The strongest player in history

Chapter 1986 The Frivolous

Underground monsters have always existed.But no one with great supernatural powers has ever thought of smoothing out the underground monsters.There are some reasons for this. One is that the underground monsters reproduce extremely fast, even if they are calmed down.Not long after, more monsters will be born.Only when the people in the upper realm feel that the monsters below are not peaceful, and there are too many, will they come down and kill a batch.

As for the existence of the Four Great Demon Emperors, they are happy to see their success.They can restrain the rest of the demons!Moreover, the underground is extremely secretive, and there are many dangerous places.Even if the masters of the realm of creation come down, they may not be able to find the traces of the four great demon emperors.Moreover, there is a process of ebb and flow in the ground.The rules of the underground are suitable for monsters.After the great supernatural powers come down, they will be suppressed very uncomfortable.

The four demon emperors are not afraid of the masters above them at all.

There is another key problem for the masters of the realm of creation that will not come down, that is, if the fighting is too fierce underground, causing the eighteenth floor of hell to collapse, then the whole world will be in chaos.It may break the barrier, and countless monsters will climb up.If that step is really reached, the entire Yuqing world will be in chaos!

Over the years, Yuqingmen and the underground monsters have maintained a balance and tacit understanding.

But at this moment, the four great demon emperors suddenly took action against the supreme disciple of Yuqingmen, which is a very strange thing.However, things happen for a reason!

Wei Yunxing raised his voice and said to the four demon kings: "Four seniors, my master is also the grand master of the Supreme Tower. All along, Yuqingmen and the four seniors have a tacit understanding. The reason we wiped out the demons is also because the underground demons breed. It's too fast, which affects the balance. You made a wrong move, we just shot it for you. But why did the four seniors wait to shoot me today? You know, this tacit understanding, the balance is broken, and it is not good for anyone. If my master They are furious, are the four seniors really not afraid at all?"

"Hahaha..." Qingwu Yaohuang laughed again. "You juniors, relying on those old monsters of Yuqingmen, dare to come here, threaten us openly and secretly in front of us. Today, we are going to kill you."

"Today, none of you can get out alive!" the evil demon emperor roared.

"Stop talking nonsense, juniors, die!"

After the four demon emperors finished speaking, they shot together.

The Yin Sea Water cast by the Four Seas Bottle immediately changed, turning into infinitely twisted tentacles and tearing at Nalan Yunxue and the others.

At the same time, the other three demon emperors made their own moves.

The evil demon emperor grabbed Bai Yiyi with his palm, and the huge palm shadow directly grabbed Bai Yiyi in his hand.

"Haha, I'm still a virgin!" The evil demon emperor opened his bloody mouth at Bai Yiyi with a ferocious expression on his face.In an instant, Bai Yiyi was sucked into a mummy, and all of Bai Yiyi's essence was sucked away by the evil demon emperor.

Bai Yiyi, who was at the peak of Xuxian, was like a little chicken in front of the evil demon emperor, without any power to resist.

At the same time, the Qingwu Demon Emperor also slapped the other two juniors to death in the sea of ​​Yin with one claw.

In the end, Nadom Demon Emperor dealt with Nalan Yunxue, while Hunshi Demon Emperor dealt with Wei Yunxing.

The Hunshi Demon Emperor was at the peak of the Tianyu Realm, and Wei Yunxing was directly killed by the Hunshi Demon Emperor before he even had time to snort.

Dom Demon King's tentacles instantly wrapped around Nalan Yunxue.Nalan Yunxue quickly drove the Dihuangqin, and the endless Dihuanghuo turned into a phoenix fire sword to cut off the tentacles.

After all, the Demon Emperor Dom is only in the early days of the Sky Realm!

And the Dihuang Qin is a high-grade Taoist instrument!

All the demon emperors succeeded in one blow, only the demon emperor Dom was unsuccessful.This made Dom Demon Emperor extremely annoyed, and at this critical moment, Chen Yang took action extremely decisively.

Chen Yang didn't wait for the Dom Demon King to make a second attack, and suddenly burst out.

"Great Soul Thunder Sword!" The soul spar turned into the Great Soul Thunder Sword, fiercely beheading Dom Demon King.The Demon King Dom was caught off guard, and couldn't help turning pale in shock.She quickly drove the Four Seas Bottle, and countless tentacles densely entangled the Great Soul Thunder Sword!


The Great Soul Thunder Sword cut all the tentacles into pieces with one strike.

The Demon King Dom flashed his body and hid in the corner of Yinhai.Nalan Yunxue also fled quickly. As soon as she dodged, Chen Yang attacked from behind.

"Come in!" Chen Yang drove the soul spar over and grabbed it with his big hand.

Nalan Yunxue knew that this person was helping her, so she didn't resist.Chen Yang grabbed Nalan Yunxue into the soul spar, then turned it into a black light of the soul, and rushed out of the sea of ​​darkness in a flash.

Although this sea of ​​yin was powerful, it couldn't stop Chen Yang's soul spar.

To escape this time, Chen Yang did not flee upwards, but instantly cast the Great Teleportation Technique to go thousands of miles away.

At the same time, he directly found a monster, transformed it, and burrowed directly into the belly of the monster.

After that, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yang made the move at the right time.

At this moment, Chen Yang really believed in the invisible way of heaven.

Because, if Nalan Yunxue was caught by other demon emperors, Nalan Yunxue might not be able to resist.Among the four demon emperors, Demon Emperor Dom is the weakest.

If Nalan Yunxue died, Chen Yang's plan would be over.

The rest of the people were not of Nalan Yunxue's value.Including Wei Yunxing, Wei Yunxing did not receive as much attention as Nalan Yunxue.Wei Yunxing's master just managed to climb into the Supreme Tower.

At the same time, starting from Wei Yunxing is much more difficult than starting from Nalan Yunxue.

It is much easier for men to deal with women, both emotionally and attractively. This is something that has to be admitted.

When the four demon emperors shot together, Chen Yang also followed suit.He was caught off guard.

As soon as Chen Yang escaped, the four demon emperors reacted.They chased and killed him immediately, but no matter how they shot with their divine sense, they couldn't find any trace of Chen Yang.

When the soul spar was hidden deep in the past, even the elders of the chalk world could not find it.Not to mention these demon emperors.

Moreover, today's soul spar is more powerful than before.

In the belly of the demon, in the soul spar, Nalan Yunxue was still in shock.

She felt that the sense of crisis seemed to be lifted, so she immediately looked at Chen Yang and asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

Chen Yang gave Nalan Yunxue a cold look.

I have to say that this Nalan Yunxue is really noble and beautiful, wearing a long purple dress, like a fairy out of dust.She also has a cold aura about her.It was like Chen Yang's temperament when he first saw Lan Ziyi regain his identity as the Phoenix King.

certainly.In Chen Yang's mind, Nalan Yunxue was incomparable to Lan Ziyi.

Chen Yang was no longer the Chen Yang he was back then. Standing in front of Nalan Yunxue, his aura was not weaker than hers in the slightest.

Nalan Yunxue knew Chen Yang, and Xiang Yang imitated Chen Yang's appearance with Yuanshen.But right now, Chen Yang changed his appearance with a polymer mask, and Nalan Yunxue naturally couldn't recognize him.

What's more, Nalan Yunxue never dreamed that Chen Yang would lurk here.

"Obviously, I'm your savior." Chen Yang said lightly, "If it's a little later, your life will end with your brothers and sisters."

Nalan Yunxue was suddenly terrified, she knew that what Chen Yang said was true.

"Thank you for saving your life. If there is a chance in the future, Nalan Yunxue will definitely repay you generously!" Nalan Yunxue said immediately.

Chen Yang immediately smiled and said, "Any kind of reward is fake, why don't you promise it with your body. Our cultivation bases are equal, and we are also matched!"

"Presumptuous!" Nalan Yunxue was furious.Her beautiful face was a little rosy.

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "It's fine if you don't want to."

He said that on purpose.

When strangers are together, if the other party only shows good intentions, it will make people suspicious.So Chen Yang tried his best to be frivolous, which would actually make Nalan Yunxue feel more at ease.

Nalan Yunxue looked at Chen Yang and said, "Are you human?"

Chen Yang said, "Nonsense!"

Nalan Yunxue said: "Who are you, why are you here? And why did you appear by such a coincidence?"

"It's none of your business!" Chen Yang said, "You bitch, I didn't ask you to spread anything. You acted like interrogating a prisoner. If I got angry, I'll throw you out and let that A few demon emperors found you and sucked all your essence. I can see your junior sister clearly, such a beautiful little girl, was sucked into a mummy in an instant. Think about it, you are a mummy, how good is it? ?”

"You...!" Nalan Yunxue was really scared, she immediately said: "Sorry, I was paranoid."

Chen Yang said: "Hey, it's really boring here. I used to hide here well, but now I'm being missed. It's all your fault!"

Nalan Yunxue said: "My name is Nalan Yunxue, and I am the saint of Yuqingmen. I don't know how to call you?"

"Do you want to know my name?" Chen Yang looked at Nalan Yunxue, smiled and asked.

Nalan Yunxue was a little depressed, she then said: "If you don't want to say it, forget it."

"You kiss me, and I'll tell you my background!" Chen Yang said.

Nalan Yunxue couldn't help but blushed, she said angrily: "Your Excellency is also a master of the generation, why are you speaking so frivolously? This is not your proper realm. Or are you trying to cover up something?"

Chen Yang shuddered when he heard the words, this little girl is really alert!

Chen Yang also realized that he seemed to have acted a little too much.

He reacted so quickly, and immediately said: "You little girl, you know nothing. If you were trapped here for decades, you would be so boring."

"Have you been trapped here for decades?" Nalan Yunxue said in surprise.

Chen Yang said: "That's right, I was originally from another world, you know the Western King Realm?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "I know that."

Chen Yang said: "I came in from the underground of the Western King Realm. At that time, I was avoiding the pursuit of the enemy. I don't know what happened, but I ran here by mistake."

"Your Excellency, you can leave here through my Yuqing Gate." Nalan Yunxue said immediately.

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