The strongest player in history

Chapter 1817 Presbyterian Intervention

This elder Lingzun is called Yin Buxu, and Yin Buxu also has a pivotal position in the elders' church.

At this moment, the yin and emptiness of the cave shrouded Chen Yang's yin and yang primordial spirit, and then, the power in the cave immediately disintegrated Chen Yang's primordial spirit.Of course Yin Buxu knew that it was Yuanshen who came, but he wanted to find Chen Yang's real body through Yuanshen.

Chen Yang sensed the crisis. He was just a primordial spirit, so he could compete with Yin Buxu.Immediately blew up!

"Can it explode?" Yin Buxu's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed it with one hand, and immediately grabbed Chen Yang, the primordial spirit, in his hands.Chen Yang and Qin Keqing immediately felt that in Yin Buxu's big handprint, time and space have become one, like a river, rolling and rushing, and people in it can only go with the flow.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing also felt that the space power inside was disintegrating their primordial spirits and freezing their self-destructive primordial spirits.

However, how can the yin and yang primordial spirit wait for nothing.The frozen molecules were immediately conceived by themselves, with a bang, the next second, the yin and yang primordial spirit exploded into pieces.Yin Buxu had nothing in his hand.It was impossible for him to rely on Yin-Yang Yuanshen to find Chen Yang and the others.

Yin Buxu couldn't help being furious, he shot in all directions in the air with his divine sense.But both Chen Yang and Qin Keqing's bodies are hidden in the soul spar, and the soul spar is very concealed.Even Yinbuxu is hard to find.

At this time, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing opened their eyes in the soul spar, and their expressions were very ugly.

Losing a yin and yang primordial spirit is nothing more than losing some mana.That's nothing.But now it has completely confirmed one thing, and it is a very bad thing.That was Luo Xue, Yu Zijin and the others had really fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing were not sure whether it was the Presbyterian Church, the Law Society, or someone else who did it.

Although Chen Yang was anxious about Luo Xue's affairs, he still kept calm.At this time, it is even more important to be calm.The cave is already full of ambushes, just waiting for him to go up to die.

Qin Keqing did not have Chen Yang's composure, and kept talking: "What should I do now, what should I do?"

Chen Yang said: "Let's go to see Mikaye first, and let him confirm everything first, that's good."

Qin Keqing said: "Could it be that he did one thing to the face and another behind the scenes?"

Chen Yang said: "No, he doesn't need to do one thing in front of his face and another behind his back. If he really wants to do something, with his strength, even if the cave is restricted, it is not difficult to catch us. So, he doesn't have this necessary."

At this moment, Chen Yang's thoughts are still very clear.Qin Keqing couldn't help but take another look. She seemed to understand the essential difference between herself and Chen Yang at this time.

Although I have lived much longer than Chen Yang, when it comes to wisdom, I am not as good as him after all.

Monk Linghui didn't intervene at this time, he would only come out to remind Chen Yang when he was not calm.The good thing is that Chen Yang is rarely not calm.

Chen Yang also thought clearly in his heart that Luo Xue's life would not be in danger for the time being.He had to think long-term, he had to get Lan Tingyu out first.

At that moment, Chen Yang proposed to go back to Rivata's home first.

Although Qin Keqing was on fire, he still followed Chen Yang's suggestion.

After returning to Livata's house smoothly, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing did not wait long for Mikaye, his eldest grandson and Lan Tingyu to arrive.The wise are brought.

The wise man is very depressed now, and he is seriously injured.

To face people like Mikaye, monk Linghui must come forward.Although Monk Linghui's magic power is not as good as Chen Yang's at the moment, Mikaye obeys him and respects him.

Lan Tingyu has been in a coma, which is his self-protection mechanism.Chen Yang said to Lan Tingyu, "Lan Tingyu, you are safe."

As soon as these words were spoken, Lan Tingyu immediately opened her eyes.

Lan Tingyu was not sensitive to the word safety, but to Chen Yang's voice.At this time, Lan Tingyu was also wearing a blue gown.He is a gentle and good young man, even though he is wearing ordinary clothes, he has a luxurious air of his own.

But at this moment, Lan Tingyu's spirit is not very good, a little sluggish.He looked at Chen Yang, and then looked around.He didn't know Mikaye and the eldest grandson, but he glanced over and knew that these two spiritual venerables had an extraordinary status in the world of spiritual venerables.

Lan Tingyu couldn't help being surprised, he couldn't help asking Chen Yang: "What's going on?"

That wise man's heart was still up to this moment, he was too surprised.He knew President Michael Leah.Chen Yang was able to even ask President Michael to move, and even asked President Michael to release him and Lan Tingyu.This made Wise One feel that it was incredible that this impossible thing was actually done by Chen Yang.

The wise man looked at Chen Yang quite differently.

Chen Yang was anxious at this time, and first briefly introduced Mikaye and his eldest grandson to Lan Tingyu.Then he said: "Something happened..."

At this time, he no longer concealed anything, and told about Luo Xue and what happened in the cave.

Mikaye and the eldest grandson were also taken aback. In fact, they knew Luo Xue was in the hands of Chen Yang and the others, but they just didn't mention it.But what surprised them at the moment was who did it.

"There is no action on our side, not us." Michael said first.

Chen Yang said: "We used Yuanshen to wait and see, but encountered an ambush by a master. The master's cultivation base was extremely high, and he was already in the Tianyu realm. I saw that he was dressed in a silver robe, and his appearance..."

Chen Yang tried his best to describe that Yin Buxu's appearance.

"It's Yinbuxu, from the Presbyterian Church." The eldest grandson said immediately.

Mikaye's complexion immediately turned ugly.

"Why did the Council of Elders suddenly intervene? We haven't found Luo Xue's hiding place. How did they find it?" Mikaye was very puzzled.

The eldest grandson said in a deep voice: "Several doctors have been researching how to find Luo Xue, but there has been no progress. It is indeed strange that the elders went to find Luo Xue directly. President, could it be that the elders of the prison calculated it?" ?"

Mikaye said: "The prison has been closed all the time, and the people from the Presbyterian Church will not disturb the prison because of this matter. Moreover, it takes a lot of effort and time to calculate this matter. Even I don't want to easily calculate it. . After calculation, chances will be lost.”

"Then this... I don't understand." The eldest grandson said.

Lan Tingyu clenched his fists at the side. Ever since he knew what happened to Luo Xue, he had been extremely anxious.It's just that he also has a city mansion, so he endured it.

At this time, he said to Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, I need a pill to restore my skills!"

Chen Yang nodded without hesitation, and said, "Okay!" He gave the 500 million pure yang pills directly to Lan Tingyu.

Without saying a word, Lan Tingyu began to sit cross-legged, practicing and healing.

At this time, the silent monk Linghui spoke up, and he shouted: "Michayeah."

"Senior!" Michael immediately saluted respectfully.

Monk Linghui said: "Your raw ice crystals have been integrated into Luo Xue's body, and you can't get them back."

Mikaye was slightly startled, and he said: "The original ice crystal disappeared, and we all thought it might have been melted. It's just... the material of the original ice crystal is extremely wonderful, even if we use magic power, we can't temper it and melt it. It's strange how the original ice crystal was melted. Miss Luo Xue has no magic power, so it's impossible for her to have this ability."

Monk Linghui said lightly: "With me here, there is nothing impossible. If you can't do something, it doesn't mean that I can't do it, understand?"

Mikaye was slightly taken aback, and he looked at Monk Linghui even more in awe.

In the eyes of outsiders, perhaps Mikaye's behavior at the moment is incomprehensible.With his strength, it is not difficult to wipe out Chen Yang and his gang.But he didn't do that.

This is because Michael has a mountain in his heart, and this mountain is Monk Linghui.In his heart, this mountain is insurmountable.

The laws that Monk Linghui left in his cave made him unable to comprehend for a lifetime.He felt that as long as he understood the mystery of the law, he would be able to understand the true meaning of the Dao.

It was his only chance, and it was the purpose of his life's work.Therefore, he must serve Monk Linghui carefully and regard Monk Linghui as his life mentor.

Mikaye knew better, as long as he served Monk Linghui well.Every little bit of benefit that this big boss drops at his fingertips is something he can enjoy endlessly.

Perhaps at this time, some people would say that Chen Yang has always been friends with Monk Linghui, and he has not seen much benefit from him!

However, Mikaye and Chen Yang are completely different.

Mikaye is already a master in the heavenly realm, which is equivalent to a large international company with strong assets. As long as he gets some key information from Monk Linghui, he can get huge benefits.As for Chen Yang, it was just a small company. Monk Linghui imparted a lot of information, which he couldn't digest or use at all.This is the difference between Chen Yang and Mikaye.

At this time, Mikaye immediately said: "Senior has taught you well."

Monk Linghui said: "Luo Xue is our bottom line. She must be rescued absolutely. If she can't be rescued, we can avoid talking about everything, okay."

Mikaye took a deep breath and said, "Okay, senior, I understand. This junior will try his best to do this."

Monk Linghui said: "Okay, go, go and investigate!"

"Yes, senior!" Michael said.

Mikaye and his eldest grandson left.

Rivata's home was quite safe for Chen Yang and the others.Rivata's wife is also a good cook and will serve them.

Of course, Chen Yang and the others are not in the mood to enjoy it right now.

Lan Tingyu is practicing exercise and recovering from her injuries.And the wise man also needs to recover from his injuries. Chen Yang also gave the wise man 500 million pure yang pills, and said: "Wisdom man, you can go back to your villa to recuperate. After we return to Tianzhou smoothly, I will Release the blood edict in your brain. In the future, I will set you free."

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