The strongest player in history

Chapter 1769 Decisive Battle with Lord Tiemu

At this time, those students and teachers seemed to understand the key.The reason why the Dragon King dared to give face like this is not because Ye Fan picked up Miss Ji's family.All the reasons and crux seem to be Ye Fan's master, Chen Yang!

Everyone looked at Ye Fan with different eyes again.

Some smart classmates even started to think about how to get along with Ye Fanlai.

It was under such circumstances that Mr. Tiemu and his party came.Tie Mujun brought Wu Jianhong, Wu Xiang, Wu Tian, ​​and some congregants and elders to come.

Tiemu Jun was still wearing a red robe, with a strange attire.At least, in the eyes of modern people, it is weird.

But despite its weirdness, no one dared to discuss it.Because of the majesty and aura of Tiemu Jun, it was too strong.So strong that it seems that once he appears, he is the master and king of this place.Anyone who dares to go against his will will die.

After Mr. Tiemu came in, the lively banquet hall immediately settled down.

It was like a death-like deposition, and everyone dared not even breathe out, for fear that if they made a sound, it would cause disaster.

This is a terrifying momentum.

It's dull enough to make you feel suffocated.

It was also at this time that Chen Yang led the team and led the crowd out.

He first smiled heartily.

This laugh was like a spring breeze and drizzle, moistening things silently.All the power and pressure ended with such laughter.

Chen Yang said: "Your Excellency is finally here, I have been waiting for a long time."

Tie Mujun also smiled, and said: "I never thought that your Excellency would make such a serious matter today like a grand banquet."

Chen Yang said, "It's just for fun."

Tie Mujun said: "However, before we start, I still have something to say."

"Your Majesty, please tell me!" Chen Yang said.

This is a duel between two strong players.

The members of the Dragon King, as well as those teachers, principals, and classmates, did not dare to show their air.

Tie Mujun said: "Brother Old Man's Ring Sumeru, it doesn't matter if you use pills and other things. If Old Man wins, there is a ring in it called Wuji Dragon Ring. It is very useful for Old Man, I hope you It must be returned!"

Chen Yang suddenly understood, and he guessed that Tiemu Jun might be for something.But this guy is also afraid of his father's reputation, so he wants to use such a peaceful method to obtain the Dragon Ring.

Chen Yang said: "Okay, as long as the honor can win, it will be returned!"

Tie Mujun smiled slightly and said, "That's good, let's start."

Chen Yang nodded.

Immediately, they walked to the deck outside.

Everyone knew that there was excitement to watch and a good show to be staged, so they all went to the deck together.

Shen Murong secretly confessed to the Dragon King that everything that happened here was not allowed to be recorded, let alone posted on the Internet.The Dragon King knew Shen Murong's identity, and knew that this matter was no small matter, so he immediately arranged for his subordinates to do it.

On the deck, the sun is shining and the sea breeze is blowing.

"Do you think you will win today?" Tiemu Jun asked suddenly.

"I never thought I would lose!" Chen Yang smiled faintly.

"How can you be so confident?" Tiemu Jun said.

Chen Yang laughed, and said: "The arrow is on the string, so we don't need to talk nonsense. You and I will start first!"

Tie Mu-jun said: "Okay!"

Afterwards, Tiemu Jun's figure flashed, and he disappeared in place.But he flew into the sky.

"My God!" Someone exclaimed immediately. "He can fly, and he flies away."

Chen Yang smiled lightly, and his Great Golden Elixir was instantly revealed.He stepped on it, and the Great Golden Pill spread out its Kunpeng golden wings.As soon as Kunpeng's golden wings fluttered, it immediately took Chen Yang and flew towards the sky with lightning.

"Another one flew, am I dreaming?"

"Is this a blockbuster movie?"

"is this real?"

The whole place is boiling.

Even the Dragon King couldn't help being excited, it was the first time he saw someone really could fly!

At the same time, Wu Jianhong said to Shen Mo Nong: "Miss Shen, please!"

"Please!" Shen Mo Nong said.

Wu Jianhong immediately turned around, stepped on Yuanshen, and flew towards the sea.

Shen Monong also sacrificed his soul, and quickly followed behind.

"Can they fly too?"

"What's the situation? They can fly?"

All the students are about to collapse, what the hell is going on!

Those grown-ups were also dumbstruck.

In the end, only Ye Fan and Wu Xiang were left.

Wu Xiang looked serious and said, "Brother Ye, you and I are the only ones who can't fly. But in order not to hurt this luxury boat, let's have a duel on the sea."

Ye Fan nodded.

The luxury boat had left the coast for more than thirty li.

Looking around, it is full of blue sky and endless sea.

On the surface of the sea, there are layers of ripples.

Under such circumstances, Wu Xiang suddenly jumped off the deck.

"Ah?" Everyone screamed.

But at this moment, Ye Fan's figure flashed, and he jumped off the deck through the void.

"Oh my god, Ye Fan also jumped down, he's courting death!"

All the students were shocked.If they saw that Chen Yang and the others could fly, it would have scared them silly.But Ye Fan and the others know the basics, why did Ye Fan pretend to be B?

But soon, Ye Fan and Wu Xiang appeared on the sea.

Wu Xiang and Ye Fan used mana to control the water, and they stepped on the sea as if they were on flat ground.

On the sea, Ye Fan and Wu Xiang stood facing each other.

Among the clouds, Chen Yang and Tie Mujun also stood opposite each other.

"Your reputation has been spread all over the world, but this old man doesn't believe it. You don't even count as a Xu Xian, can you compete against the old Xu Xian's peak? Your strength is far from the old man's." Tie Mu Jun said coldly.

Chen Yang said: "Believe it or not, let's do it."

Tiemu Jun said coldly: "Sure enough, your father's cultivation level is not high, but he killed many ancient owls like killing dogs. Are you also like your father, accept the move!"

At this moment, Tiemu Jun quickly made a move.

Tie Mujun roared loudly, and then spit out a mouthful of black evil spirit.

Tiemu Jun's mana was running, and the black evil spirit immediately expanded rapidly. In an instant, the entire area of ​​a hundred miles was enveloped by this black evil spirit.

Chen Yang was enveloped in the boundless cold power.

This kind of icy cold is not ice and snow, but evil, the evil spirit of the Frozen Prison God Wheel.A trace of evil spirit can freeze all living beings within ten miles to death.

"Frozen Prison Domain!" Tiemu Jun shouted.

Chen Yang immediately couldn't perceive all the mana around him, he had been completely suppressed by this field.

"Let's see how you break!" Tie Mujun roared: "Eat the old man's punch, and you will be killed in the frozen prison!"


In the field, black evil energy suddenly condensed a fist force, which was like a fierce tiger, blasting towards Chen Yang.

Infinite lore law, the breath spread out.

Unstoppable, unstoppable!

Kill everything!

If Chen Yang hadn't absorbed the spirit of earth evil and was not afraid of the cold by nature, the evil spirit in the domain alone would have killed him.

There is really a huge gap between the peak of the virtual immortal and the peak of the tenth heaven.


This fist force came towards Chen Yang, and Chen Yang felt an ancient disaster that exterminated the earth, and felt infinite desolation and despair in his heart!

In an instant, Chen Yang quickly calmed down!

"Soul Ocean!"

At this moment, Chen Yang released the ocean of soul.

Within a radius of ten miles of Chen Yang, an ocean of souls quickly formed.

The evil spirit is also wrapped in the ocean of souls, and countless soul vortexes are strangling these evil spirits.The Frozen Prison lore fist power also fell into the ocean of souls.

The soul vortex envelops this punch like a cosmic black hole.

After Chen Yang realized the power of Zhou Guang, the soul vortex was terrified to the extreme.Even this kind of killing punch was quickly resolved by Chen Yang's soul vortex.

Tie Mujun even felt that Chen Yang was beginning to absorb his evil spirit.

"Damn it!" Tie Mujun's expression changed immediately.He really felt the horror of Chen Yang!

"It's unreasonable!" Tie Mujun couldn't tolerate it, he quickly restrained his evil spirit.

All the evil spirits suddenly formed a peerless sword in his hands!

"Frozen Hell Excalibur, kill everything!"

Tiemu Jun let out a roar.

The sword light flashed, and the huge sword power slashed towards Chen Yang's soul ocean.

The killing intent and ice-cold rules carried by this sword power are vast and majestic.

At this moment, Chen Yang controlled the soul ocean.

The soul ocean also changed, opening its huge mouth like an ancient monster, devouring the sword power.

Swallow it in, and use the soul vortex to strangle it!

Two-phase beheading, Chen Yang once again neutralized Tie Mujun's sword power.

Tie Mujun felt Chen Yang's soul ocean, which contained endless truths and true meanings, and it was really difficult to break through.

"It turns out that he has such spells, no wonder he is confident!" Tiemu Jun couldn't help but think to himself when his two attacks failed.

"However, his mana is always limited. I don't believe it. He is invincible." Then Tiemu Jun jumped ten miles away.Chen Yang quickly followed him like a shadow, directly covering the soul ocean.

In an instant, the soul ocean enveloped Tie Mujun.

In the sea of ​​souls, Tie Mujun immediately felt as if he had fallen into the starry sky of the universe.Past life, present life, future life, wronged soul, starry sky, black hole, endless, boundless, everything appeared.

Even with Mr. Tiemu's ability, he couldn't escape.

Chen Yang was even more impolite, and quickly strangled Tiemu Jun madly with the soul vortex.

Around Tiemu-jun, ten soul vortexes quickly condensed, and the ten thick and incomparable soul vortexes gathered together, tightly wrapped Tiemu-jun in the middle, and endless soul fragments came towards him.

The law of the soul is something that goes deep into the soul, no more than ordinary magical attacks!

Even Lord Tiemu didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, he had to keep his mind in order to keep his mind.Otherwise, his soul would have the urge to move and fly out.

The soul is the root of human beings, the original existence in the brain domain.The physical body is dead, but the original source can still be temporarily immortal.Once this source was strangled to pieces by Chen Yang, Tiemu Jun would become a thoughtless fool.

Tie Mujun roared again and again, he was trapped in it, and it was difficult to escape...

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