The strongest player in history

Chapter 1918 Scarlet Blue

Chen Yang immediately made a decision in his heart. He had to go alone, quietly, and quickly resolve this matter.

Chen Yang took a deep breath, and decided to spend a month to see if he could solve Chen Yihan's matter.Afterwards, he said goodbye to Shen Mo Nong.Shen Murong also asked Chen Yang what happened.Chen Yang didn't say anything, neither he nor Mo Nong wanted to.Just say that there is something to deal with, don't worry.

Although Shen Monong was worried, but Chen Yang insisted on not saying anything, she had nothing to do.

So, Chen Yang went to the roof of the villa.

The morning sun is so beautiful, the soft golden light shines on people's bodies, making people feel that this world is so beautiful for no reason.

Afterwards, Chen Yang began to perceive the Three Thousand Worlds!

At that moment, the entire Three Thousand Worlds appeared in Chen Yang's mind.The spiritual power in the brain perceives the three thousand worlds, just like the formation of countless veins, vast, vast, boundless, and complex combinations and intersections.No matter how difficult the equation is, it can't compare with the situation in front of you.This is a myriad of spatial combinations!

The so-called law of space is to comprehend the combination of these three thousand worlds, so as to form your own space!

One leaf, one bodhi, one thought, one world!

The Three Thousand Worlds are not lingering above the earth, but a real combination of spaces.They are not illusory existences, but the combination of space to the limit.

It is not easy to find the red and blue world in the three thousand worlds, just like finding a book in a large library.You must find its rules.Chen Yang finally found the Scarlet Blue World after 10 minutes.

There is no barrier set up by an expert in the red-blue world.Like the Central World, Tianzhou, and the Chalk World, it is impossible to get through after setting up an enchantment.You must rely on the teleportation array!

However, the red-blue not easy to enter.

This red-blue world hides extremely deeply.

Moreover, it is actually changing and elegant.The spatial combination of the red-blue world is like a profound magic circle, just like an equation.

Chen Yang took another deep breath and began to study the spatial combination of the red-blue world.

The space combination of the red-blue world has little to do with the law of space, and it doesn't mean that one can unimpeded after comprehending the law of space.

It is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the formation of the law, and there are [-] applications of the equation!

If it weren't for Chen Yang's profound knowledge in the parallel world as a foundation, and his deep research on formations.Then in this red-blue world, it is difficult for him to find a clue in the three thousand worlds.

"It's so profound, does Chen Yihan have the ability to get in?" Chen Yang secretly asked.

"That's right, this red-blue world has been floating all the time. It's hard to enter it deliberately, but there's no guarantee that a blind cat will bump into a dead mouse. It is estimated that Chen Yihan's IQ just broke in by accident..."

"That's not right!" Chen Yang changed his mind and thought again: "Chen Yihan is on a mission, he couldn't have just barged in."

"Well, after all, he and I are both born of Chen Tianya. He's not too stupid to go there. It's nothing unusual for him to break open!"

Chen Yang thought in his heart and started to crack at the same time.

He stood on the roof like this for a day and a night.Shen Mo Nong thought that Chen Yang had already left.

After a day and a night, Chen Yang finally understood the mystery of the red-blue world.At that moment, with the right timing, the body merged into the soul spar, like a bolt of lightning, piercing through the gap in the red-blue world.

At that moment, Chen Yang entered a new world.

First, the endless sea.

The sun is fierce!

The sea stretches as far as the eye can see.

Chen Yang stood in the void, and his divine sense quickly shot in all directions, covering thousands of miles!

This is the horror of Chen Yang's powerful mana now.With this sweep, countless information can be obtained from countless creatures, birds, and even magnetic field fragments.

Among the fragments of the magnetic field floating in the air, some fragments of souls can occasionally be captured, with some memories.Those memories are information.

One way is universal!

In the vast world, smart hackers can sweep the world through the Internet.

In the world of mana, Chen Yang can also obtain countless information through divine thoughts.

At this time, countless information flooded in like a tide.

Crimson World!

The Scarlet Blue World occupies an extremely large area, which is actually three times larger than the Great Thousand World!

Chen Yang immediately understood that it was space and the combination of space laws!

A small ring can have a lot of space, and the whole red and blue world is such a magical world.In the red and blue world, there are 60 billion people!

It's an ancient country!

Before the great world, the population was not as large as it is now.People in ancient times generally had a low life expectancy.This red-blue world can have a population of 60 billion, which is already very remarkable.

In the red and blue world, there is the Shengyuan Empire, the largest country, on the east side of the sea.The remaining hundreds of countries are all subject to the Shengyuan Empire and pay tribute every year.However, there are also prairie wolves who have been wreaking havoc on the borders of the Shengyuan Empire.

Chen Yang's information keeps updating!

"Huh? There are few monks in the world, and their mana levels are very low. And on Tianzhu Mountain, there is a heavenly court. In the heavenly court, there is Emperor Yuanhuang who is the supreme emperor of the heavenly court. There are also the Northern Sect and the Tao of Heavenly Masters. Among them, the Northern Sect is the The belief of all believers. The Tao of Tianshi is slightly inferior, the northern religion loves preaching, and the Tao of Tianshi eliminates demons and defends the Tao.

The Heavenly Court must also respect the Lord of the Northern Sect.

The Lord of the Northern Sect is known by the world as the Lord of the Sky!

The Daoist of the Heavenly Master Way is the Daoist of Selflessness!

At this moment, Chen Yang got so much information.But he didn't get any information about the Taihuang Mozun, and he had no way of knowing the whereabouts of Chen Yihan.

"Where do we start?" Chen Yang couldn't help thinking, but at the same time he cast the Great Teleportation Technique and headed towards Mount Tianzhu.He wants to start with the Supreme Emperor Mozun, and then see if he can find Chen Yihan's whereabouts.

From here to Mount Tianzhu, it is tens of thousands of miles away.Chen Yang arrived at Mount Tianzhu within a few breaths.

He has crossed the Shengyuan Empire, and the Shengyuan Empire is full of prosperity.And all the way to the east, I finally saw Mount Tianzhu.Tianzhu Mountain towers into the sky and is shrouded in clouds and mists all the year round.It looked like it was in heaven.Tianzhu Mountain is also protected by formations and has a powerful barrier.Mortals cannot surpass the general!

The name of Heaven probably comes from this!

Chen Yang crossed Tianzhu Mountain without the slightest difficulty, and directly entered the interior of Tianzhu Mountain.But when we arrived at Tianzhu Mountain, it was a different scene immediately.

Outside Tianzhu Mountain, it was still dilapidated and desolate.And when you enter inside, you will immediately see a vast grassland with fertile water plants and many beautiful flowers blooming.

The sun is shining and it is beautiful.

In the sky, there are still Pegasus flying.At the same time, Chen Yang took a close look, and saw that there was a gate in front of him, it was... Nantian Gate!

Chen Yang thought to himself: "Southern Heaven Gate? Heavenly Court? It's really a coincidence. Ordinary people who want to become immortals want to reach this place, right?"

Chen Yangyi was a bold man, and he quickly came to the gate of Nantianmen with a glance of his figure.There are generals guarding the Nantian gate.Nantianmen is surrounded by white crystal walls, but it is not high.But it emits infinite energy to protect the entire heaven inside!

That day, he will be wearing white armor, which is quite majestic.A total of eighteen generals!

Chen Yang could feel that the mana level of the entire Heavenly Court was not very high.He came here without much fear in his heart.

It's a gut feeling.And intuition is always accurate.

"The person who came is the fairy family of Lu, please report your name!" A celestial general shouted immediately after seeing Chen Yang.

It is not Chinese, nor English, but Chilan.But Chen Yang absorbed infinite information when he was shooting with his divine sense.Therefore, he also directly learned the scarlet language.

Chen Yang understood what he heard, and immediately said in Chilan language: "I am a first-order casual cultivator. I came from another world and want to see the Emperor Yuanhuang!"

From a lot of information, Chen Yang probably knew that Emperor Yuanhuang's cultivation was just a peak Xuxian master.Chen Yang is not afraid at all, okay?

The level of immortal cultivation in the entire red-blue world is not very high.

It wasn't surprising to hear Chen Yang say that he was a casual cultivator in those days, but he was a little confused when he heard that he came from another world.

One of the heavenly generals said: "What other world? Immortal, why do people not understand what you are saying?"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood.Dare they don't know the existence of Three Thousand Worlds.

It's not surprising, they are nothing more than weak heavenly soldiers and generals.Chen Yang said: "I don't mean anything malicious, please see Emperor Yuanhuang!"

"The emperor can see you at will." The general shouted immediately.

Chen Yang had a headache.He just wanted to ask about the situation, and didn't want to make enemies for no reason!

He can shoot at will with his spiritual sense in the deserted sea, but here, it is disrespectful to shoot at will with his spiritual sense.Just like many websites have a protective wall, it is illegal for you to break through the protective wall at will to grab secrets.

Moreover, Chen Yang also knew that the information he randomly shot may not be absolutely true.There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers everywhere, so don't be careless!

Chen Yang immediately asked: "How can I meet the emperor?"

That day the general said, "Why do you want to see the emperor?"

Chen Yang said: "If you have anything to ask."

The Heavenly General said, "Do you want to join the Heavenly Court?"

Chen Yang said, "Huh?"

"Join the heavenly court, and those who have outstanding abilities can be promoted. If you are promoted to the third-level general, you can have the opportunity to meet the emperor. To enter the court, you need to be promoted to the general of the gods. You only need to work hard for 300 years. Maybe there is a chance to have a conversation with the emperor!"

Chen Yang couldn't help being speechless, the bureaucratic style is really serious!

He said: "Okay, I want to become a member of the Heavenly Court!"

The Heavenly General then said, "Okay, I'll take you to the assessment!"

Then, one of the heavenly generals said, "Okay, follow me!"

Chen Yang nodded.

Chen Yang knows that it is better to be cautious in everything...

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