The strongest player in history

Chapter 1909 Beheading

Ling'er's footsteps were in the void, she was dressed in white, she was out of the dust and floating.At this moment, her eyes are calm, clear, without any emotion.

Tang Yin let out a loud roar, and said, "Baby maid, you must die!"

Ling'er saw that the entire embryo began to boil, and in the huge and boundless embryo, it was as if the entire ocean had been boiled.

Then the dragon roared.Tang Yin activated his whole body's magic power, while the magic dragon violently spit out Shenzang Jinghuo.

The power of Yuantai poured into Tang Yin's body, and Tang Yin's reincarnation magic eyes shot out magic light, absorbing the essence fire of Shenzang.In the middle, the glowing magic ball began to expand rapidly.

After being tempered by the magic light of reincarnation, the power of Yuantai and the fire of Shenzang kept growing, and the light inside became more and more dazzling.

It was like a planet had reached its limit and was about to explode.

How terrifying is the power that erupts like this, it is unimaginable, and I dare not imagine it.

"Master told me..." Ling'er had already seen Tang Yin's method at this time, and she secretly said in her heart: "Among the three thousand worlds, there is no primordial birth except the Great Thousand World. Other worlds have primordial fetuses, and the primordial fetuses are for the birth of the world. The root of it. The primordial womb can also give birth to weird rules. What is given, what is given. It seems that this person is giving birth to something evil."

Ling'er is absolutely calm at a critical moment. She has a clear mind and is not in a hurry, but she can find the best way to deal with it.

The primordial fetus conceived by Tang Yin did not explode, but changed suddenly, and finally formed a pair of armor.This golden armor can be changed at will, covering both the magic dragon and Tang Yin in an instant.

Tang Yin laughed sharply, and said: "Baby maid, as long as you are still in the Yuantai, there is no power that can break the rules of the Yuantai. No matter how powerful you are, you can't hurt my Yuantai armor. I will Beat you until you are exhausted, and then torture you!"

After he finished speaking, he ordered the dragon to attack first.Although the dragon lost a pair of wings.But its resilience is also amazing, and it quickly recovered [-]% of its combat power. Those wings could have been separated from the main body.The magic dragon galloped towards Ling'er, and at the same time spewed out the spirit fire of Shenzang!

With a flash of her figure, Ling'er dodged the attack of the magic dragon.The magic dragon caught up immediately, Ling'er dodged continuously, and the magic dragon continued to chase and kill.

Ling'er suddenly arrived behind Tang Yin, and she spit out the Killing Hole onto the Immortal Killing Sword, and then slashed out fiercely with the sword.

Tang Yin couldn't dodge at all!


A sword cut directly, unparalleled lethality!'s amazing.

At this moment, Ling'er's sword light slashed on Tang Yin's armor, and all the killing power turned into nothingness.It was like a dud, with no sparks splashing out.

At this time, the magic dragon attacked and attacked, Ling'er turned around and dodged immediately.

Tang Yin laughed sternly, and then said solemnly: "Despair, you lowly maidservant!"

Ling'er didn't speak, she moved and dodged continuously, the magic dragon finally locked onto Ling'er, and grabbed it fiercely with one claw.

Ling'er also knew that once her attack and magic power came into contact with that wonderful Yuantai armor, it would be reduced to nothing.She quickly slashed at the dragon claw with a palm.

This palm is false.It was just to block it a little bit, and then, her figure flashed.Then he fled out.

At the same time, Tang Yin finally made a move.Tang Yin's magic light of reincarnation formed a terrifying sword of magic light, slashing towards him with lightning in the air.It just happened to block Ling'er's way out.At the same time, the magic dragon attacked with another claw.

Tang Yin laughed out loud, at this moment, he was full of pleasure.

Ling'er was in the air, and suddenly his body flashed, and he actually entered the Immortal Killing Sword, which contained an infinite ocean of killing.Ling'er controlled the Immortal Slaying Sword, and quickly smashed Tang Yin's magic light into pieces. At the same time, the Immortal Slaughtering Sword slashed towards Tang Yin fiercely.

"You lowly maid..." Tang Yin never expected that Ling'er would have such a place.He punched Ling'er's Immortal Killing Sword.

The Slaughtering Immortal Sword is extremely sharp, but at this time it cannot break through the Yuantai armor.


Tang Yin couldn't resist, he was chopped off and flew out.But he was not injured at all.

The magic dragon grabbed it from behind, and the Immortal Slaying Sword flipped in the air, and slashed across with it.The dragon swung its claws, bang...

But the demon dragon sent the Immortal Killing Sword flying with one claw.Simply comparing mana, Ling'er is not as good as the magic dragon.

But right now, it's not easy for Ling'er to use her mana to control other things.Because of the rules, once the power touches the armor, it will be dispelled.

The magic dragon charged forward, while Tang Yin made moves from time to time.This person attacked and killed the Immortal Sword one after another, and Ling'er's mana was also being consumed rapidly.

"Hahahaha..." Tang Yin laughed wildly.He knew that it was only a matter of time before he took down this lowly maidservant today.The Immortal Slaughter Sword ran back and forth in the primordial womb, but it continued to suffer blows.

Tang Yin and Molong chased and killed them again and again, never tired of it.

It was at this time that Ling'er suddenly came out of the Immortal Killing Sword.

At that moment, she looked solemn, with fluttering sleeves in a long white dress.

Molong and Tang Yin didn't have time to think about it, and directly attacked and killed them.Ling'er quickly sacrificed the eyes of the heavens.

Ling'er has always had the eyes of the heavens, but she has not used them.This is because Ling'er is not sure whether the eyes of the heavens can break the armor of the primordial fetus.She has to be prepared.

And at this time, Ling'er walked away from the original womb, already knowing it in her heart.

Although the Eye of the Heavens is a celestial weapon, it cannot surpass the primordial fetus.

But the key issue is that Tang Yin is not the master of Yuan Tai.No one can be the master of the primordial womb.

Tang Yin just took advantage of the rules of Yuan Tai.

At that moment, the eyes of the heavens appeared.

Ling'er's mana was poured into the eyes of the heavens, and in the eyes of the heavens, Qi Lingyuanye used all her strength.The eyes of the heavens emitted pure white holy light in all directions.

At that moment, the entire embryo was lit up.

"Break!" Ling'er suddenly shouted tenderly.Those pure white holy lights were like countless spiritual tentacles, and under the infusion of Ling'er's mana, Tang Yin's spiritual power was forcibly stripped out of the original womb.

The entire embryo was shrouded in white holy light, and the veins, lines, and spirits in it were all clear.At that moment, Yuantai and Ling'er became one.

"Peel off!" Ling'er shouted again.

Then, in a flash, the golden armor on the demon dragon and Tang Yin disappeared.

"Kill!" Ling'er shouted again.

The holy light of the eyes of the heavens shrunk, forming a huge and unparalleled sword of holy light!


In the next second, the dragon was chopped into pieces,

There is no resistance at all.The eyes of the heavens are fused with the power of the primordial womb, and within this primal womb, Ling'er is an invincible existence.

At this time, Ling'er looked at Tang Yin again.

Tang Yin's eyes showed fear, and he finally felt fear.He felt that he was not afraid of death, he thought he was fearless.But at this moment, when death really came, he suddenly discovered that he was so afraid of death.

He looked at Ling'er, Ling'er's eyes were still clear and cold, without any emotion.It's as if she's an emotionless person.

Tang Yin wanted to ask for mercy, but he didn't know how to say it...

However, he didn't need to speak anymore.

Because Ling'er couldn't listen at all, Ling'er directly cast the Eye of the Heavens.The sword of holy light slashed with lightning.

Without the slightest struggle or luck, Tang Yin was also beheaded and shattered.

Afterwards, Ling'er closed the eyes of the heavens, turned and left Yuantai.If you don't master the rules, it is indeed difficult to leave this Yuantai blockade.But Ling'er had already mastered the mystery, so he left directly.

The primordial fetus of every world is an extremely secretive existence.

It was a chance for Tang Yin to meet Yuan Tai, and it also became his burial place.

It really is luck and fate!

Chen Yang and Steward Du, who were outside, didn't wait long when they saw Ling'er flashing over.It seems that Ling'er just went in, and then just said a few words here, Ling'er came out.

The battle in the original womb was originally a flash.

"Linger!" Chen Yang heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Linger come out.He took her hand and said, "Are you okay?"

Ling'er shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

Chen Yang couldn't help but said, "Don't be so reckless next time."

Ling'er was slightly taken aback, she wanted to say that she had agreed with Chen Yang.But she still nodded and said, "Okay!"

Chen Yang also knew her thoughts from Linger's expression, he couldn't help laughing and said: "You little girl, I told you to kill, that means we go together. Can't you wait for me? You now Your cultivation base is much higher than mine!"

Ling'er couldn't help but smiled.

Butler Du turned his head away. The young couple was flirting and flirting, so it was not easy for him to participate.

"By the way, that dragon and that guy?" Chen Yang asked Ling'er again.

Ling'er said, "I killed him."

"They're all dead?" Chen Yang said.

Linger said: "Yes!"

Hearing this, Butler Du couldn't help being respectful, and said: "Miss Situ is really good at it, no wonder so many masters fell into your hands."

Ling'er glanced at Butler Du, but said nothing.Chen Yang laughed and said, "Butler Du, let's go back."

Butler Du naturally didn't have any thoughts about Ling'er's attitude. His life was saved by others, so there was nothing to say.

Immediately, the three of them went back together.

In the blink of an eye, he returned to the main hall of the Holy Light Society.

The main hall of the Holy Light Society was not damaged, the only damage was that Bai Yunzhong lost eighteen elite guards.

After Chen Yang and Ling'er returned to the Holy Light Society, Bai Yunzhong immediately greeted them.

"The magic dragon and the thief?" Bai Yunzhong asked with concern.

Butler Du said, "Miss Situ has already killed her."

Bai Yunzhong looked at Ling'er when he heard the words, a trace of awe flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help saying: "Miss Situ is so handsome, I admire her!"

Ling'er didn't speak.

This made Bai Yunzhong a little embarrassed.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Let's go in and talk."

Bai Yunzhong said: "Okay!" He immediately led Chen Yang and his party into the back room.

After taking his seat in the back room, Bai Yunzhong bowed deeply first, and said, "Thank you both for saving your life."

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