Lan Tingyu didn't pay much attention to the real dragon sky silk net at first, but when he was about to burn the real dragon sky silk net, he realized something was wrong.

Lan Tingyu discovered that although each wire mesh of the Zhenlongtian wire mesh looks very thin, it actually contains a small world.

This real dragon sky silk net is densely packed, as if countless small worlds suppressed him.What's more terrible is that these small worlds are also closely connected with the imperial city's protective formation.

This feeling is the same as the feeling that thousands of streams are connected to the sea.

Lan Tingyu didn't care about other things, and immediately activated the Nine Flames Divine Fire.


In an instant, the internal world of thousands of real dragon sky silk nets began to boil.

Seeing that the real dragon sky silk net was about to be burned to ashes by Lan Tingyu's powerful Nine Flame Divine Fire.But at this moment, the protective array began to operate, and endless icy breath poured into the real dragon Tiansi.

No matter how domineering Lan Tingyu's Nine Flame Divine Fire is, it is unable to incinerate the icy air in the entire protective formation at this moment.

At the same time, Gongsun Zheng actually sacrificed the Heavenly Dragon Babu Pagoda!

That day, the Dragon Babu Pagoda appeared in the air, covering the sky above the entire imperial city, and within a short while, Lan Tingyu's Nine Flame Dragon was taken into it.

Then, Gongsun Zheng grabbed Lan Tingyu and threw it into the Tianlong Babu Pagoda.

After that, Gongsunzheng and his party didn't speak, they took the Heavenly Dragon Babu Pagoda, and flew away immediately.

They have returned to the palace to return to their lives.

Lan Tingyu couldn't regain his senses for a while, since he has been cultivated to great heights, he has rarely been controlled.Especially after entering Xuxian, if you encounter a master in the Cave Immortal Realm, there is a way to escape.But right now, he was caught by several dragon guards and completely restrained.The Nine Flame Divine Fire that he was so proud of didn't work for a while.

This made Lan Tingyu feel a sense of panic that her spells were not effective.

Afterwards, he was thrown into the Pagoda of the Heavenly Dragon Babu Stupa.The moment he threw it in, he felt as if he was thrown into a boundless abyss.

Soon, his figure stood still in the dark void.

There was some faint light in the distance, and Lan Tingyu felt that she was locked out of the door.He didn't know what would be inside when he opened the door.

Lan Tingyu didn't have time to think about it, how could he be willing to be trapped like this.

At that moment, he frantically activated the Nine Flame True Fire.

At the same time, his body changed, and finally his whole body became the real fire of Jiuyan.The Nine Flame True Fire turned into a thousand flames.

Lan Tingyu also airlifted a Nine-flame Divine Dragon to the Hou Mansion earlier, and this Nine-Flame Divine Dragon was also suppressed in the Tianlong Babu Pagoda.At this moment, Lan Tingyu also mobilized the Nine Flame Dragon to return to his position.

But soon, Lan Tingyu dismissed this idea.Because he felt that the Nine Flame Divine Dragon was in a closed world, no matter how the Nine Flame Divine Dragon struggled and bumped, it couldn't break through the closed world.

Thousands of flames burned angrily, and wanted to escape from the gap of the real dragon Tiansi.

But at this time, with Lan Tingyu's change.The real dragon sky silk screen outside also changed accordingly.The real dragon sky silk net quickly condensed into a ball of light.

The ball of light firmly enveloped Lan Tingyu's thousand-point flames inside.

Lan Tingyu quickly turned all the thousand-point flames into lotus flowers. This is his ultimate move, the Nine Flames Prajna Heavenly Fire.

Then, thousands of lotus flowers exploded together.The fire is soaring!

The ball of light grew rapidly, and it was like a sponge, or an endless ocean.After the light sphere is damaged, there is power in the periphery to repair the light sphere immediately.

In this ball of light, it actually contains the principle of Tai Chi in Huaxia Kung Fu!


Shocked everywhere, the light sphere and its surroundings seemed to have encountered a storm and tsunami in the vast ocean.But after Lan Tingyu's explosion and shock were over, the light ball and its surroundings returned to calm.

Lan Tingyu seldom used the Nine Flame Prajna Heavenly Fire, because it was too exhausting.But today, even though he used the Nine Flame Prajna Heavenly Fire, he still couldn't escape from the sphere of light.

Not to mention, besides the sphere of light, there is also the suppression of the Heavenly Dragon Babu Stupa Profound Pagoda.

Lan Tingyu was stunned for a moment, he didn't continue to struggle at this time, but quickly condensed his physical body, and then practiced cross-legged, concentrating.

At this moment, Lan Tingyu finally felt an indescribable fear of the emperor Xuan Zhenghao.

Originally, for him, he was indeed afraid of imperial power at the earliest time.But later, he experienced too much, and his cultivation level increased several times.His confidence had climbed to a level of great complacency.Even though she was captured several times in the chalk world, Lan Tingyu did not lose confidence.After all, the cultivation level of the entire earth should be said to be the most powerful in the chalk world.He has made several rounds there, how could he put the masters from other worlds in his eyes.

And at this moment, after he was trapped, he truly understood the horror of the emperor Xuan Zhenghao.

In fact, even Chen Yang is a little swollen now.She has the same mentality as Lan Tingyu, thinking that even if she can't beat Xuan Zhenghao, it's not a big problem to leave.They all feel that they are a strong man, and they can break their wrists with Xuan Zhenghao.

What they didn't know was that while they were growing rapidly, Emperor Xuan Zhenghao was racing against time, practicing without stopping for a moment.

There is only one month left before Lan Tingyu and Chen Yang go back to hand in the task.

Chen Yang's time is running out, and he still has three treasures that he hasn't got yet.

Chen Yang felt that the most important thing for him now was not to go to the Central World to get the treasure, but to go to the Great Thousand World to retrieve the God of Beginning, and then go to the Western King Realm to see if he could find the second brother.

This world is so weird and wonderful, I thought the easiest thing was to get back the three treasures from my second brother.From the beginning, Chen Yang thought he had found the three treasures.He didn't even bother!

But the fact is that it doesn't take much effort to get the rest of the treasures.Instead, the three treasures in the hands of the second brother have been unable to return for a long time.

Chen Yang wanted to leave, but he was still a little worried about Lan Tingyu's affairs.His feelings for Lan Tingyu are very complicated, and he wants to kill Lan Tingyu himself.But he didn't want Lan Tingyu to die in the hands of others.

What Lan Tingyu did in the Hou's mansion cannot contain the fire.

Chen Yang received a message from Su Yanran that afternoon.Su Yanran came to tell Chen Yang in person.

Now Su Yanran likes Chen Yang so much that she doesn't talk about the past friendship, and gives her so many pure yang elixirs to Chen Yang.She couldn't do enough with her body.

Su Yanran knew about the bad things between Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu, and as the steward of Tianchi Pavilion Imperial City, she could still get this bit of information.

Su Yanran also knew that Chen Yang and Lan Tingyu came back together this time, and the relationship between these two people is already a little unclear.

After Su Yanran entered Shaowei Mansion, Chen Yang talked with Su Yanran alone.

"You mean, Lan Tingyu killed Lan Tianji's first wife, and also killed Lan Jianyi and Lan Jianhui?" Chen Yang was extremely shocked.He had expected it a long time ago, but when he actually heard the news, he was still shocked.

Lan Tingyu is really looking at death like home!He had no way out for himself at all.

"What happened next?" Chen Yang hurriedly asked Su Yanran again.

Su Yanran said: "When Lan Tingyu was about to destroy the Hou Mansion, the Long Guard in the capital was alarmed. The Long Guard arrested Lan Tingyu."

"Oh..." Chen Yang nodded, he sighed, and said, "I probably understand that Lan Tingyu didn't really want to destroy the Hou Mansion. He was deliberately captured by Longwei."

Su Yanran suddenly looked strange, and said: "What basis is this based on? Do you think Lan Tingyu was deliberately captured by Longwei?" Chen Yang was full of confidence, and said: "With Lan Tingyu's ability, he doesn't want to be taken away by Longwei." Take him away, I don't think there is anyone in the imperial city who can trap him. Let alone Dragon Guard!"

"This is... your mother's fart!" Su Yanran was stunned for a moment, and then swears.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and said, "What? You don't believe me?"

Su Yanran said, "Of course I don't believe it!"

Chen Yang said: "That's because you don't have my ability to understand Lan Tingyu, no one can trap Lan Tingyu."

"Maybe I know Lan Tingyu better than you!" Su Yanran said, "Lan Tingyu's Nine Flame Divine Fire Sutra has been cultivated to the point of perfection, and he is a middle-stage virtual immortal. His body can almost change into a thousand things." Because of the countless flames that are not extinguished. If the fire in the heart is not extinguished, he will not die, right?"

"You know all of this?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Su Yanran said: "Not only I know these things, but also the emperor. We also know about your ability and your methods. You have a god who can die for you, right? And your body is indestructible. Wait, we all know this. Some information is collected by us, some information is provided by the royal family, and some information is checked from the compass of the past life of the Lord. After the upward compass of the Lord and the magic book of the emperor are combined with each other , has already been able to clean up the filth, and inspect the world of the heavens again."

Chen Yang suddenly felt shuddering.

He found that he was indeed a little self-righteous, and thought that everyone was a fool.Now it seems that I am confused!

"So, a few dragon guards can capture Lan Tingyu? Is this impossible?" Chen Yang said.

Su Yanran said: "The cultivation base of the dragon guards may not be very high, but the dragon guards control the large formation of the city. In the large formation of the protection of the city, there are the emperor's Tianlong Babu Futu tower, and the emperor's demons are also in charge. Dian is the axis. The dragon guards mobilized the real dragon sky silk net, which is equivalent to mobilizing the entire moat formation. Let alone Lan Tingyu, no matter how powerful the master is, it is Yun Huaying, and the people behind him The Supreme Beings are here, and they are guaranteed to come and go. After so many years, there are people who dare to do anything wrong in the imperial city!"

Chen Yang touched his nose, and only now, like Lan Tingyu, did he realize the terror of the emperor.

It is true that the mentality has swelled, and some people don't take the emperor seriously.

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