The strongest player in history

Chapter 1804 Acquittal

A wise man is undoubtedly sharp-tongued.Of course, the wise man had originally grown up in the highly hierarchical Tianlong Temple, so he definitely didn't have the guts to insult Shangguan.But at this moment, he has a military advisor, a bold military advisor Chen Yang.Therefore, under Chen Yang's teaching, the wise man was very tough.

Master Changsun sneered when he heard the words, and said, "Accomplice with you, do you have the qualifications?"

In fact, the eldest grandson is extremely smart.He is giving all kinds of hints to the wise.

So the wise man immediately said: "I really don't have the qualifications to conspire with the eldest grandson, so I don't dare to accept the crime my lord said."

"The Spiritual Venerable said that he saw with his own eyes that day, you and your eldest grandson met in front of the Law Society. Is there such a thing?" Lord Nagatian asked the wise man calmly.

The wise man said: "Indeed, I have seen Lord Eldest Sun."

"See what Master Eldest Sun is doing?" Master Jia Tian asked.

Wisdom said: "I want to give my eldest grandson some benefits, and I want to join the Law Society. I don't want to be the recorder anymore, and I want to take another step up. However, I don't know that my eldest grandson dislikes my subordinates." The gift was too shabby, and it was because the eldest grandson was upright in the first place, he mercilessly rejected the subordinates, and scolded the subordinates for this behavior. After the subordinates returned, they have been in self-reflection."

"Hmph!" The eldest grandson was very happy in his heart, but he dismissed it on his face, and said: "You, a little recorder, actually want to corrupt me, is it possible? If I didn't think that your cultivation is not easy For the sake of this, I will arrest you on the spot and hand it over to Shangguan."

The wise man said: "I know my mistake!"

"Okay, you two don't have to sing together." Lord Jiatian said coldly: "No one here is a fool. All the surveillance in the underground base lost contact for an hour that day. Who would believe that you are innocent? ?”

"Jiatian, are you deliberately pouring dirty water on my head?" The eldest grandson immediately yelled at Jiatian excitedly.

Jia Tian said coldly: "Then explain to me what happened in the underground base yesterday?"

"What's going on?" Master Changsun said, "Can you blame me? I was the first to come out. Haven't you learned about Lan Tingyu's weirdness? Venerable Tian Bulu went to arrest Chen Yang. There was an accident. I couldn't stop a Lan Tingyu, so you guys are so aggressive? I collude with these lowly unicorns, is it because I have a mental illness? Don't have a fucking problem, don't want to catch those unicorns, Instead, blame your own people."

Jia Tian snorted coldly and said, "Eldest grandson, do you think that if you turn off all the monitoring in the underground base, we will not be able to know what happened yesterday? Alright, I'll ask the president to use the deduction If you don’t believe it, you can’t find out the truth. There are filth hidden in this law society, and some spiritual masters do some small tricks to destroy the century-old plan of the empire, just to seek death!”

Jiatian was also completely angry.

Master Changsun's heart trembled slightly, and he was obviously a little flustered, but he couldn't admit it. "Jiatian, you can go and report to the president. The pure will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid."

Jia Tian snorted coldly.

In fact, he was just talking, how dare he disturb the president.

If he can't handle such a small matter well, it would be too shameful.

"Say more!" said Lord Duoying, who has been flattering Jiatian, "I have already sent people to search the villa where the wise man lives, and I have also arrested all the female slaves for a round of interrogation. There will always be clues to search the body of the victim. Forgive them for not voluntarily confessing."

Jia Tian nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then he got up and said: "The rest of the spirits are gone, Duoying, you come to investigate."

"Yes!" Daoying said immediately.

Jia Tian obviously wanted to dismiss the eldest grandson.

The eldest grandson asked for an interrogation together, but Jia Tian couldn't shirk it.But right now, he himself has retreated, and the eldest grandson can no longer request to continue the interrogation.

Soon, Jia Tian and his party left.Before leaving, the eldest grandson took a deep look at the wise man.The wise man understands what is contained in that gaze.

The eldest grandson asked the wise man not to confess him.As long as the wise man refuses to confess, then the eldest grandson has something to do.But if the wise man confesses once, then the eldest grandson will not die.At most, he would hand in all the pills and be punished.But the wise will die without a place to bury them.This point of interest is clear in the heart of the wise.

The eldest grandson also believes that the wise can realize this.

After all the spirit venerables left, the reincarnation division became even more gloomy.

Standing next to Lord Duoyin were two rows of cruel Lingzun soldiers, all of whom were master torturers in the Department of Reincarnation.

The wise man felt uneasy.

The punishment of the Department of Reincarnation is not a pain of flesh and blood, they have plenty of ways to deal with a master of cultivation like him.

Lord Duoyin's eyes were indifferent and serious, and his appearance was somewhat ugly and ferocious.

"Come on, search him!" Lord Duoyin shouted first.

Immediately, two Lingzun soldiers stepped forward, holding a blue spar in their hands.

The blue spar was sacrificed directly and hung above the wise man's head.

The blue spar shot out a blue light, which was like rippling water, covering the whole body of the wise man.

Soon, the storage ring on Wise One's body, as well as the soul spar, were found.

The two Lingzun soldiers presented these things.

Master Duoyin carefully checked the storage ring and the soul spar.

Chen Yang began to pay attention all the time.He soon felt the mana of polyphony begin to seep into the soul spar.

Chen Yang immediately circulated the soul power of the soul spar, heavy soul power, mixed with the law of Zhouguang and so on.Coupled with the original lightning power of the cyan magnet, the soul spar is as vast as a starry universe.

The wise man himself has the law of cosmic light, so it is not surprising that there is a law of cosmic light in the soul spar.If not, it would be really strange.

Duoyin's magic power probed in, and he felt that the spar was vast and boundless. With his power, it was impossible to explore it clearly.

As for the storage ring, there is nothing new to discover.

Duoyin's gaze focused on the soul spar.

The wise man at this moment, without Chen Yang's help, tried his best to keep calm, and he also held on to a principle, and refused to admit it.

He already understood that there was no evidence at all on the side of the Law Society, and everything was just their speculation.

"So, are you planning not to recruit?" Duoyin said to the wise man.

The wise man said lightly: "I don't know how to confess things that I haven't done. You also have to figure out that I am an official of the empire, an official appointed by the emperor. Before there is any evidence, are you going to punish me? Once in the future, if I am proven innocent, I will definitely go to the Supreme Elder and the Spirit King to expose your incompetence and crimes!"

Duoyin smiled coldly and said, "You are very welcome."

Afterwards, the wise man was imprisoned.Duoyin did not punish the wise man immediately, he knew that all the secrets might be on this soul spar.After finding out about the soul spar, we will decide how to deal with the wise man.

Afterwards, Duoyin interrogated the slave girl and the housekeeper of the wise man's house.Those female slaves were tortured to death. Their death was lighter than a feather, and they would not be remembered after death.Even the wise will not regret it.

The housekeeper is the Spiritual Venerable, and the treatment he receives is relatively good.Moreover, he really couldn't explain anything.It only said that when the master came back this time, he stayed alone on the second floor most of the time. As for what was going on inside, he didn't know.

Therefore, for the time being, the Law Society is still not sure whether the wise man is guilty or not.

And the soul spar was also studied by Jiatian for three days.For three days, Jiatian didn't find anything wrong with it.It seems to be a spar with infinite power.This spar is the magic weapon of the wise man. If the wise man is innocent, Jia Tian, ​​as a senior member of the Law Society, would naturally be ashamed to take away the wise man's magic weapon.

On the other hand, the Law Society is also trying its best to hunt down Lan Tingyu.But there has been no gain.

The elders will pay attention to the changes on the side of the Law Society and ask if they need help from the elders.But Jiatian rejected the kindness of the Presbyterian Church, saying that he could solve it by himself.

The Law Society and the Presbyterian Church have never been in harmony.At such a time, if something happened to the Law Society, how could the Elders take action?They could all imagine that the Presbyterian Church must be watching a joke.

At the same time, although the executive council doesn't like wise men very much, Luke, the boss of the executive council, has to ask.

Anyway, the wise are also members of the Executive Council.

He appealed to the Presbyterian Council, if the Law Society could not find evidence of the Wise Man's crime, should he be released?

His Executive Council is already very cooperative with the Law Society.

Although the Law Society was reluctant, they also considered the face of the Executive Council and the status of a wise man.

In addition, in the Law Society, the eldest grandson has always opposed the arrest of the wise man, etc., so on the fourth day, the Law Society returned the soul spar of the wise man and released the wise man.

However, the Law Society still applied to the Presbyterian Council, saying that the suspicion of being a wise man has not been completely dismissed.Within a month, the wise are not allowed to leave the world of chalk.

Regarding this request from the Law Society, the Presbyterian Council weighed it over and over again, and finally agreed.

On the day when the wise man left the Department of Reincarnation, most of the bigwigs from the Law Society did not show up, only the eldest grandson came.

When the wise man went out, he patted the wise man on the shoulder and said nothing.

But all of this can only be felt, not expressed in words.

The wise man was forbidden to leave the world of chalk, which made the wise man a little uneasy.He felt that Chen Yang and the others were by his side, and this was a ticking time bomb.

Chen Yang also told Wise One that within this month, the Law Society will definitely monitor him closely.So, during this month, do nothing.

Don't contact them, he just let the wise man practice as usual!

Ten days after Hui Zhe was released from prison, the Law Society finally made new progress...

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