The strongest player in history

Chapter 1950 The Old Man Song Lingshan

When Zhao Ben heard the words, he smiled happily.At his level, he knows the importance of the word "connection".

Anyway, Chen Yang left all the mundane affairs to Shen Mo Nong, and he was too lazy to worry about it.As for Shen Mo Nong, she also has her own skills and principles, so dealing with these things is not a problem.At Shen Murong's level, she has nothing to refuse.Can help, will help directly.If you can't help, you will never make a move.

The big family went out to play and be happy.

After playing until the afternoon, Chen Yang took everyone to the hotel that had been prepared for lunch.There is a special place for children to play in the hotel, and there is also a large buffet restaurant.In it, everyone has something they like to eat.Including Nianci, they are also very happy to be able to eat there.

There are more people in the restaurant at noon, and the children shuttle in it, which is quite noisy.Chen Yang can control his own children, but he is not good at educating other people's children.

At that moment, Chen Yang and Lin Qingxue ate with Nian Ci.Xiao Nianci likes to eat cakes and cream buns in restaurants.

Chen Yang cut the steak by himself and ate it bite by bite.He enjoys this kind of life very much.But now Chen Yang also began to clearly understand that if he has been living such a comfortable life, he himself may not be used to it.He gradually got used to the universe, the mysteries in the stars.I am used to traveling through such thrills.

But at this moment, a beautiful woman in the restaurant caught Chen Yang's attention.

It was a woman who was selling insurance. She was wearing a smart little suit, and she was capable, beautiful, and heroic.Her makeup is exquisite and her smile is sweet.At the moment, she is having dinner with a fat boss.

This woman was able to attract Chen Yang's attention.Not because this woman is beautiful.Although this woman is also very beautiful, Chen Yang has seen too many beautiful women.

The reason why Chen Yang was attracted was because this woman was Chen Yang's old friend.

She is... Song Lingshan.

When seeing Song Lingshan, Chen Yang couldn't calm down for a long time.He remembered his youth in that parallel world.Morning self-study, evening self-study, passing by the typhoon shelter to drink pearl milk tea.In the cafeteria, listen to everyone talking about those childish funny things.Seeing those boys secretly falling in love with his Ling'er, he will never forget... Song Lingshan.

During that period of time, Lingshan had always been secretly in love with Chen Yang.

But Chen Yang never responded to her.

Chen Yang felt that he owed Song Lingshan.

"Brother, what's the matter, you can't move when you see a beautiful girl? Be careful, I'll tell Sister Mo Nong." Lin Qingxue couldn't help teasing Chen Yang.At the same time, she also looked at Song Lingshan, and she couldn't help asking, "You know him?"

"Yes, an old friend!" Chen Yang replied.

"It seems to be selling insurance!" Lin Qingxue said.

At this time, Song Lingshan was eating.The fat boss suddenly touched Song Lingshan's little hand.

Their voices were very soft, but Chen Yang could hear them clearly.

The fat boss said: "Lingshan, what insurance are you selling? It's so hard, how about it, you and me, I will give you [-] a month. I will buy you a house here, and you will live in it. Come on, enjoy it, be your rich wife."

Song Lingshan immediately withdrew her hand, she was a little embarrassed, and said: "Mr. Liu, don't be like this. You have a wife, and you have bought insurance from our company for five consecutive years. This time, we will give you a discount Stronger. In my opinion, our company is your best bet."

"Then do you know how your predecessor got the orders in the past?" The fat boss smiled slightly.

Song Lingshan shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"It's very simple, sleep with me. You stay with me for a week. I don't need your discount, so I will sign this order. What do you think?" the fat boss said.

Song Lingshan's face flushed immediately, and she said, "No, Mr. Liu. I have a boyfriend."

"Then break up with your boyfriend." Mr. Liu said coldly.

Song Lingshan took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Liu, if you say that, then I won't be able to talk to you."

"You won't do it?" Mr. Liu was a little annoyed.

Song Lingshan said: "No, it's absolutely impossible!"

Mr. Liu said: "I will give you one hundred thousand, one week, extra."

Song Lingshan got up and said, "I'll go first."

"You're paralyzed!" Mr. Liu was completely angry, his voice became louder, and he stood up.He poured the red wine in his hand onto Song Lingshan's beautiful face. "Damn, you insurance sellers, aren't you high-end whores? What are you pretending to be noble in front of me?"

Song Lingshan was stunned for a moment, the cold wine wet her hair.Tears pooled in her eyes.

The waiters and customers around all looked at Song Lingshan.Watch her jokes.

Chen Yang's heart ached. He couldn't bear the humiliation of a simple girl like Song Lingshan in front of the public.

He immediately said to Lin Qingxue: "Look at Nian Ci!"

"Yes, brother!" Lin Qingxue agreed.Chen Yang got up, he found a towel, and soon came to Song Lingshan. "Here!" Chen Yang said softly.

Song Lingshan took it, she had already held back her tears.But at this moment, tears flowed down my face.She turned her head away and wiped her hair and tears with a towel.But to prevent others from seeing her fragility.

It is really difficult for a girl to gain a foothold in a cold city like Yanjing.

Of course, there are easy ways too.

Pretty girls, pretty is their passport.There are shortcuts they can take, and there are many girls who take shortcuts.But there are also many girls who stick to their hearts.

"Who are you!" Mr. Liu was a little annoyed when he saw Chen Yang meddling in his own business.

Chen Yang didn't even look at Mr. Liu, he slapped Mr. Liu in the face with his backhand.

This change is even more unexpected.The people next to him, including Zhao Ben, were stunned.

Song Lingshan was also stunned.

"You fucking..." Mr. Liu was furious when he had never been insulted like this before.But this guy is used to being pampered, and he really doesn't know how to fight.When he was about to make a move, Chen Yang looked at him coldly.

When this guy came into contact with Chen Yang's cold eyes, he froze with fright.

Chen Yang said coldly: "Lingshan is my younger sister, how dare you bully her?"

Song Lingshan was shocked again.She was shocked because Chen Yang actually knew her name.

Mr. Liu took a deep breath, and then asked Chen Yang, "Which unit are you from?"

Chen Yang sneered and said, "Why, do you still want to take revenge on me?"

Although Mr. Liu is a little bit cowardly, he can't just admit cowardly.

He said: "Have the guts to leave your name behind."

Chen Yang said: "There is no need to keep my name. You..."

At this moment, Chen Yang shot over with his divine sense, and quickly captured a lot of information in Mr. Liu's brain.This kind of spiritual shooting can capture information from the brain waves in the brains of ordinary people.But in the brain domain of a master, it is difficult to crack.Brain waves are a strange existence, and the brain waves of masters are even more mysterious and unpredictable.

"Liu Jiacheng, the president of the North China region of Boluo Technology Industry. His wife Li Hui and his daughter is nine years old..." Chen Yang said with a sneer, "Do you want me to continue studying?"

"You..." A look of fear flashed in Liu Jiacheng's eyes.He felt that the man in front of him was really too unpredictable.

Liu Jiacheng then said: "Unreasonable!" Then he turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Chen Yang said.

Liu Jiacheng turned around and said angrily, "What else do you want?"

"Apologize to my sister!" Chen Yang said.

Liu Jiacheng hesitated for a moment, but he still bowed and apologized honestly to Song Lingshan.After that, Liu Jiacheng left.

Humans are always terrified of the unknown.

Chen Yang's identity is a mystery, but he accurately told Liu Jiacheng's information.This made Liu Jiacheng feel extremely terrified!

Song Lingshan wiped her face clean, but the liquor could not be removed from her little suit.But at this time, Song Lingshan didn't care about these anymore, she said to Chen Yang sincerely: "Thank you

! ”

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "It's a trivial matter!"

Zhao Ben, Lin Qingxue holding Xiao Nianci and those relatives all came over.

Everyone saw the scene just now.At first, everyone thought that Chen Yang was the kind of person who was very amiable and without temper.But now everyone finally understands that once Chen Yang shows his sharpness, he is quite terrifying.

"Qingxue, Uncle Zhao!" Chen Yang said directly: "You take everyone here to play, Lingshan and I have something to talk about, so we're leaving first."

Lin Qingxue nodded.Zhao Ben responded repeatedly, and he felt that it was his great honor that Chen Yang could order him.

After that, Chen Yang accompanied Song Lingshan and left the hotel.

As for the meal expenses, it was naturally on Chen Yang's head.

After leaving the hotel, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.The afternoon sun was particularly weak, and Chen Yang didn't drive. He said to Song Lingshan, "There is a cafe over there. I know you have a lot of doubts. Let's go over there and have a cup of coffee."

Then he smiled again and said, "Lingshan, don't worry. I have no plans for you!"

Song Lingshan was a little timid, but she was indeed curious.So she nodded, and her intuition told her that the man in front of her was not a bad person.

Ever since, Chen Yang and Song Lingshan found a cafe to sit down.

Chen Yang ordered a cappuccino, while Song Lingshan ordered a latte and some snacks.

The music in the cafe was soft. At this time, the cafe was very quiet and there was no one there.The shop assistants are also busy playing with their mobile phones.

"I don't know yet, what should you call it?" Song Lingshan said after organizing her words.

"My name is Chen Yang!" Chen Yang smiled.

Song Lingshan said, "Er..."

"How long have you been in Yanjing?" Chen Yang asked suddenly.

Song Lingshan was stunned for a moment, and said, "Over a year." She paused, and said, "Mr. Chen, how do you know me?"

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