Yan Jiuniang glanced at Dai Lu, pondered for a moment, and then said: "No matter who it is, whoever dares to commit a crime will be punished no matter how far away!"

Dai Lu sighed slightly, although he felt something was wrong.But it was also seen that His Majesty the Emperor had made up his mind, so he didn't say anything more at the moment.Yan Jiuniang then spoke to Chang Bo next to him, who was the old eunuch next to Emperor Tang before, known as Chang Lao.She said to Uncle Chang: "Old Chang, discuss with Prime Minister Dai to draw up the decree!"

Chang Lao immediately said: "Yes, Your Majesty!" This old eunuch has always been reticent and dedicated to his duties.Everyone in the imperial court respected Chang Lao.Although he is a eunuch, he has a great personality.

Afterwards, Yan Jiuniang said again: "Qin Keqing stays, the rest wait, step back."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Everyone retreated one after another.

Yan Jiuniang said to the red-eyed Qin Keqing, "Follow me to the imperial study!"

Qin Keqing said: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Yan Jiuniang and Qin Keqing arrived in the imperial study. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for Yan Jiuniang and Qin Keqing.Qin Keqing was extremely sad, and her feelings for her younger sisters were very deep.

Yan Jiuniang sat at the top.

The lights in the imperial study room were bright, Yan Jiuniang looked a little tired, and she felt sad at the same time.

I am also saddened by the deaths of Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin.

"Master!" Qin Keqing raised her head suddenly, tears in her eyes. "Master, this disciple doesn't understand."

"Don't understand what?" Yan Jiuniang also looked at Qin Keqing. Although she was majestic, she was extraordinarily generous to several disciples.

Qin Keqing said: "The Treasure of the Zonghuang had a close relationship with Chen Yang in the early morning. You knew earlier that his luck is extraordinary. Even in the world of chalk, the reversal can be completed. Then why do you want Bamei and His Royal Highness Tang Wenqing to go down?" What about taking the treasure?"

Yan Jiuniang immediately said: "Your teacher, why didn't you send other people there, but sent Wenqing and Zijin?"

Qin Keqing was stunned.

"It was best to send you there at the time, but now that you belong to the president of the Six Leaf Society, you have little to do with the imperial court. As a teacher, I don't want people to think that the president of the Six Leaf Society is random Instigate. Second, when you came back, you were in a sluggish mood and ignored outside affairs. As a teacher, I know you have experienced a lot, so I didn't bother you." Yan Jiuniang said.

Qin Keqing said: "Master, what do you mean, Tang Wenqing and Bamei were sent because they are Chen Yang's old friends?"

Yan Jiuniang said: "The Treasure of the Zonghuang is full of uproar, and all forces have moved. If you don't let people go, I don't know what trouble they will make. Sending them there is to see Situation. If Chen Yang gets the treasure smoothly, forget it. If Chen Yang loses the treasure, then Wen Qing and Zijin can make a move. Wen Qing, Zijin and Chen Yang, in my teacher's opinion, should have extraordinary When they are together, it is absolutely difficult to fall out. In order to save them, Chen Yang narrowly escaped death. How could Zijin and Wen Qing fall out with Chen Yang?"

Speaking of this, Yan Jiuniang couldn't help sighing, and said: "Man is not as good as God. As a teacher, I really didn't expect to come to this step."

Qin Keqing said in a deep voice: "I know Bamei. Although Bamei has a stubborn personality, she has always been a person who repays kindness. As for Tang Wenqing, my disciple is not familiar with it."

Yan Jiuniang said: "Wen Qing was Emperor Tang's favorite child during his lifetime. He also had contact with him as a teacher. Although he was a bit arrogant, he was a kind and gentle boy."

Qin Keqing said: "The disciple knows Chen Yang better. He is generous by nature. Now that the treasure has been divided, it is absolutely impossible to turn back for the treasure in the middle of the night!"

Yan Jiuniang said: "There must be something that we don't know about. Probably all the problems are caused by his wife."

"His wife?" At this moment, Qin Keqing felt that there were mixed feelings, not tastes.

Yan Jiuniang went on to say: "This immeasurable massacre is getting worse and worse. Even if the teacher wants to get out, it is impossible. Right now, the teacher is also riding a tiger. People like Zijin, Wenqing, and Wang Zhaolin are all dead. .As a teacher, you must also give an explanation to the court. You can fail, but you must not do nothing. As a teacher, let the old nine Tang Zhengyu hand-picked the masters of each government to fight together. It is to make them shut up afterwards. Because of failure , also have their share."

Qin Keqing looked at Yan Jiuniang. At this moment, she finally understood Master's deliberation and foresight.

"However, Eighth Sister's revenge must be avenged!" Qin Keqing finally said.

Yan Jiuniang glanced at Qin Keqing and said, "Master will support you no matter what you want!"

Qin Keqing couldn't hold back the tears any longer, and burst out of her eyes.She threw herself into Yan Jiuniang's arms, crying bitterly.

She hadn't been this weak for many years.Only in front of Yan Jiuniang can she be so unscrupulous.

Yan Jiuniang is a kind and loving venerable, but at the same time, she also has a very high overall view, and even has wisdom that ordinary people can't match.

When she arranged for Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin to pay attention to the treasure, she just wanted to calm things down.She wanted to quiet down the forces in the court, and she also wanted Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing to try their luck.If Chen Yang got the treasure, they would help out. Based on what she knew about Chen Yang, Chen Yang would be more generous.

If Chen Yang couldn't do it, Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin brought the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock, and with the help of the masters of Tianji Mansion, they would have a chance.

Yan Jiuniang didn't put any pressure on Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin at all, just take it if you can, and forget it if you can't.

It was such an arrangement, and finally came such a result.

Yan Jiuniang felt a strong sense of powerlessness in her heart. "Man's calculation is not as good as the sky's calculation. I'm afraid that one day, I will also die in response to the disaster!"

Chen Yang and Ling'er have been practicing in the depths of the sea, and they have enough time. Now that their cultivation has recovered, they are not in a hurry.Chen Yang and Ling'er consumed a lot of pure yang elixir, and they went on weekends several times.

Chen Yang's savings kept increasing. He had just entered the virtual fairyland not long ago, and he still lacked too much experience and savings.

Every step of the growth of the great origin technique he cultivated is extremely difficult.Ordinary people eat two bowls of rice to be full, but he needs to eat at least five bowls of rice to be full.Chen Yang's brain is gradually strengthening, and his body is already indestructible.If the brain domain is cultivated to the extreme, at that time, not only will he have powerful spells, but he may also have an incredible vitality like Mara.

In three days and three nights, Chen Yang and Ling'er consumed [-] million pure Yang pills.

Of course, this is mainly Linger's consumption.Ling'er's cultivation is already above that of Mingyue Xianzun.Chen Yang couldn't even imagine the mana vitality she swallowed in one gulp.

After three days and three nights of practice, Chen Yang's cultivation has successfully advanced to the middle stage of Xuxian!

And Ling'er has reached the critical point of the peak of the Cave Wonderland, and is just a hair away from the Tianyu Realm.

The Cave Fairy Realm comprehends the laws of space, while the Tianyu Realm comprehends the laws of time.Space and time exist in the world, and time is the most mysterious thing in the world, and it is extremely difficult to comprehend it.Although Yin Xuan is a master of the Tianyu Realm, he is also the ancestor of the Great Jin Dynasty. He has lived for countless years and realized how many opportunities to achieve the Tianyu Realm.In the world of chalk, the eldest grandson is even a thousand-year-old monster, always staying on the peak of the cave fairy, and it is difficult to break through.

Right now, what Linger lacks is not pills or resources, but experience and experience, as well as opportunities!

When the opportunity comes, it will happen naturally.

Ling'er's cultivation is already fast enough, and Hei Yi Suzhen also specially told her not to deliberately pursue the improvement of her cultivation base, but to do it naturally, when things will come when conditions are ripe, and when things are ripe!

This is the right way!

Fortunately, Ling'er is indifferent.She has almost no desires, and she doesn't care much about whether she can break through.That is to say, there is only one motivation, and that is to protect Chen Yang.If you don't even have this motivation, then Ling'er really doesn't bother to practice.

It's also because of Ling'er's indifferent temperament, wanting nothing.So although she made extremely fast progress, she hardly had any inner demons.

Linger's journey is very smooth, which has something to do with her personality.With a simple temperament and no distracting thoughts, the natural progress is rapid.But Hei Yi Suzhen was always worried about what kind of tribulation Linger would encounter.

However, Hei Yi Suzhen also knew that since Ling'er was a Man of Destiny, there were some things she couldn't avoid.

After that, Chen Yang and Ling'er began to count the treasures they got this time.

There are countless treasures.

There are countless magic tools, among which there are high-grade Taoist tools, and there are also two fairy-level weapons.

Not to mention the rest of the magic weapons.

Chen Yang was dumbfounded, and finally felt the horror of these treasures. No wonder it attracted so many masters to fight to the death.

Five high-grade Taoist artifacts, ten middle-grade Taoist artifacts, and twenty low-grade Taoist artifacts!

what is this concept?

At the beginning, Zeus' crown of good fortune was only a middle-grade Taoist weapon.And what is an immortal artifact? The map of Shanhe Sheji is an immortal artifact.

Of course, there is also a distinction between fairy artifacts.Immortal artifacts are divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade, and fortune.Good Fortune Immortal Artifact is a legendary existence.And those like the Shanhe Sheji map are top-grade fairy artifacts!

These treasures in Chen Yang's hands are enough to make many bigwigs in the Three Thousand Worlds crazy about them.

Chen Yang can also imagine how powerful the monk Linghui was back then. This guy really has a collection of amazing magic weapons!

Chen Yang nodded, already knowing it in his heart.Those two immortal artifacts are called the Bridge of Naihe and the Eye of the Heavens respectively!

Chen Yang gave Ling'er the eyes of the heavens, and let Ling'er choose from the treasures at will.By the way, Chen Yang also found a magic weapon for Qiao Ning and Shen Mo Nong.In fact, after experiencing what happened to Luo Ning, and with the gradual withdrawal of Sanqian Dao, Chen Yang understood one thing.

That is, everyone is innocent and guilty!

The magic weapon he gave them didn't have to be the most advanced one, but the right one.Otherwise, if the grade is high, it will cause a disaster of death!

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