The strongest player in history

Chapter 2005 See Yunxue

For the time being, Chen Yang couldn't find a way out.He also saw the supernatural powers of those masters of creation.He felt that although his cultivation base was rising all the way, he felt that the height was getting colder and colder.No matter how many tricks and resourcefulness he has, it seems that he can't use his strength.

No matter what, Chen Yang felt that he had to find a way to leave hell first, and then find a way.

Chen Yang wanted to find a new way out.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is also here, if I can find Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he may be able to help me out!" Chen Yang's eyes lit up when he thought of this.

So, Chen Yang started wandering around in hell.

There are eighteen layers of hell.But to go to No.17, you have to take the correct passage to go up again.Those passages that have been discovered are controlled by the four demon kings.But the undiscovered channel is unknown.This is also the reason why the four demon emperors judged that Chen Yang might still be on the eighteenth floor at most.

Chen Yang is not very unfamiliar with hell. He moved around in the wasteland and encountered many Jedi.He was also trapped in the Nether Jedi several times.In the Nether Jedi, the Nether Blade slashed wildly, and there was no Nether Vortex strangling it.The tearing power of this kind of ghost vortex is comparable to the law of a master in the sky realm.

Moreover, in the more powerful Juezhen, the rules of strangulation are comparable to the heavens, and they are creations.

This is the force of nature.Before the power of nature, tall people are just as insignificant.

Chen Yang used the soul spar to break out several times, but this also left him with lingering fears, and he became more cautious about hell.

Chen Yang also saw the ghost strangle formation that suddenly blew up on the wasteland.It was like a tornado coming from the world.But the Nether Strangling Formation here is even more powerful than the tornado.

He saw countless monsters running away in a hurry, like a million wild bulls running wildly, but as long as they were involved in that big formation, they would immediately be shattered.

When these monsters are crushed, they will become the power of the Nether Formation.

Chen Yang also understood that this was a kind of ecological balance.Rakshasa monsters reproduce too fast. If there is no such control of extermination and natural disasters, I am afraid that Rakshasa monsters will be able to squeeze the entire hell.

Just like many creatures in the world have their own natural enemies.

Chen Yang shot with his divine sense and caught many monsters at the same time.The more he learned, the more he realized that hell was really too big.

The law of space here is infinitely broad, folded and folded, mysterious and mysterious, and wonderful and wonderful.Much larger than the actual area of ​​the earth.

Even Chen Yang did not find Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

He spent a month in hell.This gradually made him feel restless.

"Forget it, don't look for another channel." Chen Yang secretly said: "After such a long time, their vigilance should be lowered. I'll just go to Dom Demon Emperor, control her, and find a way out! "

Chen Yang also knew that it was very risky to do so, and the other party would not be fooled again.But Chen Yang really didn't want to waste time like this.

At that moment, Chen Yang discerned the direction and used the Great Teleportation Technique to walk back.

Walking back and forth this time gave Chen Yang a headache.

He noticed that the hell seemed to be constantly changing, and he couldn't find where the caves of the four great demon emperors were.Maybe it's still flying farther and farther.

Chen Yang moved hundreds of thousands of miles continuously, but he couldn't find any trace of the Four Great Demon Emperors.

During this month, Chen Yang did not give up his efforts.And Nalan Yunxue, together with the Four Great Demon Emperors, was also looking for Chen Yang's location.

During this month, Nalan Yunxue also felt hopeless.

She has a full experience of the four words "finding a needle in a haystack".

For experts like them, even if it is to really find a needle in the sea, it is a breeze.But the difficulty of finding Chen Yang in hell is like finding a needle in the sea for ordinary people.

However, Huang Tian paid off.

On this day, Nalan Yunxue found Chen Yang's trace through the information in a demon's mind while she was shooting with her spiritual thoughts.Nalan Yunxue was overjoyed immediately, and immediately searched for it.

But Chen Yang is like a million miles away.It's still difficult to find, but I have to say that Nalan Yunxue's luck is very good.She still found Chen Yang.

Maybe, this is fate!

Fate came too fast, Nalan Yunxue immediately sent a message to Hunshi Yaohuang and others in his mind, telling them to come quickly.But Nalan Yunxue stopped in front of Chen Yang.

Because Chen Yang was going to move again, Nalan Yunxue was afraid of losing him, so she decided to hold Chen Yang first.

Chen Yang was showing his true colors at this time, he just stopped to catch his breath.Then he saw a figure flash in the air, and the beautiful and icy Nalan Yunxue appeared in front of him.

Nalan Yunxue was wearing a long purple dress. In this hell, she was still out of this world.But at this time, when she saw Chen Yang, her eyes became colder.

"Lin Feng? Chen Yang?" Nalan Yunxue snorted coldly and said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Chen Yang glanced at Nalan Yunxue, but he was also happy.His eyes lit up, and he said, "Miss Nalan, what a coincidence!"

"Unfortunately, I have been searching for more than a month." Nalan Yunxue said.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "It seems that you know everything."

"That's right!" Nalan Yunxue said, "It's in vain that I trust you so much, you liar!"

Chen Yang snorted, and said: "Your words are too heartless. The four demon kings did not conspire with me. They obeyed the order of the demon king. If it wasn't for me, you would have been with your senior brothers. There is no scum left of the same dead."

Nalan Yunxue sneered and said, "So, I still have to thank you?"

Chen Yang said, "Of course."

Nalan Yunxue's eyes turned cold, she didn't have time to talk nonsense to Chen Yang.She said: "Let me ask you, that day when my master came down to fight the Demon Lord, did you see the whole process?"

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, what a smart person he is.Immediately knew the whole story.

"That's right!" Chen Yang said: "Your master and her eldest brother were directly confronted by two demon kings. Your master's elder brother is dead, and your master is lucky. At the critical moment, Tianjun has already made a move. Now that your master is nourishing in my soul spar, she is lucky, if she hadn’t met me, she would have died long ago. Now she is slowly recovering, but I will not give her a chance to fully recover.”

"Are you serious?" Nalan Yunxue's eyes lit up.Although she is older than Chen Yang, in terms of experience, she is like a little white rabbit in front of Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is the real veteran.

"You don't believe me!" Chen Yang said, "I'll ask you a question, and if you answer it, I'll let you meet your master. But don't try to mess around, because once you mess up, I can kill you directly Master!"

"You dare!" Nalan Yunxue was furious: "You dare to touch a single hair of my master, I will make it impossible for you to live or die!"

"Little girl!" Chen Yang dismissed it, and said, "You dare to talk nonsense in front of me just because of your three-legged cat's kung fu. Your elders, who were in the early stage of the Tianyu realm, were chopped to death by my sword. "

"You..." Nalan Yunxue knew that impulsiveness would not solve the problem: "What do you want to ask?"

"Where are Qiao Ning and Immortal Mingyue locked up?" Chen Yang immediately asked.

Nalan Yunxue was stunned for a moment, then said: "Shut up in Yunding Palace!"

"What are you talking about? You won't tell lies. Yunding Hall is the place where you teach and discuss matters. Who can you imprison?" Chen Yang said: "Also, you want to trick me? Your little eyes flickered, I knew you were going to lie!"

Nalan Yunxue blushed immediately, she was not used to lying.And she didn't expect Chen Yang to know Yuqingmen so well.

At this moment, Chen Yang felt a sense of danger in his heart.

"Okay, you Nalan Yunxue, I called for help!" Chen Yang's eyes changed, he snorted coldly, and then immediately used the big teleportation technique to escape.

"Stop going!" Nalan Yunxue could tell Chen Yang to leave.She instantly cast the law of the cave to envelop Chen Yang.

Moreover, Nalan Yunxue was quick to move.The Dihuang Qin was sacrificed directly in the cave law.

The earth phoenix fire surged violently, turning the entire cave into a hellish sea of ​​flames.These flames are so hot that they can instantly melt thousands of tons of steel.

However, Chen Yang didn't care at all.

He is least afraid of fire.

But at this time, Chen Yang was not in the mood to fight, he merged into the soul spar, turned into the black light of the soul, and left Nalan Yunxue's cave in a flash, and flew towards the distance quickly.

Nalan Yunxue immediately chased after her.Her flying skills are also powerful, she bit Chen Yang tightly and held on tight.

At the same time, the Hunshi Demon Emperor, Qingwu Demon Emperor, and the Evil Demon Emperor, Dom Demon Emperor all came.

"Miss Nalan, we are here to help you!" The Hunshi Demon Emperor shouted.

"Everyone stop him, don't let him escape!" Nalan Yunxue also shouted loudly.

So in an instant, the four demon kings intercepted Chen Yang in four directions.

They enveloped everything within a radius of ten thousand miles.Chen Yang fled fast, and they chased him even faster.

"Oops!" Although Chen Yang was conceited, he also knew that once he really fell into this kind of siege, all his plans would be in vain.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly saw the Netherworld appearing in front of him.

Within a hundred miles, the Nether God Blades were strangling all over the sky, as if they were about to tear the entire heaven, earth, and sky into pieces.

Chen Yang broke in without saying a word.

At this moment, Nalan Yunxue and the others also chased after them, and saw the terrifying Netherworld in front of them!

The four demon emperors and Nalan Yunxue surrounded the Nether Juezhen respectively, and they communicated through their spiritual thoughts.

"What should I do?" Dom Demon King asked immediately.

The evil demon emperor said in a deep voice: "The law of the Netherworld is extremely powerful, even if we go in, it will be difficult to retreat completely!"

Qingwu Yaohuang said: "This kid is only in the early stage of the Cave Wonderland. After entering, I think he is dead."

"Who says it's not!" said the evil demon emperor.

Dom Yaohuang felt a little regretful in her heart. After all, she rarely saw such a spiritual young man as Chen Yang.

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