The strongest player in history

Chapter 2023 Confrontation

Ya Zhenyuan decided to keep the child.

The reason for keeping this child has nothing to do with anyone, let alone Chen Yang.If she went to see Chen Yang, she just wanted to kill the child.She didn't think that Chen Yang was qualified to be the father of her child.

She will never tell Chen Yang that she has his child.That is a great shame!

Ya Zhenyuan will not tell anyone who the father of this child is.

Ya Zhenyuan was still willing to stay and did not leave.It's just because she still wants to see if this Chen Yang has a bottom line.

She wanted to see how bad this Chen Yang could be.

Chen Yang soon came to see Ya Zhenyuan.

"Your mana has recovered?" Chen Yang said immediately.

He was immediately alert.

Ya Zhenyuan glanced at Chen Yang, and said coldly: "If I recover my mana, the first thing I will do is kill you."

Chen Yang touched his nose, and then said: "That's true, but your temperament has changed."

He thought for a while and said, "I will take you away tomorrow, and we will go to the Western King Realm."

Ya Zhenyuan snorted coldly and didn't say much.

Chen Yang said: "It's still not safe enough, I'm going to put some restrictions on you!" After he finished speaking, he turned the soul spar and drove a soul hole law into Ya Zhenyuan's brain.

Ya Zhenyuan could have resisted, but she didn't.

"Huh, have mana?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

But he figured it out right away, it was normal to have mana.Because in essence, mana still exists.It's just limited by the mind spar.

Chen Yang knew that Ya Zhenyuan was not something he could control, and his move was also a temptation.If Ya Zhenyuan had recovered his mana, he would definitely not allow him to do this.But right now, the soul law has successfully reached the center of Ya Zhenyuan's brain.As long as Ya Zhenyuan has not recovered its strength, there should be no way to refine it.

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

He had to be careful with Ya Zhenyuan.

After that, Chen Yang went back to practice in his stone room.

He needs to sort out his skills, soul spar.At the same time, we must also carefully appreciate the newly obtained soul spar.

This soul spar is not the same as that of the little spirit witch that Chen Yang got before.This point, Chen Yang is very clear in his heart.

Therefore, Chen Yang did not dare to throw this soul spar into the soul spar.He was afraid that the soul spar would be controlled by this soul spar instead.

Chen Yang now wants to use his power to find out this soul spar.

He sacrificed the mind spar first.

In an instant, with his mana running, the mind spar floated in the stone room.Then, blue light enveloped.

This blue light is the power of the magnetic field. When people are in it, they will soon have various hallucinations.

Like some kind of hallucinogenic drug.

Chen Yang immediately felt a little drowsy, and many messy scenes appeared in his mind.

"What a terrifying soul spar!" Chen Yang was inexplicably surprised.

You know, how cultivated he is now.He felt a little unbearable when he activated the mind spar so slightly, and wanted to sleep.

If you push it with all your strength?

Wouldn't that power be even more unimaginable?

Chen Yang secretly said: "But now there is still a problem. I can't be detached. I can't use it to deal with the enemy and put myself in an illusion. This soul spar is extraordinary, but it was born by the old Jin Wannian. What comes out is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface. What's more, its surface is not simple anymore."

Chen Yang tried several times, but his mana didn't dare to go deep into the soul spar.

In desperation, Chen Yang had no choice but to temporarily give up continuing to study the mind spar.This is undoubtedly an extremely precious spar.

Chen Yang still needs more time to master its power.

On the wasteland, Bolek was quickly captured by Nalan Yunxue and the four demon emperors.Under the strafing of divine sense, Blake has nothing to hide!

Having said that, Black doesn't want to hide either!

The compassion of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva did bring Chen Yang a lot of trouble.

Nalan Yunxue and others intercepted Bolek on the wasteland.

Blake immediately knelt down.

In front of him, these people were like gods.

Black immediately confessed everything honestly, he wanted to see Chen Yang get retribution.So it is even more impossible to hide anything.

Dom Demon King saw that Black was smart, so he smiled and said: "What he said should be the truth, Chen Yang does have this kind of magic. My sister is still controlled by this kind of magic."

"Master has lost his magic power!" Nalan Yunxue was extremely worried.

However, Nalan Yunxue also had joys.

This is the real, official confirmation that Master is still alive.

"In that case, let's go to that hell Bodhisattva to ask for someone immediately." The Hunshi Demon Emperor said immediately.

The Qingwu Demon Emperor said: "But the Hell Bodhisattva's prestige is outside, so go this time?"

The Hunshi Demon Emperor snorted coldly, and said: "So what if he has a great reputation? Let's go together, how dare he not show face? If not, then we will send him to the real hell!"

The four demon emperors come out together, it is indeed possible to walk sideways in hell.

Nalan Yunxue was eager to save her master, so she immediately agreed.

On the wasteland, it has always been night all year round.

In the middle of the night, the Four Great Demon Kings and Nalan Yunxue descended directly in front of the cave.

At the same time, everyone shot with their divine sense.

Nalan Yunxue immediately locked on to Master, and she immediately dashed towards the cave.She wants to rescue Master.

Nalan Yunxue appeared in front of Ya Zhenyuan instantly.

But at the same time, Chen Yang also appeared in front of Ya Zhenyuan.Before Nalan Yunxue had time to say a word to Ya Zhenyuan, Chen Yang grabbed Ya Zhenyuan with a big hand, and grabbed Ya Zhenyuan deep inside the soul spar.

Nalan Yunxue couldn't help being taken aback, and said to herself, "Didn't this guy lose his mana?"

Nalan Yunxue didn't care about other things, and angrily said to Chen Yang: "Let my master go!"

"Impossible!" Chen Yang immediately echoed.

Chen Yang didn't expect Nalan Yunxue to come here just like that. His eyes flickered coldly, and he shot directly.

Chen Yang's mind turned quickly, and he immediately had a new calculation.

Those who are chasing now are those people, he knows in his heart.Aren't they the Four Great Demon Emperors?

He wanted to use Nalan Yunxue to repel the Four Great Demon Emperors, and then let Nalan Yunxue go back to deliver the message.At the same time, he was rushing to the Western King Realm.

The best thing was that after he returned to Tianzhou, he saw that Qiao Ning and Xianzun were safe.

This is Chen Yang's idea.

The prerequisite for completing this idea is to capture Nalan Yunxue first.

Chen Yang instantly cast the Soul Cave!

The blue light flickered in the soul cave, and the soul vortex kept killing.Numerous illusions suddenly appeared in front of Nalan Yunxue.

"Bang!" Chen Yang quickly punched him out.

Nalan Yunxue Cave's middle-stage cultivation in the fairyland couldn't catch Chen Yang's punch.She spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Yang grabbed Nalan Yunxue with his big hand, and immediately held Nalan Yunxue in his fingerprints.He quickly cast the big seal technique to seal Nalan Yunxue's whole body, making Nalan Yunxue unable to move.

Nalan Yunxue looked at all this in disbelief. She was conceited about her cultivation, but she didn't expect that she didn't even take a photo in front of Chen Yang.

In the depths of the soul cave, Ya Zhenyuan witnessed all this.

She officially saw Chen Yang's methods.

It seemed that at this moment, she realized that although Chen Yang had a low level of cultivation.But among the younger generation, they are really the absolute best.

Ya Zhenyuan was also worried when she saw that Nalan Yunxue was injured, but she restrained herself and held back.She knew that Chen Yang would never come to really hurt Yunxue right now.

The four demon emperors did not expect Nalan Yunxue to be so reckless, and when they wanted to follow in, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva had already appeared.

To be precise, it was the golden body of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who appeared in front of the cave.

"Four benefactors, this is a forbidden place for poor monks, please four benefactors to leave!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said lightly.

At the same time, with a flash, Chen Yang also came to the cave, standing side by side with the soul of the Ksitigarbha King.

At this time, how could Chen Yang shrink back.

"Little bitch, so you're here!" The Hunshi Demon Emperor looked at Chen Yang, with infinite chill in his eyes.

Chen Yang grabbed Nalan Yunxue directly, he sneered and said, "I see clearly, she is in my hands."

The four demon emperors couldn't help being surprised when they saw that Nalan Yunxue was subdued by Chen Yang.

The surprise is nothing else, but... this guy's speed is too fast.The four demon emperors knew that Chen Yang was a fierce guy, and he had killed all the masters in the early days of the Tianyu Realm with one sword.But unexpectedly, he was so fierce.

Nalan Yunxue couldn't help feeling ashamed and indignant.

The Hunshi Yaohuang and the others really wanted to take Nalan Yunxue's life and death into consideration. If something happened to Nalan Yunxue again, Fu Zhichen would definitely ask the blame.

At this moment, all deployments have been disrupted.

The Confused Demon Emperor said in a deep voice, "Let Miss Nalan go."

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "If it were you, would you let it go?"

Nalan Yunxue couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said, "Don't worry about me, kill him and save my master!"

This girl is full of her master.Other than that, she doesn't care about anything.

The Confused Demon Emperor and the others couldn't really ignore Nalan Yunxue.

But at this time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva spoke. "Four benefactors, please go back. The little benefactor is here with the poor monk, and no one can take him away. Even the Supreme Lord of Yuqingmen, the person from the Taishang Zunlou, the poor monk wants to protect the little benefactor thorough."

"Do you have this ability?" Hunshi Yaohuang said with his eyes wide open.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said, "Amitabha!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being moved. Although the Bodhisattva didn't talk much, his love for each other was honest.

At this moment, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said to Chen Yang again: "Little benefactor, let this Nalan girl go. There is a poor monk here, and they can't take you away."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

He felt a little embarrassed. Compared with a bodhisattva with such a heart, his behavior was indeed a bit petty.

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