the power of creation pervades.Thousands of silver threads change vertically and horizontally, like thousands of waterfalls in the air, covering Suzhen in black in an instant.

The terrifying power of creation crushes and kills, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!

This kind of power of creation is the existence of breaking many rules in the world.

It is a force that the heavenly masters dare not face!

In the eyes of everyone, they could only see countless snow waterfalls covering the woman in black.

But even faster, with a bang, a sword of thunder and light slashed out.It's like cutting a hole in the sky with a sword!

Great Chaos Thunder Sword!

With just one sword strike, the power of Bi Hai Fuchen, who didn't need a real person, was broken!

No real person can't help but lose color.

He felt the horror of Hei Yi Suzhen's sword!

In this sword, the Chaos Divine Thunder crushed the power of creation...

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