The strongest player in history

Chapter 1983 Generous Death

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "If you hand over the seeds of Xuanhuang Shengu, you can exchange Qiao Ning and Xianzun back, there is no problem at all."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "But you can't hand it over, because the Xuanhuang Shengu seed has already merged with you. If you take the seed, you will die along with it."

Chen Yang was a little irritable, and said: "If you die, you can fucking die, this damn calamity, damn heaven. I won't play with you anymore!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Calm down first. The seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley are also spiritual. The last demise may have taught this seed to behave. That's why it will become one with you!"

Chen Yang said: "It's useless not to mention these things, I must quickly rescue Qiao Ning and Xianzun."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I can only provide you with information, Chen Yang, this imperial city of Dakang, my wife and children are all in this imperial city. I am selfish, but I want to protect them and protect them. More importantly, Yes, my Heavenly Dragon Babu Pagoda cannot leave the imperial city. I have spent a lot of effort to integrate this magic weapon into the imperial city. Once it is separated, its power will be greatly reduced. Moreover, all the painstaking efforts are in vain. And Even so, I can't help you. Because you know in your heart that among those people, there are still masters in the realm of creation. This is not something that can be filled by just a few people, so I can't help you."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, I understand!"

He gradually calmed down at this time.

He also knew in his heart that Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help.He was relying on the Emperor Changsheng to save people, but now it seems that this is impossible.Then, Chen Yang has to rely on himself now.

"I need enough materials and information!" Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Okay, I can provide it to you. Moreover, I also have a way to send you in secretly!"

Chen Yang said: "That would be great."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "But... if you go in, not only may you not be able to save the person, but you may also be close to death! Have you thought about it?"

Chen Yang said: "Didn't you narrowly escape death when you entered the world of chalk? It took a risk to save a few white-eyed wolves, but today I am going to save my wife, so I have nothing to say."

"You can do anything for your wife. In this regard, I am the same as you!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang said: "Well, I don't blame you anymore. After all, you and I have different positions, and you have your responsibility. I have mine!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "When I am alone, life and death are my own. I can act rashly, and I can be brotherly. But when I have a wife, children, and subjects in this world, what I do Any decision you make is not a decision made by one person!"

Chen Yang said: "Tell me about that world in detail, I'm going to make a plan before going to that world."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Okay!"

He paused, and said: "That world is extremely secretive, so secret that I have never discovered it. If it weren't for this time, they have taken repeated actions and revealed their whereabouts. I don't know until now. There is such a powerful force left on the earth! This force is called Yuqingmen."

Xuan Zhenghao continued: "The immortals chose to immigrate to Kepler's fairyland in order to avoid the heavenly way of the earth. The immortals enslaved the planet Kepler, but they encountered resistance. Kepler's young Yuan came to the earth to find the immortals. The nemesis of the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree. Immortals were hit hard. Later, the immortals figured out a way, so they cultivated humans on the earth. Humans are not afraid of the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree. A lot of hard work. Many masters stayed in the fairy world, while some low-level ones stayed on the earth to continue their cultivation. Their sect is called Yuqingmen!"

After Xuan Zhenghao finished speaking, Chen Yang knew it in his mind.

This Yuqing world is more dangerous than the chalk world.The time in the chalk world is still young, but the Yuqing world is an existence inherited by immortals.

Although the cultivation base of the Yuqingmen who stayed on the earth was still low, they had the resources and inheritance of immortals. After so many years, they have developed into giants.

Chen Yang also finally understood one thing, to go to Yuqing World to save people.He can't call anyone for help, not even Hei Yi Suzhen!

Because this matter cannot rely on force attack at all, it can only be outsmarted.

Chen Yang began to calculate.

He kept calculating!

"For this matter, you can't call big brother, second brother, or Fu Qingzhu. They have gone, and they will die in vain. Call Bai Suzhen? Can she deal with those masters of the creation realm? Although Jialan Temple is already very powerful, no matter how many masters encounter the creation realm Experts are all dead ends."

"I can't find anyone, I can only go by myself!" Chen Yang thought for a while, and finally made a decision.

Don't involve your friends in this extremely dangerous matter.If there is any danger or danger, let me, Chen Yang, bear it all by myself!

"It's a pity that Monk Linghui didn't come out. I don't know what happened to him. If he is here, he will definitely give me a lot of advice."

Chen Yang had no other choice. Monk Linghui had completely lost contact with him, so he was helpless.

Xuan Zhenghao asked Chen Yang to go back to Shaowei Mansion first, and tomorrow he would help Chen Yang enter Yuqing World.

Although Chen Yang was burning with anxiety, that was all he could do.

Afterwards, Chen Yang returned to Shaowei Mansion.

Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen had been waiting for Chen Yang to come back.

After Chen Yang returned to Shaowei Mansion, he had a secret conversation with the two women in the room. "I have already found out who took them away. I also know the purpose of the other party. I will rescue them tomorrow, so you don't have to worry. I can assure you that I will rescue them safe and sound. come out!"

Of course, Chen Yang can guarantee it, because he has the trump card in his hand, which is the seed of Xuanhuang Shengu.

However, he couldn't guarantee his own life.

"We'll go with you!" Li Tianruo said.

Jian Hongchen also said: "That's right!"

Chen Yang glanced at Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen, and then said: "You can't go." He continued: "It's useless to go."

"Chen Yang, I don't like to hear your words." Li Tianruo said immediately: "Yes, your cultivation base is progressing rapidly, far surpassing Hongchen and me. However, we can still help a little. "

Chen Yang said: "Don't be stupid, I will go out of my way."

"It's better to be wise, don't you think my senior sister and I are not smart enough?" Jian Hongchen said immediately.

Chen Yang said: "That's not the case." He was a little annoyed, and said: "I have my own plan, and you have seen it, and even the Immortal Venerable has no resistance in their hands. Taking you there is just a burden. Wait here!"

Chen Yang's words are beyond doubt.

His majesty is getting stronger and stronger.

Jian Hongchen wanted to say something else, but Li Tianruo stopped Jian Hongchen.Li Tianruo said in a deep voice: "We know the danger of going. Since you are determined, then... take care!"

Chen Yang nodded.

This night, Chen Yang did not practice.He sat on the roof of Shaowei Mansion, quietly looking up at the starry sky.

The night in the imperial city is very lively and prosperous, there are lanterns everywhere, and there are laughter and laughter.

The style here is completely different from that of Yanjing.

Chen Yang let out a long breath, he didn't know how long he could see the world.Perhaps, there are not many such Langlang starry skies.

He thought that there would be a leisurely time for him.

But he didn't expect that the way of heaven was so terrifying, and such a monstrous crisis was arranged for him so soon.

"Can I still get through it?" Chen Yang had no idea.

Now he has no beginningless idol, and without the help of monk Linghui, he feels that his future is bleak.Although he is conceited and smart, he has countless tricks.But he also knows that in front of real power, all wisdom, skills, and tricks are just a joke.

One power down ten sessions!

However, no matter how dangerous it is.At this moment, Chen Yang didn't have the slightest intention of retreating. Even if it cost his life, he would definitely rescue Qiao Ning.

The next day, at dawn, a door to the void appeared in Chen Yang's room.Xuan Zhenghao's voice came. "Come in!"

Chen Yang jumped up, and then walked in.

He slept with his clothes on.

After entering, you will arrive at the bridge of one yuan.

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice: "The world of Yuqing is extremely secretive. I asked Dixuan for help, and he used the compass of the past life to combine with my magic book, and finally made a door for you to enter the world of Yuqing. You will not know , Unknowingly entered the world of Yuqing. Besides, this is a jade talisman!" He threw Chen Yang a jade pendant with countless runes on it.

"If you want to come back, crush the jade talisman. Zhen will wait here day and night, and open the passage for you to come back in time!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang took it, he took a deep look at Xuan Zhenghao, and said, "Thank you!"

Xuan Zhenghao said in a deep voice, "Take care!"

Chen Yang nodded.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Are you ready now?"

Chen Yang said: "Ready!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If you change your mind now, there is still time!"

Chen Yang said: "You know, I will never change my mind."

Xuan Zhenghao sighed slightly, and said: "It's Chen Tianya's good fortune to have a son like you. Don't worry, if something happens to you, I will take care of your worldly affairs."

"Thank you!" Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "If you find that something can't be done, come back immediately, let's think about it later!"

Chen Yang said: "I will!"

Therefore, Xuan Zhenghao cast his mana immediately.

In the void, the phantom of the Compass of Rebirth and the phantom of the magic tome merged together, and finally the mysterious mana formed a door.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Go in!"

Chen Yang nodded, and entered the mysterious door in a flash.

After Chen Yang entered, the mysterious door disappeared.And Chen Yang felt that he had entered a passage, a dark passage, but it was very short.Then, his body was weightless.

Others are in the air, and below is the prairie.

Chen Yang quickly fell freely downwards and fell away.

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