Bing Leng Ling'er giggled again, she seemed to laugh a lot.But this is only limited to in front of Chen Yang.Then, Chen Yang told the good news again.

"That is to say, you will stay by my side for the next year?" Bing Leng Ling'er was also happy after hearing this, blinking her eyes and looking at Chen Yang expectantly.Chen Yang nodded and said, "Yes."

"We'll leave here after breakfast later. I'm going to the Central World first. There's still a treasure waiting for me to pick it up. After I pick it up, let's go to the Western King Realm to find the elder brother and the second brother together." After I find them and get the remaining three treasures, then there will be no tasks for this year, enough for the two of us to travel around the mountains and rivers." Chen Yang said joyfully and Bing Leng Ling'er.

Even though Chen Yang was not really addicted to playing, he still happily drew a blueprint for Bing Leng Ling'er.

Chen Yang also knew that now was really not the time to indulge in pleasure.Because this is sailing against the current.

If he is playing, the others are not idle.

This day, the way of killing and robbery is not idle.

The weather on Mars has always been dominated by sunny days.That kind of heat is simply not something humans can bear.

But fortunately, the Hall of Stars is incomparably miraculous, transforming photosynthesis.The sunlight it shines in is very comfortable.In the Palace of Stars, there are also four seasons, which are completely unaffected by the climate of Mars.

After Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er got up, they had breakfast together.

Bing Leng Ling'er also wanted Wen Wen Ling'er to come out to activities more, but she was also a little bit reluctant to part with Chen Yang, so today she was greedy for fun.Chen Yang also comforted Bing Leng Ling'er that it's fine.

In fact, he also wanted to spend more time with Bing Leng Ling'er.

In his heart, there is no ranking.He went through all kinds of hardships just to revive Bing Leng Ling'er.Although, both Ling'er are beloved.But if you insist on choosing a front and back, there is no doubt that Bing Leng Ling'er is at the top.

Ting Taoxuan's yard is sunny.

The plum blossoms on those plum trees are in full bloom, with a fragrance of flowers.

Chen Yang accompanied Bing Leng Ling'er looking at the plum blossoms in the yard. He thought of something and said, "I've read an ordinary novel, and there is a kind of loneliness in it, which goes deep into the bone marrow."

Bing Leng Ling'er was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I know."

Chen Yang said, "Oh, you know?"

Bing Leng Ling'er said: "Before you came to Yanjing, I felt the word loneliness the most. At that time, a few flowers in the courtyard bloomed, and a few didn't. How old is the kitten? Wait, brain I remember it very clearly."

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Then what happens after I appear?"

Bing Leng Ling'er said: "When I miss you, I'm not lonely."

Chen Yang laughed, he was very happy to hear that.

Bing Leng Ling'er said again: "Then what did you say about loneliness in that mundane novel you mentioned?"

Chen Yang remembered that it was a novel called the Ruthless Sword of the Passionate Swordsman, also known as Xiao Li Feidao.

The plum blossoms bloomed in the yard, Li Xunhuan asked A Fei, do you know how many plum blossoms bloomed?Ah Fei replied: Seventeen flowers.Li Xun Huan's expression darkened, he had counted these flowers just now, and they were indeed seventeen.If a person is willing to count the flowers in the yard one by one, then he must be very lonely, very lonely.

Chen Yang told Bing Leng Ling'er.Bing Leng Ling'er didn't say much.She can no longer experience that feeling of loneliness.

The two then chatted about other topics.

While talking, a person came to the gate of the yard.It was none other than Fu Qingzhu.

Fu Qingzhu was dressed in Chinese clothes, with a graceful demeanor.

Chen Yang glanced at Fu Qingzhu, and immediately saw that his cultivation had reached the peak of the Void Immortal Realm, one step away from the Cave Immortal Realm.

"How fast!" Chen Yang secretly admired.

In fact, when Fu Qingzhu saw Chen Yang, he also praised him in his heart.

Although Chen Yang's cultivation was still at the early stage of Xuxian, Fu Qingzhu could feel that this guy's combat effectiveness was not inferior to his.

"Brother Fu!" Chen Yang stepped forward together with Bing Leng Ling'er and said with clasped fists.

Bing Leng Ling'er didn't know Fu Qingzhu, but she still nodded slightly to Fu Qingzhu to show her courtesy.

This is a cold and lingering change.

If it was before, she would not bother to pay attention to other people.

Fu Qingzhu couldn't help but glanced at Bing Leng Ling'er, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

He was not surprised by Bing Leng Ling'er's beauty.It's her temperament, not only her temperament, but also her cold and spiritual cultivation base.

"This is Mrs. Zun?" Fu Qingzhu couldn't help but said.

"Yes, Situ Ling'er! My wife!" Chen Yang introduced solemnly.

Fu Qingzhu exclaimed in amazement: "Mrs. Madam's cultivation can I not see through it at all, has she reached the realm of a cave fairy?"

Chen Yang still wanted to be humble, so he said coldly, "We're almost in the realm of heaven!"

Chen Yang coughed dryly.

This little girl... is too straightforward.

Fu Qingzhu's face suddenly became very strange. At this moment, his mood was extremely complicated.The little bit of rivalry with Chen Yang and even his pride in reaching the peak of Xuxian... all disappeared in this instant!

Chen Yang knew that Bing Leng Ling'er didn't have the desire to show off, she was just such a person.It's impossible for you to tell her lies.

Fu Qingzhu quickly regained his composure. He smiled slightly and said, "Brother Chen, you and Mrs. Zun are really a match made in heaven. Especially Mrs. Zun, I remember last year you were worried that she would not be able to perform the task, and it's only been a year Time has progressed so far, it is simply unheard of and unseen by me!"

Chen Yang said, "Brother Fu, you are being polite."

Fu Qingzhu said: "I would also like to congratulate Brother Chen for stepping into the realm of Xuxian. I have seen many Xuxian masters, but I have never seen you like Brother Chen. You are still in the early days of Xuxian. Thick, unimaginable."

"Brother Fu, you are too much." Chen Yang said, "Your progress is faster than mine."

Fu Qingzhu laughed and said, "Okay, let's stop complimenting each other."

Chen Yang also laughed, and then said, "Please come inside!"

Fu Qingzhu nodded.

The three of them arrived in the hall, Lin Yasi and Lin Yarong served tea immediately.

Fu Qingzhu and Chen Yang sat opposite each other, while Bing Leng Ling'er returned to the room.

Fu Qingzhu said: "Just now I saw that Lan Tingyu has been removed from the list of eternal life. He... seems to have died."

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and said, "Indeed, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Brother Chen, what did you do?" Fu Qingzhu was taken aback.

Chen Yang said: "How is it possible, the Hall of All Stars has the rules of the Hall of All Stars. If I break the rules, I won't be able to sit here and talk to Brother Fu right now."

"Then what happened to Lan Tingyu?" Fu Qingzhu asked.

Chen Yang said: "Lan Tingyu has hatred with me, but he is not a villain. He has his ambitions!"

Chen Yang briefly talked about the grievances between Lan Tingyu and his father, and even the final death of the two.

"I heard the truth in the morning, but I can die in the evening!" Fu Qingzhu couldn't help sighing, and said, "Excellent! This Lan Tingyu is indeed a man of temperament, it's a pity."

Chen Yang said: "Although I feel sorry, I also feel relieved."

Fu Qingzhu said: "I understand!" He paused, and then said: "By the way, your eldest brother, your second brother, have you heard nothing about it?"

Chen Yang said, "No news yet."

Fu Qingzhu said: "On the list of eternal life, their names are still there, which shows that they are not in danger."

Chen Yang said: "The star master also said that they are fine. This time I took on the mission of the star master again, to find the eldest brother and the second brother."

Fu Qingzhu smiled slightly.

This time, Fu Qingzhu came here, but it was just chatting.Afterwards, the two also chatted about Central World.At this time, Chen Yang suddenly remembered the business.That is to report the affairs of the chalk world to the star master!

"I have to go to the Star Master!" Chen Yang stood up and said.

Fu Qingzhu said: "Did you remember something? Is it convenient to reveal it to me?"

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "Of course!"

Chen Yang didn't tell Fu Qingzhu about his trip to the world of chalk, after all, it would reveal his trump card.He only talked about the Lingzun and the Imperial Tianzhou.

"This thing still happened in Central World?" Fu Qingzhu was quite shocked after hearing this.

"The Lihen Tiangong has been destroyed, and the Emperor Tang is dead." Chen Yang said.

Fu Qingzhu said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that such a big thing happened in the central world. Originally, I, Fu, thought I was a person, but now it is not worth mentioning compared with that spiritual master. Those of us cultivating the Tao Man's burden is heavy!"

Chen Yang said, "That's right." He paused, and said, "I'm going to report this to Star Master."

"Will the star master take care of it?" Fu Qingzhu questioned.

Chen Yang said: "Star Lord's supernatural powers are unimaginable to you and me, and his pattern is also unimaginable to us."

Fu Qingzhu said: "Perhaps Star Master already knew these things."

Chen Yang said: "Whether he knows or not, I'll tell you, there will always be no harm."

Fu Qingzhu said: "That's true!"

Chen Yang immediately left Tingtaoxuan with Fu Qingzhu. Of course, Fu Qingzhu did not go to see the Star Lord with Chen Yang.

In Xingyi Palace, Chen Yang saw the Star Lord again, and told about the Lingzun and the Imperial Tianzhou.

After hearing this, the Star Lord said: "This seat has already known about this matter, the general trend of the world is determined by God, you just do what you should do!"

When Chen Yang heard this, he felt that the star master's attitude was the same as that of Yuanjue Dharma God.

To be precise, those big shots, including Xuan Zhenghao, all had the same attitude.

Chen Yang also knew that this matter should not be rushed.

It is unrealistic to make arrangements now and contact people all over the world.

At that moment, Chen Yang retreated.

In the afternoon, Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er left the Hall of Stars together, and took the Prajna Skyboat to the Central World directly.

This trip to Central World is naturally to get treasure.

What Chen Yang has now is really shabby!

After Banruo Tianzhou put Chen Yang and Bing Leng Ling'er in the Central World, he left immediately...

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