It took Tang Wenqing a while to recover, and he said immediately, "Brother Chen, there is one more thing I can't hide from you for treating me like this."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, is there anything else?"

Tang Wenqing said: "I am the only one who came here to hunt for treasure this time under the orders of His Majesty the Emperor. The Tiandu Military Mansion and the Military Aircraft Mansion also sent people to search for you, Brother Chen. So, you must be careful. "

Chen Yang was taken aback, and said, "Really?"

Tang Wenqing said: "Brother Chen, you don't know. The Tantai family of the Tiandu Military Mansion has always been domineering. Now that my grandpa is gone, they are even more daring. How could they miss this opportunity. And the Military Machine Mansion is What's more, my grandpas, grandpas, and uncles are all in the military mansion. They're not vegetarians either!"

Chen Yang pondered.

He then said: "Your Highness, you are not being kind. Don't you plan to tell me the news if I don't give you these treasures?"

Tang Wenqing said: "That's absolutely not, brother Chen, you and I have a shallow conversation. At the beginning, I have to talk about the matter at hand. I told you the military aircraft mansion and the Tiandu military mansion early in the morning. Didn't that seem to threaten you? ?"

Chen Yang said: "That's true, it's my villain's heart that judges a gentleman's belly."

Tang Wenqing said: "Since your wife is still resting, Brother Chen, I have an idea."

Chen Yang said: "Please speak!"

Tang Wenqing said: "Master Wang and I are here to accompany you, brother Chen, and we will leave after my sister-in-law recovers. In this way, with your abilities, it will not be difficult to escape."

Chen Yang fell silent.

Tang Wenqing said, "Brother Chen, I have absolutely no other intentions. If you don't believe me, we'll leave immediately."

Chen Yang looked at Tang Wenqing.

For the first time, he found out that Tang Wenqing was a bit confusing to him.

This kid, how much is true and how much is false?

Chen Yang originally thought that after the treasure was distributed, the matter was over.He just needs to buy some time for Linger and himself.

Chen Yang treated Tang Wenqing with sincerity, and there was also a reason why Emperor Tang sacrificed his life to save him.

But right now, Chen Yang couldn't figure out whether Tang Wenqing was an enemy or a friend.

This guy actually made Chen Yang a little embarrassed.

At this time, Tang Wenqing said: "In that case, I'll leave later. Brother Chen, take care!"

Chen Yang immediately said: "Wait!" He paused, and then said: "It's so troublesome."

So this time, Tang Wenqing and others stayed.

They all hid in the Dark Emperor Promise Clock to cultivate, and began to immerse themselves in the joy of sharing the treasure.

Tang Wenqing also invited Chen Yang to go in with him, but Chen Yang declined.

Chen Yang actually didn't dare to go in.

"Is this Dark Emperor's Promise Clock really so powerful? I wrapped the Jiexumi Villa with the soul spar immediately, but they still found it? Is Tang Wenqing telling the truth?"

Chen Yang felt a little unreliable. His soul spar could avoid Lingzun's search, but he couldn't avoid people like Tang Wenqing.What is the method?

The beginningless God Puppet sits cross-legged holding the ring sumeru.

In Jiexumi, Chen Yang's real body has been recuperating.

Chen Yang was thinking... At the same time, he also looked up at Ling'er who was meditating in front of him.

"I probably understand..." Chen Yang's thoughts turned.

"What method did Tang Wenqing and his group use to find them? I still don't know, but it should never be the aura of the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock. Ling'er has a keen sense and can detect any aura. Tang Wenqing obviously didn't get along with it. be honest!"

Chen Yang secretly said: "This kid, I gave him so many treasures, not only did not dispel his greed, but made him affirm one thing, that is, Linger is indeed cultivating. Yes, they guessed Chu Ling'er consumed too much mana, but I'm not sure. Therefore, I came here as a test, and my concession gave them confidence."

Chen Yang couldn't help getting annoyed, he wasn't brainless, nor was he not smart enough.It's just that he did maintain an old friendship with Tang Wenqing, so he wasn't so defensive.Otherwise, it would not be difficult for Chen Yang to fool Tang Wenqing and his group now that he was able to deceive the Lingzuns around.

It's just that now, things have come to such a point, Chen Yang knows that no matter what he does again, he will feel like trying to hide it.

"No, I can't capsize in the gutter. I have gone through so many dangers in this treasure hunt. If it falls into the hands of this brat, it will be a joke."

Chen Yang secretly said: "Why doesn't Tang Wenqing do anything? Could it be that he is waiting for reinforcements? No, since he has confirmed that there is a problem on my side, he can directly attack. Yes, he is still not sure. There is still a plan to deal with me and Ling'er. What is the plan?"

Chen Yang couldn't think of it for a while, if he escaped directly, it would directly catalyze Tang Wenqing and his party to speed up their actions.

At this moment, although Chen Yang is still not sure that there must be something wrong with Tang Wenqing and his party.But he must regard this matter as the biggest crisis, he must assume that they have a problem, and then solve this problem.

The only way to solve the immediate crisis is to quickly recover from his and Linger's injuries.

Ling'er was always recuperating, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep.

Chen Yang didn't dare to wake Ling'er up, for fear that Ling'er's Qi and blood would rush back and get hurt.And his own injury is not light.

And at this very moment, inside the Dark Emperor Promise Clock.

Inside the clock was a small world, and Tang Wenqing, Yu Zijin, Wang Zhaolin and others were all in the hall of the small world.

The hall is full of precious light, resplendent and resplendent.Inside the hall, treasures and pills piled up into mountains.

Wang Zhaolin and his group, including Yu Zijin, were all flushed with excitement.

"Your Highness, now we are truly developed. With these treasures, we can recruit experts from various planes and worlds. We can also greatly improve the cultivation of our soldiers. In the future, when you ascend the throne, you will be sure." Sima Zhen said happily first.

Although Wang Zhaolin was calm, he couldn't help but nod his head at this time, and said: "Well, although we lost two masters this time, it is worthwhile to get so many treasures. This time, several The great dynasties were all masters, but in the end they all lost their wives and lost their soldiers. It was His Highness who had far-sightedness and foresight, and led us to such a victorious battle. Your Highness is like the Tang Emperor back then!"

Yu Zijin also looked at Tang Wenqing with gentle eyes.

But at this time, Tang Wenqing was surprisingly calm, his eyes were deep and deep, making it hard to fathom.

"Your Highness, what are you thinking?" Wang Zhaolin looked at Tang Wenqing and asked strangely.

Tang Wenqing said: "Now we can basically be sure that the bastard surnamed Chen, his woman is resting. We all know that this kind of resting is extraordinary. Her mental power is damaged. Once we disturb her, she will go to sleep. severely injured."

"That's what you said!" Sima said immediately: "But Your Highness, this matter is still risky. If we guess wrong, I'm afraid we will suffer serious losses. Right now, since we have obtained so many treasures, we should leave as soon as possible." For good."

Tang Wenqing said: "Absolutely not!" He paused, and said, "Both the Military Plane Mansion and the Tiandu Military Mansion are looking for Chen Yang. Tiandu Military Mansion and Military Aircraft Mansion got his treasure, so we still have no advantage at all."

"This..." Wang Zhaolin said: "Your Highness is worried, but there is some reason. Do you have any tricks, Your Highness?"

Tang Wenqing snorted coldly and said, "Of course, you just wait."

Afterwards, he stood up and said, "Choose more of the treasures here and put them away. Zijin, follow me."

Yu Zijin glanced at Tang Wenqing, and then followed Tang Wenqing away.

Tang Wenqing took Yu Zijin to a bedroom inside. The bedroom was luxurious and noble, with a luxurious big bed in the middle.

Tang Wenqing sat on the bed, waved and said, "Zijin, come here!"

Yu Zijin came to Tang Wenqing's side, Tang Wenqing pulled Yu Zijin into his arms.

Yu Zijin snuggled into Tang Wenqing's arms.

"All our pain is caused by this bastard, Zijin, tonight, we can take revenge." Tang Wenqing said word by word.

Yu Zijin's eyes shone with resentment, and she said, "I will never forget what I experienced in the chalk world. That shame must be washed away with Chen Yang's blood."

"Use his blood to wash away the shame of our souls, and from now on, we can let go of the past." Tang Wenqing said.

Yu Zijin kissed Tang Wenqing's lips, and she suddenly became frenzied.

"I want you... ruthlessly... ravage me!" Yu Zijin said.

"Okay!" Tang Wenqing's eyes turned blood red, and he pushed Yu Zijin onto the bed.

It was a fierce song of joy.

It seems that all the humiliation and all the catastrophes will be temporarily forgotten in such joy.

Two people who have suffered a great humiliation cuddle up to each other to keep each other warm.

After the passion was over, Yu Zijin got up and got dressed. She regained her indifference and asked Tang Wenqing, "How do you plan to deal with them? If you are sure that they are really injured, why not do it directly?"

Tang Wenqing said: "The problem is that no one can be absolutely sure about this matter. Chen Yang is a bastard with a lot of tricks. His ability to escape in the chalk world is enough to show his ability. We must be careful so that we can drive for thousands of years Boat!"

Yu Zijin was a little impatient and said, "What is your plan?"

Tang Wenqing said: "Entering Jiexumi, I have a wonderful fairy grass in my hand."

"What kind of wonderful method?" Yu Zijin asked with a sneer.

Tang Wenqing said: "Look..." After he finished speaking, he took out a celestial grass.That fairy grass has withered...

"What is this?" Yu Zijin asked.

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