The strongest player in history

Chapter 1857 Killing the Evil Slave

Lan Hongning is the young master of Marquis Wu's Mansion. He has been gifted since he was a child, and he is deeply loved by Lan Tianji and Mrs. Lin.Moreover, Lan Hongning's character is not comparable to his other brothers.Since Lan Tingyu was six years old, after his mother passed away, he still owed some care to Lan Hongning.

Therefore, in Lan Tingyu's heart, she still has respect and gratitude for Lan Hongning.

However, Lan Hongning's care is also very limited.Lan Hongning is practicing most of the time, and those servants who bully him are all instructed by Lan Hongning's younger brothers.In addition, Mrs. Lin also intends to indulge, so in this case, Lan Hongning is also a little idle and powerless.

More importantly, Lan Hongning's mind is not on Lan Tingyu either.His care for Lan Tingyu is only due to his personal qualities.He seldom pays attention to Lan Tingyu, let alone take Lan Tingyu's matter to heart.

Lan Hongning wants to make friends with Lan Tingyu at this time, which is also possible.If Lan Hongning is not Mrs. Lin's son.Lan Tingyu must repay Lan Hongning generously.

But at this moment, Lan Tingyu doesn't want to give anyone face.

He stood there without moving, and then said in a deep voice, "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't have time to drink with you today."

Lan Hongning was stunned for a while, and said: "Seventh brother, if you have any grievances, you can tell my elder brother. My elder brother will definitely help you to uphold justice."

"No need." Lan Tingyu said: "When I was powerless, I didn't ask you to give me justice. When I am capable today, I don't need other people to give me justice. What's more, The person I'm looking for is your mother."

Lan Hongning's face suddenly changed, his eyes turned cold, and he said, "Seventh brother, are you really going to break with us?"

Lan Tingyu looked at Lan Hongning and said, "I want to find out exactly how my mother died back then. Why, brother, do you think my request is too much? My mother deserves to die in vain. As a son of man, if I Isn’t it right to ask?”

He didn't wait for Lan Hongning to answer, and suddenly burst out with infinite killing intent.He glanced at the people present, and said in a cold voice: "Today, even if it is Lan Tianji, the emperor is here, no one can stop me from clarifying the matter. Those who harmed my mother back then will all have to pay for their lives. The first one will die It is this evil slave!"

Lan Tingyu suddenly pointed at Ru Po Po, and he suddenly stretched out his palm to grab Ru Po Po.

"Presumptuous!" Lan Hongning was angry, and he also knew that it would be hard to be kind today.

Lan Tingyu wanted to kill someone in front of him, how could Lan Hongning allow it.

The moment Lan Tingyu shot, Lan Hongning followed suit.Lan Hongning stood in front of the mother-in-law in a flash.

At this moment, Lan Tingyu reached out and grabbed it.Lan Tingyu's hand is like a steel oven, grasping like this, there is a kind of mysterious law in the quickness.

Lan Hongning snorted coldly, and punched out.

Lan Tingyu's hands are like eagle claws, while Lan Hongning's fist is like a mountain.The two forces collided together.

With a bang, there was a dull impact sound.

Lan Hongning's face was livid, and he took a few steps back quickly.At this moment, his fists trembled, beads of sweat rolled down his face, and his face turned pale.

When Lan Hongning looked at Lan Tingyu's face, he was already full of awe.

He had heard about this seventh brother a long time ago. He didn't know where he had an adventure, and now he is a dragon and a phoenix among people.But he didn't believe it, just by some adventures, this seventh brother could surpass his decades of hard training.He is also the pride of heaven!

But at this moment, Lan Hongning had to believe it.

When he collided with Lan Tingyu's palm just now, he only felt that the opponent's claws contained the power of the sky. He seemed to feel that it was a dragon of the sky crawling in the universe. Suddenly, a light blow Just lift the paw.

This fight immediately eclipsed Mr. Zhang Da and Mrs. Lin in the field.

"This little bastard has actually cultivated to such a level?" Madam Lin was secretly startled.

Mr. Zhang Da is the clearest about Lan Hongning's cultivation base. Lan Hongning can join him in countless battles by relying on the magic weapon Kunlun Jade.Mr. Zhang Da knew that Lan Hongning was only one step away from Xuxian.

He thought that with his own ability, he couldn't force the young master Lan Hongning to this point in a single catch.Mr. Zhang Da also knew in his heart that the strength of this concubine of the Hou family, the legendary concubine, had reached an extremely terrifying level.

At this time, only the human demon is still calm, just looking at Lan Tingyu with interest.He didn't say a word, as if everything that happened in the hall had nothing to do with him.

Lan Tingyu looked at Lan Hongning and said, "Big brother, this is the last time I call you big brother. The claw just now is my reward for your help back then. If you attack me again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After he finished speaking, he took a step forward. "You maidservant, do you still remember how you took away my mother's charcoal fire from me and how you slapped my mother in the cold winter?"

Ru mother-in-law was frightened, at this time, she finally felt the fear.She looked at Mrs. Lin for help.

Mrs. Lin's eyes were cold, but she didn't say a word.

If the mother-in-law understood everything right away, she gritted her teeth and said, "Little bastard, I only hated the past, why didn't I use my hands to kill you. Otherwise, how could I let you act fiercely here today."

"Of course you want to kill me. You have repeatedly driven the Yin Demon to scare me in the middle of the night, trying to scare me into a fool. In this way, Lan Tianji will not blame you." Lan Tingyu said: "Just It's a pity that I let you down. Those evil ghosts didn't scare me."

He couldn't forget that he was just a child of seven or eight years old, and he had no relatives or reasons in such a cold night.And be frightened by the old woman with some scary ghosts at the window.If it weren't for the hatred in his heart, driven by the driving force of this hatred, how could he have survived to this moment.

"Why, Lan Hongning, are you surprised?" Lan Tingyu laughed, he looked at Lan Hongning and said, "This is just the tip of the iceberg, do you know that I was born to live in this Hou's mansion? What day. Ever since I was sensible, I have watched my mother being bullied by your mother and the servants of this Houfu. After my mother died, how did they ever treat me as a person? It is worse than the servants bought by this Houfu. Or, at least, they can hug each other to keep warm, and I can only hide in the quilt and cry alone."

"In the sixth year of Dakang Tianlin, Lan Jianyi deliberately threw a small toy of Lan Jianhui in my room. Lan Jianhui stepped on my face on the ground and insulted me for two full hours. Can you imagine what it feels like? ? You really did one thing wrong, that is, you didn't kill me, Lan Tingyu."

Lan Hongning couldn't say a word.

After a while, he sighed slightly, and said to Mrs. Lin: "Mother, you shouldn't spoil and pamper them like this."

Mrs. Lin said coldly: "A bastard, even if he is killed, it is his blessing."

"Hahahaha..." Lan Tingyu laughed sharply.

Then he suddenly grabbed it with his palm, his speed was very fast, and he directly grabbed Naru mother-in-law in his hand.

"Go to hell!" Lan Tingyu roared.


At that moment, the face of the mother-in-law changed rapidly.A look of extreme pain flashed in her eyes, and a ball of flames burst out of her body.

Her body changed, and she was quickly incinerated into ashes.

This is just like the mother-in-law... she died and disappeared.

At the same time, the sound of footsteps outside came quickly.But it was Lan Jianhui, the fourth young master, and Lan Jianyi, the sixth young master.

The third young master Lan Zhong was expelled from the imperial city by Lan Tianji early in the morning.

Lan Jianyi has been thinking behind closed doors.

It was Lan Jianhui who went to tell Lan Jianyi that Lan Tingyu had returned, and he was aggressive.Therefore, Lan Jianyi and Lan Jianhui rushed over immediately.

After Lan Jianyi and Lan Jianhui came in, they happened to see Granny Ru killed by Lan Tingyu.

"Lan Tingyu, you are so courageous, openly killing people in the Hou's mansion, this is a capital crime, a capital crime!" Lan Jianyi said fiercely.

Lan Jianhui also laughed bitterly, and said, "Lan Tingyu, you are dead. I'm going to sue the empress and ask her to punish you. You really think that after you learn some skills, you can despise everything ?"

After Lan Jianhui finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

Lan Tingyu said coldly: "I see that you are here, so don't leave. Let's settle the past grievances today." After he finished speaking, he suddenly spit out his true essence.

A mouthful of Nine Flame Divine Fire quickly turned into Nine Flame Divine Dragon!

The Nine Flame Divine Dragon is wearing dragon-patterned armor, so it won't burn the Hou Mansion.The Nine Flame Dragon quickly flew out of the hall and surrounded the whole house densely, it was so airtight that no one could get out.

Lan Jianhui saw that the door in front of him was tightly blocked by the body of the Nine Flame Dragon, without any gaps.

The hall immediately went dark.

Someone immediately lit up the lights.

Lan Jianhui's expression changed, and he was about to yell at him, but Lan Hongning immediately reprimanded: "Fourth, shut up!"

Lan Jianhui and Lan Jian respected the eldest brother Lan Hongning the most. Seeing the eldest brother scolding him, they immediately silenced.

Lan Hongning looked at Lan Tingyu, and said in a deep voice: "Lao Qi, no matter what, we are all brothers. They have made mistakes these years. But you are still alive, which shows that they have no intention of killing you. What are you trying to do with this posture today? Do you really want brothers to fight each other? You kill that evil slave too. I can let my mother not pursue you for this matter."

Lan Tingyu said: "If it was only because of the humiliation I have suffered these years, I would not kill you. However, what I want to investigate today is why my mother suddenly died of a sudden illness. My mother's body has always been very weak. Well, that night after drinking a bowl of lotus seed soup from the kitchen, I vomited blood that night. After a few days, my health became worse and worse, and I finally died on the bed."

He paused and said, "This matter, Lin Yuelian, let me ask you, does it have anything to do with you?"

Mrs. Lin had a sullen face, but said nothing.

Lan Tingyu said: "You don't say it, do you?"

After a long while, Mrs. Lin said word by word: "Do you know what you are doing? Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

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