The strongest player in history

Chapter 1964 Immortal World Talisman

"That is to say, we are still not completely sure!" Fu Zhichen said lightly.

Xiang Yang has always been defiant, but today he is still trembling in front of a big man like Fu Zhichen.He quickly said: "Junior, I really don't dare to be [-]% sure."

Fu Zhichen pondered and said, "Chen Yang does seem to be a little weird." He paused, and said to Nalan Yunxue, "Yunxue, haven't you checked it out again?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "Back to the Supreme, that Chen Yang's whereabouts are really erratic. The disciples and Xiang Yang have tracked him down for a while, but found nothing. But now, we have found out his whereabouts."

"Then have you gone to check it?" Fu Zhichen said: "This Chen Yang was only at the ninth level four years ago, but now he is at the top of the sky, and he is only at the tenth level. Why don't you just bring him back to the deity to check it out? "

Elder Changyun said: "That's right, Holy Maiden. You are still not rigorous enough in this matter. If it is really the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji, you don't need to be afraid. Our people are not restrained by the sacred tree. With your cultivation Because, it is easy to bring him in!"

Nalan Yunxue suddenly had a strange expression.

Fu Zhichen said: "Why, what's hidden in this?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "Chen Yang is now in the Great Thousand World, the first of the Three Thousand Worlds, and lives in Yanjing. The Yanjing's ancestral dragon spirit protects him, and his disciples dare not approach him! Moreover, his cultivation base is like It’s far more than Shichongtian. He still has two brothers, both of whom are powerful! This disciple has no ability to catch them, so I’m here to report to you, Supreme!”

Fu Zhichen's eyes froze.

What a smart person he is, just hearing what Nalan Yunxue said, he already has a general idea in his heart.

"The progress is rapid!" Fu Zhichen said: "He can stay in the land of the ancestor dragon in Yanjing again, is he the Man of Destiny?"

Nalan Yunxue said: "It is very likely that he is the King of Destiny in the Great Thousand World!" Fu Zhichen, all the elders, and many deputy head teachers all looked bright.

Fu Zhichen took a deep breath and said, "The king of destiny, the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji... It seems that the worries of the immortals have finally appeared."

Elder Changyun said: "I think it is necessary to report this matter to the Immortal."

Fu Zhichen nodded, and he said, "But now, the immortals can't come. Although the gate of the immortal world has been opened, only the pure yang power of the immortal world has leaked out. And the passage of the immortal world has not been connected yet."

Xiang Yang immediately said: "Back to the Supreme, my mother has returned to the fairyland."

"What?" Fu Zhichen was startled, and said, "When did your mother return to the fairyland?"

"That's when the gate of the fairy world opens." Xiang Yang said.

Fu Zhichen said: "How is this possible? The passage to the fairy world is so severely damaged that people can't go back at all. The immortals can't come down either."

Xiang Yang said: "Specifically, the juniors don't quite understand what's going on."

At this time, Elder Wu Yun on the other side of Fu Zhichen spoke.Elder Wu Yun was a fairy, he asked Xiang Yang, and said: "Young master, you are a descendant of the holy clan, but a person of high status. I want to ask you, what is your mother's name?"

After Xiang Yang heard Elder Wu Yun say that he was a noble person, he raised his head higher.He already felt that these people shouldn't treat him like this.He is a descendant of the Holy Race!

But before, everyone was too powerful, and he didn't dare to make a mistake.The difference in strength is too far!

Xiang Yang took a deep breath and said, "My mother is called Mrs. Kong Ming!"

"It's actually Mrs. Kongming!" Elder Wuyun laughed and said, "Now I know why. Because Mrs. Kongming is extremely good at the art of space, her space control accomplishment is unparalleled in the world. Moreover, she In the fairyland, she spent a lot of manpower and financial resources to build a teleportation formation. As long as the gate of the fairyland is opened slightly, she can go back immediately. But unfortunately, after using the eternal spar in her formation once, she cannot use it again Second time. So Mrs. Kongming can't come back again, everything has to wait for the passage to the fairy world to be completely repaired. And it will not be a matter of overnight to restore the passage to the fairy world."

"The damage to the fairyland channel back then seems to be man-made." Elder Changyun said in a deep voice.

"What's going on in the fairy world now, none of us know!" Another elder sighed.

"This matter is indeed very important and cannot be taken lightly!" Fu Zhichen pondered for a while, then said in a deep voice: "Xiang Yang's young master is a distinguished guest, Yun Xue, you take him down so that he can be settled. This deity will also talk to all the elders, deputy palms, etc. The doors are reassembled."

Nalan Yunxue took a second look at Xiang Yang, but she never paid much attention to Xiang Yang.Even a little disgusted, but it seems that right now, the attitude of the Supremes towards Xiang Yang has undergone subtle changes.

Xiang Yang also noticed this, and his back straightened a little.

Nalan Yunxue didn't say much, and said, "Let's go, Mr. Xiang!"

Later, Xiang Yang resigned.Then they retreated with Nalan Yunxue.

"Everyone, what do you think?" After they left, Fu Zhichen asked everyone.

An elder said: "The old man thinks that we need to report this matter to the immortals through the immortal world talisman."

Fu Zhichen said: "The report is too hasty at the moment. I think that Chen Yang should be brought back first. After we are sure, we will report to the immortal through the fairy world talisman!"

Elder Changyun, Elder Wuyun, and many deputy head teachers all agreed with Fu Zhichen's opinion.

Fu Zhichen then said: "Okay, since that's the case, we should first catch Chen Yang and bring him back. This is our next step. If this person really possesses the status of the sacred tree of Wugusheji and the king of destiny, then there will be many variables in this person." .We must not take it lightly!"

Elder Changyun said: "As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never end up in a hundred battles. We should first send the Eagle God to investigate. Then we can calculate whether we are intentional or not. I believe it should not be a big problem. Even if he is the king of destiny, the king of destiny has fallen. There are also many, in the face of absolute strength, luck sometimes needs to make concessions."

Fu Zhichen said: "Okay, Elder Changyun, I will leave this matter to you. Within three days, give the results and provide a plan!"

"Yes, Supreme!" Elder Changyun said.

Chen Yang spent more than two months of happiness and ease in Yanjing, and the New Year's Eve has passed.

In about 20 days, he will return to the Hall of Stars.

Luo Feng, Ye Ziqing, Xuanyuan Yadan and Qin Lin stayed in Yanjing City all the time.During the Chinese New Year, everyone was very lively.

Moreover, after the Chinese New Year, Luo Feng received great news.That is... Ye Ziqing is pregnant.Luo Feng is about to become a father.

The three brothers were full of emotions. From the time when they were young to now, everyone has begun to be husbands and fathers.

However, on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Chen Yang received an ocean call from Boer State.

It was Dorrance who called Chen Yang.

"Dorrance?" Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Are you going to give me New Year's greetings?" The revolutionary friendship between him and Dorrance is extremely mellow.On New Year's Day, he even went to have a drink with Dorrance.So at this time, he talked to Dorrance in a teasing mood.

But Dorrance's voice at this time was a bit bitter: "Chen Yang, we have encountered a little trouble."

"What's the trouble?" Chen Yang was stunned and asked.

"We got beat up," Dorrance said.

"Been beaten?" Chen Yang couldn't help laughing when he heard it, and said, "Aren't you kidding me? Who can beat you?"

"It's true, you'll know when you come here. You need to help us find this place this time," Dorrance said.

Chen Yang smelled something unusual, but he didn't bother to think about it.Now he is not afraid of these doorways in the Great Thousand World.

"Okay, I'll come right away!" After Chen Yang finished speaking, he directly cast the big teleportation technique and quickly arrived in Bor State.In less than a second, Chen Yang appeared in Dekkang Castle in Boer State.

It was late at night in Bor State.

In the bright and luxurious living room of the old castle.Dorrance, who was like an English nobleman, was a little embarrassed at the moment, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

At the same time, Wall Rhine was also at the side, and he also looked like he was being ravaged by others.

Bai Xue and Yoona are both there.

Yun'er is now with Dorrance, she is wearing a blue dress, gentle, demure, and beautiful.It's just that she was still very uncomfortable after seeing Chen Yang, so she got up and left the living room.

Chen Yang naturally understood, and he also felt a little embarrassed.

Bai Xue is fine, there is no problem at all.

"What's going on?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

Baixue, Wall Rhine first saluted Chen Yang respectfully, and said, "See Your Majesty!"

Chen Yang waved his hands and said with a smile, "You guys always want to engage in these vain rituals. Tell me quickly, who beat you?"

Dorrance looked at Chen Yang with some embarrassment, and he continued, "Keep your voice down, we didn't say anything about it."

Bai Xue said: "I don't know what's going on, Your Majesty, please ask them."

Chen Yang said, "Well, what's going on?"

Dorrance said: "The thing is like this. Today I went to a nice hotel for dinner with Wall Rhine. I met a drunk and made rude remarks. Then, you know me and Wall Rhine, although we are gentlemen. But gentlemen It’s not that people won’t retaliate after being scolded.”

Wall Rhine was a little embarrassed, and said: "We didn't fight back, we just beat that drunk!"

Chen Yang laughed dumbly, and said: "That's true, with your identities and status in Boer State, there is absolutely no reason for you to swallow your anger after being scolded by a drunk!"

"I went straight to it and taught the drunk man a lesson. After the drunk was beaten by us, he threatened us, saying that he had a strong backer!" Dorrance said.

Waltrin said: "We laughed at that time, a drunk man talked to us about the backstage. Who were we afraid of in Boer State?"

The two of them were still drunk, obviously they really drank a lot of wine.

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