The strongest player in history

Chapter 1877 Killing Sword

However, the rules of the King of Destruction still played a role, and the speed of the dull soul slowed down.With this slowdown, the Shattered King got a chance to breathe.

"I'm really courting death!" A frightening cold light bloomed in the eyes of the Shattered King.

"The law of Zhouguang, life and death are unknown!"

He repeatedly used the spell to drive mana.There are runes flashing between his brows, and the runes bloom with countless rules.These rules are integrated into the law of the universe light cave.

It was also that the countless seawater around him turned into black mist and wrapped the soul in black light.

There is also purple air in the black mist.

Black represents death.

Purple Qi represents vitality!

Life and death are unknown, this cloud of black mist deduces the true meaning of life and death reincarnation, and there are also unknown changes in death in the universe.

The black light of the soul immediately fell into it, and the unknown law wrapped the black light of the soul.It's like all kinds of entanglements that are inextricably linked, so that the black light of the soul can't cut through the mess quickly!

"It's so amazing that life and death are boundless!" Chen Yang couldn't help frowning.

In the final analysis, his soul black light is also a soul attribute, and for a while, it is completely unable to override the boundless rules of life and death.

But Bing Leng Ling'er is straightforward.

She quickly rushed out of the black light of her soul, and it was the Immortal Killing Sword again!

It's another great killing technique!

The Killing Immortal Sword seems to be born for the great killing technique.

The sword is light and cold, and the murderous law of the Great Killing Juejutsu condenses the killing intent of the Immortal Killing Sword to the extreme.

A ray of sword light slashed out, quickly splitting the boundless law of life and death in front of him!

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Shattering King couldn't help but cursed.He felt that this murderous law was too domineering and extremely unreasonable!

The laws and rules of all things have spirit and reason to talk about.

And this kind of murderous aura comes out, it is unreasonable!

Whether you are right or wrong, no matter what reason you have, I just want to kill you!

This is the aura displayed by the Great Killing Technique and the Immortal Killing Sword.

Bing Leng Ling'er chopped off the entangled threads in front of her with a single sword strike.So at this moment, the black light of the soul enveloped the icy Linger again.

The black light of the soul rushed out of this layer of law, and quickly beheaded the head of the King of Destruction.

The black light of the soul is fused with the cyanite, and the rules and regulations of the masters of the cave fairy cannot restrain the black light of the soul.

The Shattered King broke out in a cold sweat.

This time Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er teamed up, if the Shattered King hadn't reached the Tianyu Realm, he would have been decapitated.

The Shattered King was really impatient now, he let out a roar, grabbed it with his big hand, and instantly condensed many laws of time, laws of space, and laws of Zhouguang!

The three laws and the power of the cave were all fused together, and quickly formed a giant sword that bred three layers of color!

The top of this giant sword is glazed, representing the impermanence of time!

The middle is white, which represents the law of space!

And the end is black, this is the power of the cave!

Kill with one sword, and kill with Wu Guang, the soul of Chen Yang!

The power of the ice-cold spirit urges the black light of the soul, boom!

The two sword qi collided and killed, the powerful soul power of the black light of the soul, and the primitive and pure thunder power bloomed to the sky.

And in the sword light of the Shattered King, time, space and the power of the cave form countless vortexes!

In these vortexes, time and space are so powerful that they quickly swallow the thunder and soul power of the black light of the soul!

Those soul thunders kept exploding in the space rules, but they were all submerged in the end.

Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er separated quickly!

Chen Yang grabbed the soul spar, and then condensed the power of the soul!

"Great Soul Thunder Sword!"

This is already a melee attack!

Chen Yang slashed out three big soul thunder swords in one breath.Three fierce and incomparable thunder lights slashed towards the Shattered King.

At the same time, Chen Yang also sacrificed the Tiandao brush.

"Death!" "Demolish!" "Seal!" "Kill!"

Chen Yang desperately urged all the magic power out.

All kinds of spells have been culled, and each spell has its own unique features.

But the only downside is that the mana is weaker.

Each of the four words written by the Dao pen that day had profound meaning and murderous intent.

Chen Yang's attack at this moment was powerful and fierce.Encountering an ordinary master of the peak of Xuxian, so close, it can be killed instantly!

But it's a pity that what Chen Yang met was a master of the Sky Realm like the Shattered King!

The Shattered King didn't take Chen Yang's attack seriously.

But... Bing Leng Ling'er is very simple and straightforward.

Her great killing technique was used again, and the killing sword turned into a stream of light.

Murderous aura filled the air, galloping all over the world!


A fierce sword light slashed towards the Shattered King.

The Shattered King was frightened and tried his best to block it.


Many sword lights slashed, Shattered Wang Gang resisted Bing Leng Ling'er's sword, and Chen Yang's many attacks slashed over.

The King of Destruction continued to resist, his cave law was tens of thousands, and the sea water was surging inside!

The sea above that was originally sunny and calm.At this time, the fierce fighting below finally caused the sea to surge.

Countless sea creatures panicked and jumped out of the water, as if some catastrophe had come.

The Shattered King roared again and again, and Chen Yang's great soul thunder sword hurt his internal organs!

"Roar!" He was extremely angry, but he also felt fear!

The Shattered King also knew that he was no longer the opponent of the two people in front of him.

The little girl in front of her was too weird.The power of this little girl is so pure that it is spotless.She cast the Immortal Killing Sword like the sharpest blade.Without needing other tricks, many mysterious spells of King of Destruction were broken.

And Chen Yang's soul spar is also weird and powerful.

In the roar of the King of Destruction, he activated the power of the cave.The surrounding ocean churned and burst open.All of a sudden, the sky and the earth roared, shaking mountains and seas!

At the same time, the King of Destruction is about to escape!

A cold light flashed in Bing Leng Ling'er's eyes, and she sacrificed that Immortal Killing Sword to the sky!

Then, her cave law came!

Murderous hole!

In the cave, there are countless spaces that contain a huge amount of murderous aura!

Bing Leng Ling'er has received countless benefits under Hei Yi Suzhen's one-year training.Hei Yi Suzhen once brought her icy spirit into the world of killing, absorbing the power to kill thousands of people.And took Bing Leng Ling'er to other planets to absorb the divine power of Qing Sha!

Bing Leng Ling'er has been holding back all the time, and at this moment, he sees that the Shattered King has become a dog in the water.Only then did she unleash her killer move!

The lore cave shrouded the Shattered King!

Countless murderous aura and green evil divine power surged out from the space, like hell like the sea, so terrifying!

The Shattered King was horrified!

He continuously waved the powerful cave law, as if he was holding a pillar supporting the sky, and wanted to turn the sea of ​​lore in front of him upside down!

"Mie!" Bing Leng Ling'er let out a soft shout!

Killing the Immortal Sword is like a lore god king, leading countless murderous auras to gather into a sword qi god king!

It is the king of gods and the king of killing!

The sword energy condensed into a purple-blue sword light, which was extremely strong!

At the same time, it also contains the majesty of the king!

This king-killing sword is based on countless lore caves, beheading the past fiercely.

All the obstacles of King of Destruction were instantly shattered, and the only thing he could do was to block Bing Leng Ling'er's attack with the law of time and space.

It's a pity that the King of Destruction has been injured.

The cold Linger's attack in front of him was extremely powerful.The King of Destruction blocked it for about half an hour, and his mana became weaker and weaker.But Bing Leng Ling'er is still strong!

boom!Finally, Bing Leng Ling'er chopped all the time in front of him into pieces!

Then, Jian Guang shattered the Destruction King's defense, and then directly chopped off the Destruction King's head!

At that last moment, the pupils in the eyes of the Shattered King dilated.He couldn't believe everything in front of him. In the end, he didn't believe it. Today is the day of his catastrophe!

He just waited for the treasure for a long time, and finally he was about to make a windfall.He is in an excited mood today...

When there is great joy, great sorrow happens!

The whole body of Shattering King was strangled to pieces by Bing Leng Ling'er's sword energy. Afterwards, Bing Leng Ling'er took away the Immortal Slaying Sword and the Law of Lore-killing Cave.

The entire ocean quickly returned to calm.

Chen Yang grabbed Wushi God Puppet and put it back, and stood beside Bing Leng Ling'er.

So, just like that, a master of the Sky Realm died.Not even scum left!

In today's battle, Bing Leng Ling'er is the main force.But just relying on the cold spirit, that is the only way to escape.Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er cooperated tacitly, and Bing Leng Ling'er's attack was a sharp weapon to break the ice.The cooperation between her and Chen Yang was seamless and designed by nature.

But even so, after this battle.Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er also consumed a lot of vitality and mana.

Chen Yang's Chunyang pill has been used up to seven or eight times, and at this time, he can only find out dozens of magic pills and take them separately.The magic pill has the effect of the magic pill, but it is a bit reckless to take it like this.But Chen Yang is not stingy, as long as he can recover his vitality and find the treasure, the medicine will be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

But these magic pills are barely enough for Chen Yang.But after taking Bing Leng Ling'er, the effect is not great.The power of icy cold spirit was displayed, and the mountains and seas were overturned.But it is also extremely difficult to add.

Even Chen Yang's requirements are quite different now.He used to take a pill and something big would happen.Now taking [-] capsules in one mouthful, the body's vitality replenishment is less than one-tenth.

At this level, the effect of the magic pill has become much smaller.

Moreover, the refining of divine pills is very difficult.Unlike the Pure Yang Pill, which is refined with the pure Yang Qi of the Immortal Realm.

Divine pills are of great help to monks with low cultivation bases.After reaching the tenth heaven or Xu Xian, Chunyang Pill is king!

Bing Leng Ling'er lost 60.00% of her strength, and after replenishing fifty pills, she recovered 5.00%.Chen Yang recovered 70.00% of his vitality after being nourished by thirty pills.

Chen Yang didn't have many pills left, there were more than [-] pills left.The Ningxue Pill was for healing, and had little effect on restoring vitality.Chen Yang has the most Ningxue Pill in his hands right now.There are about [-] pieces left!

This Ningxue Pill is very effective in healing, and Chen Yang rarely uses it.

"There shouldn't be any problems, let's go, Ling'er, let's go get the treasure again!" Chen Yang said to Bing Leng Ling'er.

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