The strongest player in history

Chapter 1791 Blood Edict

Afterwards, Chen Yang said coldly: "But don't get me wrong, this world is not your Lingzun's. You have already planned to kill me. I can't even kill a low-level cultivation. What do you Spirit Venerables have to be proud of?"

"And..." Chen Yang continued: "I can guarantee that if you don't cooperate, you will definitely die before me."

Pain flashed in the wise man's eyes, and he said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"You don't have to worry about what we want to do. If you want to live, the only way is to betray Lingzun from now on and follow us. Be an obedient dog. If you are obedient enough, you may be qualified to be a human being. But that doesn't matter. After all, you are alive. But if you don't obey, you will soon die for your empire."

"I can't betray my country!" the wise man said in great pain.

Qin Keqing and Mingyue Xianzun didn't speak at this time, they watched Chen Yang's performance quietly.Furthermore, they are not good at this kind of forced confession.Chen Yang is familiar with the road.

Hearing what the wise man said, Chen Yang clapped his hands and said, "Okay, very good. Your integrity is admirable, but since it has become what it is now, we have no reason to put you back. It is for ourselves. Looking for trouble. Killing you would be a one-hundredth of an end, lest you come to us for revenge after you go back. "

"No, no..." The wise man panicked and said, "As long as you let me go, I will never pursue this matter. I am the Glory Recorder of the Empire, and I have a noble status. It is a shame and a shame to be humiliated like this. The Lord knows. But if you kill me, the elders of the empire will definitely be able to deduce such a thing, and then you will be really troubled."

Chen Yang said: "Then why didn't you deduce how Tian Bru died?"

The wise man is at a loss for words.

This is indeed a very strange thing. The astrolabe elders of the empire have been deducing it for a long time, but they still can't get any trace of Tianbru.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, wise man, stop talking nonsense. Could it be that we have worked so hard to arrest you just to let you forget the past? What are you thinking?"

The wise man looked at Chen Yang and said, "Why do you know my name?"

Chen Yang said: "It's very simple, there is someone from me in Fang Tianzhou. That person is Chi Yanli!"

He said it without hesitation, and his attitude was very clear.If you don't cooperate, you will be killed, and there will be no way out.

"It turned out to be him, how could he be bought by you? No one knows it!" The wise man felt a little inconceivable, and at the same time, he also understood what Chen Yang meant.

He knew that Chen Yang would not give him another way.

"Patience is limited, if you can talk about it, you can talk about it. If you can't, I'll kill you and I'll find a way. I don't believe that everyone in Fang Tianzhou is as strong as you." Chen Yang said.

The wise man fell silent.

"Miss Qin, since that's the case, then help him make a choice, honor his name of loyalty, and kill him." Chen Yang said.

Qin Keqing said: "Okay!" She naturally knew how to cooperate.

"Wait a minute!" Mingyue Xianzun said: "This guy's ability is quite weird, let me refine it into a pill and take it to increase my skill. Don't waste it!"

Chen Yang said: "Okay, I am so thankful for the immortal."

During their conversation, they didn't take the wise man's life seriously at all.The wise man is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years. He is well-informed, knows human nature and ghosts, and knows that Chen Yang's tricks are not clever.But right now, the matter is about his life, he still can't be indifferent, can't detach himself.

A wise man is afraid of death, and he knows better that if he really does not cooperate, they will really be able to do so.

Immortal Mingyue raised his thumb, and immediately, countless white silk threads penetrated around the room.The white silk thread instantly enveloped the wise man.The wise man immediately felt that these silk threads were like an oven of heaven and earth, and infinite laws descended, refining the energy and flesh and blood in his body.

The wise one feels that life is passing away.

Countless memories of the past suddenly appeared in his mind like a fleeting image.He has lived for thousands of years, he has gone through countless years, he understands the true meaning of life and death, he lives thoroughly and understands.He knows that there is no room for turning around this question, as long as he dies, all the hard work and all the accumulation will disappear.

How could a person like him abandon his life for the sake of the empire's beliefs.

Faith is used to deceive those who are weak, and faith is a means for the upper class to enslave the lower class!

Therefore, the wise man has no faith, the only thing he believes in is... to live.

"Don't, don't..." The wise man suddenly screamed when he thought of the horror.At that moment, he felt as if he had already died once.

"I cooperate, don't kill me. I am willing to surrender!" the wise man yelled.

Mingyue Xianzun was originally meant to scare the wise, she was not willing to devour other people's pills at all.Because although that will increase her skill, it will also increase the impurities and cause and effect of her mana.That's not a good thing, and it's not the right way.

The wise man saved his life. He slumped on the table, panting heavily.

Chen Yang and the others didn't urge him, and let him pant.

After a while, the wise man said to Chen Yang, "Can you restore my body to its normal size?"

Chen Yang nodded, and said: "Yes!" He then said to Mingyue Immortal: "Thank you, Immortal!"

Immortal Venerable Mingyue nodded, and the seal in her hand danced a few times.I saw a few tiny strands of silk thread being pulled away from the wise man's body.

Then, the wise man's body trembled a few times, and quickly became bigger, returning to its original appearance.

Chen Yang quickly grabbed him and caught him on the ground.He felt that Xianzun's table was so exquisite that it couldn't be destroyed by this thing.

The wise man returned to his original height, which was close to three meters.Fortunately, the roof was high enough that he wouldn't touch his head.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Since you are willing to submit, that's good. There is an ancient blood edict here, and you sign a contract on the blood edict. From then on, you will always be Chen Yang's slave. If you violate the master's will , when ten thousand insects kill their hearts and die."

"Blood edict?" The wise man changed color when he heard the words.

"Why, you don't want to?" Mingyue Immortal Venerable said.

The wise man shook his head quickly, and said, "I am willing!"

"Very good!" Immortal Mingyue immediately took out something from Jiexumi, which was a golden ancient imperial decree.There is blood on the imperial decree.

Immortal Master Mingyue took Chen Yang's blood, as well as the blood of the wise man.She fused the blood of the two, and then swiped a brush on the blood edict.

After this, the Blood Edict was quickly written.

Then, Mingyue Xianzun popped out a finger and divided the blood edict into two parts.Afterwards, the blood edict turned into two beams of blood light, which flew into the brains of Chen Yang and Hui Zhe respectively.

After the blood edict entered Chen Yang's mind, Chen Yang immediately felt strange.He clearly felt that blood edict was stored in his brain, and he could also clearly perceive the situation of another blood edict.That blood edict is full of power, and many meridians that have been transformed into countless meridians are fused together with the brain domain meridians of the wise.Once Chen Yang thought about it, he could kill the wise man in an instant.It can also make the wise feel miserable.What's even more enjoyable is that the nerve endings of the Xuezhao can know the mind of the wise man. If the wise man starts to resist, Chen Yang will know it immediately.

Moreover, the blood edict will automatically punish the wise.

Chen Yang also felt that the blood edict in his brain had also grown meridians, and was connected with the meridians in his own brain.

It's a feeling of being connected by blood.

Chen Yang knew at this moment that he had completely controlled the wise man.

It's just amazing.

Chen Yang couldn't help but said: "Xianzun, do you have more blood edicts?"

Immortal Mingyue was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Chen Yang's first words would be this.She couldn't help but turn her nostrils to the sky, and said lightly: "No."

Chen Yang slapped a haha, and he also knew that his food looks a little bit unattractive.

Mingyue Xianzun said: "This blood edict is an edict issued by a saint, and it is the only one. It is a chance that I can get it. You are lucky, and you are still greedy."

"Xianzun taught you the right thing." Chen Yang said immediately.

After that, Mingyue Xianzun completely removed the great sealing technique, and also removed the imprisonment of the wise man.The wise man also recovered his mana, but he was still seriously injured.

"See master!" The wise man bowed to Chen Yang respectfully.

He is a person who knows the current affairs, and he knows that since this is the case now, there is only one way to go to the dark.

Chen Yang and Qin Keqing looked at each other, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry to go to the world of chalk. He and Qin Keqing discussed with the wise man for a long time, and also determined a detailed plan.Moreover, Chen Yang and Qin Keqing also learned that Yu Zijin, the Eighth Miss, and Tang Wenqing, the Third Highness, are still alive and imprisoned in the Lingdu Law Research Office in the Cretaceous World.

Spirit City is the capital of the Cretaceous World.

After capturing the wise man, although Chen Yang and Qin Keqing haven't gone to the chalk world yet, they already know enough about the chalk world.

There is also a detailed plan to rescue Yu Zijin and Tang Wenqing.

After that, Chen Yang was not in a hurry to go to the chalk world.Because he still has something to do, and that is to restore the Adolescent Puppet.

The internal spar of Wushi Puppet is extremely strong, Chen Yang grabbed the fragments of Wushi Puppet, and as long as it is tempered again, it can restore Wushi Puppet.However, this takes a lot of work and requires a lot of materials.Fortunately, Mingyue Xianzun also knew about Chen Yang's situation, and helped Chen Yang restore the Wushi God Puppet together.

After three days of hard work, Chen Yang's Wushi Puppet finally returned to its strongest state.Even though this little beginningless puppet is not very eye-catching, it has already successfully helped Chen Yang escape two fatal catastrophes.

Then, Mingyue Xianzun gave Chen Yang something back.That is the blue electromagnet.

This is the magic weapon of the wise man, but Mingyue Xianzun does not intend to return it to the wise man.Immortal Mingyue repaired the cyan electromagnet himself, and then handed it over to Chen Yang.She knew that Chen Yang was going, and although he had many plans, one of them was extremely dangerous.

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