The strongest player in history

Chapter 2007 Advise you to stop

Dom Demon King heard Nalan Yunxue's words, but he was amused in his heart.She knew how cunning Chen Yang was.Probably only a silly girl like Nalan Yunxue would believe this stuff.

The Demon King Dom has always disliked Nalan Yunxue, so of course she will not warn her at this moment.

The evil demon emperor said: "Miss Nalan, have you seen Master? I think that kid has a bad stomach. His words may not be credible!"

Nalan Yunxue was slightly taken aback.

Actually, it's not that she's stupid.It's that she is willing to believe that she wants this result in her heart.

"No, he was the only one present at that time." Nalan Yunxue said.

The Confused Demon Emperor thought of something, and asked, "Where's the other one?"

He was referring to Venerable Lonely of course.

Nalan Yunxue said: "Chen Yang said that Patriarch Du Xing is dead."

The Confused Demon Emperor said: "How does senior Lonely's cultivation compare with respected master?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "I don't know about them. In my eyes, my master and the others are like high mountains. Their cultivation is not something I can tell."

The Hunshi Demon Emperor sighed slightly, and said: "If the respected master is really not dead, but in his hands, then it will be a good thing. Because the revered master is seriously injured, if he lives alone in this boundless hell I'm afraid it will be more dangerous."

Nalan Yunxue said: "No matter what, I must find Chen Yang as soon as possible, and rescue my master from the hands of this despicable person as soon as possible."

The demon emperor said: "We will do our best to help Miss Nalan find Chen Yang!"

Nalan Yunxue nodded and said, "Thank you!"

Then, she said again: "I want to go back to the door first and report the situation of hell to the Supreme."

"Okay!" Said the Hunshi Demon Emperor and others.

Nalan Yunxue then left.

She was anxious to see Fu Zhichen and tell Fu Zhichen that her master was still alive.She hoped that more people would be sent to look for Chen Yang.When necessary, Qiao Ning and Mingyue Xianzun can be exchanged for Master.

At this time, Nalan Yunxue didn't care about anything else.She just wanted to save Master.In her eyes, the lives of Qiao Ning and Mingyue Xianzun cannot be compared with their master.

In the Yuqingmen, Fu Zhichen, the supreme teacher, fell into deep thought in the bedroom.

After a long while, he invited Qiao Ning out of the purple sun gourd.

Qiao Ning is also a smart person. After seeing Fu Zhichen's face, she knew that Fu Zhichen's capture of Chen Yang was not going well.Qiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Fu Zhichen was extremely calm, Qiao Ning knew that if things went well, Fu Zhichen's temperament would be brighter.

"Miss Qiao, please sit down!" Fu Zhichen said lightly.

Qiao Ning smiled slightly and said, "I'm not used to you being so polite to me all of a sudden."

Fu Zhichen smiled faintly, and said, "As a prisoner, Miss Qiao, the courtesy you enjoy should be pretty good."

Qiao Ning sat down and said, "It seems that I have to thank you!"

Fu Zhichen said: "That's not necessary."

Qiao Ning said: "But actually, I didn't offend you, and I don't owe you anything. This is my innocent disaster!"

Fu Zhichen said: "In this world, there are many unreasonable disasters."

Qiao Ning said, "Okay, then what do you want to know when you come to me this time?"

Fu Zhichen said: "I don't know Chen Yang very well. I want to talk to you about him!"

Qiao Ning said: "This topic is not easy to talk about."

Fu Zhichen said: "You can talk freely, believe it or not, that's my business. You can also lie, you can do whatever you want!"

Qiao Ning said: "Keep away the false and preserve the true, you are an expert!"

Fu Zhichen said: "..."

Qiao Ning said, "But wait a minute, I still don't understand one question."

Fu Zhichen said, "Say it."

Qiao Ning said, "Why are you arresting Chen Yang? I know that Chen Yang has many enemies, but what grudge do you have against him?"

Fu Zhichen was slightly surprised, and said, "You don't know the reason?"

Qiao Ning said: "I just guessed something, but I'm not sure."

Fu Zhichen said: "You should know what is on Chen Yang's body."

Qiao Ning said: "I really don't know, there are countless treasures on him. Who knows what you are looking for."

Fu Zhichen said: "The Sacred Tree of Wugu Sheji!" When he said this, he stared at Qiao Ning closely.

Qiao Ning's eyes froze slightly, and she tried her best to hide it, but she still couldn't escape Fu Zhichen's eyes.

"It seems that the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji is really in his hands!" Fu Zhichen said.

Qiao Ning was powerless to argue, she said, "Maybe, who knows."

Fu Zhichen glanced at Qiao Ning meaningfully, then smiled lightly and said, "Miss Qiao, you are also very smart."

Fu Zhichen said: "Chen Yang has indeed come a long time ago, he is in hell. We are looking for him!"

"But I can't find it, right?" Qiao Ning said, "If it wasn't very difficult, you wouldn't have come to chat with me."

Fu Zhichen said: "It's really tricky!"

Qiao Ning said, "Did you lose any manpower?"

Fu Zhichen said: "It's broken a little."

Qiao Ning smiled slightly and said, "That's right."

"Really?" Fu Zhichen said.

Qiao Ning said: "I know, Chen Yang's strength is nothing compared to Yuqingmen's. But Chen Yang has many stories, I don't know if you are interested in hearing them."

Fu Zhichen said, "Say it!"

Qiao Ning said: "Chen Yang has been to many places, he has been to a world called Lost Continent."

"I know this world!" Fu Zhichen said.

Qiao Ning said: "I also heard what he said, and I don't know if it's true or not. But he never brags in front of me. After he went to the Lost Continent, some ancient masters in the Lost Continent died in the end. The Lost Continent reshuffled the cards. Later, Chen Yang also went to a place called Manghuangjing. After going there, a large number of masters hidden behind also died. Chen Yang also went to a place called Shennong World , After going there, the supreme ruler died, and the cards were reshuffled. He also went to a mysterious place called the Chalk World. I guess you don’t know the secrets of the Chalk World. But, I know.”

Qiao Ning talked about the chalk world and Lingzun in detail, and talked about the changes and reshuffle of the chalk world after Chen Yang left.

"Chen Yang has such magical powers. He is not very capable, but he can stir up blood and blood everywhere. I think your place is very secretive. And the ability is also great. I advise you, really, I advise you with good words. Hurry up and release me and Xianzun, so that you will not suffer heavy losses. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will regret it later." Qiao Ning said.

"You mean, Chen Yang will turn upside down the Yuqing Sect of the deity?" Fu Zhichen said lightly.

Qiao Ning said: "I know, you don't believe it. Every world that was disrupted by him in the past, those big bosses didn't believe it at first. But I believe that if they can do it all over again, they will definitely send it away respectfully." Chen Yang. But they don't have this chance, still have this chance. I hope you can seize it..."

"Hahahaha..." Fu Zhichen couldn't help laughing.

"This is the funniest joke I've heard so far!" Fu Zhichen said: "With the cultivation base of you and Chen Yang, in front of the entire Yuqingmen, they are nothing but ants. I really want to see how the ants are doing." Come to shake the elephant. If you can really see it, this deity will feast your eyes and be convinced." He paused, and said: "Of course, this deity knows that there is a perfect enlightenment in the world. But there is a criterion for perfect enlightenment. , Yuqingmen has no intention of harming the earth, so he has no reason to take action!"

Qiao Ning said: "Since you want to think so, then I have nothing to say."

Up and down the Yuqing Gate, although there are masters in the realm of creation, no one owns the world yet.Moreover, even if he owns the world, he won't be the target of Yuanjue's attacks.

The reason why the earth lord was driven away by Yuanjue was because Gaia's power had reached the point where it could break all the rules of the earth.The existence of Gaia on the earth is a huge threat, so Yuanjue directly drives it away.

The conversation between Fu Zhichen and Qiao Ning ended here.

In the eighteen levels of hell, Chen Yang was still in a difficult situation.There is almost no way out!

What he said to Dom Demon King when he left was not a lie, the reason why he was able to survive in the Netherworld and crossed out.It's because he followed the trend of the battle.He is very familiar with formations, gossip, Yin and Yang, so he can follow the trend.

But the Confused Demon Emperor and the others relied on brute force to resist, which would only invite a more terrifying massacre.

Among the eighteen layers of hell, there is a desolation.It seems that there is no human habitation everywhere, only demons are rampant.Chen Yang felt confused here, not knowing where he was.

Here, it seems that even time has stopped passing.

Chen Yang went all the way, hoping to meet Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with shit luck, or find another exit.It was something he dreamed of.

That night, Chen Yang stayed in the soul spar, opened the Jie Sumeru again, and went into the Jie Sumeru to sleep peacefully.

When I fell asleep in the middle of the night, I suddenly heard a sound outside.

And it feels like there are so many people, it seems very lively.

Chen Yang felt that no matter who he met here, it was a happy thing.As long as they are not members of Yuqingmen and the Four Great Demon Emperors.He immediately took away the precepts and the soul spar, and then looked into the distance.

Then, Chen Yang saw a fire ahead.

Chen Yang's Great Celestial Eye Technique unfolded, and he immediately saw that the front was not fire, but something like lights coming out of the city wall.

Chen Yang discovered that there was actually a city in front of him.

The appearance of this city is full of traces of simplicity and history, and the three big characters of ancient Dian city are written on the gate.

Chen Yang felt a little weird. When he was sleeping, he didn't feel that there was a city nearby.Why did a city suddenly appear?

Chen Yang is also a bold person with high skills, so he decided to take a look no matter what.

Anyway, in this hell, it is not unusual for any strange things to happen.

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