"My son wants to compete with Lao Tzu?" Chen Yang was slightly puzzled, and he immediately asked again: "How can this Spirit King Dilu tolerate his son?"

Smith said: "Fellow Daoist, you don't know something. In the power system of our Heavenly Capital, bloodlines and strength have always been emphasized. Darke is the proud son of heaven, and he is also the blood of the Spirit King. Even the Spirit King cannot Ke is excellent and kills Dak. Behind Dak is his natal family's support. Therefore, he has obtained a lot of resources, and he also has the qualifications and capital to fight against King Ling."

He continued: "The position of the Spirit King is elected every ten years. The Spirit King Dilu has been re-elected as the Spirit King for the tenth term. Now other forces in Tiandu hope that Dilu can abdicate. They are still creating among the people. public opinion."

Chen Yang said: "Is the throne of King Ling really so attractive? What are the benefits of being elected King of Spirit?"

Smith said: "There are too many benefits. You can gather countless confidants and mobilize countless resources. Moreover, when the emperor comes in the future, he will only meet and reuse the Spirit King. Once he loses the throne of the Spirit King, then Di Lu is just a super expert in the empire."

Chen Yang said: "Dilu's cultivation..."

"Heavenly Realm!" Smith said.

Chen Yang was not surprised. If he hadn't reached the Celestial Realm, how could Dilu hold the scene.

"What about Dak?" Chen Yang asked Smith again.

Smith said: "Dake is at the peak of the Tianyu Realm, he is only about eight hundred years old, and this speed is already very fast."

Chen Yang said, "That's right, it's really fast."

Because Chen Yang knew that Qin Keqing next to her was quite talented, but she was also over 800 years old, but she was only at the peak of immortality.This is thousands of miles away from Da Ke!

Of course, the world Dak lives in may have much more resources than Qin Keqing.

Chen Yang said: "However, Dake is only at the peak of the Tianyu Realm. Does he have the qualifications to be the Spirit King? Why should he compete with Dilu?"

Smith said: "Fellow Daoist, you don't know something. Dak's grandfather is known as the God of War of the Empire, and he is a master of the Heaven Realm."

Chen Yang suddenly realized, and said, "Since it's an election, why doesn't Dak's grandfather want to be the Spirit King?"

Smith said: "Dark's grandfather, Chang Ao, is too old. He is over 1 years old. It is not suitable for being too public, and it is not suitable for controlling the position of the Spirit King. The empire has rules. If it is over [-] years old, none It is suitable to come out to preside over government affairs. You can only be an elder of the empire, or guest minister, venerable and so on."

Chen Yang said, "So that's how it is!"

Smith said: "Dak is too young, and he still has unlimited possibilities. Everyone still generally believes that maybe Dak can lead Tiandu and completely suppress the Presbyterian Council. Today's Presbyterian Council is arrogant and domineering, controlling a lot of resources This makes many nobles in Tiandu very dissatisfied."

Chen Yang had a spectrum in his heart.

He asked Smith again, "What is Bixiu's cultivation?"

Smith said: "Bi Xiu is the pinnacle of the Tianyu Realm."

Chen Yang was a little distressed when he heard this, because it was still very difficult!With the few of them, it is extremely difficult to deal with Dongxian.Not to mention President Bi Xiu who is at the peak of the Tianyu Realm.

"If Mikaye is willing to help, this matter will be easy to handle!" Monk Linghui said.

Chen Yang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but he immediately hesitated and said, "I'm afraid Mikaye won't help."

Monk Linghui said: "If you don't help, you have to help. If he doesn't help, we will spread the news that he has been controlled by us. In this way, he will be ruined immediately!"

Lan Tingyu was taken aback and said, "What if he jumps over the wall in a hurry and wants to kill us?"

Monk Linghui said: "Give him ten guts, he wouldn't dare!"

"So sure?" Qin Keqing said.

Monk Linghui said: "First, he thought that the accidents of Tianbulu, Hongkun, and Hongfei were related to the poor monk. He had a natural fear of the poor monk, so he didn't dare to take the initiative. Of course, this The premise is that he has not yet understood the mysteries of the poor monk's law. Once he masters the law and his cultivation level increases greatly, he will understand many things. At that time we are really in danger. The second point, Mi Kassapa didn't dare to take risks, he was determined to win the secrets of the poor monk's law. If he died, he was afraid that he would lose control of many accidents."

Monk Linghui is extremely precise in controlling people's hearts.

Chen Yang said: "In this case, then you should inform Michael to come."

Lan Tingyu said: "Since Mikaye is willing to help, why not just control Spirit King Dilu directly?"

Monk Linghui said: "That can't be done, the pure Yang Dan is not enough now. The poor monk has no means to control Dilu. Besides, Dilu's cultivation level is not below Mikaye's. Once he does it, there will be an accident. On the other hand, Bi Xiu is much more in control."

Lan Tingyu said: "Alright!"

What Monk Linghui said was very reasonable.

Afterwards, monk Linghui communicated with Michael.

Communicate through that esoteric law.

Coincidentally, Michael also came to Tiandu.At this time, Mikaye was having a meeting with the spirit king Dilu in the palace of the great king.However, he received a call from Monk Linghui and came to meet him immediately.

Michael came through the void and appeared directly in Smith's bedroom.

Naturally, Spirit King Dilu will not go after what Mikaye is doing.For a big man like Mikaye, if he finds out that the spirit king Dilu is chasing him, it will cause a lot of trouble and misunderstanding.

As soon as Michael appeared in Smith's bedroom, he was immediately surprised when he saw Smith.

"Why are you?" Michael was puzzled.

He knew Smith.Smith also knew Michael, so he immediately said respectfully, "I have met Chairman Mi."

Michael nodded.

Chen Yang said to Smith: "Let him enter the soul spar to talk."

Smith responded: "Yes, Fellow Daoist!"

Afterwards, Smith pointed to the soul spar in his ear to Michael.After a little strafing of Michael's divine sense, he sensed the soul spar.I also probably understand what's going on.At that moment, Mikaye didn't say much, and entered the soul spar with a flash of his figure.

In the soul spar, several people met again.

"Senior!" Mikaye saluted respectfully after seeing Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui nodded lightly, and then asked: "How is your talk with Lingwang Dilu?"

Mikaye was a little annoyed immediately, and said, "Don't mention it, old fox Diru. He said that the general election is coming up, and he is fighting against the Council of Elders. If he wins, it's fine. Once there is any loss, he will lose a lot of support. .So he doesn't want to take risks. No matter how much I benefit, he is not willing to come and do this with us. This idiot also doesn't think about it. Once we kill the prison, the Elders will be suppressed. He won resource control So, is his son still qualified to compete with him for the title of Spirit King?"

Monk Linghui said lightly: "You don't have to get excited. If it were you, you wouldn't want to take risks. At critical times, being safe is the most correct choice."

Mikaye was stunned when he heard the words, and he said, "But without Dilu's support, it would be difficult to save Luo Xue."

Monk Linghui said: "So, I came to you because I have another matter for you to do."

"What is it, senior, please tell me!" Mikaye said.

Monk Linghui said: "Michaye, wait for me and my group to leave the world of chalk. Then, I will tell you the mystery of the mysterious law immediately. This is your only way out, do you understand?"

Mikaye said: "Senior, junior understand."

Monk Linghui said: "It's good to understand. Now that Dilu wants to continue to be elected as the king of spirits, he needs the support of Bi Xiu, the president of the elders. Bi Xiu's cultivation is still at the peak of Tianyu Realm. We will help you control him. It's not a big problem."

"This..." Mikaye suddenly changed his expression.

"In this way, senior..." Mikaye said in embarrassment: "Isn't the cooperation between junior and you completely exposed?"

Monk Linghui said: "Grab Bi Xiu and make him one of your own. In this way, will he expose you? Maybe in the future, he can become your powerful ally."

Mikaye said: "But how to control him? He has reached this level of cultivation, and it is already difficult to control it with spiritual imprints and so on. Moreover, this is easy to be discovered by other spirits."

Monk Linghui said: "It's not difficult, I can teach you a spell. This spell should be regarded as a thank you gift."

Mikaye's eyes lit up, and he said, "What kind of spells does the senior want to teach the junior? The senior's spell must be mysterious and unparalleled."

Chen Yang and the others were listening silently.At this time, they are all like elementary school students listening to the teacher's lecture.In front of Mikaye and Monk Linghui, it was indeed difficult for them to speak up.

Chen Yang and the others couldn't control a hero like Mikaye in any way.It was also thanks to the presence of monk Linghui, otherwise, in this chalk world, there would be nothing left of Chen Yang and his party who died long ago.

Although Mikaye is mighty.But monk Linghui didn't have the slightest temper to be able to cure him.Although Monk Linghui's mana is gone, his rank is still there.

It cannot be said that the old leader has retired, and your new leader can disrespect the old leader.What's more, the old leader has caught you.

Monk Linghui immediately said: "This technique is called the method of descending to the sky! I have long hidden in the mysterious law in your cave. This method of descending to the sky is to burn your own mana and menstrual blood to achieve the reduction The realm of yourself and the enemy. If you lower one level, the enemy will lower two levels. Once you cast it, your level cannot be recovered, and the enemy's level cannot be recovered. However, this kind of technique is not a last resort. Life and death, that is absolutely unplayable."

"The method of descending to the sky?" Mikaye couldn't help but change his face slightly, he said: "The most important thing for a cultivator is to cultivate. He is not willing to abdicate even when he is dying!"

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