The strongest player in history

Chapter 1972 Shocking News

Luo Qingxin said: "Yuanjue saw my existence at a glance, do you think Star Master can't see it? He saw it but didn't say a word. This shows that he already knew about it!"

Luo Feng shuddered.He immediately said: "Then do you think Xingzhu and Yuanjue are the same person? We have never seen Xingzhu's physical body."

Luo Qingxin said: "I'm not sure about this, but... it shouldn't be possible! I'm afraid the star master's cultivation is not inferior to Yuanjue. Yuanjue is already unparalleled in the world. If a primordial spirit It's so horrible, it's impossible."

Luo Feng said: "It's really a mystery!"

Luo Feng and Qin Lin live in Tingyuxuan, while Chen Yang lives in Tingtaoxuan.

Lan Ziyi was obviously still awake.Chen Yang didn't ask Star Master any more. To save Lan Ziyi, he had to awaken the seeds of destiny in his body.But he tried a lot, but to no avail.

The Hall of All Stars has become lively, and all the people of destiny have returned.

After several years of missions, the Mandate of Heaven has been reshuffled.

The death rate was very high, 38 people died in total.Five Kings of Destiny also died, and Lan Tingyu was one of them.

These data are telling Chen Yang and others that you are indeed will die too.

Luo Feng, Qin Lin, and Chen Yang said that what Luo Qingxin said was the connection between Yuanjue and Xingzhu.Qin Lin said: "I will continue to study the Star Master's Notes and Shanhaizhu, I believe that I will be able to solve this mystery sooner or later."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "It's not a matter, and it doesn't have much to do with us."

Qin Lin and Chen Yang also smiled.

Afterwards, Chen Yang went back to Ting Taoxuan first.Lin Yasi and Lin Yarong were also happy to see Chen Yang come back.Chen Yang didn't have much affection for these two maids, but they were always very caring.This made Chen Yang feel sorry for him.

But at this time, Lin Yasi and Lin Yarong told Chen Yang a piece of news.

They are very happy.

"Young master, do you know? We can go home soon. Star Lord will give us a generous reward." Lin Yasi said.

"Go home?" Chen Yang was slightly taken aback.

Lin Yasi said: "Not only are we going home, but all the maids, servants, and envoys of the Hall of Stars will also be sent away. Maybe, my son, you can go home too."

"What?" Chen Yang was taken aback.For a while, he was also a little uncertain.

"Is what you said true?" Chen Yang asked Lin Yasi and Lin Yarong loudly.

The two girls were taken aback by Chen Yang, and Lin Yarong said, "Yes, my lord. Now the whole palace is talking about this."

Chen Yang got up and was about to find his eldest brother and second brother.

Unexpectedly, when he stepped through the gate to the yard, a person came in front of him.The person who came was none other than his younger brother Chen Yihan.

"Brother!" Chen Yihan immediately beamed with joy when he saw Chen Yang.This guy, wearing brocade clothes and jade belts, is handsome and unrestrained.

Chen Yang frowned and looked at Chen Yihan, and said, "What are you doing?"

Chen Yihan immediately said sincerely: "Brother, I'm sorry. Last time I hurt you!"

Chen Yang suppressed his impatience, took a deep breath, and then withdrew his gaze from Chen Yihan. "What happened last time has nothing to do with you, but Chen Yihan, the grievances between you and me can be settled. However, the matter of you killing Grandpa Linger cannot be settled. In the future, if Linger seeks revenge from you, I will not help you. "

Chen Yihan smiled and said, "I thought it was something."

Chen Yang frowned again, and said, "Do you think this matter is indifferent?"

Chen Yihan said: "No, I have no regrets if my elder brother can let go of his hatred towards me. As for sister-in-law Ling'er who wants to kill me, I will pay for my life!"

Chen Yang said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Chen Yihan said: "I have died before, and I know what death is better than you, brother. You may not believe what I say, but I know that if I die, all our grievances and enmities can be resolved. At that time, brother will You really think of me as a younger brother in your heart, don’t you?”

"Everyone is dead, is there any other meaning?" Chen Yang said, "Or are you playing tricks on me?"

Chen Yihan's expression froze, then he turned and left without saying a word.

This kid... is angry.

Chen Yang touched his nose, and said to himself, "Could it be that I really have the heart of a villain?"

Strictly speaking, Chen Yang is not a supercilious person.But he unconsciously became more defensive towards Chen Yihan.

Chen Yang felt a little uneasy, feeling that he seemed to be too mean to Chen Yihan.

He would never pull himself off to apologize to Chen Yihan.After thinking about it, I didn't care about this, and went to see the eldest brother and the second brother.

In Ting Yuxuan, Fu Qingzhu and Tian Daxian are both there.

The daughters of Li Tingting and Fu Qingzhu lived in the Bronze Immortal Palace and did not come out to show their faces.

Chen Yang entered Tingtaoxuan's yard, and they were drinking tea and chatting at the stone table in the yard.

It seemed like a nice tea party.

The Great Immortal Tian was still fat. When he saw Chen Yang, he got up and smiled and said, "We were going to ask Mr. Chen to come over to talk, but we didn't expect you to come here so soon, Mr. Chen."

Chen Yang also smiled.Everyone made room for him.Chen Yang sat down and said, "It's so lively, what are you talking about?"

Luo Feng said, but didn't speak.

Qin Lin said: "Third brother, just now we heard from Brother Fu that the Star Lord seems to intend to disband the Hall of Stars?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I also heard the maids say this, Brother Fu, are you serious?"

Fu Qingzhu couldn't help smiling bitterly, and said: "It's not true, it's just speculation!" He paused, and said: "But the Star Lord has indeed arranged for the envoys in charge of the palace to disband, and to send back all the maids and servants. Promise everyone a good reward!"

Luo Feng said: "But there has been no arrangement for us Destiny Ones. I don't know what the Star Lord is planning?"

Chen Yang touched his nose again, and said, "Didn't you say that you want to create a plan for immortality? Why haven't you finished it yet, why are you driving everyone off the boat first?"

Qin Lin said: "Now these are all our speculations. Let's wait for the arrangements of the Star Master tomorrow!"

Chen Yang said: "That's the only way to go." He turned his eyes, and then said to Fu Qingzhu: "Congratulations, Brother Fu, you have reached the realm of the cave!"

Fu Qingzhu couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said: "Don't come to embarrass me, all of you. When I saw you, you all had little cultivation, and now you are all of you. I will meet again next time. I guess I have to carry your shoes."

Qin Lin said: "Brother Fu's words are out of the question. We are all friends. Between friends, it doesn't matter how high or low your cultivation is. If we really talk about it according to our cultivation, I guess my third brother and eldest brother will have to abandon me. gone."

Everyone laughed together.

After the chat, Chen Yang also returned to Ting Taoxuan.

We are all grown-ups, and we will not be inseparable every day.

In the evening, Luo Feng and Qin Lin brought wine and meat to Chen Yang for a drink.

What the future holds, no one knows.But no matter what, along the way, the three brothers will never leave, even if they die, they will have no regrets.

When the wine was half full, Luo Feng said: "If karma and retribution come to me in the future, and death will disappear. That's okay, third brother, second brother, you just need to help me take care of Ziqing's mother and child. If Ziqing wants to marry, she should respect her wishes."

Luo Feng saw it clearly.He then continued: "Many things, it's not that I don't know the consequences. But in my life, I just want to be happy. I'm not afraid of death. If it's not because of Ziqing's mother and son, I still miss it. I will be more ruthless! "

Chen Yang and Qin Lin assured Luo Feng that they would take good care of Ziqing's mother and child.

Chen Yang said: "That's not the case. In the future, we brothers, regardless of life or death. As long as we are alive, we must protect each other's family members."

"Of course!" Luo Feng and Qin Lin said in unison.After drinking, the three of them left the Hall of Stars and traveled on Mars.

"In this world, we have come, fought, enjoyed, loved, and hated. When we leave, we will have no regrets. Because we have gained too much!"

This is what Chen Yang shouted from the top of a mountain on Mars.

This is his truth.

When the sky was bright, the three of Chen Yang returned to the Hall of Stars.

After Chen Yang returned to Tingtaoxuan, he didn't want to sleep either, so he sat cross-legged on the bed.He tried to use his power to moisten the seed of fate, but it didn't work.

Afterwards, Chen Yang tried to communicate with the Xuanhuang God Valley seed between his eyebrows.

"It's time!" Chen Yang cursed secretly after some communication, the seeds of Xuanhuang Shengu and Monk Linghui seemed to have disappeared.There seems to be nothing in the heart of the brow.

"Shi Linghui, what the hell are you doing?" Chen Yang secretly asked.

But, naturally, there was no response.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the Star Lord summoned all the Destined Ones, and the envoy went to the Xingyi Hall for a meeting.

It was the first time that Chen Yang was looking forward to the Star Master's summoning so much. After meeting up with his eldest brother and second brother, he rushed over immediately.On the way there, I met Fu Qingzhu and Tang Ling again.Tang Ling was the girl in Nishang who was with Song Ning back then.Later, Chen Yang sent a message to Tang Ling.Because of this, Tang Ling and Nishang later got married.Tang Ling was very grateful for Chen Yang's kindness.

Tang Ling's current cultivation base was already in the middle stage of Xuxian, and his cultivation base was progressing rapidly.

Under this kind of cruel tempering by Star Master, the Destiny One would die directly.Those who survived were making rapid progress.

When Tang Ling saw Chen Yang and the others, he smiled and came forward to say hello.They seem to be a small group.

In fact, many Destined Persons have their own small groups.It is human nature to hold together!

A group of people soon arrived at the Hall of Stars.This time, only the Destiny One and the Palace Master envoy participated, and the rest were not eligible to participate.

The Hall of Stars is extremely spacious, even if hundreds of people come in, it doesn't feel crowded.

Those emissaries in charge of the palace also have their own groups, and they don't squeeze together with these destiny...

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