The strongest player in history

Chapter 1829 The Great World

Chen Yang took a deep breath, no matter what he lost, he couldn't lose his momentum.Immediately raised his head and stepped in.

As soon as Chen Yang came in, he attracted the attention of all the elders.Elder Leng Yun came forward, smiled slightly, and said, "Chen Yang, you are here!"

He stepped forward and took Chen Yang's hand, looking extremely affectionate.He also introduced to the elders: "Everyone, this is the young talent I mentioned to everyone, Chen Yang. His name must have been heard by everyone."

Elder Yin Buxu gave Chen Yang a cold look, because he was a little unhappy with Chen Yang anyway.

The two elders that Chen Yang didn't know also looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang took a glance, he only felt that these two elders were unfathomable.The depth of their eyes seems to contain a vast universe, endless and boundless.

Chen Yang couldn't help being shocked, but at the same time, he knew it well.Probably, this is the Elder Lingzun sent out to deal with the God Emperor.

"These two are..." Elder Leng Yun introduced, "They are the Supreme Venerable of our Presbyterian Church. They are Elder Hongkun and Elder Hongfei!"

Chen Yang touched his nose, he was indeed a little surprised.How deep is the water in this Presbyterian Church? There are actually two elders hidden in this day.

The prison elder hasn't shown up yet.

"Chen Yang, Elder Hongkun and Elder Hongfei have been retreating in the depths of time and space. This time, we invited them out for Venerable Tianbulu's affairs."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "That's great. I was worried that the God Emperor would be difficult to deal with. Now that there are two Supreme Venerables taking action, it seems that this time, we can be sure."

Elder Hongkun said indifferently: "The name of the god emperor has been in the limelight recently. He can take down Venerable Tianbulu, which shows that he is indeed a capable person. I also want to learn from such an opponent. fan."

Elder Hongfei said: "I'm afraid I can't make you too happy this time, big brother. Because this matter is of great importance, we must take down this god emperor with absolute certainty."

Elder Hongkun couldn't help but sighed slightly, and said, "It's a pity."

Elder Leng Yun then said: "Chen Yang, we have already laid out the layout here, and when the time comes, we need you to take the first step."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Okay, what do you say, what should we do."

Elder Leng Yun said to Elder Hongfei, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Elder Hongfei nodded, and he took out something from the storage ring.

Chen Yang looked over, and immediately saw clearly that what Elder Hongfei was holding was a black pill.

"What is this? Poison?" Chen Yang said.

"That's right, it's poison." Elder Hongfei said.He paused and said: "But this is not an ordinary poison. This poison is condensed from the great poison technique in the Three Thousand Ways. It is colorless and tasteless, and can deceive the secrets. It is a person like a god emperor." , and can't see through the toxicity in this pill. You just need to find a way to make him take it, then your mission will be completed."

Chen Yang took the pill and said, "I will try my best, but I can't guarantee that he will really be able to take it."

"En!" Elder Hongfei nodded and said, "We can tell the difference if you try your best."

After doing this, Elder Leng Yun said: "Since this is the case, let's leave without delay. Let's go one day earlier, and Venerable Tian Bulu will be less tortured."

A killing intent flashed in Elder Hongkun's eyes, and he said, "That bastard, God Emperor, dares to torture Venerable Tian Bulu, and I will make him repay him a hundred times."

Elder Leng Yun said: "I'm here, I wish you two success and come back soon."

Elder Hongkun and Elder Hongfei nodded.

Elder Leng Yun told Chen Yang again, saying: "When you go there, everything must be arranged by the two elders and venerables, you understand?"

"I know, don't worry!" Chen Yang said with a smile.

At that moment, Elder Keir led the way, and everyone walked towards the direction of the teleportation array.

There are ten teleportation arrays, which are ten rooms side by side.On the wall outside the room, dragons and phoenixes are carved.

The inside of the teleportation array reveals simplicity and majesty. Outside each room of the teleportation array, there will be heavy guards.Without qualified procedures and procedures, no one can activate the teleportation array without authorization.

Entering the room where the teleportation array is located, the central gossip array reveals an infinitely mysterious meaning.

Elder Donglin is in charge of the teleportation formation!

Elder Hongkun and Elder Hongfei stood on the teleportation formation, and Chen Yang followed suit.

The moment he stood up, Elder Hongkun thought of something, and suddenly said: "Chen Yang."

Chen Yang looked courteous, greeted him with a smile, and said, "Your Majesty, please tell me!"

Elder Hongkun said: "How can you be sure that the God Emperor is still in the Great Thousand World? Wouldn't he be wandering around? Wouldn't it be a waste of time if we went all the way this time?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm sure of that."

"Why are you so sure?" Elder Hongfei wondered beside him.

Chen Yang said: "The reason why the god emperor's cultivation is progressing so fast is because he has always upheld the way of heaven. Now, killing and catastrophe is coming, and a group of demons are rising together. The great thousand world is the first of the three thousand worlds, and no evil spirits are allowed to get involved. The emperor guards the righteous way in the great world."

"Guard the righteous way?" Elder Hongkun murmured.

Elder Hongfei was also thoughtful.

At this moment, the teleportation array started.

Dazzling golden light enveloped Chen Yang and the two elders. At the same time, this strong golden light activated the portal, and a passage opened.

That channel seems to lie across the starry sky of the universe, vast and deep.In the universe, this channel is closed, but you can see the outside scene.

Countless particles, the magnetic field bombarded violently in the channel.

When Chen Yang was in it, he felt as if there was a strong pull.But this situation didn't last long. Soon, Chen Yang and the two elders had arrived at another gossip formation.Chen Yang also knew that he had already entered the Great Thousand World.

This gossip array is hidden in an underground secret room.

No day!

When the golden light shrank, the underground gossip formation also quickly disappeared.

This is just an ordinary basement.

Chen Yang also immediately felt that it was difficult to transfer the mana from his body, and now he could only rely on his own stored mana to survive.

If things continued like this, it would be difficult for his own puppet to continue to generate mana, and it would be easy to show flaws.Chen Yang knew that he didn't have much time.

After leaving the underground secret room, Chen Yang saw that this was a remote area, surrounded by desolation, which seemed to be within the Great Gobi.And at this time, the wind was bitter and the cold was abnormal.

In the Great Thousand World, it should be the New Year's Eve just now.

So the climate is very cold.

Chen Yang has never had a big idea about Chinese New Year.He quickly shot with his spiritual sense and determined the place here.This is a Gobi desert in the west, more than [-] miles away from Yanjing.

The first thing he has to think about is, where can he find Yuanjue Dharma God?

Once you find Yuanjue Fashen, then everything will be easy to talk about.If you are unlucky and don't meet Yuanjue Fashen, then all these hard calculations will be regarded as ghosts.

Fortunately, although the Yin Dragon Gu was connected to the brain of Chen Yang, the puppet, it couldn't spy on Chen Yang's mind.Something as miraculous as the Blood Edict is rare in the world after all.Chen Yang was not afraid of the Yin Dragon Gu, because the brain of the puppet was a spar, so if he got angry, he would just tear it off, and that would be no big deal.It can be repaired anyway!

The wind and sand whizzed, and there were clusters of sand and dust rolling together in the air. The scene was spectacular, as if there was a devil in it.

At this time, although it was still morning, the sky looked like twilight was coming.

"Take us to meet the God Emperor." Elder Hong Kun said lightly.He didn't put on airs with Chen Yang, but the indifference in his words had a sense of distance and layers.

Chen Yang said: "I don't know the specific location of the God Emperor, but he monitors the world and should be able to sense our arrival. Right now, I need to separate from you. Otherwise, the poison will not be easy to get in."

Elder Hongkun nodded and said, "Okay, you can act freely."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, I'll go first." After he finished speaking, he flew away directly.The great teleportation technique is also difficult to perform, because the seal of this chalk world is too powerful.If there is no seal from the chalk world, Chen Yang's great teleportation technique can directly transfer the supernatural seeds.

Fortunately, Elder Hongkun and Elder Hongfei didn't know much about Chen Yang, so they weren't surprised that Chen Yang didn't use the Great Teleportation Technique.

Elder Hongkun and Elder Hongfei were not worried that Chen Yang would run away, they had already put a spiritual imprint on Chen Yang, and they knew everything Chen Yang was doing.

Chen Yang also knew this, the biggest headache for him now was how to lure Yuanjue Dharma God to appear.

The body of this puppet without beginning lost the oxygen supply from Chen Yang's body, and his vitality would always be in a state of exhaustion.

Chen Yang galloped in the air for a while, and he planned to see Shen Murong and his son. In the current situation, he didn't want Shen Murong to worry too much.

Chen Yang thought for a while, and then flew over Yanjing.He wanted to try whether this puppet would be rejected by Yanjing.

The result came out soon, and he was sure that this puppet was rejected by Yanjing.The closer he got to Yanjing, Chen Yang could feel the strong magnetic field in the air, like a fire from heaven and earth, only a little flame could burn his inside.

It was only then that Chen Yang finally realized the pain of other ascetics, as well as the primitive fear of the ascetics towards Yanjing.

"Now that the catastrophe is coming, the magnetic field of the three thousand worlds is weakening, so everyone dares to come out and wreak havoc. If the catastrophe had not come, I'm afraid everyone would feel like me now. So those who have a very high level of cultivation The elders and the Supremes will hide in the depths of time and space to practice, lest they will be catastrophe!"

Chen Yang settled in a suburb near Yanjing. Yanjing belongs to the north, close to Yanjing, the air is getting colder and colder.After Chen Yang landed, he was a little aimless. He realized that he was thinking a little too beautifully...

The benefits are here, as promised earlier.There is a big explosion today, and I will publish the wonderful ones below on my WeChat official account Tiandaomeng for free.Dear ones, quickly join Tiandaomeng.

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