The strongest player in history

Chapter 1938 The Lord Comes

Feng Ling was surprised at first, and then said: "Isn't that very good, why are you unhappy, Brother Spirit Ape?" The King Spirit Ape clenched his fists and said, "Because the longer I stay in Heaven, the more I realize that the eyes of ordinary people The heavens are very different from the actual heavens."

Feng Ling said: "Oh?"

King Spirit Ape said: "Everyone in the world thinks that Heaven is the most beautiful place, where there is the most beautiful scenery, qiongguoxianjiu, no sorrow, no pain. But how do they know that the filth there is no worse than ordinary people. There is little time. I saw that Emperor Yuanhuang went out because people in a certain place accidentally knocked over his tribute, and then Emperor Yuanhuang was furious and banned thunder and rain in that place. There has been a drought for ten years, and the villagers People have to travel far to get water. People often worship Emperor Yuan, thinking that Emperor Yuan is the embodiment of sincerity, wisdom, bravery, and kindness. Haha... They don’t know, if they dare to offend his little majesty, then he How cruel it would be."

"Sure enough, Heavenly Court and Northern Sect are the same breed!" Feng Ling said.

The Spirit Ape King said: "This is just the tip of the iceberg. I saw that in the heavenly court, those people want to get paid, and some people give their wives to the above to be spoiled for promotion. Some people don't want their dignity. .”

"Dirty!" Feng Ling said.

She paused and said, "Since it's so dirty, why don't you leave there, brother Lingyuan, so as not to be angry?"

King Spirit Ape said: "I've been thinking about it. Why some people work so hard and spend their entire lives, but they can't even get enough food and clothing. Some people can easily have everything."

Feng Ling also fell silent.

"This world is too unfair." King Spirit Ape said.

Feng Ling said: "The morals of the world are indeed unfair. The northerners teach hypocrisy and righteousness, and they are not respected and praised by the world."

King Spirit Ape said: "The heavens are corrupt, and the world is unfair. Since the world is unfair, why not let me decide!"

"You are the master?" Feng Ling's eyes lit up, and she said, "Yes, if you are the master of the heaven, Brother Spirit Ape, you can re-establish order. Let all beings be truly equal, let there be no suffering in the world, let those hypocritical things All gone."

The Spirit Ape King also became excited, and said: "That's right, I want to share all the fairy jelly and jade liquid, so why should they enjoy it. Other people can't see it. I want to break Tianzhu Mountain The barrier of the world, let the world see the prosperity of the Heavenly Court. The Heavenly Court is the Heavenly Court of the world, so why should they monopolize the beautiful Heavenly Palace?"

Feng Ling laughed loudly, and she said: "It's wonderful, Brother Spirit Ape, I hope to see that day. If I can see that day, I will die without regret!"

Brother Spirit Ape's eyes burst into light, and he said: "I have always wanted to overthrow this corrupt heaven, but I am still a little afraid of failure. I have been lying to them all the time, and I feel sick to the point of vomiting every day. But today, you are here .Since you dare to resist the Northern Sect, why would I not dare!"

King Spirit Ape was full of energy, he suddenly came out of the cave.

Wind chime followed behind.

After leaving the cave, the man in gray also came over.

"My lord, have you already made up your mind?" the man in gray asked in surprise.

King Spirit Ape nodded and said, "That's right, I've decided."

Feng Ling was proud of King Spirit Ape, and she said: "Although I can't help you, Brother Spirit Ape, I will wait here for you and the news of your triumphant return!"

"Is your majesty going?" The man in gray couldn't regain his senses for a long time.

"Let's go, step on Tianmen, Suiyuxiao!" King Lingyuan's eyes were extremely firm.

The man in gray said, "I'm afraid I won't come back..."

"I'll just leave and never return!" The Spirit Ape King jumped up suddenly, turned into a stream of light and flew in the direction of Tianzhu Mountain.

"Brother..." Chen Yang, who had been enlightened in the bodhi tree, was disturbed by Chen Yihan again.

Chen Yang is working overtime to decipher the mysteries of the bodhi tree and the red-blue world.

This is already the sixth month since he came to Scarlet Blue World.

"There's still one month left, and we'll be done. Grandma's crazy. Compared with this, the college entrance examination questions are just child's play." Chen Yang murmured secretly.

At this time, Chen Yihan shouted outside.

Chen Yang said impatiently, "What's the matter? Didn't I tell you not to disturb me when you're fine?"

Chen Yihan said: "Ten days ago, a big event happened in the Heavenly Court!"

"What's the big deal?" Chen Yang didn't care at all.It doesn't matter if Heaven is gone without him!

Chen Yihan said: "The ape king has always been in the heavenly court. Just ten days ago, the ape king suddenly turned against the sky. He fought against the heavenly soldiers and generals, defeated the god-eyed general, and made the heavenly court into a mess. It’s a replica of Monkey King’s Havoc in Heaven!”

"Then what happened next?" Chen Yang asked.

Chen Yihan said: "Later, Emperor Yuan used the power of the Heavenly Court to suppress him. Now it is thrown into the eight trigrams furnace and is being refined."

"The plot is quite coherent!" Chen Yang couldn't help being speechless, and said, "Do you want that guy to jump out of the gossip furnace and refine his eyes?"

Chen Yihan laughed loudly, and said, "I'm afraid that soon, the Yuan Emperor will come to invite you to subdue this monstrous monkey."

Chen Yang thought of something, and said, "Why is he going against the sky?"

Chen Yihan said: "I don't know!"

Chen Yang said: "Then go and find out."

Chen Yihan said: "Okay, big brother!"

Chen Yihan was happy, and went to do this matter in a hurry.

In the Heavenly Court, Emperor Yuanhuang has been very unhappy recently.He had just received Chen Yihan, and Chen Yihan had already left.At this time, Emperor Yuan asked about Shangyu in his bedroom.

"The monster monkey, how is it now? Is it still alive?"

Shangyu felt embarrassed immediately, and said: "The gossip furnace is Elder Chu's favorite magic weapon. I don't know how many magic weapons and elixirs have been refined. But this time, he just didn't refine the monster monkey."

"Continuing like this is not an option!" Yuan Emperor said.

"There is no way to hack with a knife, and all means have been exhausted." Shangyu said.

The Yuan Emperor said: "This monster monkey is really strange."

Shangyu said: "The old slave also heard that this demon monkey has a brother, who is the demon monkey."

"No one knows about the devil ape." Yuan Emperor said.

Shangyu said: "The magic ape was difficult to tame back then. Later, because of the Bodhi tree, the magic ape was not killed, but was sealed in the Necromancer Abyss. Now, the old slave heard that the magic ape is making trouble again, but it is Subdued by Lord Nagalan. And now, that demon ape has become the guardian spirit beast of the Northern Sect."

"What do you mean by telling Gu?" Emperor Yuan said, "You mean, the Northern Sect can't kill the Demon Ape?"

Shangyu said: "The old servant wants to remind you, that if you want to kill the monster monkey, you have to start with the bodhi tree."

The Emperor Yuan snorted coldly: "I can't even kill a monstrous monkey in such a majestic court. I still have to go to them for advice, can I afford to lose this face?"

Shangyu immediately knelt down and said, "Damn the old slave!"

Just then, there was a loud noise outside.

It was like a bolt from the blue.

The entire heavenly court shook violently, but the shock didn't last long, and it quickly returned to calm.

But the whole heaven was boiling at this time.

It turned out that the Great Ape King broke out of the furnace, holding the Heaven-Suppressing Stick in his hand, and directly destroyed the barrier of Tianzhu Mountain.At this time, the power of the heaven leaked out, and King Spirit Ape was surrounded by heavenly soldiers and generals.

The God Eye Warrior has been defeated by the Spirit Ape King, and none of the immortals in the heaven dare to beat him lightly!

There are indeed masters among the immortals in the heaven, but the masters don't want to go to die.If they win the fight, everyone is willing to give Emperor Yuanhuang face.But if your life is in danger, then run away with your head in your arms.

The Spirit Ape King held a big iron rod and charged all the way in.

Emperor Yuanhuang immediately fought, and the Heavenly Court was his Heavenly Court.Anyone can escape, but not him.

But at this time, the Great Ape King broke through the barrier of Tianzhu Mountain, and Emperor Yuanhuang's heavenly power was weakened, making it difficult to fight again.

"Go to Beibei Mountain to invite Lord Jialan!" Emperor Yuanhuang immediately said to Shangyu while going to fight.

Goodwill took the lead and quickly went to Beishan.

It was at this time that Chen Yang was led by Chen Yihan with Shangyu.Goodwill calls for help, with a low profile.

Chen Yang smiled, of course he would make a move.

Heavenly Court has always been taught by paying tribute to the North, and the meaning of paying tribute is, big brother, I recognize you as big brother.Usually you pay tribute, but you don't care about the younger brother's life or death at critical times, this can't be justified anywhere!

In the sky of the Heavenly Court, Emperor Yuanhuang was no longer the opponent of the Great Ape King.King Spirit Ape has been tempered in the gossip furnace for a long time, his physical body is already invincible, now with the Heaven-Suppressing Cudgel in his hand, he beat the Emperor Yuanhuang so hard that he couldn't breathe.

The Qiankun Heaven-Suppressing Cudgel weighs one hundred and eight thousand catties.And bred the spirit of the universe, under the invincible spirit of the spirit ape king, broke all the rules.

Emperor Yuanhuang retreated again and again, and his many magic weapons and rules were all shattered by the Heaven-Suppressing Cudgel.

Just when the Yuan Emperor was about to die at the hands of the Spirit Ape King, a familiar voice came from afar.

"Your Majesty, do you miss me?"

It was Chen Yang's voice.

The Yuan Emperor was in despair, and when he heard Chen Yang's voice, he was almost moved to tears.

Seeing the helper coming, King Lingyuan wanted to kill Emperor Yuanhuang quickly.The Spirit Ape King let out a roar, fused his mana and energy into one furnace, and killed him with a single blow.


Between the heaven and the earth, all the air melted and turned into waves of fire!

The fire wave rolled, the sun and the moon collapsed!

Such a stick made Shanhe lose its color.

Majestic, unparalleled, unstoppable, despair, many emotions emerged from the heart of Emperor Yuanhuang.

At this moment, Chen Yang appeared in front of Emperor Yuanhuang.

At this moment, Emperor Yuanhuang felt that all the terrifying pressure suddenly disappeared.

The figure in front of him is not stalwart, but it can dominate the world.

The stick quickly hit Chen Yang's head...

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