However, Ling'er became more courageous as she fought.The little girl's eyes were full of killing intent, and she wanted to kill all the gods and Buddhas.

The more Wang Zhaolin fought, the more frightened he became, he suddenly shouted: "Retreat!"

He also saw that Ling'er's mana was being continuously replenished, and worried that if it continued to be consumed like this, the treasure would not be obtained, and his life would be lost.

Hearing the words, the other masters felt as if they were being pardoned.

At that moment, Wang Zhaolin turned around and started the Dark Emperor Promise Clock.The Dark Emperor's Promise Clock suddenly shrunk, but it sent out a strong air current, rolling everyone inward.

Wang Zhaolin grabbed the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock, and it was shocked!

The Dark Emperor's Promise Clock quickly slammed into Ling'er, Ling'er flashed in the air, and then slashed at the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock.


Ling'er's palm had powerful mana, and when he struck it, the Dark Emperor's Promise Clock issued a deafening sound wave.That sound wave set off a raging wave in the sea below.

The Dark Emperor's Promise Clock rotated at high speed in the air, and suddenly rushed into the sky.But Wang Zhaolin took the opportunity to escape.

Wang Zhaolin wanted to escape, and Ling'er had no intention of fighting at all.She quickly cast the big teleportation technique, teleporting thousands of miles away in an instant.Ling'er found a dense virgin forest, and then fell down.

Afterwards, Chen Yang also followed suit.He has been paying attention to the battle outside, and knows the current situation.

Chen Yang took out the huge Ring Sumeru, and entered the Villa Ring Sumeru together with Linger.

Inside the villa, Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief.Then, he asked Linger with concern: "Linger, how do you feel now?"

"How is your injury?" Ling'er looked at Chen Yang burningly.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I don't care."

Ling'er then said: "I'm fine, I just need to rest for a while to replenish my mental strength."

Chen Yang said, "Okay, let's cultivate together first."

Monk Linghui immediately said: "Wait a minute, fellow Taoist, first help the poor monk find out the great spiritual liquid technique. When the poor monk learns the great spiritual liquid technique, he can help you heal your wounds."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and he said, "I forgot about this."

"Huh?" Linger felt strange, and said, "Who are you talking to?"

"It's Linghui!" Chen Yang smiled.

Ling'er knew Linghui, so she didn't say any more after hearing the words.

She really didn't talk much, even with Chen Yang, she only talked a little more.

Chen Yang grabbed the Prajna Bell, which is also a great magic weapon, but it was used by Monk Linghui to store important magic weapons.

Chen Yang couldn't help asking Monk Linghui, and said, "Why do you store so many magic weapons? With your cultivation base, you can directly create a small world magic weapon and store it. Why bother?"

Monk Linghui suddenly had a strange tone, and said, "If the poor monk hadn't put treasures from so many places, what would you take now, fellow Taoist?"

"Haha!" Chen Yang understood immediately.Dare to feel that Linghui monk felt the danger back then, so he hid the treasure everywhere.He was thinking of making a comeback in the future, but right now Chen Yang has benefited greatly.

Chen Yang sensed the Prajna Bell with mana, and the treasures inside the Prajna Bell were extremely rich, with countless treasures, magic tools, and elixir.

Chen Yang searched for the past all the way, and great joy rose in his heart.He knew that he was really developed this time.

Several of his precepts are also filled with pills and treasures.

Chen Yang searched quickly, and not long after, he found the magical seed of the great spirit liquid technique.He gave the supernatural power seed to monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui took the seeds and said: "The poor monk will be in seclusion for a year. Within this year, he will use the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley to comprehend the Great Spiritual Liquid Art. Try to forge a good spiritual liquid body. .”

Chen Yang said, "One year?" He was full of reluctance.

Monk Linghui said: "That's right, it's one year. Fellow Taoist, the poor monk will depend on you for this year. Don't die first, otherwise the poor monk will be finished."

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "Okay then!"

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk will seal the seeds of the Xuanhuang God Valley. In any crisis after you, the poor monk will not be able to help you."

"Okay!" Chen Yang said: "Thanks to you still saying to use the great spirit liquid technique to help us heal our wounds, after a year, the day lily will be cold."

Monk Linghui smiled and said, "After a year, there will be a chance."

After that, Monk Linghui really sealed the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley.

Of course, Chen Yang must have the ability to break through the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley.But he still has to give the least respect to Monk Linghui.

After Monk Linghui retreated, Chen Yang searched for elixir.He took out the last remaining Ningxue Pill and a few Chaos Fruits for Linger to take.

Both the Chaos Fruit and the Ningxue Pill are healing products.

But Ling'er only took a small part and left most of it to Chen Yang.She said: "I'm not injured, I just need to rest and restore my mental strength. Your injury is serious, you should take more!"

"This..." Chen Yang also knew that what Linger said was true.He didn't continue to fight with Ling'er.However, he was still very moved in his heart, he suddenly hugged Ling'er, and kissed her beautiful face hard.

"Silly girl, if it wasn't for you today, I would be dead." Chen Yang said.

Ling'er raised her head to look at Chen Yang, her eyes were extremely clear, but with an indescribable seriousness. "With me here, no one can kill you."

Chen Yang sighed, and said, "I should be the one to protect you."

Ling'er was slightly startled, and then she stretched out her fingers to play with her own hair.After a long while, she looked up again and said, "Do you mind?"

Chen Yang paused, a little confused.

Linger continued: "If you mind, then I won't practice in the future. I will practice again when you catch up with me."

It was only then that Chen Yang realized that he couldn't help being moved to the extreme. "Silly girl, why are you so stupid. Of course I don't mind, I just feel that I owe you a little. I keep saying that I want to protect you, but I have always owed you and been protected by you."

Ling'er hugged Chen Yang tightly, and buried her head on Chen Yang's shoulder.She said softly: "I don't care about these, as long as you are with me, I don't care about anything."

"Well, I will!" Chen Yang said.

Ling'er then smiled sweetly again, and she said, "You must keep what you say."

Chen Yang also smiled, and said, "Of course it counts. To have you as my wife must be because I have done many good things in my previous life."

"It's my blessing!" Ling'er said seriously: "The happiest thing in my life is meeting you."

Chen Yang scratched Ling'er's nose, then hugged her into his arms.

How could such a person have the heart to hurt her?How could he not want to give her all the good things in this world?

"By the way, Ling'er, why did you suddenly attack and kill the two people who took the treasure?" Chen Yang thought of something and said.

Of course he was referring to Dugu Po and the King of Ghosts.

Ling'er was slightly taken aback, she was silent for a while, and then said: "They are not good people."

"Uh, what were you thinking at the time?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking.

Linger said: "I think they have bad water in their stomachs, which will definitely hurt you. So, I killed them."

"Okay!" Chen Yang didn't know what to say.

Linger's thinking is different from that of normal people, she will not pretend to be false.

Her style of doing things is as simple as her killing cave, killing directly without so many twists and turns.

Dugu Po and Ghost King see that Ling'er is harmless to humans and animals.

These two are also human beings, they know how to negotiate conditions with Chen Yang, and they know how to get things done first.Everything will be calculated after going out!

But Ling'er doesn't care so much, anyway, the two of you don't look like good people.Then kill it!

It's that simple!

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Ling'er began to practice cross-legged.

This night, just passed away.

Ling'er fell into a kind of extreme meditation. At this time, her hard work is condensed, and she absolutely cannot be disturbed.Once disturbed, her mental damage will be more serious.After taking a lot of Ningxue Pills, Chen Yang's health has improved a lot.

After two more days of cultivation, you can fully recover.

But... things often don't go so smoothly.

While Chen Yang was meditating, he suddenly felt a strong divine sense shooting outside.

Chen Yang couldn't help but shudder inwardly.

"Who came here so quickly again? It's really a ghost." Chen Yang's heart beat violently.He glanced at Ling'er and knew that Ling'er must not be disturbed at this time.

But the external divine thoughts were so fierce that Chen Yang knew that his own Xumi could not escape the search of the master.

Chen Yang quickly sacrificed the Wushi Puppet.

Wushi Shen turned into Chen Yang's appearance, and after going out, he took the precepts and sumeru.

At the same time, Chen Yang cast his mana and performed the Great Teleportation Technique.

The Wushi God Puppet itself possessed Chen Yang's mana. With a little command from Chen Yang, the Wushi God Puppet cast the magic circle of the Great Teleportation Technique.

However, the expert who searched here immediately noticed the clue.

Then he saw a sword light beheading him.

With a flash of sword light, the magic circle of the Great Teleportation Technique was broken.

At the same time, the figures of the Six Paths descended quickly, surrounding Chen Yang's Wushi Puppet in the middle.

These six figures are all acquaintances.

Four of them are Wang Zhaolin and others who took the Dark Emperor Promise Clock before.

And the extra two are more familiar.

It was actually... Tang Wenqing, the third highness of the Jokhang Dynasty.

There is also Yu Zijin, the eighth girl who has not been seen for a long time.

"Chen Yang? Why are you?" At that moment, Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin saw Chen Yang and couldn't help being surprised.

Chen Yang's eyes were full of surprise.

But he tried his best to keep his composure, just smiled and said: "What a coincidence, it's actually the third highness and the eighth girl. After you came back from the chalk world, your spirits became more and more full. Congratulations, both of you have recovered to the peak state!"

Tang Wenqing and Yu Zijin looked at each other, and then they bowed deeply to Chen Yang. "Mr. Chen, we already know everything you have done for us. We will never forget your great kindness!"

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