The strongest player in history

Chapter 1788 Small Gate of Eternal Life

Immortal Venerable Mingyue sighed slightly, and said, "How about your Great Fate?"

Chen Yang said truthfully: "It's like a seed that won't germinate, it has been sleeping. I tried many methods, but I couldn't wake it up. But the seed is stuck to my brain, and I can't Strip it off!"

Mingyue Xianzun said: "If it wasn't for Lan Ziyi, I don't think it's a bad thing for you to lose the great fate."

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, and he immediately understood what Xianzun meant.Chen Yang knew the terrifying power of the Great Fate Technique.But the causal backlash it brings is even more terrifying.It's an addictive thing, knowing that it has infinite disadvantages, but you can't help but want to use it.

If it weren't for a coincidence, the Shennong Cauldron's Yingjie would have extinguished the fateful fire.Chen Yang didn't know where he died.The ferocity of the Fate Tribulation Fire could already burn a celestial king to death.

This is the horror of the Great Fate.

Mingyue Immortal still wanted to save Lan Ziyi.It's just that this is also Lan Ziyi's calamity, and it is not so easy to do.

She could only sigh.

Afterwards, Chen Yang thought of something and said, "Speaking of which, I happened to be there when you went to Yuhuamen to give off the head that day."

"Is that so, are you here?" Mingyue Immortal Venerable was slightly surprised.

Chen Yang said: "I know I can't help you much, so I stopped by the Treasure Pavilion of Yuhua Gate to get some treasures."

Immortal Master Mingyue was startled for a moment, then clapped his hands and laughed, and said, "You really... regard the Treasure Pavilion of Yuhua Gate as your back garden!"

Chen Yang laughed dryly and said, "It's just luck."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "That's not pure luck!"

Chen Yang went on to say: "That day, you retreated completely?"

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Look at me now, don't I seem to have retreated completely?"

Chen Yang said: "It was only later that I realized that the strength of Yuhuamen, Yuntianzong, and the Protoss is not as simple as it appears on the surface. In comparison, it seems that the foundation of Mingyue Palace is much shallower."

Mingyue Xianzun said: "I know what you are referring to, those supreme beings!"

Chen Yang said: "I'm a little strange, why hasn't the Yuhuamen been able to destroy the Mingyue Palace for so many years?"

Mingyue Xianzun said: "Don't you think I will be unprepared? In the Yuhuamen, the patriarch Xiao Ling has already ascended to the fairy world, and there are some powerful supremes who have been hidden in the depths of time and space and have never appeared. After I established Mingyue When I was in the Moon Palace, I had already contacted some friends. Until now, basically, with me here, there is no need to be afraid of the Yuhuamen. In fact, I established the Mingyue Palace for no other reason than to add obstacles to the Yuhuamen. I never thought that Mingyue Palace would develop to what it is today."

This is, this is to rob along the road, I don't want to pretend to be the emperor!

Chen Yang stayed in Mingyue Palace for three days. During the three days, Chen Yang sorted out his magical powers again.At the same time, I also communicated with Monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui said: "Fellow Daoist, in fact, you still have a big flaw."

"Huh?" Chen Yang was startled when he heard the words, and said, "How do you say it?"

"You have to forge your own magic weapon!" Monk Linghui said. "Fellow Daoist, listen to the poor monk's detailed explanation."

When Chen Yang heard the words, he restrained himself and said, "Okay, tell me!"

Monk Linghui said: "After careful consideration, the poor monk has also considered all the capital on you, fellow Taoist. The seed of Xuanhuang Shengu is infinitely powerful. But at present, you have not yet reached the point where all dharmas can be unified. Therefore, Xuanhuang Shengu It is impossible to use the seeds to defend against the enemy. And the Tiandao brush, let alone. In fact, you can’t blame you for these things. After all, your foundation is too shallow. Even if you are like Yuanjue Fashen It takes hundreds of thousands of years for a person to be born to become enlightened. How old are you?"

Chen Yang said, "So what you're thinking now is, I want to make a magic weapon myself?"

"The most powerful thing is that a powerful magic weapon can't be used in your hands, fellow daoist, that's the most deadly thing." Monk Linghui said.

Chen Yang said, "Can I solve this problem by building the magic weapon myself?"

Monk Linghui said: "At least you can fully control it, and gradually improve it as your strength grows. With the soul ocean and the poor monk, you have a unique magic weapon."

Chen Yang didn't doubt Monk Linghui's intentions, he said, "It's just...letting you be a weapon spirit, too cruel to you."

Monk Linghui said: "No way. The poor monk is not a human being, so your magic weapon can be the poor monk's body. The poor monk also wants to understand that the poor monk and you are following the way of heaven, maybe In the future, there will be a good ending."

"Also, although the poor monk is a magic weapon that you personally forged, it cannot betray you. In this way, fellow Taoists don't have to be wary of the poor monk anymore!" Monk Linghui said.

"I'm not on guard against you." Chen Yang immediately increased his volume.He widened his eyes and said, "It's been so long, is it because I don't trust you enough, or you don't trust me enough?"

Monk Linghui was stunned for a moment, and then a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes.However, this trace of emotion was quickly hidden by him.He is a man who does not show his emotions.

"It's the poor monk who made a slip of the tongue." Monk Linghui said.

Chen Yang said: "I said before that you saved my life. I will accept whatever you want in the future. As long as you take care of some of my family members. Even if I die at your hands, I will be yours." It's brother!"

"Oh!" Monk Linghui said, "Don't talk about it, fellow Taoist, the poor monk has never shed tears in his life."

Chen Yang looked at Monk Linghui, he didn't like such hypocrisy either.So he said again: "Okay, don't mention it. How can I make a magic weapon?"

Monk Linghui immediately returned to the subject and said, "The sea of ​​souls still lacks a medicine."

"What medicine?" Chen Yang asked immediately.He didn't wait for monk Linghui to answer, but said again: "You mean, the power of reincarnation?"

Monk Linghui said: "So fellow Taoist, you have already thought of it."

Chen Yang said: "Soul and reincarnation are people all the way. I thought about it, but I don't know how to start."

Monk Linghui said: "The great reincarnation technique and the soul ocean are a perfect match, but it seems that there are only two people who know this great reincarnation technique now, one is Xiao Ling, the founder of Yuhuamen, and the other is Gai Ya, the king of the earth. This great reincarnation The poor monk can assure you that there is no third person in the world who knows this technique."

"How can you be sure?" Chen Yang couldn't help being surprised.

Monk Linghui said: "Looking at the luck when she casts the spell, you can see the clue. Miss Mingyue spread the Great Devouring Technique to the outside world, and after the luck is divided, it looks very different. And fellow Taoist, you will The three thousand roads are sent everywhere, and the poor monk is sure that there will be disasters in the future."

"No way?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Monk Linghui said, "Amitabha!"

Chen Yang said: "You're right, it seems that I have to go and take back the Three Thousand Ways from Mo Nong and Qiao Ning."

Monk Linghui said: "It's not impossible!"

Chen Yang said, "Damn it, since you know about this, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Monk Linghui said: "The poor monk only figured it out recently."

Chen Yang took a look at Monk Linghui and said, "Really?"

Monk Linghui said: "How come fellow Taoists don't believe in the poor monk so quickly?"

"You guys, you are not honest. I thought that the Daleiyin Pudu method had controlled you before, but what happened later? I think you still have something to hide about some things." Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui immediately called Zhuang Tianqu, and said: "The poor monk was also converted by you, fellow Taoist at the beginning, but this spiritual wisdom and many laws and consciousnesses were slowly awakened later, so it's not deceitful! "

"Okay, forget it." Chen Yang said: "I thought it would be a generous thing to give away the three thousand avenues. How come it has become a disaster."

Monk Linghui said, "It's all good to let nature take its course."

Chen Yang said: "If I take back the Three Thousand Avenues, can they avoid their disaster?"

Monk Linghui said, "That poor monk doesn't dare to be sure."

"Then should I also discard the Three Thousand Dao?" Chen Yang asked.

Monk Linghui said: "Friend Daoist, you are already at the center of the vortex, what difference does it make if you lose it or not?"

Chen Yang sighed, and said, "Hey, forget it, let's talk about it later."

Monk Linghui said: "Okay, let's get down to business." He continued: "The Great Reincarnation Technique is basically impossible, but the poor monk knows that there is a broken Taoist artifact. That Taoist artifact is called the Small Gate of Eternal Life."

"Little Gate of Eternal Life?" Chen Yang was taken aback.

Monk Linghui said: "The gate of eternal life has never appeared before, everything is in the legend. When a person integrates the three thousand ways, the gate of eternal life will appear. When the gate of eternal life appears, it is the heaven and man." When the five declines. That is to say, when the gate of eternal life appears, the world will be destroyed. This is something that is not allowed by the law of heaven, so this is also the reason why the gate of eternal life has never appeared."

Chen Yang said: "Since this is the case, how did the basis of this legend come about? Why do you think there is something that has never happened before?"

Monk Linghui said: "That's not what you said, Fellow Daoist. You have never died, but have you guessed clearly what will happen after death?"

Chen Yang was dumbfounded.

Monk Linghui said: "The speculation of the Gate of Eternal Life is based on the three thousand worlds and the three thousand ways, and there is basically no error."

"What's the matter with the little gate of eternal life?" Chen Yang asked.

Monk Linghui said: "The Little Gate of Eternal Life is a secret. Not many people know about it. At the beginning, a strange guy simulated the Three Thousand Ways to create the Little Gate of Eternal Life. But the Little Gate of Eternal Life just came out. It exploded directly. It has basically never been used.”

"It's that strange guy who actually has such abilities?" Chen Yang said: "Anyway, he can simulate the Three Thousand Ways, this is also a character."

Monk Linghui said: "He didn't have much reputation in the era. He has been cultivating all the time, and his actual combat ability is not strong. He has been studying the gate of eternal life all his life, and finally died in the explosion of the small gate of eternal life. The poor monk remembers , he is called Xie Yu."

"How do you know about this?" Chen Yang was curious.

Monk Linghui said: "At that time, this guy found the poor monk and asked the poor monk about the Three Thousand Ways. The poor monk was very interested in his idea, so he told him some mysteries of the Three Thousand Ways. But later, His little gate of eternal life exploded, and he also died. The poor monk arrived in time and sealed up a lot of creation energy and the power of reincarnation in the little gate of eternal life."

Chen Yang suddenly realized, and at the same time he was overjoyed, and said, "So the door of the little eternal life is in your hands?"

Monk Linghui said: "It is in the hands of the poor monk, but the poor monk lost it in a treasure."

"Which treasure is it? From Central World?" Chen Yang asked.

Monk Linghui said: "No one should take that treasure. The poor monk hid it on another planet. With your current strength, fellow daoist, it may take 50 years to get to that planet."

Chen Yang said: "..."

"You've been talking for so long, what's the use of it?" Chen Yang couldn't help feeling frustrated. "Also, the little gate of eternal life is broken, can I fix it? I'm afraid the heavens won't allow this thing!"

"The big gate of eternal life is not allowed, but the poor monk probably allows the small gate of eternal life. The reason why the evil failed was because of his destiny. But you are different, fellow Taoist, the poor monk still has confidence. In that place In the treasure chest, the poor monk has many other materials. That treasure is the poor monk's greatest wealth. After the matter here is over, the poor monk and fellow Taoists will find a way to go together." Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang said, "Why didn't I hear you mention these before?"

Monk Linghui said: "Your cultivation base was too weak, fellow daoist, and it was useless for the poor monk to mention it. Those years are too long, and the poor monk only came up with this bold idea after seeing the ocean of your soul, fellow daoist."

Chen Yang said: "Okay, let's talk about it later."

Monk Linghui nodded.

Three days passed quickly, and this morning, Chen Yang received a message from Chi Yanli.

The record officials and wise men were dispatched.

"Miss Qin, Immortal Venerable, let's go!" Chen Yang immediately conveyed it with his divine sense.He maintained imprint communication with Qin Keqing and Mingyue Xianzun.At this moment, as soon as he thought about it, he immediately knew about Immortal Mingyue and Qin Keqing.

"Go!" Immortal Venerable Mingyue responded.

In an instant, the three of them all met in the sky above the Mingyue Palace.

Chen Yang sacrificed the great teleportation technique, enveloping Immortal Mingyue and Qin Keqing.In the next second, thousands of miles away, it was directly above the sea area where Fang Tianzhou was.

The blue sea and blue sky stretch as far as the eye can see.

The sun is shining brightly!

Chen Yang received the Great Teleportation Array, and his spiritual thoughts shot in all directions.

However, nothing was found.

It is impossible to capture the whereabouts of the record official wisdom.

But at this time, Mingyue Immortal Venerable had already started shooting with his divine sense.She caught the trace of the wise man in an instant.

"Let's go!" Mingyue Immortal shouted lightly, and her great teleportation technique also started.

In an instant, Mingyue Xianzun was thousands of miles away.

Chen Yang immediately grabbed Qin Keqing and chased after Mingyue Xianzun!

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