The strongest player in history

Chapter 1879 Ambush, Chilong!

Closer to home, let's talk about Chen Yang's side, he and Ling'er are still deep in the sea.Those [-] divine pills and more than [-] Ningxue pills were Chen Yang's last savings.There are still about a million pieces of Chunyang Dan!

Millions of pure yang pills sound pretty good, and it's enough for masters below Xuxian.But when it came to Chen Yang, a big eater, it was just a meal.So Chen Yang really had to save some time.This person walks the rivers and lakes, if his pockets are empty, he will always feel uneasy.

It's a pity that the King of Destruction died too cleanly.All the savings disappeared, otherwise Chen Yang could have robbed some.

But Bing Leng Ling'er didn't think about this.

Hei Yi Suzhen also explained that Bing Leng Ling'er, although absorbing other people's essence, fragments, etc. can quickly improve her skills.But this is absolutely unacceptable, because this Suzhen in black has suffered a lot from it.

Hei Yi Suzhen thought that relying on the power of thunder could purify the karma in her body, but it turned out to be contrary to her wish, and she was finally trapped in the hands of the World Honored Primordial Spirit.Moreover, she was so tired that her younger sister died tragically, which became her lifelong regret.

Whether it's spiritual practice or being a person or doing things, the avenues among them all have something in common.Relying on conspiracy means to make money by harming others and benefiting oneself, although it is quick for a while, it will leave hidden dangers.It's good if this hidden danger doesn't erupt, but once it erupts, it will bring the whole family to a place of eternal doom.

And practice is also, relying on plundering other people's essence and supernatural powers to strengthen oneself, the ultimate cause and effect is unbearable.

Therefore, Hei Yi Suzhen wanted to be cold and down-to-earth.

Hei Yi Suzhen had a special feeling for Bing Leng Ling'er when she had never met Bing Leng Ling'er.At that time, she hoped to help Chen Yang save Ling'er.

Later, Bing Leng Ling'er came to look for her.After Bing Leng Ling'er opened the enchantment and entered Shennong's world, she immediately noticed Bing Leng Ling'er.

Heiyi Suzhen took the initiative to find her almost without Bing Leng Linger's effort.Bing Leng Ling'er asked for the Star Stone, and Hei Yi Suzhen gave the Star Stone to Bing Leng Ling'er without saying a word.

Hei Yi Suzhen likes Bing Leng Ling'er very much, she can see her own shadow in Bing Leng Ling'er.So, she gave it all.

In this year's time, Hei Yi Suzhen raised Bing Leng Ling'er's cultivation to such a level, which is enough to show Hei Yi Suzhen's intentions.And Bing Leng Ling'er is a spirit body, and has inherited the blood and tears of Hei Yi Su Zhen, her progress is so fast that it is astonishing.

Right now, Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er came to the treasure again.

Then, Chen Yang used the Xuanhuangye key to open the door to the treasure.

The key was then thrown into the seed of Xuanhuang God Valley by Chen Yang.

The moment the door opened, a long-suffering breath rushed towards him.But this smell is not rancid and stale, but has a pure Yang breath and fragrance.

Chen Yang was very excited.

But Bing Leng Ling'er didn't have much feeling, Bing Leng Ling'er was a person who had no desires and desires, she didn't care much about her cultivation.Practicing now is just to improve his cultivation so that he can help Chen Yang.

In her mind, Chen Yang is her heaven and earth.Of course, now she still has a younger sister to love.

Although Hei Yi Suzhen treated her like her own sister, but in her heart, after all, there was no place for Hei Yi Suzhen.

This is the character of Bing Leng Ling'er.

Chen Yang took the cold Ling'er's hand and quickly stepped inside.Inside that treasure, there is naturally a hole in the sky.After entering, the eyes suddenly opened up.

First, there is a glass-colored bridge in the void, and the bridge grows forward.Surrounded by rock walls.There is a void under the feet, and the white mist is filled in the void.

The surrounding rock walls are incomparably wide, and the entire void is [-] square meters in size. You can't see the edge at a glance. Looking around, it is all white mist.

"Linghui, where's the baby?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking Linghui monk.

Monk Linghui said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, there are still people watching."

"Huh?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Bing Leng Ling'er suddenly shouted: "Who is it, get out!"

At this moment, figures suddenly moved around, and more than ten figures actually appeared.

Moreover, all of them are masters!

Anyone who can reach this place cannot be a master.

Chen Yang was stunned. He didn't expect that the Zonghuang treasure had been leaked so far, and so many experts had been peeping at it.

Almost all the top players in Central World are here.

Chen Yang looked around, and couldn't help regretting it. If he had known this before, he shouldn't have saved up the pills. When he was on the top, he would eat all the pills first, so as to restore his vitality.

11 people in total.

All of them exude a powerful aura.

Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er were standing on the bridge, but these people were standing in the void, directly surrounding Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er.

These 11 people are four groups of people.

No one was sent except the Jokhang Dynasty.

On the side of the Daxuan Dynasty, Dugu Po, a master of the Dugu family, came.Dugu Po was known as the number one master of the Daxuan Dynasty, and his cultivation was in the middle stage of the Immortal Cave.He also brought three masters from the family, namely the peak Xuxian, the early stage of Dongxian, and the middle period of Xuxian.

This is a very strong force!

The second group of people is the most powerful Great Jin Dynasty!

It was Yin Xuan, the ancestor of the Great Jin Dynasty, who came!

Although Yin Xuan is no longer the emperor, Yin Xuan has always been a legendary figure.His cultivation is still higher than Emperor Tang.Comparable to Yan Jiuniang.

This Yin Xuan is in the middle stage of Tianyu Realm!

In any world, they walk sideways.

Yin Xuan came alone.

The other two groups of people included Ghost King Zong and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Xia Rui of the Dragon Dynasty.Xia Rui brought two masters!

Xia Rui himself is the peak master of Dongxian!

The two entourages are also the top elders of the Great Dragon Dynasty, namely the early stage of Dongxian and the middle stage of Dongxian.

No one who dares to come here to win the treasure is a simple person.

Sending some kind of imaginary fairyland master here is simply courting death.Therefore, at this moment, Central World almost represents the highest level of mana masters, all of them are here.

Of course, the Jokhang Dynasty does not count.

If Yan Jiuniang also came, it would be a real gathering.

These masters, when the Spirit Venerable was raging, they had never seen unity.But at this moment, for the sake of the treasure, they shot together.

"Kill these two first, and then we'll share the treasure!" Dugu Po said first.

Dugu Po looked only in his forties, dressed in black.

But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Great Dragon Dynasty said: "That's impossible!" His eyes never moved away from Bing Leng Ling'er.

"This little girl has a high level of cultivation and is so beautiful. No, if the prince can catch this little girl today, what other treasures do you want? As long as you can put this little girl on the prince's bed , the prince will leave immediately!" Xia Rui said.

"Haha, His Royal Highness is indeed a romantic young man!" Dugu Po couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

And the Taishang ancestor Yin Xuan said: "Okay, I will help you!"

Here, the one with the highest cultivation level is Yin Xuan, who is a mid-stage Tianyu Realm expert.

At this time, Chen Yang's scalp was numb.Who would have thought that taking a treasure would attract so many masters.

At first, I thought it was just to get something in my pocket.

Where do you know that this place is actually so difficult and dangerous.

"This is not easy!" Chen Yang thought to himself.At this moment, he and Bing Leng Ling'er were connected with each other.

At the same time, Yin Xuan shot directly at Bing Leng Ling'er.

This fellow thinks to himself that he has a high level of cultivation, and in the middle stage of Tianyu, he is a figure in the hands of taking the sun and the moon, shrinking thousands of mountains, and flicking the universe.

Yin Xuan grabbed Bing Leng Ling'er from the air.

The cohesion of the big handprint is the law of time in an instant, and the law of space is profound.It's like a cosmic wormhole descending, which is helpless.

Chen Yang wanted to escape with the help of the soul spar, but at this moment, the monk Linghui said: "Fellow Daoist, destroy the bridge and flee below. There is a guardian beast that was ambushed by the poor monk back then."

Chen Yang's eyes lit up.

At the same time, Bing Leng Ling'er has already sacrificed the Immortal Slaying Sword!

The Great Slaughter Juejutsu was cast at the same time, slashing away with a tyrannical sword!

With murderous aura, the sword's light and cold shook Kyushu!

Then he just went out with this sword, directly crushing Yin Xuan's palm power!

That's how domineering, regardless of whether you are in the middle stage of Tianyu Realm or not, Bing Leng Ling'er just strikes with a sword!

At the same time, Chen Yang sacrificed the ocean of soul and wrapped the icy Linger.The two quickly turned into a ray of black light to destroy the bridge, and then rushed towards the void below!

Among the crowd, only Yin Xuan has reached the Tianyu Realm.

Yin Xuan was taken aback by Bing Leng Ling'er's sword.The moment he was surprised, Chen Yang and Ling'er had already fled.

Everyone immediately blocked it, and in an instant, countless sword lights, caves, magic weapons, rules, etc. were all covered.

But these powers are all useless under the terrifying lethality of the soul spar.Those cave laws were quickly blown to pieces by the soul thunderstone, and the magic weapon was also shaken away.At that moment, Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er really went underground.The depth of the ground is more than three thousand meters.

The ground is the accumulation of five poisons.

"Chasing!" Xia Rui, the crown prince of the Great Dragon Dynasty, became impatient, roared, and led his men to chase after him.

But Yin Xuan, the Ghost King of the Ghost King Sect, and Dugu Po didn't move at all.Everyone is here to fetch the treasure, who will sincerely come to help you catch beautiful women in Xia Rui!

I really thought you were still the prince in the Dragon Dynasty!

As soon as Xia Rui and his group of masters chased him down, a divine beast that was dormant below quickly rose up.That mythical beast is a Chilong!

Chilong is a dragon with nine different sons, which are very different from real dragons.

The shape of this chilong has shrunk a lot, and it is only more than a thousand feet long.It has cyan scales all over its body, has two wings on its back, and has sharp horns on its head.

When Chen Yang turned into the black light of his soul, he emitted a strong sound wave, directly awakening the Chilong.

At the same time, Chen Yang quickly took out the Tiandao pen and wrote a hidden character, and started the invisibility technique!

Although the invisibility technique is powerful, it is useless in front of the masters of the Cave and Wonderland.

As long as you pay a little attention, you can feel it.

But here the clouds and mist are shrouded and unpredictable.After Chen Yang and Ling'er hid, it was still not easy to detect.

And after Chilong was woken up, he was the first to discover His Royal Highness Xia Rui and his party...

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