Monk Linghui's Great Sealing Technique was instantly broken by True Monarch Kumu's finger sword, and the Great Kurong Technique in the finger sword was extremely powerful.One dry and one prosperous are the life and death of the development of things in the world.

Yin and Yang give birth to all things.

Between dryness and prosperity is the true meaning of life and death!

Monk Linghui's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he knew that the simple sword of Kumu Zhenjun was not simple, so he used the great sealing technique to test it.At the same time, he initially resolved part of the power of the finger sword, and understood the structure of the finger sword.Monk Linghui's wisdom and experience are terrifying.

At this time, he suddenly cast a trick!

Great Chaos Thunder Sword!

An upgraded version of the Great Soul Thunder Sword!

Chen Yang had seen the Great Chaos Thunder Sword before, but he couldn't use it.Monk Linghui has absorbed too much Hunyuan Qi from the seeds of Xuanhuang God Valley.So after hearing Chen Yang's explanation, he immediately understood the essence of the Great Chaos Thunder Sword.

A black and yellow sword light appeared from the sky, with an extreme sharpness, breaking all rules, vitality!

With one sword strike, the surrounding space immediately collapsed!

When this sword was cut out, True Monarch Withered Wood's finger sword was directly chopped into pieces.At the same time, the Great Chaos Thunder Sword was extremely fierce, with a primitive, pure, terrifying aura that broke all rules, and slashed towards True Monarch Deadwood.

At this moment, it seemed that the world had become dark, and only the sharp edge of this sword was left between the world and the earth.

It seems that the planet will be shattered by this sword!

The pupils of the prison elder constricted, the sword was not aimed at him.What frightened him was that in just a few months, Mikaye's cultivation had progressed so quickly that it was so terrifying.Just with his casual sword, the elders of the prison found it hard to parry.

In the midst of the crisis, True Monarch Withered Wood just let out a cold snort.He suddenly grabbed it with one palm, but he grabbed the big chaotic thunder sword with one palm.

It is as if there is a small world in his palm, and the small world is full of the power of creation.It directly transformed this chaotic thunder sword into a beading dark yellow pill.

True Monarch Deadwood looked at the pill in his hand, and then swallowed it in one gulp.After he swallowed it, he immediately understood the magic of the Great Chaos Thunder Sword.

Although Monk Linghui used to be unparalleled, his Great Chaos Thunder Sword was still not comparable to Heiyi Suzhen's Great Chaos Thunder Sword.The reason is very simple, even the masters of the realm of creation have not been tempered by the sixth level of thunder.And Hei Yi Suzhen has experienced it.Although Chen Yang also experienced it, but he was making soy sauce by the side, and all the suffering and suffering were all on Hei Yi Suzhen.

However, if Heiyi Suzhen couldn't hold on in the six-fold thunder, Chen Yang would also die.The risk Chen Yang took was not small.

True Lord Deadwood and Monk Linghui fought briefly, and both of them weighed each other's weight.

"That's all!" True Monarch Withered Wood sneered.Then, he struck again.

At that moment, True Monarch Deadwood spit out black true essence.This true energy changes endlessly, directly covering the world.

This is the magical law of creation, which has perfectly integrated the power of time, space, and heaven to form the power of creation.In the law of creation, it is easy for you to change into a dog, a dragon, or a human.

Of course, every master of creation has different creation rules.For example, Gaia is used to transforming into rabbits, and Yuanjue Fashen likes to transform humans into dogs.

The power and law of various creations!

Between the heaven and the earth, the hundreds of miles around are all shrouded in the creation law of True Monarch Deadwood.

Thus, there was darkness between the sky and the earth.

In the darkness, there was another mist rushing.

Monk Linghui also fell into absolute darkness, unable to see his fingers.Even with monk Linghui's mana, he couldn't see anything.

Under the law of creation, it is true to change all substances.This is by no means an illusion!

"The universe is upside down, good fortune is boundless, yin and yang are chaotic!" True Monarch Deadwood shouted loudly in the endless void.

Then, a black giant hand suddenly descended from the head of Linghui monk, and then directly captured Linghui monk.Infinite power of creation poured into Monk Linghui's body.These creative powers quickly change molecules, magnetic fields, and even disintegrate the body of Linghui monk.

Monk Linghui's mana was also completely changed and dissolved!

If Monk Linghui can't think of a way to crack it, then soon, Monk Linghui will be changed into a kitten and puppy.

At this moment, Mikaye really panicked.

But he dared not make any moves.

But at this time, Monk Linghui's altar was extremely clear.How could he not know these means?

"The power of creation is really extraordinary. If you have reached the level of me in the second level, I will really fall into your hands today." Monk Linghui snorted coldly, and then he activated the power of faith.The power of faith was concentrated in Chen Yang's golden talisman.

Drive the power of faith with the Daleiyin Pudu method!

Monk Linghui waved his hand, and sacrificed the Daleiyin Purdue Golden Light Talisman.The golden light of the golden light talisman is extremely dazzling, and the powerful and unparalleled power of faith forms the power of will.

In an instant, the dark void was lit up, just like the sun's rays dispelled the darkness.

The golden wish power quickly shone on Monk Linghui.Monk Linghui's body was originally being changed by the black power of creation, and now, it was like boiling water pouring on a colony of ants.The ants were scalded to death one after another, and faded away like the tide.

At the same time, the golden wish power is still dispelling the power of creation in the air, forming a vacuum and clean zone with a radius of thirty miles.

"No wonder you dare to fight against me!" Upon seeing this, True Monarch Kumu sneered, and said, "It turned out that it was because of the faith of the common people in this world."

"Prisoner, go and kill those humans right now." True Monarch Deadwood ordered cruelly.

The prison immediately took orders and said, "Yes, old ancestor!"

The elder of the prison is about to leave. Where can Monk Linghui let him go?On his side, no one can compete with the elders of the prison.

"Leave them all!" Monk Linghui shouted.

Then, under the violent drive of his magic power, under the violent irrigation of the power of faith.

He opened his mouth and exhaled a mouthful of vitality, and then, the ice soul, the nine flames, and the power of yin and yang formed a huge golden lotus flower.

This golden lotus flower has six lotus leaves and its roots are icy cold!

The six leaves rotate to form six reincarnations.

The huge space of six paths of reincarnation appeared.

All around the world, with a radius of hundreds of miles, all fell into the six realms of reincarnation.

Among the six realms, the sky above each realm is connected.A huge golden lotus flower hangs in the sky, the lotus leaves rotate, and the six realms are endless.

The elders of the prison are flying and flashing continuously, but they still can't get out of this terrifying six reincarnations!

A coldness flashed in the eyes of True Monarch Deadwood, he suddenly punched out!

"Break it for me!" True Monarch Kumu saw at a glance that the key was the huge golden lotus.His punch was to kill the golden lotus flower.

The black fist print roared and killed the golden lotus.

In the fist seal, the world of dry glory is formed.

One punch is a world.

The withered world quickly bloomed with vigorous vitality, and everything recovered, and this vitality formed a huge force.All vitality is condensed.

The golden lotus flower did not reject the black power, but suddenly opened its lotus leaves to absorb the power of the fist.

This terrifying fist force entered the golden lotus space, and immediately seemed to fall into the infinite space world.In this world, yin and yang are reversed, and everything is in chaos.

Time flies by, space is ever-changing.

But the endless vitality that burst out from this black punch was like countless sharp swords, quickly strangling the surrounding space into pieces.

Countless spaces and time were all crushed by the fist seal.

This fist print rampaged in the space, and wherever it went, countless vitality was born, and flowers, saplings, etc. bloomed in the void.In the dark space, many plants began to grow luxuriantly.

This wonderful space is about to become the space of True Monarch Dead Wood.

"Get up!" Monk Linghui yelled secretly, he was also hiding in the void, and suddenly spit out the icy chill.

This icy chill quickly froze all the plants in the space.

But these plants are also powerful, but they continue to grow, like small saplings breaking out of the rock formation!

"Mie!" Monk Linghui shouted.

In the void, a thousand flames suddenly burned!

It's mighty, like the universe is full of stars.

The Jiuyan Divine Fire suddenly exploded.

As a result, all the plants were directly blown to pieces.These fragments scattered in the void and became ashes.

There was a chill in the eyes of True Monarch Dead Tree.

"Laws of Creation!" he yelled immediately.

All the black creation laws quickly gathered, and at this moment, it was like a giant spaceship and monsters invading the earth.

Among the six reincarnations, all the prison elders and others were trapped in it.Only True Monarch Deadwood stays out of the matter and is not controlled by the six paths of reincarnation.

At this time, True Monarch Deadwood will rely on the law of creation to change the six paths of reincarnation.

The black law of creation erodes the six realms of reincarnation and quickly changes the six realms of reincarnation!

Monk Linghui didn't say much, he absorbed the power of faith violently.The fusion of the power of faith and the golden talisman illuminates the six paths of reincarnation.

The black law of creation erodes, and the golden light of the golden talisman resists.The two forces were at a stalemate, but the black law of creation was obviously stronger.

The golden lotus in the void is still spinning, and the six paths of reincarnation are still continuing.Prison elders and others were still unable to break out of the six realms of reincarnation.

This is a contest that decides the outcome.

Seeing the golden light of the golden talisman becoming more and more irresistible, but at this moment, the power of faith suddenly became three times stronger.

Monk Linghui knew it well, and this was when his plan started to work.For example, the eldest grandson and the others have successfully inspired the people's heart of resistance to the death.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, True Monarch Deadwood couldn't help being very annoyed.

After he became a master of the realm of creation, he shot again and never encountered any trouble.He has always been invincible, but now he is blocked by monk Linghui.This made him very embarrassed.

Moreover, True Monarch Deadwood has also seen that the other party's wish is too strong, and it is difficult for his creation law to shake the other party today.

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