The strongest player in history

Chapter 1758 The People Behind the Scenes

"Waste of time!" Chen Tianya finally spat out these four words.Then, he grabbed the white-robed old man's Jiexumi in his hand.Then, he pointed at the eyebrows of the old man in white robe.

In an instant, the whole body of the white-robed old man was burned red like steel, and soon disappeared.

Chen Tianya made another big move, and shrunk all the red lotus flame domains into a single fire pill.This fire pill, Chen Tianya directly devoured it.After he devoured, a blush appeared on his face.

Then, Chen Tianya appeared in front of Shen Murong and Ye Fan.

Chen Tianya shot the Jiexu Mi towards Shen Mo Nong, and said: "Your glazed jade pot is inside, and there are other things, I will give you together. It can be regarded as a little love from me for you to enter my Chen family." .”

This glazed jade pot was broken when Shen Murong fought against Tian Bulu, and was later forged by Chen Tianya after taking away the fragments.Afterwards, it was returned to Shen Mo Nong.

The glazed jade pot is not an ordinary magic weapon, so it is a pity to damage it.This is also the reason why Chen Tianya made such an unnecessary move.

Shen Mo Nong took it, and suddenly asked: "Why?"

"Why?" Chen Tianya said coldly.

Shen Murong said: "Didn't the seniors always want to kill Chen Yang? Why has his attitude changed 180 degrees now?"

"Ah?" Ye Fan couldn't help being surprised when he heard the words.

What with what?Isn't Shigong the father of Master?What kind of father would want to kill his son?

Chen Tianya glanced at Shen Murong coldly, and said, "Then what do you think is the reason?"

Shen Murong said: "I know, it's definitely not because you are afraid of Chen Yang."

"Afraid of him?" Chen Tianya sneered, and said, "There is no one in this world that I, Chen Tianya, are afraid of. Even if I were to die, I would definitely not be like that white robe, kneeling down and begging for mercy, showing all my ugliness."

"I know, senior, you are so proud that you will never bow your head to anyone. That's why I wonder why you suddenly feel that Chen Yang is your son? Do you know that at that time, he almost died He really died by your hands. If Senior Lan Ziyi hadn’t gone to the Western King Realm to grab the longevity fruit of Zeus, he would never have woken up again.”

"Zeus?" Ye Fan was dumbfounded while listening.

Chen Tianya glanced at Shen Mo Nong, he did not speak immediately, but was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't need to explain anything to you, and I don't need anyone's understanding. You can think whatever you like .I just do what I like, it's as simple as that."

He then said: "Those people below are no longer to be feared. Can you solve it yourself?"

Shen Mo Nong said: "Yes!"

Chen Tianya said: "I kill without fear. But now, I also want to kill a few fewer people. I can bear the cause and effect. Nian Ci may not be able to bear it, so I will not go down."

His meaning was very clear, that is, with his temperament, if he went down, he would kill all these people.

Afterwards, Chen Tianya looked at Ye Fan again.

"Master!" Ye Fan was extremely respectful.

Chen Tianya nodded, and said: "Since you have called so many times, Master, I have to say nothing." After he finished speaking, he took out a ring from the ring.That is also a ring sumeru.

"Accept it!" Ye Fan couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, he knew that someone like Shigong must be extraordinary if he made a move.

"Thank you, Master!" Ye Fan took it, and knelt down again.

Chen Tianya flicked his sleeves, his figure flashed, and then disappeared.This is directly cutting through the void and leaving.

Then Shen Monong took Ye Fan back to Wudong Mansion that day.

Wu Jianhong and the others also returned to the cave.

At this moment, it is still the same person.But the arrogance of Wu Jianhong and others was completely suppressed.

Each one looks like a rooster who has lost a fight!

The confidence of this group of people was hit to the extreme.In the past, they thought that God came first and they came second.They are invincible in the vast world, and their ancestors are above them, and they are even more powerful.

But today, only Wu Jianhong and his group know that they are just frogs in a well.

Even the gods in their hearts, the ancestors, were nothing but paper tigers in front of the devil emperor.

At this moment, Wu Jianhong lost his temper in front of Shen Mo Nong.

"Master Witch, can we have a proper talk now?" Shen Mo asked in a deep voice.

Wu Jianhong coughed dryly, stood up, cupped his fists and said, "Director Shen, please forgive me for the offending words just now!"

Shen Mo Nong took a deep breath and said, "Master Wu, I can understand how sad your beloved son was killed by an adulterer. You didn't believe what I said just now. But now, I still want to say that, you Ye Fan’s son, Wu Fei, was definitely not killed by Ye Fan. Because Ye Fan was under my nose from the beginning to the end. I don’t need to lie to you, because if Ye Fan really killed him, I will wait for my husband to come back at worst. , You have nothing to do with him."

"But..." Wu Jianhong said, "I did see Fei'er killed by Ye Fan in the Memory Witch Gu."

"Then I can conclude that there is something wrong with the Memory Witch Gu." Shen Mo Nong said.

"Memory Witch Gu, how is this possible." Wu Jianhong said.

Shen Monong said: "Now, Ye Fan's mother is still alive and dead, so she was arrested by the person behind the scenes. As I said, the purpose of the person behind the scenes is your Tianwu Sect. You see, your ancestors are already dead. Dead, if it is more violent, as long as you are poisoned again. I guess by then, your Tianwu Sect will not be far from Miemen. Now, if I tell you this again, you will never think that I am arrogant Bar?"

Wu Jianhong broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the words.

"The leader should think about it carefully. What kind of enemy did you have, who hated the Tianwu Sect so much? After Ye Fan and I leave, we will try our best to investigate this matter. If there is any news, the leader will let you know." After Shen Murong finished speaking, he let out a breath of energy.This spiritual vitality forms a mark.She ejected her imprint to Wu Jianhong for communication.

"Good!" Wu Jianhong said.

Now, Wu Jianhong naturally believed Shen Mo Nong's words.Because Shen Mo Nong has no need to lie, he has clearly realized that as long as Shen Mo Nong is willing, the Tianwu Sect will be destroyed in an instant.

Afterwards, Shen Murong took Ye Fan and left the Tianwu Sect.

Shen Murong wants to take Ye Fan back to Yanjing, Ye Fan is concerned about his mother and wants to go back to Binhai.But Ye Fan didn't insist. He was not afraid of anything else, but he was afraid of putting his wife in danger again.Because who is the person behind this scene, he has never been able to figure it out.

Shen Monong arranged for Ye Fan to stay in a hotel suite.

In the hotel suite, Ye Fan was restless, he said: "Master, from this point of view, my mother is indeed not captured by the Tianwu Cult."

"Of course not. What did they arrest your mother for? Judging from their previous arrogance, they just did what they wanted to do." Shen Mo Nong said.

Ye Fan said: "Then my mother..."

Shen Monong said: "This matter is not without flaws. The opponent was too impatient, so he notified Wu Fei so soon. You must know that the special matter of your trip to Mount Tai, as well as your identity, This is a state of secrecy. Only those close to you will know your address and your name is Ye Fan."

"That's the Yang family. The Yang family in Jing'an, I was with the old man and Master Suzhi that day!" Ye Fan said.

"It's not the Yang family. The Yang family doesn't have the guts to deal with the Tianwu Sect. I know this very well. The other party obviously wants to deal with the ancestors of the Tianwu Sect!" Shen Mo Nong said.

"Master of Bitter Wisdom?" Ye Fan was taken aback.

He has always doubted the old man, but rarely doubted the bitter master.Because in his eyes, the guru is a respectable person.

Shen Mo Nong said: "If you wait for your master to come back, you will be safe. But you can't wait, let's go, let's see Master Kuzhi."

Ye Fan said: "Master, this disciple will not let you take another risk. If you are injured again, this disciple will die."

Shen Mo Nong smiled and said: "You think too much, there are not so many people like the ancestors of the Tianwu Sect. That person is planning behind the scenes, and he still has no strength. If he has the strength, he will do it himself. Let's go Come on, it's important to save your mother!"

"Thank you, Mistress!" Ye Fan burst into tears of gratitude.

Shen Mo Nong knew about the Yang family in Jing'an. She managed the Sixth Office of National Security and was the prime minister of the world's intelligence.For these aristocratic families, it is impossible not to investigate.Especially for a master like Mrs. Yang, he must be kept within a controllable range.

The sky is already bright, and the morning sun shines on the sky above Yanjing.

Yanjing has started a new day of prosperity. All living beings here look up at the sky, only seeing the white clouds and the morning sun, but not the gods and demons, and can't imagine what kind of world it is.

The world of mortal white-collar workers is in the office, in the cubicle.Ye Fan's world is in the starry sky, in the universe, and among the infinite mysteries.

But in the final analysis, everyone is a humble grain of sand, because each other's worldview is different.

Shen Mo Nong took Ye Fan to Yang's house quickly using the Great Teleportation Technique.

I also met Mrs. Yang and Yang Jun soon.

In the backyard of old man Yang, the old man has already broken through the shackles and reached the realm of supernatural powers.His whole body is refreshed, and his mental temperament is already very different.He could feel that there was mana running in his brain, but that mana was so weak that it could be ignored.

But in the end, it was a big step forward.

"Master, let me introduce you." Standing opposite each other in the yard, Ye Fan introduced, "This is my teacher's wife, and she is also the director of the Sixth Division of National Security, Shen Mo Nong!"

This introduction was given by Shen Mo Nong to Ye Fan.

Because it is self-evident what the Sixth Office of National Security represents.

In addition, with Shen Murong's cultivation base here, he will definitely be able to shock the old man.In this way, the old man can know everything and say everything!

Sure enough, the old man and Yang Jun were taken aback after hearing Ye Fan's introduction.

The old man looked at Shen Murong, and felt that his cultivation was as deep as the ocean, which was unimaginable.

Only then did he realize that there was such a master in the state agency!

It's a pity that he always thought that even if there are experts in state agencies, they are just brothers with him.

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