The strongest player in history

Chapter 1820 Capture Chen Yang Alive

When Qin Keqing said the word Chen Yang, the complexions of Elder Kier, Elder Donglin, and Elder Tianyi all changed.

"He really isn't dead!" A thought popped up in the minds of these three elders at the same time.

Elder Keir's eyes lit up, he looked at Qin Keqing closely, and said, "Do you know where Chen Yang is?"

Qin Keqing said: "Since the little girl came to exchange, she naturally knows where Chen Yang is. Didn't you just ask me how I got to the world of chalk? It was Chen Yang who brought me here. The elders must be aware of how many special abilities he has. If the little girl doesn't tell the elders where he is hiding, I'm afraid you will find it difficult to find even half of him even if you spend your whole life searching."

Elder Keir immediately whispered to Elder Donglin and Elder Tianyi.

After a while, Elder Keir said, "So, your request is to exchange Chen Yang for your Eighth Sister and Tang Wenqing?"

Qin Keqing said: "That's right. Besides, I also hope that the elders can send us out of the world of chalk."

Elder Keir nodded, and said, "As long as your information is true, we can successfully capture Chen Yang. Then, we will satisfy you all your demands."

Qin Keqing said: "Thank you, elders!"

Elder Keir said: "It's not too late, Dong Lin, Tian Yi, you all go together with Yin Buxu to arrest Chen Yang immediately. This time, no matter what you say, you can't let him escape again."

"Yes!" Elder Donglin and Elder Tianyi immediately agreed.

Elder Keir said to Qin Keqing, "You lead the way!"

Qin Keqing said, "Yes!"

Qin Keqing almost blurted out just now, and asked Elder Keir to fish out Bamei and Tang Wenqing from the imperial prison first.But she still remembered Chen Yang's warning in time.That is, it must never be mentioned.As soon as this crop is mentioned, flaws will be exposed immediately.

Then, the Elder Lingzun of the Presbyterian Church will ask, how do you know they are in prison?

Then, Qin Keqing will be speechless.

Elder Keir has many affairs to deal with, and he is not going to participate in the arrest together.Elder Donglin, Elder Tianyi, and Elder Yin Buxu quickly got together.

Qin Keqing followed the three elders out of Tianlong Hall.

Outside the Tianlong Temple, the mountain wind was blowing.

The clouds are misty and white, and the sky cannot be seen at a glance.

Qin Keqing was dressed in black armor and her long hair was fluttering in the wind, looking a little lost.She took a deep breath, and said to the three monster elders who were as powerful as gods: "Three elders, please take cover first. I will attack him first, and if he detects any clues, he will run away immediately. He has a lot of means, and he is also good at invisibility."

Elder Yin Buxu didn't like Qin Keqing, nor did he think highly of her.In the eyes of Elder Yin Buxu, human unicorns are all shameful, they are extremely despicable, and they like to betray each other, lacking the minimum loyalty.

This kind of cunning human unicorn only needs to use the most violent and direct cruel methods to treat them.

Elder Yin Buxu snorted coldly, and said: "The reason why he was allowed to escape last time is because he is the primordial spirit. I have already been able to detect his invisibility technique. This time, I want to see it." How can he escape?"

Elder Donglin said, "Elder Yinbuxu, don't speak so slowly. You have a temper and ability, but how do you compare with Venerable Tianbulu? Venerable Tianbru is in his hands. He stumbled, and Jia Tian made a move before, and he escaped unharmed. I think we should be more cautious, and let Miss Qin make the move first! This time, if the three of us make a move together, I think We don’t even have the face to go back to the Presbyterian Church.”

"You..." These words made Yin Buxu feel very uncomfortable, but Elder Donglin has always been mature and prudent, so these words are reasonable, although he is uncomfortable, there is no way to refute them.

Immediately, Elder Tian Yi said: "Miss Qin, just do what you want. Today, we San Lingzun are all following your orders!"

"She deserves it too!" Yin Buxu couldn't help but sneer.

Qin Keqing's beautiful face turned green and red for a while.

Although, she didn't really betray Chen Yang.But right now, in Yin Buxu's eyes, she is such a person.She still feels a little ashamed.

Elder Donglin immediately said: "Miss Qin, don't mind. Yin Buxu is such an old monster, don't pay attention to her."

Qin Keqing said: "The little girl only wants to save Bamei and Tang Wenqing, and everything else doesn't matter to the little girl."

Her words and performance actually fell into the eyes of the three elders.If a flaw is revealed, it will also make the three elders suspicious.But right now, Qin Keqing gave them the image that this is a person who can do anything to save his relatives.Then it's not surprising that she betrayed Chen Yang.

As the night fell, in the darkness, Qin Keqing unfolded his movements and galloped in the air.She was heading towards the remote cave before.

Soon, they came to the vicinity of the cave.

"Is it actually hidden here?" Elder Yin Buxu had a strange expression on his face.

Qin Keqing said: "Chen Yang is extremely cunning, bold and cautious. He knows that the most dangerous place is the safest place. After you withdrew from the cave, he lived in the cave."

Yin Buxu couldn't help being annoyed, and said: "It's unreasonable!"

Elder Tianyi, who has always been relatively silent, smiled and said: "The most dangerous place is the safest place. This strategy is a rotten strategy. But, when we were all careless, he just did it. This son It's a ghost!"

Elder Donglin said: "This kid was able to rely on his meager cultivation so that we never really caught him once, and his wisdom has long been evident."

Qin Keqing said: "The three elders wait a moment, I will leave a spiritual imprint. You observe secretly, and don't give him another chance to escape."

Elder Donglin said, "Miss Qin is so thankful."

Qin Keqing nodded, immediately left a spiritual imprint, and then flew towards the cave.

Rivata's home was Chen Yang's stronghold, so naturally he couldn't expose it.

And this cave is where Chen Yang's Beginless Puppet is located.

Qin Keqing's movements completely fell into the eyes of the three elders.

Qin Keqing entered the cave smoothly.

In that cave, it was silent, dark, and the smell of blood lingered.

The three elders saw Chen Yang practicing cross-legged.

Around the cave wall, water vapor is lingering, and stalactites and vertical stones are in various shapes.

Chen Yang was dressed in a white gown, elegant and silent.

"Are you back?" Chen Yang opened his eyes when he saw Qin Keqing coming back.

His voice was calm and gentle.

Qin Keqing nodded.

Chen Yang said, "What did you find out?"

Qin Keqing shook her head and said, "What can we find out? There is no doubt that they were captured in the Tianlong Palace. That day, there was a net in the Dragon Palace, and I dare not approach it at all!"

Chen Yang said in a gentle voice, "Let's think of a way slowly."

"What do you think? There is no way to think about it." Qin Keqing said violently.

Chen Yang said, "Then what do you want me to do?"

Qin Keqing looked at Chen Yang and said, "You said you like me, right?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Yes, if I didn't like you, how could I accompany you to this dangerous world of chalk."

Qin Keqing said: "Well, I'll satisfy you today. Don't you like me? I'll give you myself." After she finished speaking, she came up to Chen Yang and kissed Chen Yang's lips.

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment, his eyes wide open, and he let Qin Keqing kiss him.

It's a hot kiss.Chen Yang was like an idiot, but soon, he realized it.He started to take the initiative...

And at this time, Qin Keqing made a move.

She slapped out suddenly, and it landed on Chen Yang's chest and abdomen.

Chen Yang's figure flashed, and he quickly flashed ten meters away.He flashes fast, but still gets hurt.His face changed drastically, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Chen Yang was frightened and angry, and said sharply, "Qin Keqing, what do you mean?"

Qin Keqing's eyes were red, she looked sad and helpless. "I'm sorry, Chen Yang. Apart from betraying you to the Presbyterian Council, I can't think of any other way to save my sister."

"So you..." Chen Yang was furious: "I have done so much for you. In the end, you are doing this to me? I am really blind. You poisonous woman, I will kill you!"

In a rage, Chen Yang quickly used the Good Fortune Sword Art.

The dark sword light flickered in the cave, with murderous aura, extremely fierce, and unmatched law!

The three elders outside the cave witnessed all this, Elder Yin Buxu said: "It seems that we can make a move."

The always gentle Elder Donglin said lightly: "Why are you so anxious, wouldn't it be better if Qin Keqing died in Chen Yang's hands. In this way, we don't have to fulfill our promise to her."

"That's true!" Yin Buxu reacted.He looked at Elder Donglin one more time, and fear grew in his heart.

He felt that this little old man was usually a good man, benevolent and loyal.Unexpectedly, the mind is very vicious!

It was also at this moment that Qin Keqing flashed out and fled to the three elders.

From behind, Chen Yang shouted loudly: "Poisonous woman, I will kill you!"

Qin Keqing looked flustered and said, "Three elders, help me!"

"Useless stuff!" Yin Buxu couldn't help it anymore, as soon as Chen Yang charged over, he grabbed it with one palm.With this palm, Chen Yang was caught in his hand.

Chen Yang couldn't move for a moment.

" unite to kill me!" Chen Yang said with grief and anger, "I hate it so much!"

"Caught it so easily?" Elder Tianyi looked at him strangely.

Elder Yin Buxu snorted coldly, and said: "This kid's internal organs have been seriously injured by that girl, he is totally vulnerable, so he is easy to catch."

Qin Keqing breathed a sigh of relief, she lowered her head in shame, not daring to look directly into Chen Yang's eyes.

"Isn't it said that he has a black black light, mysterious and unparalleled?" Elder Donglin asked cautiously.

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