The strongest player in history

Chapter 1815 Michael Leaf

The eldest grandson finally put forward conditions to Chen Yang and monk Linghui.He first said: "If Michael is under control, I will offend the chairman to death. And now, I also understand that although I can't kill you, I'm afraid you won't be trapped Stop me. We need to have a good solution to solve all the problems in front of us, and no one wants to die."

The eldest grandson's previous cooperation was completely intimidated by Monk Linghui's Tianjun aura. Now that he has realized it, he must negotiate the conditions clearly.Otherwise, he didn't need to take such a huge risk to work for Chen Yang.After all, his life was not threatened too much.Where he was threatened was his future and cultivation.

Chen Yang also knew that the eldest grandson's request was reasonable, he said: "We simply want to save Lan Tingyu, as for the wise man, it is difficult for him to get along in your spirit world, so I also want to take him away .Afterwards, you send us away from the chalk world, and then we release the law for you and Michael, and this deal is considered complete."

The eldest grandson said: "How to lift it?"

These four characters contain a lot of information, how to remove them?In the world of chalk, the eldest grandson can completely turn his face and deny anyone, and arrest Chen Yang and the others.And if Chen Yang and the others left, they could turn their faces and deny anyone, and they wouldn't be relieved, and they would hang on to them all the time.

Chen Yang scratched his head, and he also knew that this was a key point, so he looked at Monk Linghui and said, "How to remove it?"

Monk Linghui said: "When we leave this chalk world, the poor monk will dissolve all the mysteries of these two laws, and the power of the principles in this law will be dispersed in your cave. At that time, you You can feel the breath of Tianjun and receive countless nutrients. As for you, the eldest grandson, you can reach the sky in one step. Moreover, if you understand the laws of this monarch, your power will be even more terrifying. And then Mikaye, this gentleman It can be seen that it is difficult for him to reach the realm of good fortune in his whole life, but with my law, he will have more hope. I believe he can understand this point."

"Is it really so mysterious?" The eldest grandson's eyes lit up.

Monk Linghui said: "Although I have suffered a catastrophe, almost all of my mana has disappeared. But do you really think that you are qualified to let me tell you lies? My words are golden words."

"Yes, yes, I was the one who was abrupt." The eldest grandson immediately admitted his mistake.

But he was surprised again, and said, "You haven't even met President Michael, have you? How can you conclude that he can't log in to Creation Realm?"

Monk Linghui said: "Looking at the weather of the Fa Institute, I know that he has no such roots of wisdom. In your Presbyterian Church, there used to be a good luck environment, right? But it was also a bad luck environment, but the weather in the Presbyterian Church It’s already different. Moreover, the guy from the Creation Realm has already left the Presbyterian Church, and he is probably no longer on the earth.”

There was a strange look in the eldest grandson's eyes, and at the same time, he was even more in awe of Linghui.

Because it's a top secret, he doesn't even know it, but this monk Linghui knows it just by looking at the luck of Tianlong Temple.

"The Good Fortune Realm is the Good Fortune Realm, so how can there be a saying that it's not a stream?" Chen Yang couldn't help asking.

Monk Linghui said: "That's a good question. People are all people, but people are divided into different classes."

Chen Yang said: "Uh... well, it makes sense!"

Monk Linghui said: "Forget it, I can't explain it to you. You don't understand the word good fortune. When you understand the word good fortune, you will know the difference."

The eldest grandson said: "The younger generation has little talent and learning, and I am fortunate to know the senior. I hope that the senior can give me more advice in the future!"

This eldest grandson who is proud of his talent is very humble in front of Monk Linghui.Chen Yang and Qin Keqing understood in their hearts that it was not because of the threat of the law that they were able to make the eldest grandson obey this time.And it was entirely because of Monk Linghui's personal majesty.Without Monk Linghui, this matter would definitely not go so smoothly.

Monk Linghui smiled lightly, and said: "Let's talk about it later, if I was in my prime, you and other third-rate people really wouldn't be able to catch my eyes."

"Damn..." Chen Yang couldn't help but said, "Linghui, you hurt someone! I also have self-esteem."

Monk Linghui laughed, and said: "Although this statement sounds a bit harsh, it is also true."

Chen Yang smiled helplessly.He also knew in his heart that monk Linghui used to be his mother's absolute top, and the heavens should be afraid.In front of him, how many people can enter the stream?

The more he learned, the more Chen Yang knew how amazing Linghui was.

Afterwards, the monk Linghui said: "This law, [-] million pure yang elixir, and my hard work. This is a great gift to Mikaye, grandson, don't worry. When things are done, he will not only Instead of blaming you, I will thank you."

The eldest grandson hurriedly said in fear, "It's all thanks to the Heavenly King!"

That's how it got settled.The eldest grandson also did not hesitate, for his future, he was willing to fight.

As for Lan Tingyu, the wise man, these are not so important.

The only thing that caused the Fa Society a headache was the loss of the original ice crystal, which was a big deal.The Law Society has not yet reported it to the Presbyterian Council. Once it is reported, it will set off a huge wave.

The preciousness of rough ice crystals is beyond the reach of any magic weapon.Because the ice crystal rough was tempered by Zulong, they wanted to use Luo Xue to awaken a trace of the power of the ice crystal rough.As long as a little power, you can be proud of the earth.

The horror of the ancestor dragon is unimaginable.

The next thing will be handled by the eldest grandson.The eldest grandson took the jade law and went to meet President Michael.President Michael is still in retreat, but the eldest grandson went there forcefully, saying that he had something important to report.

If there is an urgent matter, the eldest grandson has the right to see Michael.

Therefore, Jiatian couldn't stop him.

Jia Tian was a little worried, afraid that his eldest grandson would bite him back.He didn't disturb Mikaye all the time, just wanted to use his own efforts to settle everything.It would be embarrassing for Jiatian, the person in charge, to make a mess and then invite the president.

In the hall where Mikaye practiced, Mikaye wore a purple robe. He looked gentle and elegant, and some of the scales and rough skin on his body had already degenerated.He is still tall, even from a human perspective, he is not ugly anymore.And in the eyes of the spirit venerables, he is a peerless handsome man.And he looked young and handsome.

Michael's aura was very strong. After the eldest grandson entered, the whole hall was filled with his personal aura, which was a holy and warm aura.It makes people feel like a spring breeze, and feels the mighty grace of God.

However, at the same time, the Spirit Venerables also knew in their hearts that Heaven's Grace could also be transformed into the wrath of thunder.Once this kind of aura is transformed into the fury of thunder, few spiritual masters can bear it.

After the eldest grandson came in, Mikaye did not open his eyes, still sitting cross-legged.

"Meet the president!" The eldest grandson stood three meters in front of Michael, and saluted Michael very respectfully.

Mikaye still closed his eyes, and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

The eldest grandson said in a deep voice: "The minister has encountered a difficult matter, and it cannot be resolved without the help of the president."

"What's the matter?" Michael still said calmly.

The eldest grandson said: "Look at the lower minister's cave, you should be able to understand everything."

After he finished speaking, he cast the cave law and enveloped Mikaye.

Mikaye still didn't open his eyes, and his divine sense shot across the eldest grandson's cave.Soon, he discovered the subtle clues.

"This law is so weird!" Mikaye suddenly opened his eyes.There was a divine light in his eyes.

He carefully understood the law of the eldest grandson, the more he understood, the more confused he became.

If this law is within Mikaye's cave, he can still decipher it by personal experience.But in the cave of the eldest grandson, it is difficult to understand.

"What's going on?" Mikaye couldn't help asking his eldest grandson.

The eldest grandson said: "Returning to you, this is the day before the servant arrested a human being, Chen Yang. I didn't expect that there was a fairy king beside him. For some reason, the fairy king lost all his mana. But the servant is here When he was arrested, the immortal monarch released this law in the cave of the subordinates. So they used this to coerce the subordinates to release Lan Tingyu. The subordinates did not dare, so they thought of coming to the president help."

"That's how it is!" Mikaye said: "I have heard about Chen Yang's matter. I didn't expect it to become like this. And there is a fairy who has lost mana by his side, which is amazing. I have recently practiced algebra. For many years, it has been difficult to gain anything. If I can meet this fairy and communicate with him, maybe I will gain a lot. Go, take the deity to see them."

Changsun felt embarrassed.

"What?" Michael said.

The eldest grandson said: "Chairman, can you explain this rule to the subordinates first? If you go away rashly this time, the subordinates are afraid that they will react aggressively first."

"How can you go too far?" Mikaye said.

The eldest grandson said: "The fairy said that he put the introduction of the great poisonous art in this law. If the subordinates dare to act recklessly, the poison of this law will be exposed in the cave of the subordinates. At that time, The consequences could be disastrous."

"Great Poison Art? Three Thousand Ways?" Mikaye said: "If this is the case, you have to be careful. Well, then, I will use my own cave to solve the problem for you, and see if I can understand this law. Crack!"

After he finished speaking, he displayed his cave.

Mikaye's cave is completely different.

Countless spaces form layers of crystal walls, in all directions, and there is no mystery everywhere.And there is also the consciousness of heaven.

Celestial Consciousness, that is an extremely mysterious thing, it can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words!

Such an opening of the cave can trap countless masters of the sky realm to death.

So, it's not that two Cave Wonderlands can kill a Heavenly Realm.One cave can trap ten cave wonderlands.As long as the other party has no special ability and can't solve the other party's cave, those ten cave fairylands are all dead ends in front of the Tianyu realm.

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