The strongest player in history

Chapter 1882 The script that deviates from the direction

If the chilong beast is sober, it will naturally know that internal troubles will not be eliminated, and it can no longer make enemies.The smart way is to leave this treasure land quickly and concentrate on dealing with Yin Xuan.Then Yin Xuan is really a dead end today.

And Yin Xuan also saw that the chilong beast had no sanity, so he made this dangerous move.

But having said that, the chilong beast is a noble beast, far above ordinary human monks.It used to be the mount of a fairy. If it was really sane, it would definitely not be in such a mess.

The Chilong beast lost Yin Xuan's trace, and immediately went to deal with Dugu Po and Ghost King.

"Is Yin Xuan dead?" Seeing this, Dugu Po couldn't help turning pale.

The ghost king said: "Impossible, Yin Xuan must be hiding in the belly of this chilong."

In a hurry, Dugu Po quickly turned the Five Sacred Bell to resist the attack of the chilong beast.At the same time, he said to the ghost king: "But since the dragon dares to devour Yin Xuan, it must have the ability to refine Yin Xuan."

The ghost king said: "Brother Dugu, if this Chilong is normal, then Yin Xuan would not dare to push him too hard. But now, don't you see that this Chilong has lost his mind and kills anyone he sees? Since Yin Xuan If you dare to get into his stomach, you must rely on something. Yin Xuan wants Chilong to kill you and me, we must not be fooled by this. Although this treasure is tempting, life is the most important thing. We Walk!"

Dugu Po agreed with Ghost King's words, he said awkwardly: "How do we go, after we escape, this Chilong will still follow."

"The gate of this treasure has been opened, and Yin Xuan is trapped in the belly of the Chilong. As long as we escape and get rid of the Chilong, we can come back to get the treasure. And Yin Xuan will face the Chilong's attack alone. Heh heh, let him be smart today and be fooled by his cleverness!"

Dugu Po's eyes lit up, and he said, "Haha, it's really a good idea."

He immediately said again: "But Xia Rui, and that Chen Yang from before, are they all dead? If they take advantage of them, it will be terrible!"

The King of Ghosts said: "Brother Dugu, what are you thinking? This Chilong is so powerful, we all killed many good players together. Given that Chen Yang, Xia Rui and others are weak, I guess they have already been buried. Born in the belly of this Chilong."

"It makes sense!" Dugu Po said.

The Ghost King tried his best to resist with the cloak of doomsday, and said: "Brother Dugu, although people are cunning, but right now you and I are grasshoppers on the same line, we can't plot against each other. Besides, this treasure is so huge, you and me Even if it is divided equally, it will be inexhaustible. We must unite!"

Dugu Po said: "Brother Ghost King, don't worry about it. How can I not understand this point. There are still too many unknowns in this matter. We must cooperate sincerely, otherwise we may not end well today."

The ghost king said: "Okay, I believe in Brother Dugu. I heard that Brother Dugu has a secret method, which is a technique of worshiping gods, and can erupt extremely powerful power."

Dugu Po laughed, his figure flickered, and he used the Five Sacred Bells to fend off Chilong's Shenzang Jinghuo.At the same time, he said: "Brother Ghost King actually knows this. That's right, Brother Yu does have this secret technique. But to perform the secret technique, you have to sacrifice one thing. It doesn't matter if it's a magic weapon or a living person, but the more sacrificed something Strong, the stronger the power displayed. Brother Yu is the only one who can get his hands on this five-sacred bell. But the five-sacred bell is pure yang, which is not something that can be enjoyed by this kind of yin secret technique. The method of sacrifice, It has always been called sorcery, Brother Ghost King understands this."

Hearing this, the ghost king couldn't help but secretly scolded the old fox in his heart!

He was very happy, and immediately said: "Brother Dugu, my Dharma-ending cloak has been with me for many years, and it is still a treasure. Let me stimulate this god-sacrificing method for you!"

Dugu Po immediately said, "How embarrassing."

The ghost king secretly scolded Dugu Po for his hypocrisy, but he still said: "At a time of crisis, we don't distinguish between each other, brother Dugu, this Chilong is too powerful, you should cast spells quickly."

Dugu Po gritted his teeth, and said: "Okay, I, Dugu Po, will remember this great kindness in my heart."

The ghost king nodded.His face was gloomy, but no one could figure out what was going on in his heart.

At the same time, the ghost king threw the cloak of doomsday to Dugupo.Dugu Po quickly cast the art of offering sacrifices to the gods.Dugu Po used the Divine Bell of the Five Sacred Mountains to resist the Chilong's attack, then sacrificed a golden talisman, and dripped his own blood into the talisman.The talisman changed rapidly, and a mysterious passage appeared.

Dugu broke through his mana and threw Namofa's cloak into the passage.

The inside of the mysterious passage vibrated immediately.

It was as if a huge monster had received a tonic, and then, a mysterious black essence power appeared from the passage.

Dugu Po swallowed the black essence power into his body.

This is through offering sacrifices to the fairy world, and then getting the mysterious power from the fairy world.This power can be temporary or permanent.But generally speaking, everyone only wants to be temporary.

Because of the permanent power obtained through sacrifice, this power has an element of karmic curse.

No one dared to keep this kind of permanent power in the body.Even if it is temporary, there will be some cause and effect left.

The gate of the fairy world has been closed for many years, but the technique of sacrifice has not been restricted.This is a very strange thing.

At this moment, Dugu Po's energy surged all over his body, his strength greatly increased, but it would not squeeze his flesh and blood meridians.

Dugu Po used the Five Sacred Bells to cover the Ghost King in one fell swoop, and roared three times.The Divine Bell of the Five Sacred Mountains oscillated three times in a row, and after three times, it actually forced the Chilong Divine Beast back.

After that, Dugu grabbed the five sacred bells and quickly fled out of the treasure gate.

The chilong beast quickly chased it out.

Dugu broke into the underground rock formation and charged quickly.The underground rock stratum directly melted into rock water when it came into contact with his power.In a blink of an eye, Dugu Po had already led the ghost king into the deep sea, and then, with another flash, he had already reached the surface of the sea.

Like a mad cow, the Chilong mythical beast also followed closely.It moved very quickly, and when it came out of the treasure land, its body suddenly shrank, and it was about the size of two normal people.Its body was burning with raging flames, rushing all the way, melting those rock formations quickly.

After it melted the rock formation, the rock water did not return to the rock wall.

The Chilong beast burns directly through power, while Dugu Po and Chen Yang use the technique of drilling the ground to dissolve the molecular structure of the rock formation wall and so on.

This round of Chilong divine beast's fierce rush, the earth's crust began to rotate violently, and the entire seabed began to be less calm, as if an earthquake was coming.

Fortunately, the chilong beast quickly left the ground and chased to the surface of the sea.

The sky was clear and the sea stretched as far as the eye could see.

But looking around, there was no trace of Dugu Po and Ghost King at all.Although the Chilong beast is extremely powerful, it does not know how to drill the ground, so it took a lot of time to force it out all the way.In addition, Dugu Po performed the technique of worshiping the gods, and his power was unprecedentedly strong.

The chilong mythical beast spread its wings on the sea surface, flapped its wings, and immediately set off a huge wave on the sea surface, spreading everywhere like a tsunami.

Its wings are also extremely powerful.

The chilong beast couldn't find any trace of the enemy, and didn't stay there, and suddenly flapped its wings and flew to the sky.

This beast is already delirious, and no one knows what it wants to do.

At this time, there are two people hidden in the inner world of the Chilong beast.

One is naturally Chen Yang, and the other is Yin Xuan.

The mysterious thing is that Chen Yang came first, and he watched Yin Xuan come in.But Yin Xuan didn't know about Chen Yang's existence.The inner spiritual fire of this chilong beast is fierce and unparalleled, burning and killing any spiritual thoughts, molecules, and magnetic fields one by one.

Therefore, even though Yin Xuan's realm was advanced, he couldn't feel Chen Yang's existence.

Moreover, Yin Xuan is also in trouble now.

As long as he makes a big movement, he will remind the Chilong beast.If Chilong Shenshou concentrates on dealing with him, he will also be very sad.

Chen Yang was not afraid of this chilong beast, he suddenly sneered and appeared in front of Yin Xuan.

Chen Yang thought very clearly, if he went out so directly, he would definitely be chased by the chilong beast.This chilong beast is now a brain defect.

Then, he will remind Chilong that there are enemies in his belly.Chen Yang is not afraid of this divine fire, but Yin Xuan is.

"You kid, are you still alive?" Yin Xuan couldn't help being shocked when he saw Chen Yang.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Of course I'm not dead."

Yin Xuan saw that Chen Yang was in this Shenzang Jinghuo, with a golden and indestructible body, and he was at ease.I knew this kid had a special technique.

Yin Xuan rolled his eyes and said, "Now that Dugu Po and Ghost King must go back to get the treasure, the two of us must cooperate sincerely, and then go to get the treasure together, what do you think?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry about the treasure. I will get it myself. You should think about how to deal with this Chilong beast." After he finished speaking, he suddenly sacrificed a big soul Lei Jian beheaded Yin Xuan.

Yin Xuan cursed secretly, all of these idiots are uncooperative.

This made him very desperate!

Yin Xuan had to deal with Chen Yang's Great Soul Thunder Sword. He picked up the Explosive Silver Snake Spear, and then burst out a divine light, blocking Chen Yang's Great Soul Thunder Sword.

The conditions for the decisive battle here are clearly in Chen Yang's favor!

Because Yin Xuan couldn't use the law of the cave, and he had to use the blood technique of the Holy Spirit to resist the Shenzang Jinghuo of the Chilong beast.

The script of this story did not follow Yin Xuan's idea at all.Yin Xuan planned to hide him and let Chilong, Dugu Po, and Ghost King fight to the death, and then Yin Xuan would come back to reap the benefits of the fisherman.Thinking there, those two guys were also very cunning, and ran away directly.This time it's just for Yin Xuan, that's fine, what he never expected was that there is actually Chen Yang in the belly of this chilong!

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