Chen Yang glanced at Qin Keqing and said, "It seems that you are here to Xingshi to inquire about crimes."

Qin Keqing glared suddenly, and said: "Shouldn't it be? Originally, you helped me in the world of chalk and took great risks to save them. I am extremely grateful to you, but now they are killed by your wife again. What kindness is there with me!"

Chen Yang said: "I never feel that you owe me anything, and I don't need anyone to repay my kindness."

He paused and said, "But at least, I think you should understand me. I know you are angry, but for the sake of our friendship, I can explain to you why I killed them."

"Didn't your wife kill it? Do you want to take the blame for her?" Qin Keqing said.

Chen Yang said: "I asked her to kill me. If there is any hatred, I will bear it."

"Okay, you're refreshing!" Qin Keqing paused and said, "I want to see what you have to say."

Chen Yang said: "A thousand times, ten thousand times, I will kill those two ungrateful dogs!"

"Chen Yang, don't go too far!" Qin Keqing was furious, and said, "My eighth younger sister is jade-clean and kind-hearted. I won't allow you to insult her like this!"

Chen Yang said, "Sorry, I got a little excited."

He went on to say: "Whether you believe it or not, I will always explain it to you. After the explanation, whether you believe it or not is up to you. What happened was that Linger and I went through it several times, and the adventure finally took out the treasure. At that time, I was seriously injured, and Linger was also seriously exhausted. At this time, Tang Wenqing and your eighth sister came with people, and covered us with some kind of Dark Emperor Promise Bell. Afterwards, Linger repelled them, and Linger and I went smoothly Run away. At that time, Tang Wenqing and your eighth younger sister were hiding in the dark and did not come out. I don’t know what method they used, but when Linger and I were healing, Tang Wenqing and your eighth younger sister rushed over. Tang Wenqing met, You call me brother and brother, saying that you are thinking of me. Okay, I will accept his favor and give him half of the treasure."

"It is said that there are only one-tenth of the treasure!" Qin Keqing said.

"This is fucking bullshit!" Chen Yang became excited, and said, "Qin Keqing, don't you have big breasts and no brains! Who said this? Did he see the total number of treasures? He dared to open his mouth and say It's one tenth. The key is that you still believe it, 100 billion Chunyang Pills, and gave them 50 billion, what else do you want? Can Tang Wenqing swallow it?"

"You..." Qin Keqing was at a loss for words.She said: "Okay, even if you divide half of the treasure. Then why did you kill them?"

Chen Yang said: "Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin came to test in the middle of the night and forced them to enter my ring Xumi to see Linger's injury. Tang Wenqing said that your eighth sister has a secret therapy that can help Linger recover from her injury. .”

Qin Keqing said: "Wenqing and Zijin, from the beginning to the end, wanted you and your wife to recover. Why did you..."

"What kind of fart!" Chen Yang said, "Believe me, I'm not that stupid. Tang Wenqing started out as a test. The more I gave him the treasure, the more I tolerated him, the more he was sure that Ling'er and I were seriously injured. He just wanted to be with him Yu Zijin went in to investigate, and once it was determined that we were seriously injured, he would immediately attack!


"So, they didn't take the initiative to do anything from the beginning to the end, right?" Qin Keqing asked suddenly.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "No!"

"So, everything is just your conjecture!" Qin Keqing said with inexplicable grief and indignation, "Tang Wenqing and my eighth sister were killed in your conjecture. If they really wanted to harm you, there is no reason for them to be plotted by you! "

Chen Yang was stunned.

He suddenly discovered that when this matter was explained, it became darker and darker.

Because the situation at that time was really delicate, Chen Yang and Tang Wenqing knew it well.But in the end, it was indeed Chen Yang who made the first move.

Chen Yang is also very violent, he said: "Forget it, you can think whatever you want. Anyway, I will only explain this time. The situation at that time, Linger and I were seriously injured. If you hesitate any longer, maybe you are questioning Tang Wenqing today Why did Yu Zijin kill me and Ling'er? Fortunately, I did it first, so I can still stand here and accept your questioning."

He paused, and then said: "You want to find evidence, no. If you believe me, what I said is true. If you don't believe it, there is nothing you can do. If you want revenge, I will follow."

"The matter is clear." At this moment, a cold voice came.

But it was Tan Taijing, the military god of Tiandu Military Mansion, who arrived.

Tan Taijing appeared beside Qin Keqing in a flash. He looked at Chen Yang and Ling'er and said so.

At the same time, several figures flickered again.

Afterwards, His Ninth Highness Tang Zhengyu, His Tenth Highness Tang Yin, Sima Zhen from Tianji Mansion, and two masters sent by Junji Mansion.Both masters are at the peak of Xuxian.They are called Hou Ruiqi and Yang Zhi respectively.

Tang Ming, the boss of the Military Aircraft Mansion, is not stupid. He knows that the other party is the king of destiny, so he will not come to this muddy water himself.

Yan Jiuniang knew to stay far away, and Tang Ming also understood this truth.Just like Cang Hao, the lord of Tianji Mansion, that old fellow would never do anything by himself.

His Ninth Prince, Tang Zhengyu, is a jade tree facing the wind, wearing silver clothes and jade belts, floating out of the dust.

His Highness Tang Yin was dressed in black with only half of his face exposed.As soon as he appeared, the air seemed to be much colder.

Tang Yin gave people an extremely sinister feeling, his eyes seemed to contain a devil.

People in the whole court were unwilling to have any dealings with Tang Yin.

Tang Zhengyu has always been scheming, he doesn't make shots lightly, once he makes a shot, he will surely hit.Before finding Chen Yang and Ling'er, Tang Zhengyu had been quietly planning for a long time, including finding Liuyehui to investigate Chen Yang's information.Tang Zhengyu also inquired about information from several other dynasties.

The final intelligence revealed two points. First, the treasure was on Chen Yang.Second, Chen Yang and his wife are very much in love with each other. If you grab one, you can hold back the other.

Tang Zhengyu immediately set up a net.

His younger brother, Tang Yin, was born with a pair of magic eyes of reincarnation.This pair of magic eyes of reincarnation could trap Xuxian masters when he was young.Now, he can easily trap Dongxian and even the masters of Tianyu Realm.

The strength of the Jokhang Dynasty is extremely strong. At the beginning, they did not fight back against the Lingzun, because they could not find the whereabouts of the Lingzun.The second is that the people below are not in harmony.The third is that they are not willing to completely offend the powerful Lingzun World behind them.

Don't look at the Jokhang Dynasty dealing with Chen Yang and Ling'er, it is like a giant, it is difficult to compete.But as long as there is only one Tianbulu in the Lingzun world, it can completely destroy the Jokhang Dynasty.

The master of the heavenly realm is second only to the existence of the creation realm.No one in the entire central world can compete!

In the Three Thousand Worlds, masters of the Celestial Realm seldom show up.There are also many that are not on the earth at all, and have left far away.It is also to avoid the sanction of heaven.As for the masters of the realm of creation, they hide even deeper.But such as Yuanjue, that's another story.

Tang Zhengyu's plan was to temporarily trap Situ Linger by his younger brother Tang Yinxian by surprise.Tan Taijing, the military god of Tiandu, personally acted and cooperated with Sima Zhen to quickly take down Chen Yang.After taking down Chen Yang, it would be easy to use Chen Yang to contain Situ Ling'er.

As for the fact that Chen Yang has a puppet without beginning, it's not a big secret.Qin Keqing had already confided everything.

Although Qin Keqing was conflicted in her heart, because of the death of her eighth younger sister, she would never come back to miss her old love with Chen Yang.Everything must be caught by Chen Yang first.Qin Keqing also knew in her heart that Chen Yang was too difficult to catch.

Among the major forces of the Jokhang Dynasty, Tan Taijing, the military god of Tiandu, was more forthright.There are not so many routines, just come directly.

The rest of the bosses are all individuals.At this moment, Tan Taijing appeared beside Qin Keqing and said, "President Qin, the matter has become clear. This Chen Yang is unwilling to let the treasure be taken away, and he is suspicious by nature while recovering from his injuries, so he will act first We are strong. We all watched His Highness and Miss Yu grow up. Both of them are dragons and phoenixes among people. Let alone Chen Yang has kindness to them. Even if there is no kindness, they are gentlemen and magnanimous. They will do things that break their promises."

A look of grief and indignation flashed in Qin Keqing's eyes.She did know Bamei and Tang Wenqing well, they were by no means the despicable people Chen Yang said.

However, she also felt that Chen Yang was not a despicable person.

Then, Qin Keqing thought that all the problems lay with Situ Linger.

"In that case, let's do it!" Qin Keqing said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing officially broke up.

The two sides are at war with each other and are about to start a big battle.At this moment, Linger suddenly spoke.

Ling'er looked at Tan Taijing, she looked clear and indifferent, and said word by word: "You mean, those two are honest gentlemen, and my husband is a despicable villain?"

Tan Taijing snorted coldly, and said: "He is a despicable villain. At the beginning, he was caught in the trap of the Third Highness and Miss Yu, and then let the trap kill the late emperor. Now he is telling stories and trying to confuse President Qin. Man, extremely despicable! I'm yuck!"

This is Chi Guoguo's contempt and insult to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's heart suddenly burst into a monstrous anger, but Ling'er was more direct. She looked at Tan Taijing, then nodded, and said, "Well, I will kill you!"

"Hahahaha...Little girl, I know that you have killed many people, even Mr. Wang Zhaolin. But you think you can kill me Tan Taijing just because of this, then you really don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Ling'er snorted coldly, and she said to Chen Yang: "Husband, come to my ring Sumeru."

Chen Yang quit immediately, and said: "Ahem, don't worry, Ling'er, even if you use it, you still have the ability to protect yourself as a husband."

"Hey!" At this moment, under Tang Zhengyu's gesture, Tang Yin's figure flashed and stopped in front of Ling'er...

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