The strongest player in history

Chapter 1980 Changes in the Moon Palace

Su Yanran's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, and she has reached the early stage of the tenth heaven.

Chen Yang is like a super outlet, and those who become friends with him have gained huge benefits and progress in the future.

Su Yanran was very attentive to Qiao Ning, and when she saw Qiao Ning, she led Qiao Ning into the inner hall of Tianchi Pavilion to talk.

"What, you want to see the Great Emperor?" Su Yanran was shocked when she heard this.

Qiao Ning was also a little embarrassed, and said: "If you can't do it, you can't do it, can you not have such a big reaction?"

Su Yanran smiled wryly, and said, "Grandma, you really think highly of me. Is the Emperor Changsheng the one I can see? I'm just a punk in front of his old man."

Qiao Ning said: "I don't have any hope, but just ask casually, don't feel pressured."

Su Yanran said: "The key is, what do you want to do?"

Qiao Ning said: "It doesn't matter if you don't talk about it, please do me another favor."

Su Yanran relaxed, and said, "Tell me, I can do it, and I will never refuse."

Qiao Ning said: "Chen Yang is in Yanjing in the Great Thousand World, you can think of a way, send someone to call him over. Tell him that I have something urgent to find him, and by the way, let him pay attention to safety. Before I..."

Qiao Ning told about Ouyang Duoqing she met and the killing of Xiang Yang.

"This matter is very important, you must tell him everything." Qiao Ning said.

Su Yanran said: "Okay, I understand. I'll take care of this matter right away. There are also people from us in the Great Thousand World."

Qiao Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

She then left Tianchi Pavilion.

The matter of Mingyue Xianzun's injury was a big secret, and Qiao Ning knew it well, so she would never leak it out at will.

Qiao Ning was heartbroken and didn't know how to help Immortal Mingyue.

After so many things, she, like Chen Yang, has long regarded Mingyue Xianzun as a good teacher and helpful friend.Now that Xianzun's life is in danger, Qiao Ning has to worry.

Qiao Ning couldn't find Chen Yang in person at this time, she was afraid that she would become a target after going out.Moreover, with her current cultivation at the peak of the tenth heaven, it is already a bit dangerous to enter and leave the Great Thousand World.She is not the fate of the destiny!

Qiao Ning returned to Shaowei Mansion soon.

Mingyue Immortal is meditating in his room.Qiao Ning went directly to see Immortal Mingyue, and before she got close, she heard Immortal Mingyue coughing violently.

Qiao Ning was taken aback, quickly pushed the door in, and closed the door with her backhand.

Mingyue Xianzun sat cross-legged on the bed, her face was red, and there was blood at the corner of her mouth.She glanced at Qiao Ning, then fell on the bed and passed out.

"Immortal Venerable!" Qiao Ning was startled, and stepped forward quickly.She immediately probed for the pulse of the Immortal Venerable, and after this probe, she was even more shocked.

At this time, two forces were fighting in Xianzun's body.This power is a fight of blood and mana.There is a power of the soul in the blood, and there is a power of the soul in the mana.

Inside the body of the Immortal Venerable, it was surging like mountains and seas, and it never stopped.

"It's no wonder the Immortal Venerable keeps vomiting blood. Except for Chen Yang's body, how can anyone else bear this kind of injury!" Qiao Ning was anxious, but there was nothing he could do.Because Xianzun's body is an internal struggle, outsiders can't intervene at all.This is also the most difficult part, the power of the soul is embedded in the mana of the immortal, in the blood, in the bones, and it is difficult to remove.

Qiao Ning could only worry on the sidelines.

At the same time, she felt that fate was impermanent. She remembered how beautiful and invincible the immortal was at the birthday banquet that year.But now, Xianzun is so weak that a child can kill her.

Qiao Ning waited patiently for about an hour.

At this time, it was already dusk outside.

The golden sunlight shone in, making the room seem to be dyed with a beautiful golden layer.

And the Mingyue Immortal Venerable on the bed is no longer that strong, with a hint of poignancy.She sat up, pale.

"Xianzun, how is your health?" Qiao Ning asked immediately.

Mingyue Xianzun smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, I won't die for a while."

She managed to get out of bed and stood up.As soon as he stood up, he fell back down.

She smiled wryly and said to Qiao Ning: "I never thought that one day I would be as weak as a sick little girl, and I couldn't even stand firmly."

"Xianzun!" Qiao Ning couldn't help but feel sad: "You will definitely get better."

Immortal Master Mingyue waved his hand and said, "I know my own business. This time, it's probably my fate. I'm doomed!"

Qiao Ning said: "You will definitely be lucky."

Immortal Mingyue glanced at Qiao Ning, but she didn't ask any more questions.She knew that if it would be useful to ask the emperor, Qiao Ning didn't have such an expression at this moment.

Qiao Ning couldn't help but said angrily: "This Xuan Zhenghao is really ruthless. Hmph, they are both husband and wife with such tempers, and Chen Yang can't forget them every time something good happens. But as long as we need their help, They will always avoid seeing them. It is better to give those things to the dogs than to them! At least, the dogs will come and wag their tails a few times!"

Qiao Ning seldom spoke so harshly, but this time she really couldn't help it.She was not afraid of being heard by Xuan Zhenghao.

Mingyue Xianzun couldn't help smiling, and said: "Chen Yang couldn't find him for help, let alone you and me. This is expected, that's all, I don't believe he has a solution."

Qiao Ning said, "Then what's your plan next?"

Mingyue Xianzun said lightly: "Wait to die, but I will not stay in the Dakang Imperial City. I will find a place to die with dignity."

She paused and said, "I will go back to Mingyue Palace first!"

Qiao Ning said: "Wait, please. I have already contacted Chen Yang. Chen Yang will be here soon. He can always create miracles, can't he?"

Mingyue Xianzun nodded and said, "Alright then!"

Mingyue Immortal Venerable's injury doesn't happen all the time, and when it doesn't happen, she will be very strong.

Qiao Ning talked a lot with Mingyue Xianzun, and Mingyue Xianzun also gave Qiao Ning a lot of advice.That night, the two talked happily.

While talking at night while holding candles, Qiao Ning found fine wine.Immortal Master Mingyue talked about how she betrayed her master before and so on. Her life was full of adventures and legends, and she had always been rebellious and never bowed her head.

Even now, she is dying.He is also absolutely unwilling to beg.

Mingyue Immortal Venerable has been proud all his life.

Qiao Ning also talked about her hardships along the way. Everyone has had a difficult past, and they have also had a glorious past.If you look carefully, you will find that everyone's life is a wonderful drama.

At this moment, Mingyue Immortal Venerable's complexion suddenly changed.

This time it was not because of an injury attack, but a change was felt.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Ning immediately asked Immortal Mingyue.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Something happened to Mingyue Palace, I have to go back!"

Qiao Ning was surprised immediately, and she hurriedly said, "I'll go with you."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "No need, it's safest for you to stay in the imperial city." After she finished speaking, she immediately cast the big teleportation technique and left.

Qiao Ning didn't care about other things, so she was not loyal, greedy for life and afraid of death.Immediately, Qiao Ning also used the big teleportation technique to follow.

Mingyue Xianzun directly tore open the formation of Dakang Imperial City and left quickly.

Qiao Ning followed closely behind.

There was a ripple in the moat of the Dakang Imperial City, but it was quickly repaired.

The role of the guarding formation is usually greater than that of protection, not to mention, there is no suspense for Mingyue Immortal Venerable to make a sudden move.

But obviously, the departure of Immortal Master Mingyue and Qiao Ning has alarmed Long Wei, and it has been recorded.

From Dakang to the overseas Mingyue Palace, the distance is tens of thousands of miles.But Immortal Mingyue and Qiao Ning arrived in no time!

A bright moon hangs high, and the sea is silver-gray.

Mingyue Palace is on an isolated island, and its lights are like a lighthouse on the sea.

Immortal Mingyue stood in the void, and Qiao Ning followed immediately.At this time, a figure flickered in the sky above the Mingyue Palace.Then, a man in white appeared.The white-clothed man carried two people in his hand, they were Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen.

Li Tianruo Xuxian's early stage cultivation, Jian Hongchen's tenth heaven peak cultivation, these two women are such characters, but at this moment in front of this white man, they are like chickens, without any ability to resist.

"Who is it?" Mingyue Immortal Venerable immediately became vigilant when he saw this man.

This Mingyue Palace has a powerful palace guard formation, and there are many masters.There are even veterans and masters, but at this moment this man seems to be in the land of no one, which is too terrifying.

At the same time, Mingyue Immortal also felt that the aura of this man was extremely ethereal and grand.It seems that in front of this person, he is also small.

Immortal Venerable Mingyue felt timid in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel timid.

She had never encountered such a powerful existence as the man in front of her.

To be precise, it's not that she hasn't encountered it before.Back then, the demon lord of the world and the lord of the earth, Gaia, were more powerful than the people in front of him.But at that time, Mingyue Immortal Venerable had never confronted him head-on.

"You, the Mistress of Mingyue Palace who killed Xiang Yang, Xiao Mingyue?" The man in white glanced at Mingyue Xianzun and asked indifferently.

Immortal Venerable Mingyue said in a deep voice, "That's right!"

Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen looked at Immortal Mingyue, feeling ashamed immediately.Li Tianruo said: "Master, disciples are useless!"

Immortal Master Mingyue waved his hand and said, "I don't blame you!"

The man in white looked at Qiao Ning again and said, "You are the Silver Shark King, Qiao Ning?"

Qiao Ning didn't deny it either, and said, "That's right, but you are...?"

The man in white said, "Fu Zhichen!"

Impressively, it is the Supreme Master of the Yuqing School, Fu Zhichen, a master in the mid-stage of the Celestial Realm!

Absolutely domineering, powerful existence!

Neither Immortal Mingyue nor Qiao Ning had heard of Fu Zhichen.But Mingyue Xianzun also knew that this person was too powerful, she said to Qiao Ning in a deep voice: "I will hold this person, you go back to Dakang Imperial City immediately!"

Qiao Ning said in a deep voice: "I will advance and retreat with the Immortal Venerable!"

"Don't be stupid." Mingyue Xianzun said.

"There's no need to argue, you all come with me!" Fu Zhichen released Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen directly.

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