The strongest player in history

Chapter 1772 Indelible

After Chen Yang knew that Ye Fan was the reincarnation of the Heavenly Emperor, and Yuanjue, the god of law, made a move to pave the way for Ye Fan.Chen Yang knew that he was doing something that touched the way of heaven.Ye Fan is not just his apprentice, everything in it is extremely meaningful.

Chen Yang always believed that Ye Fan would not let him down.During this period of time, Ye Fan has indeed never disappointed Chen Yang.

All of this happened in an extremely fast blink of an eye.

As far as Ye Fan is concerned, he doesn't know what people outside are thinking or doing, and he has no time to think about it.It's just that at the most dangerous moment, Jiang Churan's frown and smile appeared in Ye Fan's mind.

At the same time, many things flashed through his mind like fleeting images.

So many cold eyes, supercilious eyes...

Then, do you still want to die like this?

"No, I'm not reconciled!" Ye Fan roared inwardly.

He couldn't remember his previous life, but this hopeless humiliation was so familiar.

He understood that in his previous life he died in despair like this.


A rush of anger, with despair mixed in, exudes a terrifying aura of dying together.

Ye Fan performed the Great Sky Eye Technique!

The Great Heavenly Eye Technique was originally all the rules of the Great Heavenly Eye Technique itself, but at this moment, the Great Heavenly Eye Technique finally integrated into Ye Fan's own emotions and breath.

Therefore, Ye Fan's Dao of the Great Heaven's Eye Technique has come into being!

There are three thousand ways, but everyone's way is different and unique.Although they all have the same goal in the end, the process and mood are different.Only the way that suits you can exert the greatest power!

The big sky eye shot out, instantly burning the surrounding ice crystal swords into ashes.At the same time, the ice formation shattered in an instant.This terrible anger broke out on the surface of the sea, and it was frightening.

Then, Ye Fan flashed out from the ice formation.He looked at Wu Xiang, and immediately, the two divine lights shot at him fiercely.

Before Wu Xiang could react, the Ice Magic Orb in his hand couldn't bear the divine light, and exploded into pieces with a bang.

In the next second, Wu Xiang was shot by the divine light and instantly turned into ashes!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fan's body softened, all his strength was exhausted, and he passed out.He sank to the bottom of the sea!

"Let's go!" Seeing this, Chen Yang suddenly grabbed Lin Qingxue, Shen Mo Nong, Zhao Ma, and Liu Ma into the ring.Then, with a flash of his figure, he grabbed Ye Fan out of the bottom of the sea.

Afterwards, the large teleportation technique was launched.

Chen Yang and his party went back to Yanjing.

Victory and defeat!

Chen Yang was not worried that Tiemu Jun would play tricks, and he also expected that Tiemu Jun would not dare to play tricks.

Other things have nothing to do with Chen Yang.

Three days later, Yanjing.

Tan Ming and Master Kuzhi came to see Chen Yang, Shen Mo Nong and Ye Fan.

Tan Ming brought the black gold cassock, which was the price Tie Mujun had to pay.Although the Wujin cassock was damaged, it was not serious. Chen Yang had practiced the cheats of the heavens, so even he could repair it.

After three days of restoration, Ye Fan has returned to his original state.

Tan Ming and Master Kuzhi came, and Chen Yang would never see them at home.He took Ye Fan to meet him in the hotel suite.

It was ten o'clock in the morning at this time, and it was rare for Yanjing to have a good weather today, with thin sunlight shining in through the windows.

Tan Mingyan said: "Senior, Wu Jianhong has been killed by us under the auspices of Mr. Tiemu. As the saying goes, the wrong has its head, and the debt has its owner. We don't want to pursue other people. To avenge the great revenge is thanks to the great help of the seniors. The great kindness and virtue, my junior brother and I have nothing to repay."

Chen Yang sat on the sofa, and after a moment of silence he said: "Your vengeance has been avenged, and the matter is over. Although I was very annoyed by the previous incident, it is because of your reasons. In addition, there is no What losses have been caused, so, forget it. Don’t pursue it, and we don’t have to meet again in the future. Let’s go!”

Tan Ming and Master Kuzhi immediately knelt down, and Tan Ming said: "I came up with all the ideas alone, and I am responsible for the crime. Seniors are magnanimous and don't care about it. But I can't pretend that nothing happened. I I told Brother Ye before, and I should give an explanation afterwards. Today, I pay back this life to forgive my sin!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his palm, intending to slap himself to death.

Before Chen Yang could speak, Ye Fan rushed forward and said, "Brother Tan, no, let's forget about the past."

But Tan Ming said: "Brother Ye, and senior, I, Tan, am definitely not pretending."

Chen Yang glanced at Tan Ming and said, "Few people dare to pretend to be life and death. I promised to let you go, but you still insist on death. I believe you!" He paused, and said, "People live on hatred. It’s not a good feeling to live here. Now that the great revenge has been avenged, I will work with Ku Zhi to do more meritorious deeds and enjoy life.”

"Senior..." Tan Mingchao bowed deeply to Chen Yang, and said, "Senior is a true man of benevolence and righteousness. Tan thank you very much."

Guru Kuzhi also bowed to Chen Yang.

"Go, go!" Chen Yang waved his hand.

So, Tan Ming and Master Kuzhi bowed deeply to Ye Fan again, and then turned and left.

"Ye Fan, as a teacher, I will leave soon. In the future, it is still unknown whether you and I will be able to see each other again. The rivers and lakes are far away, and the sea and the sky are vast, so please do it yourself!"

Ye Fan knelt down to Chen Yang, he bowed three times, and then said: "No matter where the disciple goes in the future, I will never forget your teaching and kindness, Master."

Chen Yang said: "It's not about kindness, it's all about fate, maybe it's God's will. Go, go!"

"Farewell, disciple!" Ye Fan said.

After Ye Fan left, Chen Yang really planned to leave.

He stayed at home for a day, and found the Promise Dragon ring that Tie Mujun had been thinking about in Shen Mo Nong's Ring Sumeru.

Shen Murong's glazed jade pot was really damaged beyond repair this time.

As a result, Shen Mo Nong didn't have any magic weapons at his disposal.

At this time, Lin Qingxue and the nannies took Xiao Nianci downstairs to play.Because today is a rare good weather!

In the living room, Chen Yang looked at the Wuji Dragon Ring.

"Is there anything special about this ring? Why did Mr. Tiemu spend so much money to get the ring?" Shen Murong couldn't help asking Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "I checked it out, and there is nothing special about this ring, but there is a very pure heavenly dragon spirit in it. It probably has something to do with the Dragon Realm."

Shen Murong said: "In that case, return this ring to Tie Mujun. It's a personal favor!"

Chen Yang sighed slightly, and said, "No matter how many benefits you give him, it won't fix it."

"Oh, why?" Shen Mo Nong was puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "He was about to break through the Xuan'ao of the Cave Immortal, but I forcibly beat him down. This hatred can't be eradicated by anything."

Shen Mo Nong was startled, and she said: "If that's the case, this hatred can't be eliminated."

"It's okay, I don't worry about having too much debt now. I have too many enemies, and I don't care about having one more." Chen Yang said: "However, I can exchange this ring with Tiemu Jun. If he has a good Magic weapon, I may not be able to return it to him."

Shen Murong smiled and said, "You really don't change your true nature as a businessman!"

Chen Yang also laughed, and said, "Talk about friendship with friends, talk about feelings with wives, and of course talk about interests with enemies!"

Afterwards, Chen Yang said again: "I've been here for five months. I'll send Qingxue back to Binhai later, and I'm going to get busy with my own affairs. Make sure you're here, if I have time , I will come to see you and Nianci as soon as possible!"

This parting, come as soon as you say it.

Even though Shen Monong had been mentally prepared, she still felt reluctance and melancholy when Chen Yang suddenly said that he wanted to leave.

"You have to take care, you must be alive!" Shen Mo said in a deep voice.

Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, God won't let me die, I won't die."

He acted very relaxed, although he knew that this trip might be the most dangerous one.But he couldn't show any worries in front of Shen Mo Nong.

At noon, after lunch.Chen Yang took Lin Qingxue away, and Lin Qingxue said that she would often come to play with Xiao Nianci in the future.

After that, Chen Yang took Lin Qingxue back to Binhai.Afterwards, Chen Yang also said goodbye to Lin Qingxue.

Before leaving Binhai, Chen Yang thought about it and decided to take a sneak look at Su Qing.

Chen Yang didn't have any other ideas, he just wanted to make sure that as long as Su Qing had a good life, he would have no regrets.

Chen Yang was standing on the street, and the street was full of traffic and people coming and going.

Chen Yang shot out his consciousness in an instant, and his consciousness quickly covered the entire Binhai City.

Then, Chen Yang found Su Qing.Su Qing is cooking with her mother at home, and her daughter Xiaoxue is happily playing with her grandfather in the spacious living room.

This is a scene of joy!

At the same time, Chen Yang heard the conversation between Su Qing and Su's mother.

"Xiaoqing, this time Mom is looking for you to be a civil servant working in a government department. She was divorced once before, but she has no children. She is not very young, just one year older than you, so she has a bright future! I also You see, a good-looking talent is a good-looking talent. Just go and meet him, okay?"

"I don't see you!" Su Qing said simply.

"You still can't forget him?" Mother Su was a little annoyed.

Su Qing said: "Mom, don't tell me this anymore, okay? I'm alone now, which is fine. I also have Xiaoxue, what's the matter, do women have to find a man? Without a man, you can't live gone?"

"Then you're old...?" Mother Su said.

"There are a few couples who can grow old together, so what if I'm old? I still have Xiaoxue, and I have money, so that's enough. Why do you always use your vulgar ideas to limit my life?" Su Qing didn't seem to tire of it.

Su's mother said: "I'm not restricting you, Mom is someone who has experienced it. Tell me something you don't like to hear. When you and Xu Zhi wanted to be together, what did Mom and your dad say? You insisted on going your own way, did you have a good life in the end?" ?” My WeChat public account Tiandaomeng welcomes everyone to join, and there is also a prequel of this book, and the story of the Four Emperors is free to read.

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