The strongest player in history

Chapter 1826 Ice and Snow Storm

Chen Yang said: "Second, you can control me, but don't control Qin Keqing. Qin Keqing must have absolute freedom, and after the death of the God Emperor, Venerable Tianbulu will return. I want to obtain citizenship from your side, and I You must have your own home, and have the same status as the Spiritual Venerable."

Elder Leng Yun said: "This is also fine. After you come back, I will give you a villa away from Beijing, and I will also give you a respected status. After all, we will rely on you a lot in the future."

Chen Yang said: "No, no, no, now, I want you to do it for me first. Give us citizenship first, prepare a villa for us first, and let Qin Keqing live there first. You are not allowed to send a spiritual master to monitor or imprison us."

"You..." Elder Leng Yun said.

Chen Yang said: "If you can't agree on this, it means that you don't have the slightest sincerity. In my opinion, don't talk about it."

"Yes!" Elder Leng Yun gritted his teeth and said.

"Elder Leng Yun, this..." Elder Kiel said in embarrassment.

Chen Yang immediately turned against Elder Kiel, and said, "Oh, Elder Kiel, you look very embarrassed! Didn't you intend to give me a good life at all? I was going to fool me first, but I didn't expect that Elder Leng Yun really Agreed. So you are particularly embarrassed, right? This is not according to what you and Elder Leng Yun discussed in advance! Let the two humans have the same status as the spiritual master. How decent is it to spread the word, isn’t it? "

Elder Keir was immediately blushed by Chen Yang, and he immediately said, "No, it's not what you said."

"Then why are you in trouble?" Chen Yang said.

"I'm not in trouble!" Elder Kiel said with a cold look in his eyes, "Chen Yang, don't push yourself too hard."

"How did I get so far?" Chen Yang said, "Is it because you think I'm inferior, and you give me a bone, so I should be grateful, and dare to negotiate terms? Forget it, I didn't say it, the two of you here , you are not young, are you? How many years have you experienced before you can achieve what you are today. Yes, I am not your opponent. But, how old am I? It took me less than 20 years to get from A mortal has cultivated to this point today, can you do it? So, in front of me, I don’t think you are qualified to be superior. Of course, if you want to kill me, I will admit it. But I will not accept this softness.”

"Chen Yang, you misunderstood." Elder Leng Yun reacted the fastest, regardless of Elder Keir's embarrassment, he said: "We don't mean to look down on you, if we even look down on you, then we are too arrogant, It's too arrogant. Elder Keir didn't say it was difficult, he just felt that you haven't done anything yet, but you are asking too much."

"A lot?" Chen Yang asked aggressively.

"Not much!" Elder Leng Yun said: "I will arrange everything for you, now I will take you to see Luo Xue first, okay?"

"That's about the same!" Chen Yang said.

At the same time, Elder Leng Yun and Elder Kiel exchanged ideas.Elder Keir was so angry that he was dying. "This brat is too arrogant. Elder Leng Yun, do you really want to treat him favorably in the future?"

Elder Leng Yun said in a deep voice: "Elder Keir, you have to let go of your prejudices. This little guy is different from other humans. He has many characteristics. Controlling him will help us welcome the arrival of the empire and conquer mankind in the future. the benefits of."

"But, Elder Leng Yun, do you think he is sincerely seeking refuge?" Elder Kiel said.

Elder Leng Yun said: "It doesn't matter if it's true or not. I will control the life and death of him and that Qin Keqing. If he dares to disagree, I will kill them immediately."

Elder Keir said: "This kid, I always feel that it is not easy to control."

Elder Leng Yun said: "Don't worry, he is already under our applause."

Elder Keir said, "This Qin Keqing, are you really letting her out?"

"Let it out temporarily, we will keep a close watch on our side, Chen Yang's side is sure to have a major event, let's attack Qin Keqing immediately and feed Yinlong Gu." Elder Leng Yun said.

Elder Kiel couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard the words, and said, "Okay, okay, it's better that you think it through, Elder!"

While the two elders were communicating with each other, they were still communicating with Chen Yang.It was seamless.Although Chen Yang didn't know if the two were communicating secretly, he could guess some of their methods.

Right now, the only thing Chen Yang can rely on are two points.First, his body is a puppet without beginning, which can be discarded when necessary.Second, Yuanjue Dharma God exists, and he is not afraid of Lingzun masters.

As long as he can send Qin Keqing out, then everything else will be fine.Luo Xue was detained in a tightly guarded bedroom, and her living environment was quite good.

Walking through the long corridor, passing countless exquisite palaces, and finally came to Luo Xue's bedroom.It was an independent bedroom, next to the beautiful courtyard and swimming pool.

But at this moment, the swimming pool was frozen and extremely hard.And the surroundings of the bedroom were also covered with frost.

Before they approached, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing felt a bone-chilling chill.This kind of cold, most people can't stand it at all.Even Qin Keqing felt uncomfortable!

Chen Yang is fine.

He glanced around and said, "Did Luo Xue do all of this?"

Elder Leng Yun nodded and said, "That's right. Miss Luo Xue has a very special physique, and we are still studying it."

"You want to figure out how to communicate with Zulong through Luo Xue and get a breath of Zulong, right?" Chen Yang said.

Elder Leng Yun smiled faintly and said, "That's right, you are a smart person."

Chen Yang said, "Okay, I'll go in and see her, and you all don't come in."

Then, he stepped forward and pushed the door of the bedroom open.

Entering the bedroom, Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised.Because the frost, snow and strong wind were blowing together in the bedroom, Chen Yang seemed to half open the door of the snow country with his palm.

In the center of the snowstorm, Luo Xue was very calm. She was lying on the ice bed, meditating.She also doesn't know how to cross one's legs, she doesn't know how to practice at all.

But it is such a person who does not know how to cultivate, but has created such a natural wonder.

After entering this room, the icy air became even more compelling.

Even the experts from the Jiuchongtian couldn't bear such icy air.

Fortunately, in this presbytery, there are many masters, who will not be stumped by Luo Xue's coldness.

But even a fool knows that Luo Xue is a valuable person.With good use, she can exert infinite power.

As soon as Chen Yang came in, Luo Xue's expression changed suddenly.She looked at Chen Yang in surprise.

"Chen Yang? I'm not dreaming, why are you here?" Luo Xue immediately thought of something, couldn't help turning pale, and said, "You were also arrested by them?"

Chen Yang looked at Luo Xue, he was talking nonsense.But he communicated with Luo Xue with his thoughts in an instant.

"Luoxue, talk to me with your mouth. But I'm communicating with you now, don't be too weird, and don't react, just listen to me."

Luo Xue was slightly taken aback, but she immediately understood what Chen Yang meant.So Chen Yang responded.But he nodded to show he understood.

Chen Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I have not been arrested, Luo Xue, Lan Tingyu is safe."

When Luo Xue heard this, she couldn't hide her joy in her eyes.But she tried her best to hold back!

Chen Yang saw Luo Xue's joy, but felt a little worried.It seems that Luo Xue really has feelings for Lan Tingyu.What should we do in the future?

Chen Yang wasn't too worried, the most important thing right now was to find a way to rescue Luo Xue.

Then he continued: "Luo Xue, you trust us. I will definitely rescue you."

Luo Xue nodded heavily, but she held back her words.She wanted to say, I still have to go see my sister with you.

Afterwards, Chen Yang said: "We can talk now." He thought for a while and said, "What's your situation now?"

Luo Xue said, "Huh?" Then she scanned her surroundings and said, "You mean these ice and snow storms?"

Chen Yang said: "That's right! I remember seeing you before, and it wasn't like this."

Luo Xue said: "Before I was sleeping all the time, I felt a stone was pressed against my heart. Later, all the power of that stone seemed to be integrated into my body. Then, I felt that my breath, my breath, could completely absorb the air around me. , climate change."

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "This is really something I have never seen before, and I have never heard of it!"

Luo Xue said: "I guess I can't get in touch with ordinary people anymore. Don't you feel the cold?"

Chen Yang said: "It doesn't matter, I'm fine, I'll be fine if you freeze it a little more."

"Really?" Luo Xue said.

Chen Yang said: "Don't believe me, I'm holding your hand, do you think I'm afraid?"

Luo Xue's face flushed slightly.

Chen Yang coughed dryly and said, "Don't think wrong."

"I don't have one." Luo Xue said hastily.After she finished speaking, she stretched out her slender hand.

Chen Yang also reached out to shake Luo Xue's hand.

"Ah..." Afterwards, Chen Yang let out a strange cry, and quickly shook off Luo Xue's hand.It's too cold, I can't stand it at all!

"Look..." Luo Xue was suddenly full of frustration.

Chen Yang patted his head, he forgot the key thing.Nima, this is the body of the God Puppet without beginning!One's own body is the physique of the spirit of earth evil.

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing dryly, and said, "Not ready, let's try again."

"Forget it, don't make me happy." Luo Xue said.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "Don't be discouraged, everything will be solved, as long as I'm here, everything can be solved, you know?"

Luo Xue looked at Chen Yang, and she saw the sincerity in Chen Yang's eyes.

Luo Xue was suddenly moved and warm, the warmth she felt was too little. "Thank you, Chen Yang!"

Luo Xue also said sincerely.

Chen Yang laughed, and said, "There's nothing to be thankful for."

Chen Yang then bid farewell to Luo Xue, and he left the bedroom.

Elder Leng Yun, Elder Kier, and Qin Keqing were waiting outside for Chen Yang.

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