The strongest player in history

Chapter 1914 The Body of the Immortal Venerable

In fact, Ling Yunfeng rarely lost his composure.But Chen Yang always gave him a lot of surprises.

In the Jiexu Mi given to him by Chen Yang, there are [-] million pure yang pills and a low-grade Taoist weapon!Dao weapon!It is a magic weapon that many monks dream of.Moreover, this is still an intact Dao artifact!

This is a huge treasure!

Ling Yunfeng looked at Chen Yang, his eyes were excited and complicated, but in the end it only turned into two words, thank you!

"Although we have been mentors and apprentices for a while, I have always regarded you as the eldest brother!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

Ling Yunfeng said: "Brother Ling is very ashamed, I have been receiving benefits from you, and I have never given anything back!" Chen Yang said: "That doesn't matter, I believe that if you get these treasures, Brother Ling, you will not forget me."

"That's absolutely!" Ling Yunfeng immediately said firmly.

"That's fine!" Chen Yang said: "Brother Ling, I have other things to deal with, so I won't tell you more. I'm leaving!"

"Chen Yang..." Ling Yunfeng couldn't help shouting.

Chen Yang was slightly puzzled, and said, "Huh?"

Ling Yunfeng said: "In the future, if there is a place where you need big brother, big brother will not even frown."

Chen Yang grinned and said, "I am the same. If you need me, big brother, just talk. I'm leaving!" Then he turned into a long rainbow and flew towards the sky.

Ling Yunfeng stood on the top of the mountain in a daze, unable to calm down for a long time.

He never thought that what he did to help Chen Yang back then would be rewarded with such a generous return.It's like an angel investor who only invests a little bit, but the return is actually multiplied hundreds of times.

Chen Yang is flying towards Beihai this time, this time, he is going to Mingyue Palace.

Under the magic of the Great Teleportation Technique, crossing thousands of mountains and crossing seas is nothing but an instant. The entire earth is only the size of a village.The universe is the real vast world!

The difference is that among the villages on the earth, some villages have barriers that prevent people from entering and require a permit!

Among these villages, Chen Yang is not the most awesome person, so in some places, he still needs a teleportation array to enter.

Chen Yang soon reached the sky above the Mingyue Palace.

The sun is shining brightly, and the sea stretches as far as the eye can see. It is a beautiful sea scenery.The Mingyue Palace is extraordinarily magnificent and exquisite on the isolated island.

Chen Yang has the permission of Mingyue Palace, so the palace guard array will not resist Chen Yang.Chen Yang went in directly.

Chen Yang didn't go directly to the Mingyue Hall of the Mingyue Immortal, but went to the Litian Hall first.

In front of the gate of Litian Palace, two female disciples saw Chen Yang, but they were very happy, and said, "Young Master Chen, you are here!"

They really liked Chen Yang.

It's not that Chen Yang is too charming, but that every time Chen Yang comes, he spends money generously.No one would dislike such a master.But this time, Chen Yang was no exception, he threw out two magic tools and some pills casually, and said with a smile: "A little gift, you two girls, don't dislike it."

When his gift was delivered, the girls couldn't even be reserved.

"Thank you son!" The two girls were extremely happy.

One of them is called Xiaodan and the other is called Xiaoxia.

Xiao Dan said: "Young Master Chen, do you want to see our palace master?"

Chen Yang said, "Yes, Miss Li is there, right?"

Xiao Dan said: "The palace master is here, but the disciples have to report first!"

At this moment, Li Tianruo's voice came from inside. "You two little girls, have you taken Chen Yang's things again?"

Xiaodan and Xiaoxia giggled and said together: "Hall Master, Mr. Chen forced it."

Chen Yang laughed loudly, and said, "That's right, the two little girls are so cute, I couldn't help but want to give something away when I saw them."

Li Tianruozi also doesn't care about it, the relationship between these girls is very simple.

Li Tianruo then said: "Chen Yang, come in."

Chen Yang said: "Good!"

Li Tianruo also came out to greet him, she tidied up her clothes a little, and then greeted Chen Yang in the hall.

When Chen Yang saw Li Tianruo, Li Tianruo was wearing a plain long dress, elegant, dignified, and majestic!

Moreover, her cultivation base has advanced, and she is in the realm of the imaginary fairy.

Chen Yang immediately said: "Miss Li, congratulations on your success and your progress!"

Li Tianruo couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "You bastard, I thought I was lucky to be promoted this time. Others will never have my luck. Fortunately, you will reach the middle stage of Xuxian so soon. This makes people feel uncomfortable. Are you alive or not?"

Chen Yang laughed.

He said, "Is Xianzun at home?"

Li Tianruo said: "I went out a few days ago and just came back yesterday. You are very lucky!"

Chen Yang laughed.

Li Tianruo said: "You want to see my master, I'll take you there right away."

Chen Yang said: "Wait, there are some things for you and Hongchen."

Li Tianruo said: "First you bribed my disciples, but now you even want to bribe me, the master? I don't want it!"

Chen Yang said, "Er...that's it!" He paused, and then lit up the low-grade Taoist artifact he had already taken out. "This artifact is called the Forbidden Magic Bead, and it was originally intended to be given to you, Miss Li. Since you don't want it, then forget it."

"Wait!" Li Tianruo's eyes lit up, and she was a little excited. "Are you joking?"

Chen Yang said: "Are you kidding me, but if you don't want it now, what are you talking about?"

"Damn boy, bring it here!" Li Tianruo was almost greedy.

Chen Yang laughed.Then he threw the Forbidden Magic Orb to Li Tianruo.

Although Chen Yang obtained many magic weapons, the Taoist weapons were still limited.He was able to give it away because of his open-mindedness.With so many magic weapons left in his hands, he couldn't use them himself.Why not benefit your friends?

For example, this forbidden magic bead can confine space.It is magical to meet a master of Dongxian.But Chen Yang felt that there were too many things in his hands, just like grasping sand, the tighter he grasped, the less refined he would be.He simply didn't need it.

The Forbidden Magic Orb is a bit tasteless in Chen Yang's hands, and he can penetrate the general cave law by himself.Powerful, even the Forbidden Magic Orb can't do anything about it.

Of course, in the final analysis, it is still a matter of cultivation.If it is a master of Dongxian, or a master of Tianyu holding the Forbidden Magic Orb, its power is not the same.

Chen Yang also had considerations in allocating these Taoist instruments.In terms of relationship, Shen Murong, Qiao Ning, Linger and him are the closest.However, there is really no way to give the fairy artifact to Mo Nong and Qiao Ning, they have harmed them by taking the fairy artifact.

Even middle-grade Taoist artifacts won't work in their hands!

Therefore, Chen Yang only prepared low-grade Taoist artifacts for them.And Ling'er's cultivation was the highest, so Chen Yang gave the Immortal Artifact, the Eye of the Heavens, without even thinking about it.

"Eh..." Although Li Tianruo was delighted with the Forbidden Bead, he still felt a little embarrassed. "It's worthless..."

"Haha..." Chen Yang laughed twice, and then said: "You can take it with confidence, I have no intention. I got treasures this trip, there are a lot of things, and I will just give you one."

Li Tianruo took a deep look at Chen Yang.

She believed that Chen Yang had obtained the treasure, but she didn't believe that there would be many Taoist artifacts such as the Forbidden Magic Orb.She knew that this was a very serious relationship.

Chen Yang then took another low-grade Taoist artifact, and said, "This one is for Miss Sword."

"Thank you!" Li Tianruo took a deep breath and said.

Chen Yang had a total of five low-grade Taoist artifacts, and now he has given away four of them, and the last one was left to Shen Mo Nong.

He also has nine middle-grade Taoist artifacts, two upper-grade Taoist artifacts, and one immortal artifact!

Li Tianruo then took Chen Yang to see Mingyue Xianzun.

In Mingyue Hall, Mingyue Xianzun received Chen Yang in the hall.Jian Hongchen was also there, and Li Tianruo handed over the Taoist artifact Chen Yang had given to Jian Hongchen.

"Chen Yang gave it to you, and I have one too!" Li Tianruo said with a slight smile.

When Jian Hongchen saw the low-grade Taoist artifact, he couldn't help being surprised and couldn't believe it.Jian Hongchen is also a great master. He has been a deacon for many years and has the style of a general.But at this moment, he was at a loss in front of his master and senior sister.She glanced at her senior sister and then at her master.

Mingyue Xianzun couldn't help smiling, and said, "Take it away. Chen Yang is not a fake polite person!"

Jian Hongchen immediately accepted it, then bowed deeply to Chen Yang, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Yang said, "You're welcome."

Afterwards, everyone took their seats.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Where is the trip to the chalk world going well?"

Chen Yang said: "It went very smoothly!"

Mingyue Xianzun said: "What's going on there?"

Chen Yang said: "It's very complicated, and it's a long story."

Mingyue Xianzun smiled slightly and said: "I'm very curious about the situation inside, and there are no outsiders here, so please talk about it."

Chen Yang immediately took a deep breath and talked about the situation inside.Even the matter of spiritual practice was brought up without any shyness.

Chen Yang spoke for more than an hour before finishing.

Mingyue Xianzun and others couldn't help falling into silence after listening, their hearts were overwhelmed.

After a long time, Immortal Mingyue sighed, and said: "The Chalk World is just a small stronghold of Lingzun. The average level of this small stronghold has far surpassed that of other worlds. It seems that this seat is still a bit of a frog in the well."

Chen Yang was silent.

Mingyue Xianzun then said: "However, the Zonghuang is really powerful. Even a broken body can shake the entire chalk world. If he was in his heyday, I'm afraid... I am an ant in front of him."

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile wryly, because what Mingyue Xianzun said was indeed the truth.

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly noticed that Mingyue Immortal Venerable's complexion was not very good-looking, as if his vitality had been damaged.He couldn't help being surprised...

When he was about to speak, Immortal Mingyue waved his hand and said, "Tian Ruo, Hong Chen, you go back first."

Obviously, Mingyue Xianzun had expected what Chen Yang was going to say.

Li Tianruo and Jian Hongchen went in without knowing it, but since the master spoke, they naturally obeyed, got up and left immediately.

After the two left, Immortal Mingyue said: "There is indeed something wrong with my body..."

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